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Books > Professional & Technical > Civil engineering, surveying & building > Hydraulic engineering > Flood control
Rivers are important agents of change that shape the Earth's surface and evolve through time in response to fluctuations in climate and other environmental conditions. They are fundamental in landscape development, and essential for water supply, irrigation, and transportation. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the geomorphological processes that shape rivers and that produce change in the form of rivers. It explores how the dynamics of rivers are being affected by anthropogenic change, including climate change, dam construction, and modification of rivers for flood control and land drainage. It discusses how concern about environmental degradation of rivers has led to the emergence of management strategies to restore and naturalize these systems, and how river management techniques work best when coordinated with the natural dynamics of rivers. This textbook provides an excellent resource for students, researchers, and professionals in fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, river science, and environmental policy.
This book tackles the question of how we can manage flood-related disaster risks, such as from typhoons, monsoons, and torrential rain, which have been intensified by climate change and have generated unprecedented floods, landslides and debris flows worldwide. It presents recent conceptual developments in disasters, risk and resilience, and surveys UN policies on environment and development as well as disaster management. Sustainable and resilient development requires an integrated approach and human empowerment. Japan provides a useful example of effective flood management and disaster recovery in its current strategies for river and basin integrated flood management. Very few English-language books present up-to-date Japanese experiences for students and professionals in the context of global trends, relevant to a time of climate change and with global application. * Outlines an integrated approach to flood risk management in the context of UN initiatives * Details Japanese good practice developed through culture and the needs of a changing society Integrated Flood Risk Management is ideal for professionals working for environmental agencies, hydrologists and engineers, as well as students of disaster management and water resources development.
Breakwaters and closure dams belong to the most spectacular
hydraulic structures. They are exposed to the most severe loading
by waves and currents, either during their construction, or during
their life cycle.
This book provides an overview of flood and drought in the Lower Mekong Basin, reviews the characteristics of flood and drought, and details structural and non-structural measures for flood and drought mitigation employed in the basin countries, as well as their flood and drought mitigation capacity. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable resource for researchers and engineers in the field of transboundary rivers, especially those with an interest in the Lower Mekong River.
This book presents state-of-the-art, essential methods and tools for flood risk assessment and management. The costs of damage caused by extreme weather events, among which floods are a major category, are rapidly rising, both globally and across Europe. The scope and scale of flood episodes point to the need for comprehensive proposals, including the implementation of flood protection measures in areas exposed to flood risk. This book is dedicated to flood damage assessment, and addresses the management of social, economic and environmental damage. It develops a general methodology for flood risk assessment and presents a range of effective flood protection methods in keeping with the objectives of flood risk management. As such, it offers a valuable resource for young researchers, academics, lecturers and water management practitioners alike.
This book focuses on water pollution, water management and water structures. Presenting contributions on water quality and quantity issues from the engineering point of view, it discusses a variety of issues, from storm water management in urban areas and water quantity, to hydraulic structures, hydrodynamic modeling and flood protection. The book also provides state-of-the-art insights, which that can be used to effectively solve a variety of problems in integrated water resources management, and introduces the latest research advances. Edited and authored by pioneers in the field who have been at the forefront of water management development in the Czech Republic, this book is a valuable resource for environmental professionals, including scientists and policymakers, interested in water-related issues both in the Czech Republic and elsewhere.
Our changing climate and more extreme weather events have dramatically increased the number and severity of floods across the world. Demonstrating the diversity of global flood risk management (FRM), this volume covers a range of topics including planning and policy, risk governance and communication, forecasting and warning, and economics. Through short case studies, the range of international examples from North America, Europe, Asia and Africa provide analysis of FRM efforts, processes and issues from human, governance and policy implementation perspectives. Written by an international set of authors, this collection of chapters and case studies will allow the reader to see how floods and flood risk management is experienced in different regions of the world. The way in which institutions manage flood risk is discussed, introducing the notions of realities and social constructions when it comes to risk management. The book will be of great interest to students and professionals of flood, coastal, river and natural hazard management, as well as risk analysis and insurance, demonstrating multiple academic frameworks of analysis and their utility and drawbacks when applied to real-life FRM contexts.
This illustrated notebook highlights the need for a change of paradigm in current flood management practices, one that acknowledges the wide-ranging and interdisciplinary benefits brought by public space design. Reassessing and improving established flood management methods, public spaces are faced with a new and enhanced role as mediators of flood adaptation able to integrate infrastructure and communities together in the management of flood water as an ultimate resource for urban resilience. The book specifically introduces a path towards a new perspective on flood adaptation through public space design, stressing the importance of local, bottom up, approaches. Deriving from a solution-directed investigation, which is particularly attentive to design, the book offers a wide range of systematized conceptual solutions of flood adaptation measures applicable in the design of public spaces. Through a commonly used vocabulary and simple technical notions, the book facilitates and accelerates the initial brainstorm phases of a public space project with flood adaptation capacities, enabling a direct application in contemporary practice. Furthermore, it offers a significant sample of real-case examples that may further assist the decision-making throughout design processes. Overall, the book envisions to challenge established professionals, such as engineers, architects or urban planners, to work and design with uncertainty in an era of an unprecedented climate.
During the past years, Saudi Arabia has been affected by particularly severe torrential rains and floods. This book presents an in-depth and all-encompassing study on the floods that occurred in the Jeddah area in 2009 and 2011, including water-flow mechanisms, state-of-the-art techniques for flood assessment, flood control and appropriate management approaches. It highlights a number of methods and concepts that can be applied in similar areas in Saudi Arabia in order to reduce and mitigate the impact of torrential rains and floods.
Andrew Carnegie was the foremost supporter of public library construction to the point that Carnegie Library became a cliche, synonymous with the public library, especially in small towns. Yet some communities that asked for Carnegie's funds to build a library later took public action to decline the funds. Because he was viewed as a robber baron, it has been assumed that these refusals were motivated by a desire not to take tainted money. This work documents that this was rarely the case. Indeed, there were many reasons for opposition to the Carnegie library grants. In some cases, local authorities remained unconvinced of the need for a public library. Some communities were under legal or financial restrictions that prevented them from taxing themselves in support of the library. In some, there was simply opposition to increasing the tax burden; in others the opposition focused on the perception that Carnegie was building memorials to himself. Experienced historians were commissioned to conduct thorough studies of regional clusters. The authors made the broadest possible use of primary sources, including public archives, manuscript collections, local newspaper accounts, and the records of the Carnegie Corporation in the Library of Congress. Of particular relevance were the files of the Carnegie Library Correspondence, documenting most of the history of first, Andrew Carnegie's--and later, the Carnegie Corporation's--program to fund library construction programs.
This book presents climate adaptation and flood risk problems and solutions in coastal cities, including an independent investigation of adaptation paths and problems in Rotterdam, New York and Jakarta. The comparison draws out lessons that each city can learn from the others. While the main focus is on coastal flooding, cities are also affected by climate change in other ways, including impacts that occur away from the coast. The New York City Water Supply System, for example, stretches as far as 120 miles upstate, and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection has undertaken extensive climate assessment not only for its coastal facilities, but also for its upstate facilities, which will be affected by rising temperatures, droughts, inland flooding and water quality changes. The authors examine key questions, such as: Are current city plans climate proof or do we need to finetune our ongoing investments? Can we develop a flood proof subway system? Can we develop new infrastructure in such a way that it serves flood protection, housing and natural values?
Floods are of increasing public concern world-wide due to increasing damages and unacceptably high numbers of injuries. Previous approaches of flood protection led to limited success especially during recent extreme events. Therefore, an integrated flood risk management is required which takes into consideration both the hydrometeorogical and the societal processes. Moreover, real effects of risk mitigation measures have to be critically assessed. The book draws a comprehensive picture of all these aspects and their interrelations. It furthermore provides a lot of detail on earth observation, flood hazard modelling, climate change, flood forecasting, modelling vulnerability, mitigation measures and the various dimensions of management strategies. In addition to local and regional results of science, engineering and social science investigations on modelling and management, transboundary co-operation of large river catchments are of interest. Based on this, the book is a valuable source of the state of the art in flood risk management but also covers future demands for research and practice in terms of flood issues.
Flood damages are increasing as a result of frequent occurrence of large floods in many parts of the world, existing and continuing encroachment of development onto flood plains and aging flood protection structures. Under such circumstances, there is an ongoing search for better ways of protecting human life, land, property and the environment by improved flood management. Many flood management measures have been practiced in various jurisdictions, including living with floods, non-structural measures (e.g. regulations, flood defence by flood forecasting and warning, evacuations, and flood insurance), and structural measures (e.g., land drainage modifications, reservoirs, dykes and polders). Such flood management is difficult in river basins controlled by a single authority, and becomes even more challenging when dealing with transboundary floods, which may originate in one country or jurisdiction and then propagate downstream to another country, or jurisdiction.
This comprehensive manual provides extensive information on the types of revetment available and provides guidance on the choice and design of these systems. With regard to natural and artificial watercourses information is included on revetments that incorporate some form of structural protection and revetments which combine this protection with vegetation to increase the environmental quality of the systems. Extensive use of photographs, flowcharts and diagrams allow the engineer to choose the most appropriate type of revetment and the most cost-effective design.
Flood inundation models enable us to make hazard predictions for floodplains, mitigating increasing flood fatalities and losses. This book provides an understanding of hydraulic modelling and floodplain dynamics, with a key focus on state-of-the-art remote sensing data, and methods to estimate and communicate uncertainty. Academic researchers in the fields of hydrology, climate change, environmental science and natural hazards, and professionals and policy-makers working in flood risk mitigation, hydraulic engineering and remote sensing will find this an invaluable resource. This volume is the third in a collection of four books on flood disaster management theory and practice within the context of anthropogenic climate change. The others are: Floods in a Changing Climate: Extreme Precipitation by Ramesh Teegavarapu, Floods in a Changing Climate: Hydrological Modeling by P. P. Mujumdar and D. Nagesh Kumar and Floods in a Changing Climate: Risk Management by Slodoban Simonovic.
Flood risk is increasing across the UK and globally. This book provides a highly visual guide to flood resilience, and the ways in which the built and natural environment can be adapted to the threat of flooding. It offers advice on how to better understand the nature of flood risk, highlighting the key approaches and principles necessary for developing community and property flood resilience. Offering clear visual examples of the variety of resilience strategies that are appropriate and applicable to a range of flood risk contexts, this book is an invaluable practical manual for architects and professionals across the built environment. Highly practical handbook for architects, students, engineers, urban planners and other built environment professionals Richly illustrated with practical examples and case studies Draws on research from government, academic and industry experts as well as first-hand experiences from flood affected communities
Read a free excerpt here! American engineers have done astounding things to bend the Mississippi River to their will: forcing one of its tributaries to flow uphill, transforming over a thousand miles of roiling currents into a placid staircase of water, and wresting the lower half of the river apart from its floodplain. American law has aided and abetted these feats. But despite our best efforts, so-called "natural disasters" continue to strike the Mississippi basin, as raging floodwaters decimate waterfront communities and abandoned towns literally crumble into the Gulf of Mexico. In some places, only the tombstones remain, leaning at odd angles as the underlying soil erodes away. Mississippi River Tragedies reveals that it is seductively deceptive-but horribly misleading-to call such catastrophes "natural." Authors Christine A. Klein and Sandra B. Zellmer present a sympathetic account of the human dreams, pride, and foibles that got us to this point, weaving together engaging historical narratives and accessible law stories drawn from actual courtroom dramas. The authors deftly uncover the larger story of how the law reflects and even amplifies our ambivalent attitude toward nature-simultaneously revering wild rivers and places for what they are, while working feverishly to change them into something else. Despite their sobering revelations, the authors' final message is one of hope. Although the acknowledgement of human responsibility for unnatural disasters can lead to blame, guilt, and liability, it can also prod us to confront the consequences of our actions, leading to a liberating sense of possibility and to the knowledge necessary to avoid future disasters.
Along with windstorms, floods are the most common and widespread of all natural disasters. Although they can often be predicted, they cause loss of life, damage and destruction, as many urban communities are located near coasts and rivers. In terms of victims, floods are responsible for more than half the deaths caused by natural catastrophes. As flood events appear to be rapidly increasing world-wide, an advanced and universal approach to urban flooding and how to manage will help reduce flood impact. This textbook integrates expertise from disciplines such as hydrology, sociology, architecture, urban design, construction and water resources engineering. The subject is approached from an international perspective and case studies, exercises, expert advice and literature recommendations are included to support the theory and illustrations. Developed by a team of specialists, this volume is intended for urban flood management education of hydrology, geography, civil and environmental engineering, and management students at university level. Moreover, professionals will find this book useful as a reference. More information on flood resilience and urban flood management can be found at www.floodresiliencegroup.org For a preview, please go to http: //issuu.com/crcpress/docs/urban_flood_management
The New Orleans Flood, U.S. Corruption, and Disasters "Rosenthal employs the surgical precision of an investigative journalist and the craft of a memoirist to expose the flaws, natural and human, behind the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina." -The Eric Hoffer Award Program 2020 Nautilus Silver Winner #1 New Release in Civil Engineering & Environmental, Urban & City Planning, Development, and Disaster Relief In the aftermath of one of the worst disasters in U.S. history, Words Whispered in Water tells the story of one woman's fight-against all odds-to expose a mammoth federal agency-and win. It's a horror story, a mystery, and David and Goliath story all in one. In 2005, the entire world watched as a major U.S. city was nearly wiped off the map. The levees ruptured and New Orleans drowned. But while newscasters attributed the New Orleans flood to "natural catastrophes" and other types of disasters, citizen investigator Sandy Rosenthal set out to expose the true culprit and compel the media and government to tell the truth. This is her story. When the protective steel flood-walls broke, the Army Corps of Engineers-with cooperation from big media-turned the blame on natural types of disasters. In the chaotic aftermath, Rosenthal uncovers the U.S. corruption, and big media at root. Follow this New Orleans hero as she exposes the federal agency's egregious design errors and eventually changes the narrative surrounding the New Orleans flood. In this engaging and revealing tale of man versus nature and man versus man, Words Whispered in Water proves that the power of a single individual is alive and well. If you enjoyed books like The Johnstown Flood, Breach of Faith, or The Great Deluge, then Words Whispered in Water is your next read!
This ICE publication is the definitive practical handbook on design and maintenance of flood defences, providing a coherent and focused reference for best practice. With contributions from a number of experts in the field and the inclusion of real life case studies this book will be the first port of call for practising engineers working in the areas of flood risk management and drainage. Coverage includes the design of fluvial, coastal and urban flood defences, as well as guidance on relevant legislation, lessons learned from past disasters and means of improving the environment while managing flood risk. The intended audience is practising (graduate to senior level) engineers, hydrologists and project managers working on flood defence projects, mainly in consultancies but also in the Environment Agency and Local Authorities.
Originally published in 1986, Floods and Drainage advanced hazard - response theory as developed mainly by the White/Burton/Kates school of researchers in North America. Based on fifteen years of research, the book rejects conventional theory's emphasis on personal response to hazardous environments, suggesting that this seriously detracts from the institutional and political forces that are so important in the analysis of hazard responses and policies. The book also seeks to provide material of practical relevance to environmental managers and engineers, rather than to present just research results.
Blue-Green Cities communicates that urban flood risk management based on Blue-Green approaches is able to deliver multiple and valuable co-benefits to urban communities. With approaches designed to be evaluated, this book brings together carefully researched content from the Blue-Green Cities Research Project and illustrates how innovative urban flood risk management can be achieved using Blue-Green approaches. The book includes coverage of topics that reveal how cities can improve their risk management systems as well as focus on increased water security, carbon sequestration and enhanced productivity and economic vitality. This book will be an essential read for flood risk management professionals, policy makers and stakeholders in urban areas. It'll particularly appeal to city and local authority councillors, municipal, drainage and urban water engineers and developers, architects and landscape architects.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Concise, visual explanations of code provisions that apply to flood and tsunami loads This practical guide provides engineers with a visual overview of the code provisions to be used when designing structures to withstand floods and tsunamis. Free of complex and confusing explanations, Flood and Tsunami Loads: Time-Saving Methods Using the 2018 IBC and ASCE/SEI 7-16 utilizes helpful design aids, figures, and flowcharts to provide straightforward, start-to-finish instructions. Real-world examples are included to illustrate the application of each code provision, and companion online Excel spreadsheets can be used to accurately calculate loads. Contains step-by-step procedures for: Hydrostatic flood loads Hydrodynamic flood loads Wave loads due to flooding Debris impact loads due to floodingFlood load combinations Tsunami analysis procedures Hydrodynamic tsunami loads Debris impact loads due to tsunamis Tsunami load combinations And much more |
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