Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > General
This book systematically describes the instrument setup for the
measurement of nitrate radical (NO3) and dinitrogen pentoxide
(N2O5), as well as the mixing ratio, chemical behaviors, and
atmospheric impacts of NO3 and N2O5 in Beijing, China. It also
discusses the instrument design and data analysis method in detail.
Based on several field measurements of NO3 and N2O5 in Beijing, it
shows the variation in concentration and the budget of NO3 and
N2O5. The N2O5 heterogeneous uptake coefficient was determined
using various methods, and the relationship between the N2O5 uptake
coefficient and the particle properties was demonstrated, as well
as the impact of NO3-N2O5 chemistry to the atmospheric oxidation
and the formation of particulate nitrate. These results increase
our understanding of nighttime chemistry and provide insights into
the role of NO3-N2O5 chemistry in other polluted regions.
This book mainly focuses on the adaptive analysis of damage and
fracture in rock, taking into account multiphysical fields coupling
(thermal, hydro, mechanical, and chemical fields). This type of
coupling is a crucial aspect in practical engineering for e.g. coal
mining, oil and gas exploration, and civil engineering. However,
understanding the influencing mechanisms and preventing the
disasters resulting from damage and fracture evolution in rocks
require high-precision and reliable solutions. This book proposes
adaptive numerical algorithms and simulation analysis methods that
offer significant advantages in terms of accuracy and reliability.
It helps readers understand these innovative methods quickly and
easily. The content consists of: (1) a finite element algorithm for
modeling the continuum damage evolution in rocks, (2) adaptive
finite element analysis for continuum damage evolution and
determining the wellbore stability of transversely isotropic rock,
(3) an adaptive finite element algorithm for damage detection in
non-uniform Euler-Bernoulli beams with multiple cracks, using
natural frequencies, (4) adaptive finite element-discrete element
analysis for determining multistage hydrofracturing in naturally
fractured reservoirs, (5) adaptive finite element-discrete element
analysis for multistage supercritical CO2 fracturing and
microseismic modeling, and (6) an adaptive finite element-discrete
element-finite volume algorithm for 3D multiscale propagation of
hydraulic fracture networks, taking into account hydro-mechanical
coupling. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable reference
guide for researchers, postgraduates and undergraduates majoring in
engineering mechanics, mining engineering, geotechnical
engineering, and geological engineering.
Contents: Introduction to modelling. Models as appropriate simplifications of reality. Examples of models used in engineering. Characteristics of soil behaviour. Volumetric response. Stress level dependency. Stress history dependency. Implications for modelling. Physical modelling. Scaling laws. Compromises to address soil behavoiur. Possibilities of single gravity modelling. Interpretation of single gravity laboratory models. Interpretation of full scale modelling. Examples of single gravity models. Centrifuge modelling. Scaling laws revisited. Types of centrifuges. Design of centrifuge models. Interpretation of centrifuge models. Examples of centrifuge models. Theoretical modelling. Simple models which do not require extensive numerical programs. Elastic analysis. Embedded wall - mobilisation model. Numerical modelling. Basics of numerical analysis. Finite elements. Finite difference. Assumptions and specifications. Soil constitutive modelling. Elastic models. Elastic-perfectly plastic models. Elastic-hardening plastic models. Elastic-kinematic hardening plastic models. Modelling non-monotonic loading. Soil stiffness. Selection of soil properties. Soil structure interaction. Serviceability calculations. Effect of choice of soil model on pattern of deformations. Flexible footing. Flexible retaining wall. Tunnel lining. Pile under lateral loading. Examples of numerical modelling. Examples where traditional design approaches have difficulty. Stage construction of embankments. Earthquake loading. Conclusion. What to expect from geotechnical modelling. What not to expect from geotechnical modelling. Future developments. Elastic-kinematic hardening plastic models. Modelling non-monotonic loading. Soil stiffness. Selection of soil properties. Soil Structure interaction. Serviceability calculations. Effect of choice of soil model on pattern of deformations. Flexible footing. Flexible retaining wall. Tunnel lining. Pile under lateral loading. Examples of numerical modelling. Examples where traditional design approaches have difficulty. Stage construction of embankments. Earthquake loading. Conclusion. What to expect from geotechnical modelling. What not to expect from geotechnical modelling. Future developments.
The most pressing problems facing humanity today - over-population,
energy shortages, climate change, soil erosion, species
extinctions, the risk of epidemic disease, the threat of warfare
that could destroy all the hard-won gains of civilization, and even
the recent fibrillations of the stock market - are all ecological
or have a large ecological component. in this volume philosophers
turn their attention to understanding the science of ecology and
its huge implications for the human project.
To get the application of ecology to policy or other practical
concerns right, humanity needs a clear and disinterested
philosophical understanding of ecology which can help identify the
practical lessons of science. Conversely, the urgent practical
demands humanity faces today cannot help but direct scientific and
philosophical investigation toward the basis of those ecological
challenges that threaten human survival. This book will help to
fuel the timely renaissance of interest in philosophy of ecology
that is now occurring in the philosophical profession.
Provides a bridge between philosophy and current scientific
findingsCovers theory and applicationsEncourages multi-disciplinary
For Introductory Earth Science Courses This package includes
MasteringGeology (TM) Ideal for undergraduates with little or no
science background, Earth Science provides a student-friendly
overview of our physical environment that offers balanced,
up-to-date coverage of geology, oceanography, astronomy, and
meteorology. The authors' texts have always been recognized for
their readability, currency, dynamic art program, delivery of basic
principles, and instructor flexibility. The Fourteenth Edition
incorporates a new active-learning approach, a fully updated and
mobile visual program, and MasteringGeology-the most complete,
easy-to-use, engaging tutorial and assessment tool available. This
program will provide an interactive and engaging learning
experience for your students. Here's how: * Teach with an active
learning path. Chapters have been broken up into small manageable
sections that help students actively analyze information, assess
their progress and think about Earth science. * Use art that
teaches. Each chapter contains 5-7 SmartFigures. SmartFigures are
illustrations that use Quick Response (QR) codes to link students
to lecture-style videos. Also found in each chapter and accessed by
QR codes are Mobile Field Trips, where students virtually accompany
Michael Collier on adventures to explore different landscapes. *
Cultivate an active learning environment that helps students
achieve a deeper understanding of the text. * Personalize learning
with MasteringGeology. This package includes MasteringGeology, an
online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work
with this text to engage students and improve results. Interactive,
self-paced tutorials provide individualized coaching to help
students stay on track. With a wide range of activities available,
students can actively learn, understand, and retain even the most
difficult concepts. MasteringGeology should only be purchased when
required by an instructor. Please be sure you have the correct ISBN
and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for
more information.
This book provides full-scale field tests of different types of
pile foundations. For the testing, it includes static load tests
which consider various loading orientations, dynamic load tests,
inclinometer monitoring and tests that aim to determine the load
transfer mechanism of pile foundation. This book also covers the
up-to-date popular topic with detailed project studies. This
includes the academic investigation of post-grouting technology
effect on drilled shaft piles, the research of displacement and
non-displacement precast pile foundation, the study of
fiber-reinforced polymer material used in the geo-technical
environment such as deep excavation pit in tunneling project, and
the research of super-long and large diameter pile foundations.
These investigations provide essential and academic information for
researchers as well as engineers in role of Civil and Geotech. Not
only the different types of the piles are studied, but also the
relevant theory and literatures are reviewed. In this book, the
diagrams are plotted in an easy way and the explanation of the
diagrams and tables are described in detail. The research methods
corresponding to the practical projects are detailed as well.
Hence, it is useful as a reference for the students and researchers
in civil and geotechnical engineering.
This continuing authoritative series deals with the chemistry,
materials science, physics and technology of the rare earth
elements in an integrated manner. Each chapter is a comprehensive,
up-to-date, critical review of a particular segment of the field.
The work offers the researcher and graduate student a complete and
thorough coverage of this fascinating field.
The book documents and explains, in three parts, geochemical
anomaly and mineral prospectivity mapping by using a geographic
information system (GIS). Part I reviews and couples the concepts
of (a) mapping geochemical anomalies and mineral prospectivity and
(b) spatial data models, management and operations in a GIS. Part
II demonstrates GIS-aided and GIS-based techniques for analysis of
robust thresholds in mapping of geochemical anomalies. Part III
explains GIS-aided and GIS-based techniques for spatial data
analysis and geo-information sybthesis for conceptual and
predictive modeling of mineral prospectivity. Because methods of
geochemical anomaly mapping and mineral potential mapping are
highly specialized yet diverse, the book explains only methods in
which GIS plays an important role. The book avoids using language
and functional organization of particular commercial GIS software,
but explains, where necessary, GIS functionality and spatial data
structures appropriate to problems in geochemical anomaly mapping
and mineral potential mapping. Because GIS-based methods of spatial
data analysis and spatial data integration are quantitative, which
can be complicated to non-numerate readers, the book simplifies
explanations of mathematical concepts and their applications so
that the methods demonstrated would be useful to professional
geoscientists, to mineral explorationists and to research students
in fields that involve analysis and integration of maps or spatial
datasets. The book provides adequate illustrations for more
thorough explanation of the various concepts.
*Explains GIS functionality and spatial data structures appropriate
regardless of the particular GIS software in use
*Simplifies explanation of mathematical concepts and
*Illustrated for more thorough explanation of concepts
This book is intended as reference material for students and
professors interested in air pollution modeling at the graduate
level as well as researchers and professionals involved in
developing and utilizing air pollution models. Current developments
in air pollution modeling are explored as a series of contributions
from researchers at the forefront of their field. This newest
contribution on air pollution modeling and its application is
focused on local, urban, regional and intercontinental modeling;
emission modeling and processing; data assimilation and air quality
forecasting; model assessment and evaluation; aerosol
transformation. Additionally, this work also examines the
relationship between air quality and human health and the effects
of climate change on air quality. This work is a collection of
selected papers presented at the 37th International Technical
Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and its Application, held in
Hamburg, Germany, September 23-27, 2019.