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For lab courses in Physical Geology. A top-seller for over 35 years with over one million copies sold, this lab manual represents by far the best collection of photos of rocks and minerals-and one of the best compilations of exercises-available. With exercises using maps, aerial photos, satellite imagery, and other materials, this classic manual encompasses all the major geologic processes as well as the identification of rocks and minerals. All changes in the Twelfth Edition are based on reviewer feedback.
This book presents the first comprehensive, interdisciplinary review of the rapidly developing field of air lasing. In most applications of lasers, such as cutting and engraving, the laser source is brought to the point of service where the laser beam is needed to perform its function. However, in some important applications such as remote atmospheric sensing, placing the laser at a convenient location is not an option. Current sensing schemes rely on the detection of weak backscattering of ground-based, forward-propagating optical probes, and possess limited sensitivity. The concept of air lasing (or atmospheric lasing) relies on the idea that the constituents of the air itself can be used as an active laser medium, creating a backward-propagating, impulsive, laser-like radiation emanating from a remote location in the atmosphere. This book provides important insights into the current state of development of air lasing and its applications.
This book addresses the processes of stochastic structure formation in two-dimensional geophysical fluid dynamics based on statistical analysis of Gaussian random fields, as well as stochastic structure formation in dynamic systems with parametric excitation of positive random fields f(r,t) described by partial differential equations. Further, the book considers two examples of stochastic structure formation in dynamic systems with parametric excitation in the presence of Gaussian pumping. In dynamic systems with parametric excitation in space and time, this type of structure formation either happens - or doesn't! However, if it occurs in space, then this almost always happens (exponentially quickly) in individual realizations with a unit probability. In the case considered, clustering of the field f(r,t) of any nature is a general feature of dynamic fields, and one may claim that structure formation is the Law of Nature for arbitrary random fields of such type. The study clarifies the conditions under which such structure formation takes place. To make the content more accessible, these conditions are described at a comparatively elementary mathematical level by employing ideas from statistical topography.
Embodied wisdom: Meditations on memoir and education by Alison Pryer, Ph.D. explores the interconnectedness of body, mind and spirit within diverse educational contexts. Evocative, sensual prose carries the reader on a journey through the personal and the remembered in a layered series of autobiographical essays, each one affording deeper insights into the ways in which the inner, emotional life of an educator is intertwined with everyday embodied practice. This is a provocative text, alive with the richness and complexity of pedagogical experience, one that acknowledges the presence of the body, the spirit, the passionate, the subjective, the intuitive, the chaotic, and the sacred in all the relationships that make teaching and learning possible. In speaking beyond the limitations of dualistic pedagogy, in its diverse forms and locations, Embodied wisdom enters at times into unexpected and little explored pedagogical territories, engaging with educational contexts that our dualistic culture often denigrates, dismisses, or considers taboo. This work offers readers subtle understandings of the centrality of love, desire and eros in teaching and learning; carefully examines the connections between powerful family and school pedagogies, including "domestic" violence against women and childhood sexual abuse; opens up a textual space in which to contemplate the contemporary relevance of the ancient wisdom of Zen pedagogy; and gives serious consideration to the role that the public pedagogies of popular culture play in the formation of personal and cultural identity. The work of healing our dualistic educational culture is a significant political and ethical undertaking - a matter of social justice. Embodied wisdom is a book that lights the way for those who want to engage in meaningful cultural transformation. It is, above all, a generative and hopeful text, one that makes possible new kinds of conversations. It will be of interest to curriculum theorists and teacher educators, as well as those engaged in holistic education, social ecology, women's and gender studies, and cultural studies. This award-winning, ground breaking exploration of memoir as methodology is also an exquisitely written resource for those engaged in innovative arts-based and autobiographical research.
This book explores the common language of politics, ecology and risk, and crosses their conceptual divides. It seeks to shed light on the underlying structural factors, processes, players and interactions in the risk scenario, all of which influence decision-making that both increases and reduces disaster risk. The first section explores risk governance under conditions of increasing complexity, diversity and change. The discussion includes chapters on The problem of governance in the risk society; Making sense of decentralization; Understanding and conceptualizing risk in large-scale social-ecological systems; The disaster epidemic and Structure, process, and agency in the evaluation of risk governance. Part II, focused on governance in regions and domains of risk, includes nine chapters with discussion of Climate governance and climate change and society; Climate change and the politics of uncertainty; Risk complexity and governance in mountain environments; On the edge: Coastal governance and risk and Governance of megacity disaster risks, among other important topics. Part III discusses directions for further advancement in risk governance, with ten chapters on such topics as the transition From risk society to security society; Governing risk tolerability; Risk and adaptive planning for coastal cities; Profiling risk governance in natural hazards contexts; Confronting the risk of large disasters in nature and Transitions into and out of a crisis mode of socio-ecological systems. The book presents a comprehensive examination of the complexity of both risk and environmental policy-making and of their multiple-and not always visible-interactions in the context of social-ecological systems. Just as important, it also addresses unseen and neglected complementarities between regulatory policy-making and ordinary individual decision-making through the actions of nongovernmental actors. A range of distinguished scholars from a diverse set of disciplines have contributed to the book with their expertise in many areas, including disaster studies, emergency planning and management, ecology, sustainability, environmental planning and management, climate change, geography, spatial planning, development studies, economy, political sciences, public administration, communication, as well as physics and geology.
This book offers an introduction to the geomechanical issues raised by both the extraction of actual and potential energy resources, and by the treatment of the ensuing environmental concerns. Discussions of the operations of injection of fluids into, and withdrawal from, geological formations link the chapters, each devoted to a particular technical aspect or scientific issue, or to a particular energy resource.Subjects are ordered according to their industrial applications, including enhanced oil and gas recovery, gas hydrates, enhanced geothermal systems, hydraulic fracturing, and carbon dioxide sequestration. An overview of the industrial, research and simulation aspects for each subject is provided. Fluid Injection in Deformable Geological Formations will be of interest to academic and industrial researchers in a wide variety of fields, including computational mechanics, civil engineering, geotechnical engineering and geomechanics, engineering seismology, petroleum engineering, reservoir engineering, and engineering geology.
This is a book about the petrology of kimberlites. It is not about upper mantle xenoliths, diamonds, or prospecting for kimberlites. The object of the book is to provide a comprehensive survey and critique of the advances which have been made in kimberlite studies over the last twenty-five years. Kimberlites are rare rock types; however, their relative obscurity is overriden by their economic and petrological importance to a degree which is not shared with the commoner varieties of igneous rocks. Kimberlites are consequently of interest to a diverse group of earth scientists, ranging from isotope g ochemists concerned with the evolution of the mantle, to volcanologists pondering the origins of diatremes, to exploration geologists seeking new occurrences of the diamondiferous varieties. A common factor essential to all of these activities is a thorough understanding of the characteristics of kimberlites. For the petrologist, kimberlites are exciting and challenging objects for study. Their petrographic diversity, complex mineralogy and geochemistry, and unusual style of intrusion provide endless opportunities for stimulating hypothesis and conjecture concerning their origin and evolution. Kimberlites are a part of a wide spectrum of continental intra-cratonic magmatism. Only by understanding all of the parts of this activity in detail may we make progress in our understanding of the whole.
Computational Geosciences with Mathematica is the only book written by a geologist specifically to show geologists and geoscientists how to use Mathematica to formulate and solve problems. It spans a broad range of geologic and mathematical topics, which are drawn from the author's extensive experience in research, consulting, and teaching. The reference and text leads readers step-by-step through geologic applications such as custom graphics programming, data input and output, linear and differential equations, linear and nonlinear regression, Monte Carlo simulation, time series and image analysis, and the visualization and analysis of geologic surfaces. It is packed with actual Mathematica output and includes boxed Computer Notes with tips and exploration suggestions. The accompanying CD-ROM contains notebooks of all text and graphics, plus an appendix on color graphics and specialised functions.
Millions of lives and business have either been lost or significantly impacted by COVID-19. Yet, many are warning that climate change will be much more devastating over the coming decades. Reality is starting to set in. We are not going to achieve our global mitigation targets; we probably won’t even come close. Individuals faced with this reality react differently, from willful ignorance to anxiety and depression, all normal reactions. If you believe in science and understand the likelihood of our failure to meet our targets, you need to accept and plan for an unknown, challenging future. We may be individually powerless to stop climate change, but we certainly can act in ways that will help us better face the consequences. This book provides a structured approach to plan and prepare today for a world rocked by a turbulent climate.
Most of our knowledge about the physical structure and the chemical composition of the Earth's deep interior is inferred from seismic data. The interpretation of seismic waves generally follows the assumption that the Earth's physical structure is grossly layered and that fluctuations of the physical parameters within individual layers are smooth in structure and small in magnitude. While this view greatly facilitates the analytic and interpretative procedure, it is clearly at odds with evidence from outcrops and boreholes, which indicates that compositional, structural and petrophysical heterogeneity in the Earth prevails over a wide range of scales. This book is the first to unify three different views of crustal and upper mantle heterogeneity. It brings together the geological view, which is derived from the analysis of crustal exposures and deep boreholes; the stochastic view, which attempts to find order and structure in these seemingly chaotic data; and the seismological view, which considers the end product of the complex interaction of seismic energy with the heterogeneous structure at depth. John Goff and Klaus Holliger have compiled chapters that explore and quantify the relationship between geological and petrophysical heterogeneity and its seismic response, and use seismic data to probe the fabric of the Earth's interior. Geologists, geostaticians, and geophysicists alike will benefit from the integrative perspective presented in Heterogeneity in the Crust and Upper Mantle: Nature, Scaling, and Seismic Properties, making this text an unparalleled reference for professionals and students in Earth science fields.
The ideas in this book have been developed over the past three or four years while I was working at the Institute of Geological Sciences and later for Golder Associates. During that time all of the geological modelling and resource estimation studies I participated in had data that were non-ideal in one respect or another (or just plain 'dirty'): the standard ways of handling the data with kriging or with simpler parametric methods gave reason able results, but always there were nagging doubts and some lack of confidence because of the corners that had to be cut in generat ing a model. The bimodal distribution that was assumed to be 'close enough' to normal; the pattern of rich and poor zones that was not quite a trend yet made the data very non-stationary; and the many plotted variograms that would not fit any standard model variogram: these all contributed to the feeling that there should be something that statistics could say about the cases where hardly any assumptions could be made about the properties ofthe parent population."
The ihsan Ketin NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Tectonic Evolution of the Tethyan Region was conceived in 1982 in Veszprem, Hungary, when three of the organizers (B. C. B. , L. H. R. and A. M. C. 9. ) had come together for a meeting on the tectonics of the Pannonian basin. All three of us had experience in the Tethyan belt and all three of us had been for some time deploring the lack of communication among workers of this immense orogenic belt. Much new work had been completed in such previously little-known areas as Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, the People's Republic of China, the entire Himalayan region, as well as new work in the European parts of the chain. Also, ironically, parts of the belt had just been closed to field work for political reasons, so it seemed as if the time was right to sit back and consider what had been done so far. Because the Istanbul group had had an interest in the whole of the Tethyan belt and because that ancient city was more centrally locElted with excellent opportunities to see both Palaeo- and Neo-Tethyan rocks in a weekend excursion, we thought that Istanbul was a natural place for such a meeting, not mentioning its own considerable attractions for the would-be contributors. A happy coincidence was that Prof.
The aim of this book is to bring together a series of contributions from experts in the field to cover the major aspects of the application of geostatistics in precision agriculture. The focus will not be on theory, although there is a need for some theory to set the methods in their appropriate context. The subject areas identified and the authors selected have applied the methods in a precision agriculture framework. The papers will reflect the wide range of methods available and how they can be applied practically in the context of precision agriculture. This book is likely to have more impact as it becomes increasingly possible to obtain data cheaply and more farmers use onboard digital maps of soil and crops to manage their land. It might also stimulate more software development for geostatistics in PA.
Physicists attempt to reduce natural phenomena to their essential dimensions by means of simplification and approximation and to account for them by defining natural laws. Paradoxically, whilst there is a critical need in geology to reduce the overwhelming field information to its essentials, it often re mains in an over-descriptive state. This prudent attitude of geologists is dictated by the nature of the subjects being consi dered, as it is often difficult to derive the significant parame ters from the raw data. It also follows from the way that geolo gical work is carried out. Geologists proceed, as in a police investigation, by trying to reconstruct past conditions and events from an analysis of the features preserved in rocks. In physics all knowledge is based on experiment but in the Earth Sciences experimental evidence is of very limited scope and is difficult to interpret. The geologist's cautious approach in accepting evidence gained by modelling and quantification is sometimes questionable when it is taken too far. It shuts out potentially fruitful lines of advance; for instance when refu sing order of magnitude calculations, it risks being drowned in anthropomorphic speculation. Happily nowadays, many more studies tend to separate and order the significant facts and are carried out with numerical constraints, which although they are approxi mate in nature, limit the range of hypotheses and thus give rise to new models."
This book "Preservation in Digital Cartography: Archiving Aspects" should give an overview on how to preserve digital cartographic appli- tions and geospatial data in a sustainable way. The intention of this book is to shape the opinion of affected parties and to bring together various d- ciplines. Therefore adjacent chapters will generally deal with information technologies, Service-Oriented Architectures, cybercartography, reprod- tion and historic cartography, which all together can be subsumed in p- spective cartographic heritage. The survival of this digital cartographic heritage will base on long-term preservation strategies that make use of - tensive dissemination on the one hand and sustainable digital archiving methods on the other. This includes a massive development of paradigm that expands from "store-and-save" to "keep-it-online." The paradigm "store-and-save" is mainly used for analogue masters that consist of st- age media, like vellum, and their visible content. Avoiding the storage - dia from degeneration in climate-controlled areas will help to keep the content accessible. In the digital domain the high interdependency of st- age media, format, device and applications leads to the paradigm "keep-- online" which for example describes the migration to new storage devices. In fact this expansion of paradigm means that the digital domain calls for ongoing actions in order to preserve cartography for a long term.
This book presents flight mechanics of aircraft, spacecraft, and rockets to technical and non-technical readers in simple terms and based purely on physical principles. Adapting an accessible and lucid writing style, the book retains the scientific authority and conceptual substance of an engineering textbook without requiring a background in physics or engineering mathematics. Professor Tewari explains relevant physical principles of flight by straightforward examples and meticulous diagrams and figures. Important aspects of both atmospheric and space flight mechanics are covered, including performance, stability and control, aeroelasticity, orbital mechanics, and altitude control. The book describes airplanes, gliders, rotary wing and flapping wing flight vehicles, rockets, and spacecraft and visualizes the essential principles using detailed illustration. It is an ideal resource for managers and technicians in the aerospace industry without engineering degrees, pilots, and anyone interested in the mechanics of flight.
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