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Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > General
Man’s environment is pervaded by ionizing radiation of predominantly natural origin but now with an important contribution from anthropogenic activities. Exposure to ionizing radiation can have serious health implications, which is why it is of concern to us. This book brings together under one cover, the fundamentals of radiological protection, the techniques used for measuring radioactivity and radionuclides and the methods for modelling the dispersion of radionuclides in the environment. Information on radioactive decay, the interaction of ionizing radiation with matter and biological effects of radiation is provided in a form that enables the reader to quickly appreciate its importance to the environment and human health. Summaries of the effects of past releases, including the Chernobyl accident, are included as well as examples of applications of models to calculate and predict concentrations of radionuclides in our environment. This book is aimed at all those studying, at undergraduate and graduate levels, radioactivity in the environment and its impact on man. It will also serve as a handbook for workers in the fields of radiochemical analysis and environmental modelling and for scientists, consultants and environmental health and pollution officers who have to provide radiological data or information for legislative and related purposes.
By turns creative and destructive, wind spreads seeds, fills sails and disperses the energy of the sun. Worshipped since antiquity, wind has moulded planets, decided the outcome of innumerable battles and shaped the evolution of humans and animals – yet it remains intangible and unpredictable. In this book Louise M. Pryke explores the science behind wind, as well as how it has been imagined and portrayed in myth, religion, art and literature since ancient times. Its formative effect on the Earth’s environment is reflected in its prominent role in myths and religions of antiquity. In the modern day, wind has inspired ground-breaking scientific innovations, and appeared in artistic works as diverse as the art of Van Gogh, the poetry of Keats and the blockbuster film Twister.
This book has following unique features that distinguish it from other works from the same area: 1) Investigates the influence of fissure geometry on strength failure and crack evolution behaviour of real rock material; 2) Analyzes the effect of pre-experiment high-temperature treatment on fracture mechanical behaviour of rock material with a single fissure or two parallel fissures; 3) Compares quantitatively simulated results using discrete element modelling and experimental results of fracture mechanical behaviour of rock material with two fissures; 4) Constructs the relationship between crack evolution processes and acoustic emission distribution of pre-fissured rock material under entire deformation; and 5) Discusses the crack evolution mechanism of pre-fissured rock material with respect to different confining pressures. This book can become the reference for technicians in the field of geotechnical engineering, mining engineering and geology engineering. At the same time, this book can be regarded as a good reference for scientific researchers carrying out fissured rock mechanics and correlated specialties.
- Provides a unified treatise of scientific and engineering aspects of earthquakes - Offers clear definitions and explanation of fundamental concepts. - Comprehensively explains procedures for determining factors/parameters essential in science and engineering of earthquakes. - Gives an inside view of procedures and solution techniques
This book presents the outcome of an interdisciplinary and international workshop supported by the Volkswagen Stiftung (funding line 'Knowledge for Tomorrow') on the topic of 'Natural Resources, Socio-Ecological Sensitivity and Climate Change in the Volta-Oti Basin, West Africa'. The conference was jointly organised by Goethe-University Frankfurt (Germany) and the University of Kara (Togo) held from March 6 to 8, 2019 in northern Togo. It aimed to strengthen capacities of junior scientists from the sub-region, exchange and mobilise theoretical and methodological background from various scientific fields (Botany, Construction, Geology, Geography, Infrastructure, Politics, Remote Sensing, Sociology and Urban Planning). One goal was to deliver reliable elements for ongoing and profound environmental analyses that lie outside the common questions of the academic and civil society stakeholders. Ecosystem fragmentation and deforestation in West Africa are mainly triggered by humans such as agriculture and small-scale forest disturbances for charcoal and firewood production. Increasing population pressure, declining of carrying capacity and demand for agricultural land caused the reduction of land conservation capacities, even in protected areas. The complexity of interactions between environmental and socio-ecological systems and subsequent effects (sensitivity) has raised ongoing international awareness in light of ongoing climate change. By the example of natural resources, land use and stakeholders' perceptions within the Volta-Oti Basin the book's proceedings present, discuss and distribute new findings that will sustainably stimulate the international debate. The workshop also intended to overcome national borders and language barriers between the Anglophone (Ghana) and the Francophone (Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Togo) research communities, and supported better West African cooperation and networking. The young as well as the established partners formed new collaborations, and the event at the University of Kara (Togo) was a truly unique opportunity for all involved, not only to discuss science, but also to assess applied and best future management practices for the Oti-Volta Basin in West Africa.
Turbulence in Open Channel and River Flows covers turbulence and related fluid mechanics in open-channel flows, addressing both basic mechanisms and their applications. It helps readers understand the organized motion involved in turbulent flow and apply this understanding to the practice of hydraulic engineering, including mass and sediment transport. Chapters cover mathematical expansion procedures and basic fluid mechanics to help readers understand essentially physical phenomena, and present special techniques for measurement and accurate direct observation of open-channel turbulence in laboratory flumes or natural rivers. Topics related to environmental management and turbulence-related disasters are addressed. Includes detailed mathematical expansions and supporting supplements in an appendix Presents the mathematics and fluid mechanics needed to understand turbulence in open channels Includes experimental topics from the author's research, encouraging readers to measure and accurately observe turbulence in laboratories and rivers The book is ideal for graduate students, researchers and engineers in hydraulics and hydromechanics.
Provides a well-explained and backgrounded, up-to-date account of close binary systems, in a fast-moving field of research that is growing in scientific importance Surveys a wide range of case-studies within the context of binary and multiple star systems Fills an acknowledged gap in current literature
It presents the research that addresses a diverse array of topics on the impact of climate change on plant-microbe interactions and microbial aquatic life, change-induced aggravations in microbial populations and processes. The book also addresses microbial foodborne diseases resulting from challenging climates. Other topics include algae as indicators of climate change and strategies for facilitating sustainable agro-ecosystems.
Earth Systems Protection and Sustainability qualifies imperatives and discusses the use of mathematical approaches to assess and achieve sustainability in threatened and vulnerable Earth systems globally. Mathematical advances in this context include both operational and Boolean methods, as well as linguistic, logic-based Bayesian approaches and generative mathematics relevant to scenario formation. The mathematic methods are refined into functional areas and deeper learning, which enable the use of searching algorithms to achieve optimal solutions for the circular nature and application of sustainability. Pertinent sections and synergistic elements are covered in order to synthesize key informative nodes, advising of the very real dangers facing planet Earth and its biodiversity. Each volume stands in its own right. Analytical and scientific chapters are blended with social resilience and socio-economic development consideration, thus enabling the settings of sustainability within varying scenarios of climatic forces and species dynamics. Volume 1 focuses on ground-breaking evolutionary expansion assisting with life's continuation on Earth, sustainable management of pathogens and halophyte uses in agroecology, bioremediation methods in drilling waste management, conservation and sustainability of diversity, climate change mitigation strategies, displacement management in a large scale ongoing crisis, risk reduction and management policy, sustainably intelligent-driven markets, sustainability consensus in an uncertain environment and path planning in static and dynamic environments. Pictorial contributions made from across the world refine particularly urgent problems for attention, and provide solutions and methods of environmental sustainability operated in communities, complementing the descriptive chapter sections. Both volumes are targeted for a global audience of academic, professional, classroom, governmental, unit and community members, and seek to include all sectors to ensure ongoing and comprehensive Earth Systems Protection.
Characterizes the geology of Japan by describing the large scale construction of each geotectonically defined terrane and mass, and tracing the geotectonic history of the island chain. Also considers the submarine topography and geology around the islands, and ore deposits in relation to igneous act
Part of an international series of monographs in palaeontology and biostratigraphy The publication, Conodont Biostratigraphy and Taxonomy of the Ordovician Shelf Margin Deposits in the Scandinavian Caledonides, is Number 48 in the Fossils and Strata series.
This book gives a comprehensive introduction to the new geophysical detection theories, methods and technologies of tunnel engineering under complex geological conditions and environments. It mainly focuses on the application of 3D seismic technique, 3D high-power resistivity sounding, and 3D GPR, etc. There are 7 chapters in the book. Chapter 1 introduces the state of the art and developing trends of geophysical detection technologies for tunnel engineering. Chapter 2 analyzes the complex geological conditions and environments for tunnel construction and the latest geophysical detection technologies. Chapter 3 to Chapter 7 systematically elaborate on the 3D seismic techniques, 3D detection technologies for water content in tunnel surrounding rocks, 3D detection technologies for side/back slope, 3D detection technologies for shield tunneling, and 3D detection technologies for collapse treatment of tunnel construction. The book presents numerous case studies to illustrate the applications of these technologies.
Presents the main principles and applications of the science of floods, including engineering and technology, natural science, as well as historical aspects. Examines flooding in various climates and diverse landscapes, taking into account environmental, ecological, hydrological, and geomorphic factors. Considers floods in urban, agriculture, rangeland, forest, coastal, and desert areas Covers flood control structures as well as preparedness and response methods. Written in a global context, by contributors from around the world.
Foreign Object Debris and Damage in Aviation discusses both biological and non-biological Foreign Object Debris (FOD) and associated Foreign Object Damage (FOD) in aviation. The book provides a comprehensive treatment of the wide spectrum of FOD with numerous cost, management, and wildlife considerations. Management control for the debris begins at the aircraft design phase, and the book includes numerical analyses for estimating damage caused by strikes. The book explores aircraft operation in adverse weather conditions and inanimate FOD management programs for airports, airlines, airframe, and engine manufacturers. It focuses on the sources of FOD, the categories of damage caused by FOD, and both the direct and indirect costs caused by FOD. In addition, the book provides management plans for wildlife, including positive and passive methods. The book will interest aviation industry personnel, aircraft transport and ground operators, aircraft pilots, and aerospace or aviation engineers. Readers will learn to manage FOD to guarantee air traffic safety with minimum costs to airlines and airports.
This collection calls for improved technical communication for the public through an embodied, situated understanding of environmental risk that promotes social justice. In addition to providing a series of chapters about recent issues on risk communication, this volume offers a diverse look at methodological practices for students, researchers, and practitioners looking to address embodied aspects of crisis and risk that incorporate UX, storytelling, and dynamic text. It includes chapters that bring embodiment to the forefront of risk communication, highlighting the cycle of content creation, dissemination, public response and decision making, continuing iterations of educational efforts, and recovery, toward increasing adaptive capacity as a whole. In addition, this work directs necessary attention to overcoming perceptual difficulties, memory lapses, definitional differences, access issues, and pedagogical problems in the communication of risks to diverse publics. This collection is essential reading for scholars and can be used as a supplemental text or casebook for courses in technical communication, environmental communication, risk and crisis communication, science communication, and public health.
This book adopts numerical method to model soil constitutive relationship while it abandons the traditional idea of looking for plastic potential as the only way to model. Firstly, the triaxial compression tests of expansive soil, sand and clay under different stress paths are introduced; then the elastoplastic constitutive equations of expansive soil, sand and clay under various stress paths are established by numerical modeling method; finally, the constitutive equations are embedded in the finite element program and verified by comparing the finite element calculation results of the triaxial test soil samples with the corresponding test results. The modeling obtains high accuracy.
This book is the proceedings of the 5th China High-resolution Earth Observation Conference (CHREOC). The series conference of China High Resolution Earth Observation has been becoming the influential academic event in the earth detection area, and attracting more and more top experts and industry users of related fields. The CHREOCs focus on the popular topics including military-civilian integration, the One Belt and One Road project, the transformation of scientific research achievements, and it also discusses the new ideas, new technologies, new methods, and new developments. The CHREOCs have effectively promoted high-level institutional mechanisms, technological innovation, and industrial upgrading in the high-resolution earth observation area, and arouse the influence of the national-sponsored major project. All papers in this proceeding are from the 5th CHREOC, and most authors are the researchers and experts participating the state major project CHEOS. The papers are the extraction of research results and reflect the technique level and research direction of the field high-resolution earth observation. All articles have gone through the scientific and strict reviews for several rounds by the experts from the related fields, and therefore reflect the research level and technology innovation of the high-resolution field earth observation. This proceedings will be an informative and valuable reference for both academic research and engineering practice.
Based on the first edition with extensive analysis of practical applications of environmental risk management and compliance management systems, this second edition of International Environmental Risk Management reflects updates made in the understanding and application of risk management best practices and makes available a frame of reference and systematic approach to environmental and social governance (ESG). It provides a pathway for readers to implement environmental management strategies that can be integrated with core operations and other risk management efforts, including supporting sustainability and corporate social responsibility initiatives associated with climate change, the circular economy or supply chain conditions, as well as enterprise risk management; anti-bribery, and other compliance management systems. This book provides in-depth discussions of ways to use global environmental management standards. New features in this edition: Combines EMS standards with discussion of specific principles, other authors' research, and guidelines on management practices. Provides guidelines on how to prepare for, anticipate, and resolve environmental issues. Includes easily understandable information for all readers and is not simply aimed toward individuals who are knowledgeable about this topic. Provides in-depth discussions on using global environmental management standards to manage risk and promote resilience, as well as legal strategies and voluntary initiatives that companies can utilize to minimize risk. Accounts for the substantive revisions in ISO 14001:2015. As a growing and rapidly changing field, it is necessary to address new issues, guidelines, and regulations to assist businesses, academia, students, consultants, lawyers, and environmental managers with a pragmatic resolution to environmental risk management issues. This second edition gives a broad and detailed analysis of the changes made to international standards and practices and serves as an excellent guide to managing environmental risk.
This volume contains the papers presented at the International Workshop "Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems" (IF&GIS'09) held in St. Petersburg, Russia in May 2009. The workshop was organized by the St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS). The workshop continues a series organised biannually, and attracts academics and industrials from a wide range of disciplines including computer science, geography, statistics, mathematics, hydrography, geomorphology, and environmental sciences. The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for innovative research oriented towards Geographic Information Science and tech- logies and Corporate Information Systems whose close association highlight novel theoretical and practical challenges. The papers selected by the International Program Committee cover a wide range of innovative areas including ontological and semantic approaches for the representation of geographical data, geographical data monitoring, situation management and forecast, to emerging applications oriented to the maritime environment, disaster management and security threats. While traditional topics of GIS conferences are well represented and still being advanced, several new domains appear and stress the need for the development of versatile monitoring systems and decision making systems. While GIS already have a de facto standard for geographical monitoring and analysis, the papers accepted in this volume also illustrate several novel directions of application whose objective is more closely oriented to process modeling and decision making, and where the nature of the objects represented is revisited using ontological and semantic approaches.
Provides modern surveying practices with free software algorithm and R toolset for active learning Includes case studies from different geographical areas using arbitrary and international cartographic reference systems Enables and demonstrates the integration of traditional geomatics with nowadays geospatial big data technologies Explains data standards, equipment used, possible analyzes and the importance of error evaluation for scientific surveying Discusses different scales of landscapes and bring together the experiences of leading experts in the field
Co-location pattern mining detects sets of features frequently located in close proximity to each other. This book focuses on data mining for co-location pattern, a valid method for identifying patterns from all types of data and applying them in business intelligence and analytics. It explains the fundamentals of co-location pattern mining, co-location decision tree, and maximal instance co-location pattern mining along with an in-depth overview of data mining, machine learning, and statistics. This arrangement of chapters helps readers understand the methods of co-location pattern mining step-by-step and their applications in pavement management, image classification, geospatial buffer analysis, etc.
In the summer of 2000 the German geo-research satellite CHAMP was launched into orbit. Its innovative payload arrangement and the low initial orbit allow CHAMP to simultaneously collect and almost continuously analyse precise data relating to gravity and magnetic fields at low altitude. In addition, CHAMP also measures the neutral atmosphere and ionosphere using GPS techniques. Three years after launch, more than 200 CHAMP investigators and co-investigators from all over the world met at the GeoForschungsZentrum in Potsdam to present and discuss the results derived from the extensive data sets of the mission. The main outcome of this expert meeting is summarized in this volume. The book offers a comprehensive insight into the present status of the exploitation of CHAMP data for Earth system research and practical applications in geodesy, geophysics and meteorology. |
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