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Advances in Geosciences is the result of a concerted effort to bring together the latest results and planning activities related to earth and space science in Asia and the international arena. The volume editors are all leading scientists in their research fields covering six sections: Atmospheric Science (AS), Hydrological Science (HS), Ocean Science (OS), Solid Earth (SE), Solar Terrestrial (ST) and Planetary Science (PS). The main purpose is to highlight the scientific issues essential to the study of earthquakes, tsunamis, atmospheric dust storms, climate change, drought, flood, typhoons, monsoons, space weather, and planetary exploration. This volume is abstracted in NASA's Astrophysics Data System: http: //ads.harvard.edu
Advances in Geosciences is the result of a concerted effort to bring together the latest results and planning activities related to earth and space science in Asia and the international arena. The volume editors are all leading scientists in their research fields covering six sections: Atmospheric Science (AS), Hydrological Science (HS), Ocean Science (OS), Solid Earth (SE), Solar Terrestrial (ST) and Planetary Science (PS). The main purpose is to highlight the scientific issues essential to the study of earthquakes, tsunamis, atmospheric dust storms, climate change, drought, flood, typhoons, monsoons, space weather, and planetary exploration. This volume is abstracted in NASA's Astrophysics Data System: http: //ads.harvard.edu
Not long ago, the future seemed predictable. Now, certainty about the course of civilization has given way to fear and doubt. Raging fires, ravaging storms, political upheavals, financial collapse, and deadly pandemics lie ahead—or are already here. The world feels less comprehensible and more dangerous, and no one, from individuals to businesses and governments, knows how to navigate the path forward. Ruth DeFries argues that a surprising set of time-tested strategies from the natural world can help humanity weather these crises. Through trial and error over the eons, life has evolved astonishing and counterintuitive tricks in order to survive. DeFries details how a handful of fundamental strategies—investments in diversity, redundancy over efficiency, self-correcting feedbacks, and decisions based on bottom-up knowledge—enable life to persist through unpredictable, sudden shocks. Lessons for supply chains from a leaf’s intricate network of veins and stock market-saving “circuit breakers” patterned on planetary cycles reveal the power of these approaches for modern life. With humility and willingness to apply nature’s experience to our human-constructed world, DeFries demonstrates, we can withstand uncertain and perilous times. Exploring the lessons that life on Earth can teach us about coping with complexity, What Would Nature Do? offers timely options for civilization to reorganize for a safe and prosperous future.
This third edition of The Physics of the Interstellar Medium continues to introduce advanced undergraduates to the fundamental processes and the wide range of disciplines needed to understand observations of the interstellar medium and its role in the Milky Way galaxy. The book is suitable for undergraduate students studying physics, astronomy, and astrophysics. The book also provides concise and straightforward discussions of interstellar physics and chemistry that are useful for more experienced readers. The book leads readers through the range of physical processes operating on both large and small scales that occur in the interstellar medium. It explores the relationship between the dusty, tenuous gas in interstellar space and the formation of stars and planets. This new edition also describes exciting developments in the field of astrochemistry and its interaction with interstellar physics, and the roles played by interstellar dust grains in interstellar physics and chemistry. Simple models in each chapter, together with problems at the end of each chapter, encompass interdisciplinary applications in atomic, molecular, solid state, and surface physics, and gas dynamics. This popular textbook provides a useful overview and grounding in the study of the interstellar medium and brings insight into many aspects of physics. Features An authoritative textbook in the field at this academic level Provides a wide introduction to the interstellar medium whilst remaining accessible and concise Revised throughout, presenting a modern understanding of the interstellar medium
Investigating Oceanography is an introductory oceanography text is intended to teach students the tremendous influence oceans have on our lives. They are encouraged to look at oceanography as a cohesive and united discipline rather than a collection of subjects gathered under a marine umbrella. Investigating Oceanography teaches students about the historical, geological, physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the ocean environment using remarkable images and photos. The authors have incorporated essays written by several scientists discussing topics in their fields of specialization. In addition to understanding processes and principles, the authors believe students must have a basic command of the language of marine science in order to understand the constant barrage of information concerning our planet and marine issues. By the end of this course, the authors want students to be prepared for future environmental discussions and the ability to make decisions as informed global citizens.
From the Foreword: "While large-scale machine learning and data mining have greatly impacted a range of commercial applications, their use in the field of Earth sciences is still in the early stages. This book, edited by Ashok Srivastava, Ramakrishna Nemani, and Karsten Steinhaeuser, serves as an outstanding resource for anyone interested in the opportunities and challenges for the machine learning community in analyzing these data sets to answer questions of urgent societal interest...I hope that this book will inspire more computer scientists to focus on environmental applications, and Earth scientists to seek collaborations with researchers in machine learning and data mining to advance the frontiers in Earth sciences." --Vipin Kumar, University of Minnesota Large-Scale Machine Learning in the Earth Sciences provides researchers and practitioners with a broad overview of some of the key challenges in the intersection of Earth science, computer science, statistics, and related fields. It explores a wide range of topics and provides a compilation of recent research in the application of machine learning in the field of Earth Science. Making predictions based on observational data is a theme of the book, and the book includes chapters on the use of network science to understand and discover teleconnections in extreme climate and weather events, as well as using structured estimation in high dimensions. The use of ensemble machine learning models to combine predictions of global climate models using information from spatial and temporal patterns is also explored. The second part of the book features a discussion on statistical downscaling in climate with state-of-the-art scalable machine learning, as well as an overview of methods to understand and predict the proliferation of biological species due to changes in environmental conditions. The problem of using large-scale machine learning to study the formation of tornadoes is also explored in depth. The last part of the book covers the use of deep learning algorithms to classify images that have very high resolution, as well as the unmixing of spectral signals in remote sensing images of land cover. The authors also apply long-tail distributions to geoscience resources, in the final chapter of the book.
Combining GIS concepts and fundamental spatial thinking methodology with real programming examples, this book introduces popular Python-based tools and their application to solving real-world problems. It elucidates the programming constructs of Python with its high-level toolkits and demonstrates its integration with ArcGIS Theory. Filled with hands-on computer exercises in a logical learning workflow this book promotes increased interactivity between instructors and students while also benefiting professionals in the field with vital knowledge to sharpen their programming skills. Readers receive expert guidance on modules, package management, and handling shapefile formats needed to build their own mini-GIS. Comprehensive and engaging commentary, robust contents, accompanying datasets, and classroom-tested exercises are all housed here to permit users to become competitive in the GIS/IT job market and industry.
This book bridges the gap between the many different disciplines used in applications of risk analysis to real world problems. Contributed by some of the world's leading experts, it creates a common information base and language for all risk analysis practitioners, risk managers, and decision makers. Valuable as both a reference for practitioners and a comprehensive textbook for students, Fundamentals of Risk Analysis and Risk Management is a unique contribution to the field. Its broad coverage ranges from basic theory of risk analysis to practical applications, risk perception, legal and political issues, and risk management.
Managing Hazardous Air Pollutants presents a detailed examination of the state-of-the-art in the management of air pollutants ("air toxics"). This important new volume focuses on the latest research, regulatory perspectives, modeling, environmental and human risk assessments, new control strategies, monitoring programs, risk communication, and risk management. Key chapters in the book are devoted to these timely subjects:
This book analyzes major ethical issues surrounding the use of climate engineering, particularly solar radiation management (SRM) techniques, which have the potential to reduce some risks of anthropogenic climate change but also carry their own risks of harm and injustice. The book argues that we should approach the ethics of climate engineering via "non-ideal theory," which investigates what justice requires given the fact that many parties have failed to comply with their duty to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, it argues that climate justice should be approached comparatively, evaluating the relative justice or injustice of feasible policies under conditions that are likely to hold within relevant timeframes. Likely near-future conditions include "pessimistic scenarios," in which no available option avoids serious ethical problems. The book contends that certain uses of SRM can be ethically defensible in some pessimistic scenarios. This is the first book devoted to the many ethical issues surrounding climate engineering.
Why do many water management projects, begun with the best of intentions, still fail? How is it that large infrastructural water works often encounter opposition? Is it perhaps, among other things, the lack of attention for the cultural context? These and other intriguing questions are dealt with in this book. The authors, having 20 years of experience on water and sanitation in an international context, have investigated the relationship between water and culture world-wide in order to find new keys to successful and sustainable water management. This book is based on extensive research and is intended to form a cultural road towards new sustainable water management practices. "Water: a way of life" takes the reader on a water journey through time and across the world's continents. Along the way it explains the past and present ways in which different cultures around the world, both traditional and modern, view and manage water in response to the distinct environment they inhabit. As beliefs and values are at the heart of any culture, it also highlights the views of the main world religions on water and its use. A better understanding of cultural water beliefs and practices may lead to new concepts for future sustainable water management - from flood management to water supply, sanitation and irrigation management. The book will be useful to water professionals exporting knowledge and technologies to foreign countries where the challenge is to create sustainable solutions for water management by taking into account local, cultural factors. It is also intended to encourage world leaders, politicians and decision-makers responsible for water management to use their power, knowledge and influence to really make a change for the benefit of the people they represent. In this way, water can become a source of cooperation rather than a source of conflict. The authors trust that this book, about water and culture, intended for a truly international audience, will be a source of inspiration.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, and environmental modelling are increasingly being used to address land use and land use management issues although much of the development in these applications is based in specific case studies that are not readily accessible to a wide audience. Spatial Information for Land Use Management is designed as a reference that provides a description and discussion of the issues involved in the use of spatial information for land use management. The chapters include detailed examples of the use of spatial information in land use management. The book begins with the technological methods, examines applications in a variety of environments, and describes the ways in which issues of scale, uncertainty, linkage of models and GIS, and problem solution have been addressed.
This proceedings has four thematic parts: advanced aerospace manufacturing technology, near space system and application technology, accurate perception technology of the earth, and collaborative fusion application technology. The CHREOCs (China High-resolution Earth Observation Conference) focus on the popular topics including military-civilian integration, the One Belt and One Road project, the transformation of scientific research achievements, and it also discusses the new ideas, new technologies, new methods, and new developments. The CHREOCs have effectively promoted high-level institutional mechanisms, technological innovation, and industrial upgrading in the high-resolution earth observation area, and arouse the influence of the national-sponsored major project. All papers in this proceeding are from the 8th CHREOC, and most authors are the researchers and experts participating the state major project CHEOS. The papers are the extraction of research results and reflect the technique level and research direction of the field high-resolution earth observation. All articles have gone through the scientific and strict reviews for several rounds by the experts from the related fields, and therefore reflect the research level and technology innovation of the high-resolution field earth observation. It will be an informative and valuable reference for both academic research and engineering practice. The year 2022 is the final year of high-resolution special projects. After more than ten years of construction, the task of high-resolution special projects has been basically completed, the core technology has been comprehensively breakthrough, and the typical achievements have been rapidly transformed, providing strong support for national security, national defense construction and national economic development.
The revolution in science that is transforming our understanding of extinct life We used to think of fossils as being composed of nothing but rock and minerals, all molecular traces of life having vanished long ago. We were wrong. Remnants of Ancient Life reveals how the new science of ancient biomolecules-pigments, proteins, and DNA that once functioned in living organisms tens of millions of years ago-is opening a new window onto the evolution of life on Earth. Paleobiologists are now uncovering these ancient remnants in the fossil record with increasing frequency, shedding vital new light on long-extinct creatures and the lost world they inhabited. Dale Greenwalt is your guide to these astonishing breakthroughs. He explains how ancient biomolecules hold the secrets to how mammoths dealt with the bitter cold, what colors dinosaurs exhibited in mating displays, how ancient viruses evolved to become more dangerous, and much more. Each chapter discusses different types of biomolecules and the insights they provide about the physiology, behavior, and evolution of extinct organisms, many of which existed long before the age of dinosaurs. A marvelous adventure of discovery, Remnants of Ancient Life offers an unparalleled look at an emerging science that is transforming our picture of the remote past. You will never think of fossils in the same way again.
This book presents a novel way to enable people, regardless of their scale of influence, to take responsibility for global environmental problems including climate change. It introduces a new framework called Planetary Accounting, which allows the Planetary Boundaries, non-negotiable limits for the environment, to be translated into limits for human activity. It shows how such limits can be broken down into chunks that can be managed at different levels (from individual and community, to business and sector levels, to cities and regions), and at any level of government. The book begins by summarising the science of climate change and introducing the notion of the Anthropocene - the "human age". It highlights the importance of returning to and remaining within the Planetary Boundaries but shows that we can't realistically do so unless we have a new approach to environmental accounting. The book then outlines how Planetary Accounting furnishes this new approach by combining sustainability science, change theory, and environmental accounting to create a scalable framework for environmental management that encourages systemic and individual change. The details of the science of and our human contribution to ten critical human pressures are then presented, and the book concludes with a guide for those seeking to apply Planetary Accounting in practice. Planetary Accounting could form the scientific underpinning of behaviour change programs, guide the development of policy and regulations, and provide both the basis for environmental laws, and the foundation of future global environmental agreements. It has been 50 years since the first views from space showed a blue planet alone in our solar system. This book is an historic opportunity to provide humanity for the first time with sufficient information to begin implementing Planetary Accounting.
According to the author a geographic region must satisfy the following conditions: however striking the diversity of the physical setting and the languages, religions and general appearance of the people, there must be some aspect of culture (for example, the social outlook or the organization of the economy) which pervades the area in such a way as to justify the recognition and study of that area as one entity and there must be substantial cultural differences between it and adjacent areas. Monsoon Asia, from Pakistan to Japan is more than a land area and an assemblage of countries: it is a distinctive geographical region. Its population--which includes nearly half the people in the world--is mainly rural, its economy mainly agricultural, and its peoples share a heritage of material poverty. But change is apparent everywhere in the area. This book is a compact and lucid introduction to the dynamic as well as the unchanging characteristics of the region. After an introductory section, which defines the limits of Monsoon Asia, there follow chapters on structure and relief, climate, vegetation, and soils. A discussion of the historical geography of the region leads into studies of its agriculture and industry. The concluding two-thirds of the book survey the characteristics of the constituent countries--India, Pakistan, Ceylon, China, Japan, Korea, and South-East Asia proper (Burma, Malaya, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, etc.). Special attention is paid throughout to the political and social setting of current political problems. The book contains 17 plates, 48 maps and diagrams, a selected bibliography, and an index. "R. R. Rawson" was senior lecturer in geography at the London School of Economics.
Advances in Carbon Management Technologies comprises 43 chapters contributed by experts from all over the world. Volume 1 of the book, containing 23 chapters, discusses the status of technologies capable of yielding substantial reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from major combustion sources. Such technologies include renewable energy sources that can replace fossil fuels and technologies to capture CO2 after fossil fuel combustion or directly from the atmosphere, with subsequent permanent long-term storage. The introductory chapter emphasizes the gravity of the issues related to greenhouse gas emissionglobal temperature correlation, the state of the art of key technologies and the necessary emission reductions needed to meet international warming targets. Section 1 deals with global challenges associated with key fossil fuel mitigation technologies, including removing CO2 from the atmosphere, and emission measurements. Section 2 presents technological choices for coal, petroleum, and natural gas for the purpose of reducing carbon footprints associated with the utilization of such fuels. Section 3 deals with promising contributions of alternatives to fossil fuels, such as hydropower, nuclear, solar photovoltaics, and wind. Chapters 19 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. The links can be found on the book's Routledge web page at https://www.routledge.com//9780367198428
Based on lectures given in the First Russian School-Seminar on
electromagnetic soundings of the Earth held in Moscow on 15th
November, 2003, this book acquaints scientists and technologists
with the latest achievements in theory, techniques and practical
applications of the methods of electromagnetic sounding. This three
part text covers the methods considered for Earth electromagnetic
sounding on a global, regional, and local scale; modern methods for
solving forward and inverse problems of geoelectrics, particularily
contemporary approaches to the EM data modeling and interpretation
in the class of three-dimensional models; and the results of
regional EM on-land and sea soundings
11 11/16 X 8 1/4 in
11 11/16 X 8 1/4 in
Volume 3 examines the chemical composition of the Earth's crust, starting with the continental crust and the rocks exposed therein, moving on to oceanic crust (MORB and oceanic plateaus) and finishing with island arc crust. In addition to providing a descriptive geochemistry of the Earth's crust, the volume summarizes the processes responsible for crustal formation and modification, exchange between the crust and other Earth reservoirs (mantle, oceans and atmosphere), and examines the secular evolution of the crust.
Many important advances in designing earthquake-resistant structures have occurred over the last several years. Civil engineers need an authoritative source of information that reflects the issues that are unique to the field. Comprising chapters selected from the second edition of the best-selling Handbook of Structural Engineering, Earthquake Engineering for Structural Design provides a tightly focused, concise, and valuable guide to the theoretical, practical, and computational aspects of earthquake engineering. In chapters contributed by renowned experts from around the world, this book supplies the latest concepts, design methodologies, and analytical techniques for mitigating the effects of seismic damage to structures. It discusses the fundamentals of earthquake engineering, explaining the causes of earthquakes and faulting, measurement of earthquakes, and characterization of seismicity. Subsequent chapters discuss the various types of earthquake damage to structures including recent improvements in earthquake performance, seismic design of buildings and bridges considering various types of construction materials, and performance-based seismic design and evaluation of building structures. The book introduces probabilistic approaches to performance-based methodologies as well as an application example of performance-based design. Earthquake Engineering for Structural Design offers practical tools gathered together in a convenient reference for immediate implementation. It is an ideal resource for civil and structural engineers specializing in earthquake engineering.
During the past century, tropical rain forests have been reduced to about half of their original area, with consequent loss of biodiversity. Written by leading experts with years of practical and academic experience, this book focuses on the erosion of biodiversity in tropical rain forests, and the role of protected areas in stemming that loss. The book looks at a system of protected areas which could be the cornerstone of all conservation strategies aimed at limiting the inevitable reduction of the planet's biodiversity.
High-pressure mineral physics is a field that is strongly driven by the development of new technology. Fifty years ago, when experimentally achievable pressures were limited to just 25 GPa, little was know about the mineralogy of the Earth's lower mantle. Silicate perovskite, the likely dominant mineral of the deep Earth, was identified only when the high-pressure techniques broke the pressure barrier of 25 GPa in 1970s. However, as the maximum achievable pressure reached beyond one Megabar (100 GPa) and even to the pressure of Earth's core on minute samples, new discoveries increasingly were fostered by the development of new analytical techniques and improvements in sensitivity and precision of existing techniques.
This second volume of Frontiers articles contains a broad array of
fascinating topics. The first four |
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