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Statistical Mining and Data Visualization in Atmospheric Sciences brings together in one place important contributions and up-to-date research results in this fast moving area. Statistical Mining and Data Visualization in Atmospheric Sciences serves as an excellent reference, providing insight into some of the most challenging research issues in the field.
What is the progress in hydraulic research? What are the new methods used in modeling of transport of momentum, matter and heat in both open and conduit channels? What new experimental methods, instruments, measurement techniques, and data analysis routines are used in top class laboratory and field hydro-environment studies? How to link novel findings in fundamental hydraulics with the investigations of environmental issues? The consecutive 32nd International School of Hydraulics that took place in Lochow, Poland brought together eminent modelers, theoreticians and experimentalists as well as beginners in the field of hydraulics to consider these and other questions about the recent advances in hydraulic research all over the world. This volume reports key findings of the scientists that took part in the meeting. Both state of the art papers as well as detailed reports from various recent investigations are included in the book
Complex Systems lie at the heart of a variety of large-scale phenomena of great significance - global warming, ice ages, water, poverty, pandemics - and this text uses these case studies as motivations and contexts to explore complex systems and related topics of nonlinear dynamics and power-law statistics. Although detailed mathematical descriptions of these topics can be challenging, the consequences of a system being nonlinear, power-law, or complex are in fact quite accessible. This book blends a tutorial approach to the mathematical aspects of complex systems together with a complementary narrative on the global/ecological/societal implications of such systems. Nearly all engineering undergraduate courses focus on mathematics and systems which are small scale, linear, and Gaussian. Unfortunately there is not a single large-scale ecological or social phenomenon that is scalar, linear, and Gaussian. This book offers insights to better understand the large-scale problems facing the world and to realize that these cannot be solved by a single, narrow academic field or perspective. Instead, the book seeks to emphasize understanding, concepts, and ideas, in a way that is mathematically rigorous, so that the concepts do not feel vague, but not so technical that the mathematics get in the way. The book is intended for students in technical domains such as engineering, computer science, physics, mathematics, and environmental studies. This second edition adds nine new examples, over 30 additional problems, 50 additional figures, and three new chapters offering a detailed study of system decoupling, extensive solutions to chapter problems, and a timely discussion on the complex systems challenges associated with COVID-19 and pandemics in general.
This book comprises the select peer-reviewed papers presented at the 7th Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (7IYGEC 2019) held at the National Institute of Technology, Silchar. It covers recent research developments in geotechnical engineering particularly in the fields of shallow and deep foundations, rock mechanics, ground improvement techniques, geotechnical earthquake engineering, and characterization of soil. The book also discusses several computational techniques to model behavior of soil which can be useful for future research. A special emphasis is given on geo-environmental engineering for making the world cleaner and safer to live. Given the contents, the book will be beneficial for students, researchers, and professionals working in geotechnical engineering and allied areas.
Master the techniques necessary to build and use computational models of porous media fluid flow In The Mathematics of Fluid Flow Through Porous Media, distinguished professor and mathematician Dr. Myron B. Allen delivers a one-stop and mathematically rigorous source of the foundational principles of porous medium flow modeling. The book shows readers how to design intelligent computation models for groundwater flow, contaminant transport, and petroleum reservoir simulation. Discussions of the mathematical fundamentals allow readers to prepare to work on computational problems at the frontiers of the field. Introducing several advanced techniques, including the method of characteristics, fundamental solutions, similarity methods, and dimensional analysis, The Mathematics of Fluid Flow Through Porous Media is an indispensable resource for students who have not previously encountered these concepts and need to master them to conduct computer simulations. Teaching mastery of a subject that has increasingly become a standard tool for engineers and applied mathematicians, and containing 75 exercises suitable for self-study or as part of a formal course, the book also includes: A thorough introduction to the mechanics of fluid flow in porous media, including the kinematics of simple continua, single-continuum balance laws, and constitutive relationships An exploration of single-fluid flows in porous media, including Darcy's Law, non-Darcy flows, the single-phase flow equation, areal flows, and flows with wells Practical discussions of solute transport, including the transport equation, hydrodynamic dispersion, one-dimensional transport, and transport with adsorption A treatment of multiphase flows, including capillarity at the micro- and macroscale Perfect for graduate students in mathematics, civil engineering, petroleum engineering, soil science, and geophysics, The Mathematics of Fluid Flow Through Porous Media also belongs on the bookshelves of any researcher who wishes to extend their research into areas involving flows in porous media.
This book examines the aspects of prevention, mitigation, and management of environmental hazards and disasters from an international perspective. In light of the recent debate on climate change and the possible effects of such a change upon increasing frequency and magnitude of extreme environmental events, this publication overviews various policy and response discourses. Several case studies from various countries and world regions depicting recent experience in mitigation policy and program development and implementation and establishing links between vulnerability and mitigation are presented to provide further insights. This book is primarily intended for academics, policymakers, professionals, and practitioners in hazards reduction activities who are seeking a better understanding of the complex and dynamic aspects of nature and society.
A theoretical physicist takes readers on an awe-inspiring journey—found in "no other book" (Science)—to discover how the universe generates everything from nothing at all: "If you want to know what's really going on in the realms of relativity and particle physics, read this book" (Sean Carroll, author of The Biggest Ideas in the Universe). In Waves in an Impossible Sea, physicist Matt Strassler tells a startling tale of elementary particles, human experience, and empty space. He begins with a simple mystery of motion. When we drive at highway speeds with the windows down, the wind beats against our faces. Yet our planet hurtles through the cosmos at 150 miles per second, and we feel nothing of it. How can our voyage be so tranquil when, as Einstein discovered, matter warps space, and space deflects matter? The answer, Strassler reveals, is that empty space is a sea, albeit a paradoxically strange one. Much like water and air, it ripples in various ways, and we ourselves, made from its ripples, can move through space as effortlessly as waves crossing an ocean. Deftly weaving together daily experience and fundamental physics—the musical universe, the enigmatic quantum, cosmic fields, and the Higgs boson—Strassler shows us how all things, familiar and unfamiliar, emerge from what seems like nothing at all. Accessible and profound, Waves in an Impossible Sea is the ultimate guide to our place in the universe.
This volume incorporates theoretical and practical knowledge through case studies and reviews to serve as a baseline of information for coastal ecosystem research, and discusses the impacts of pollution, industrialisation, agriculture and climate change on coastal ecosystem biogeochemistry and biodiversity. The case studies address the role of coastal ecosystems as a carbon sink which is getting impacted by anthropogenic disturbances. Through this analysis, the book covers various strategies for the conservation and management of coastal ecosystems, considering their unique ecological and biogeochemical attributes and region-specific threats and impacts. The book will be of interest to a wide range of readers including students, researchers and professionals in coastal ecosystem science, coastal pollution, climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation and environmental management.
Part of the Fossils and Strata Series from the Scandinavian University Press The publication, Postcranial Anatomy and Habits of Asian Multituberculate Mammals, is a contribution to an international series on stratigraphy and paleontology. One of the authors, Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska, headed Polish-Mongolian paleontological expeditions in the Gobi Desert.
Ever-increasing population growth has caused a proportional increased demand for water, and existing water sources are depleting day by day. Moreover, with the impact of climate change, the rates of rainfall in many regions have experienced a higher degree of variability. In many cities, government utilities have been struggling to maintain sufficient water for the residents and other users. The Handbook of Irrigation Hydrology and Management examines and analyzes irrigated ecosystems in which water storage, applications, or drainage volumes are artificially controlled in the landscape and the spatial domain of processes varies from micrometers to tens of kilometers, while the temporal domain spans from seconds to centuries. The continuum science of irrigation hydrology includes the surface, subsurface (unsaturated and groundwater systems), atmospheric, and plant subsystems. Further, the book includes coverage of environmental and economic impacts, water quality issues, water harvesting, satellite measurements for irrigation, and more. Features: Offers water-saving strategies to increase the judicious use of scarce water resources Presents strategies to maximize agricultural yield per unit of water used for different regions Compares irrigation methods to offset changing weather patterns and impacts of climate change
The integration of programming examples enhances the understanding of the theory Uses open-source Python which allows for easy programming and immediate visualization of results Easily integratable in modeling courses, including online teaching Covers a range of modeling techniques not covered in any other textbook Builds on example problems of increasing complexity
1. Demonstrates the recent advances in geospatial analytics tools, technologies, and algorithms. 2. Provides insight and direction to the geospatial community regarding the future trends in scalable and intelligent geospatial analytics. 3. Exhibits recent geospatial applications and demonstrates innovative ways to use big geospatial data to address various domain-specific, real-world problems. 4. Recognizes the analytical and computational challenges posed and opportunities provided by the increased volume, velocity, and veracity of geospatial data.
The Routledge Handbook of Law and the Anthropocene provides a critical survey into the function of law and governance during a time period when humans have power to impact the Earth system. The Anthropocene is a 'crisis of the earth system'. This book addresses its implications for law and legal thinking in the 21st century. Unpacking the challenges of the Anthropocene for advocates of ecological law and politics, this handbook pursues a range of approaches to the scientific fact of anthropocentrism, with contributions from lawyers, philosophers, geographers and environmental and political scientists. Rather than adopting a hubristic normativity, the contributors engage methods, concepts and legal instruments in a way that underscores the importance of humility and an expansive ethical worldview. Contributors to this volume are the leading scholars and future leaders in the field. Rather than upholding orthodoxy, the handbook also problematizes received wisdom and is grounded in the conviction that the ideas we have inherited from the Holocene must all be open to question. Engaging such issues as the Capitalocene, Gaia theory, the rights of nature, posthumanism, the commons, geoengineering and civil disobedience, this handbook will be of enormous interest to academics, students and others with interests in ecological law and the current environmental crisis.
Science Communication in a Crisis: An Insider’s Guide identifies the principal challenges that scientists face when communicating with different stakeholder groups and offers advice on how to navigate the maze of competing interests and deliver actionable science when the clock is ticking. If a scientist’s goal is to deliver content and expertise to the people who need it, then other stakeholder groups—the media, the government, industry—need to be considered as partners to collaborate with in order to solve problems. Written by established scientist Christopher Reddy, who has been on the front lines of several environmental crisis events, the book highlights ten specific challenges and reflects on mistakes made and lessons learned. Reddy’s aim is not to teach scientists how to ace an interview or craft a soundbite, rather, through exploring several high-profile case studies, including the North Cape oil spill, Deepwater Horizon, and the 2021 Sri Lanka shipping disaster, he presents a clear pathway to effective and collaborative communication. This book will be a great resource for junior and established scientists who want to make an impact, as well as students in courses such as environmental and science communication.
This volume is a synthesis of the NASA funded work under the Land-Cover and Land-Use Change Program. Hundreds of scientists have worked for the past eight years to understand one of the most important forces that is changing our planet-human impacts on land cover, that is land use. Its contributions span the natural and the social sciences, and apply state-of-the-art techniques for understanding the earth: satellite remote sensing, geographic information systems, modeling, and advanced computing. It brings together detailed case studies, regional analyses, and globally scaled mapping efforts. This is the most organized effort made to understand the dominant force that has been responsible for changing the Earth's biosphere. Audience: This publication will be of interest to students, scientists, and policy makers. This volume includes a CD-ROM containing full color images of a selection of illustrations which are printed in black-and-white in the book.
The number of Earth observation satellites launched in recent years is growing exponentially, along with the datasets they gather from free-to-access and commercial providers. The second edition of Practical Handbook of Remote Sensing is updated with new explanations and practical examples using the Copernicus satellite data and new versions of the open-source software. A new chapter and new applications have also been added. Thoroughly revised, the handbook continues to be a practical "how-to" remote sensing guide for those who want to use the technology, understand what is available, how to access it, and answer questions about our planet, but do not necessarily want to become scientific experts.
This book presents a comprehensive coverage of remote sensing technology used to gather information on 12 types of natural hazards in the terrestrial sphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. It clarifies in detail how to yield spatial and quantitative data on a natural hazard, including its spatial distribution, severity, causes, and the likelihood of occurrence. The author explains multiple methods of attaining data, describes the pros and cons of each method, and encourages readers to choose the best method applicable to their case. The author offers a practical approach to data analysis using the most appropriate methods and software. 1. Covers all major natural hazards including hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, and avalanches. 2. Studies each natural hazard holistically, ranging from spatial extent, severity, impact assessment, causes, and prediction of occurrence. 3. Explains different remotely sensed data and the most appropriate method used. 4. Compares different ways of sensing and clarifies the pros and cons of any selected data or their analysis. 5. Provides ample examples of each aspect of a natural hazard studied augmented with graphic illustrations and quality assurance information. All professionals working in the field of natural hazards, senior undergraduate, and graduate students, will find in-depth approaches and sufficient information to become knowledgeable in the methods of yielding and analyzing data provided with remote sensing technology, ultimately providing a deeper understanding of natural hazards.
Knowledge Discovery in Big Data from Astronomy and Earth Observation: Astrogeoinformatics bridges the gap between astronomy and geoscience in the context of applications, techniques and key principles of big data. Machine learning and parallel computing are increasingly becoming cross-disciplinary as the phenomena of Big Data is becoming common place. This book provides insight into the common workflows and data science tools used for big data in astronomy and geoscience. After establishing similarity in data gathering, pre-processing and handling, the data science aspects are illustrated in the context of both fields. Software, hardware and algorithms of big data are addressed. Finally, the book offers insight into the emerging science which combines data and expertise from both fields in studying the effect of cosmos on the earth and its inhabitants.
Some 35 years ago I was somewhat precariously balanced in a drilling derrick aligning a whipstock into a directional hole in North Holland by the Stokenbury method, and no doubt thinking to myself that I was at the very forefront of technology. During the intervening period it has become obvious to many of us that some of the most significant technical advances in the oil business have been made in drilling, and particularly in the fields of offshore and directional drilling. It has also become apparent that the quality of the technical literature describing these advances has not kept pace with that of the advances themselves in many instances. A particular glaring example of this has been in the field of directional drilling where a large literature gap has existed for many years. I am delighted to see this gap now filled with the present volume by my friend Tom Inglis. Indeed it is only after reading his comprehensive book that I realise the extent of my own ignorance of the latest techniques of directional drilling and how desirable it was to have an authoritative text on the subject. I feel sure that this volume will be welcomed by the industry and warmly recommend it to all who are in any way involved and interested in the fascinating world of drilling.
This book introduces readers to spatiotemporal analytics that are extended from spatial statistics. Spatiotemporal analytics help analysts to quantitatively recognize and evaluate the spatial patterns and their temporal trends of a set of geographic events or objects. Spatiotemporal analyses are very important in geography, environmental sciences, economy, and many other domains. This book explains with very simple terms the concepts of spatiotemporal data and statistics, theories, and methods used. Each chapter introduces a case study as an example application for an in-depth learning process. The software used and the codes provided enable readers to not only learn statistics but also to use them effectively in their projects.
Simulation is the fastest developing branch of geostatistics and simulating facies inside reservoirs and orebodies is the most exciting part of this. Several methods have been developed to do this (sequential indicator simulations, Boolean simulations, Markov chains and plurigaussian simulations). This book focuses on the last type of simulations. It presents the theory required to understand the method, along practical examples of applications in mining and the oil industry as well as tutorial exercises. Demonstration software to illustrate how these simulations work is available on http: //pluridemo.geosciences.mines-paristech.fr Since the publication of the first edition, enormous numbers of papers have appeared in the literature on the subject. Plurigaussian simulationsare nowthe preferred method for simulating facies in both mining & the oil industry. The new edition contains new case studies in both mining & petroleum, together with an extensively updated theory section." |
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