Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > General
Shared Earth Modeling introduces the reader to the processes and
concepts needed to develop shared earth models. Shared earth
modeling is a cutting-edge methodology that offers a synthesis of
modeling paradigms to the geoscientist and petroleum engineer to
increase reservoir output and profitability and decrease guesswork.
Topics range from geology, petrophysics, and geophysics to
reservoir engineering, reservoir simulation, and reservoir
Shared Earth Modeling is a technique for combining the efforts of
reservoir engineers, geophysicists, and petroleum geologists to
create a simulation of a reservoir. Reservoir engineers,
geophysicists, and petroleum geologists can create separate
simulations of a reservoir that vary depending on the technology
each scientist is using. Shared earth modeling allows these
scientists to consolidate their findings and create an integrated
simulation. This gives a more realistic picture of what the
reservoir actually looks like, and thus can drastically cut the
costs of drilling and time spent mapping the reservoir.
First comprehensive publication about Shared Earth Modeling
Companion website has valuable downloadable software
Details cutting edge methodology that provides integrated reservoir
This collection calls for improved technical communication for the
public through an embodied, situated understanding of environmental
risk that promotes social justice. In addition to providing a
series of chapters about recent issues on risk communication, this
volume offers a diverse look at methodological practices for
students, researchers, and practitioners looking to address
embodied aspects of crisis and risk that incorporate UX,
storytelling, and dynamic text. It includes chapters that bring
embodiment to the forefront of risk communication, highlighting the
cycle of content creation, dissemination, public response and
decision making, continuing iterations of educational efforts, and
recovery, toward increasing adaptive capacity as a whole. In
addition, this work directs necessary attention to overcoming
perceptual difficulties, memory lapses, definitional differences,
access issues, and pedagogical problems in the communication of
risks to diverse publics. This collection is essential reading for
scholars and can be used as a supplemental text or casebook for
courses in technical communication, environmental communication,
risk and crisis communication, science communication, and public
For the fourth consecutive year, the Association of Geographic
Infor- tion Laboratories for Europe (AGILE) promoted the edition of
a book with the collection of the scientific papers that were
submitted as full-papers to the AGILE annual international
conference. Those papers went through a th competitive review
process. The 13 AGILE conference call for fu- papers of original
and unpublished fundamental scientific research resulted in 54
submissions, of which 21 were accepted for publication in this -
lume (acceptance rate of 39%). Published in the Springer Lecture
Notes in Geoinformation and Car- th graphy, this book is associated
to the 13 AGILE Conference on G- graphic Information Science, held
in 2010 in Guimaraes, Portugal, under the title "Geospatial
Thinking." The efficient use of geospatial information and related
technologies assumes the knowledge of concepts that are fundamental
components of Geospatial Thinking, which is built on reasoning
processes, spatial conc- tualizations, and representation methods.
Geospatial Thinking is associated with a set of cognitive skills
consisting of several forms of knowledge and cognitive operators
used to transform, combine or, in any other way, act on that same
knowledge. The scientific papers published in this volume cover an
important set of topics within Geoinformation Science, including:
Representation and Visualisation of Geographic Phenomena;
Spatiotemporal Data Analysis; Geo-Collaboration, Participation, and
Decision Support; Semantics of Geoinformation and Knowledge
Discovery; Spatiotemporal Modelling and Reasoning; and Web
Services, Geospatial Systems and Real-time Appli- tions."
*Documents the use of environmental science and related disciplines
in the identification and development of specific climate actions
*Includes original actions that represent a wide variety of
locations in the U.S. and abroad *Presents actions that are
currently being implemented and explains what is needed to
interested communities *Provides specific and unique examples, such
as the degradation of soil and water resources in the U.S. and
abroad, critical natural area threats in the tall grass prairies in
North America, and the need for fresh water during drought and
water shortages in northern California *Addresses global concerns
related to climate actions, their differences and similarities
This book is highly informative and carefully presented, providing
scientific insights into the flood resources utilization in the
Yangtze River Basin both for scholars and decision-makers. The book
is for the purpose of analyzing the potential utilization of flood
resources in the Yangtze River Basin and exploring effective ways
to put forward the countermeasures against the risks. Major
objectives of this book include: (1) revealing the characteristics
of the inflow and the sediment variation in the upper reaches of
the Yangtze River, quantitatively evaluating the potential
utilization of the flood resources in the Yangtze River and
demonstrating the feasibility of its utilization in the Basin; (2)
proposing the necessity and feasibility of utilizing the flood
resources by the Three Gorges Project; (3) shedding new light on
the characteristics of the flood resources, presenting different
methods of flood resources utilization in different regions over
the Basin and raising the overall risk-optimized strategies of the
flood resources utilization in the Yangtze River; (4) analyzing the
risk of flood resources utilization for the Three Gorges Project
regarding flood control, sediment, ecology, etc., and putting
forward the risk-optimized countermeasures of flood resources
utilization for the Three Gorges Project.
This unique volume, organized alphabetically by country, provides a
current overview of the general geology of Europe and Asia,
excluding the Arab countries and Israel. Articles primarily contain
information about the stratigraphy, structure, tectonics and
natural resources of each country, as well as a history of
geological exploration and other issues unique to each country.
Additional articles cover international subjects such as Europe,
Asia, the Alps, Caucasus, Himalayas and Tien Shan mountains. Many
articles are new syntheses, e.g. those on Iceland, Burma and the
Philippines; some are first-time descriptions in English, e.g.
those on Estonia, Moldova, Bosnia and Turkmenistan; others are
published for the first time ever in any language e.g. those
articles on Italy, Korea and Vietnam. Each entry is typically
written by a native geologist or a geologist with extensive
experience in the region, and entries include representative
figures illustrating main geologic features and a selected
bibliography of relevant publications generally accessible in
libraries. Articles are written assuming some general geological
background. The Encyclopedia will serve as a valuable source book
for libraries, and will be a key reference for academic and
professional personnel in industrial exploration firms and
governmental agencies, as well as for university students.
Landslide Risk Management comprises the proceedings of the
International Conference on Landslide Risk Management, held in
Vancouver, Canada, from May 31 to June 3, 2005. The first part of
the book contains state-of-the-art and invited lectures, prepared
by teams of authors selected for their experience in specific
topics assigned to them by the JTC-1 Committee. The second part is
a selection of papers submitted to the conference, most of which
serve as case-history illustrations of projects on landslide risk
management. This reference work presents the current status of
landslide risk management as viewed by experts from around the
Comparative Aeronomy
(Hardcover, 2008 ed.)
Andrew F. Nagy, A. Balogh, Thomas E. Cravens, Michael Mendillo, Ingo Muller-Wodarg
Discovery Miles 44 960
Save R1,204 (21%)
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Andrew F. Nagy Originally published in the journal Space Science
Reviews, Volume 139, Nos 1-4. DOI: 10. 1007/s11214-008-9353-0 (c)
Springer Science+Business Media B. V. 2008 Keywords Aeronomy The
term "aeronomy" has been used widely for many decades, but its
origin has mostly been lost over the years. It was introduced by
Sydney Chapman in a Letter to the Editor, entitled "Some Thoughts
on Nomenclature," in Nature in 1946 (Chapman 1946). In that letter
he suggested that aeronomy should replace meteorology, writing that
the word "meteor is now irrelevant and misleading." This proposal
was apparently not received with much support so in a short note in
Weather in 1953 Chapman (1953)wrote: "If, despite its obvious
convenience of brevity in itself and its derivatives, it does not
commend itself to aeronomers, I think there is a case for modifying
my proposal so that instead of the word being used to signify the
study of the atmosphere in general, it should be adopted with the
restricted sense of the science of the upper atmosphere, for which
there is no convenient short word. " In a chapter, he wrote in a
1960 book (Chapman 1960), he give his nal and de nitive de nition,
by stating that "Aeronomy is the science of the upper region of the
atmosphere, where dissociation and ionization are important." The
Workshop on "Comparative Aeronomy" was held at ISSI during the week
of June 25-29, 2007.
Particularly intense lightning discharges can produce transient
luminous events above thunderclouds, termed sprites, elves and
jets. These short lived optical emissions in the mesosphere can
reach from the tops of thunderclouds up to the ionosphere; they
provide direct evidence of coupling from the lower atmosphere to
the upper atmosphere. Sprites are arguably the most dramatic recent
discovery in solar-terrestrial physics. Shortly after the first
ground based video recordings of sprites, observations on board the
Space Shuttle detected sprites and elves occurring all around the
world. These reports led to detailed sprite observations in North
America, South America, Australia, Japan, and Europe. Subsequently,
sprites were detected from other space platforms such as the
International Space Station and the ROCSAT satellite. During the
past 15 years, more than 200 contributions on sprites have been
published in the scientific literature to document this rapidly
evolving new research area. The need for international information
exchange was quickly recognized, and sprite sessions became a
permanent feature with a constantly growing number of contributions
in the scientific communities of the American Geophysical Union
(AGU), the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), the
International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) and
the European Geosciences Union EGU).
Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on the Results of EC
Geothermal Energy Research, held in Munich, 29 November-1 December,
Modelling forms an implicit part of all engineering design but many
engineers engage in modelling without consciously considering the
nature, validity and consequences of the supporting assumptions.
Derived from courses given to postgraduate and final year
undergraduate MEng students, this book presents some of the models
that form a part of the typical undergraduate geotechnical
curriculum and describes some of the aspects of soil behaviour
which contribute to the challenge of geotechnical modelling.
Assuming a familiarity with basic soil mechanics and traditional
methods of geotechnical design, this book is a valuable tool for
students of geotechnical and structural and civil engineering as
well as also being useful to practising engineers involved in the
specification of numerical or physical geotechnical modelling.
* The books is very timely: Many expect a return to business as
usual after Covid19, but the bigger problem of life-threatening
climate change makes it clear that the way humans live and work
must change. * The book is informative and stimulating: As
technological progress made, it is important that those who need to
know are informed. This includes both interested members of the
public as well as key policy makers and other climate change
stakeholders. * The book is controversial: The degree of change is
large, with winners and losers coming from ideas and approaches
that in some cases appear to contradict current thinking (e.g.
electric cars). * The book is written by an expert: The author has
had a distinguished career, in designing safe systems using
technology pushed to the limit of optimum performance while making
sure that everything is safe throughout the whole life. He has
served on many advisory boards reporting at high level to the prime
minister, and ministerial level both in UK, and in Indonesia.
This volume gathers the latest advances, innovations, and
applications in the field of sustainable and smart agriculture, as
presented by leading researchers at the XI Farm Machinery and
Processes Management in Sustainable Agriculture (FMPMSA), held in
Bari, Italy on June 13-15, 2022. The volume covers highly diverse
topics, including: management of field and livestock production
machinery; management of biomass and agroenergy production; plant
protection, soil management and agrochemicals application; smart
farming and sustainability; ergonomic, labour organization,
pandemic impact; sustainable agriculture in the European Union and
other countries. The papers, which are published after a rigorous
international peer-review process, highlight numerous exciting
ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster
multidisciplinary collaboration among different specialists.
This work comprises the proceedings of a conference held last
year in Rhodes, Greece, to assess developments during the last 20
years in the field of nonlinear dynamics in geosciences. The volume
has its own authority as part of the Aegean Conferences cycle, but
it also brings together the most up-to-date research from the
atmospheric sciences, hydrology, geology, and other areas of
geosciences, and discusses the advances made and the future
directions of nonlinear dynamics.
The 10th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian
Methods, MaxEnt 90, was held in Laramie, Wyoming from 30 July to 3
August 1990. This volume contains the scientific presentations
given at that meeting. This series of workshops originated in
Laramie in 1981, where the first three of what were to become
annual workshops were held. The fourth meeting was held in Calgary.
the fifth in Laramie, the sixth and seventh in Seattle, the eighth
in Cambridge, England, and the ninth at Hanover, New Hampshire. It
is most appropriate that the tenth workshop, occurring in the
centennial year of Wyoming's statehood, was once again held in
Laramie. The original purpose of these workshops was twofold. The
first was to bring together workers from diverse fields of
scientific research who individually had been using either some
form of the maximum entropy method for treating ill-posed problems
or the more general Bayesian analysis, but who, because of the
narrow focus that intra-disciplinary work tends to impose upon most
of us, might be unaware of progress being made by others using
these same techniques in other areas. The second was to introduce
to those who were somewhat aware of maximum entropy and Bayesian
analysis and wanted to learn more, the foundations, the gestalt,
and the power of these analyses. To further the first of these
ends, presenters at these workshops have included workers from
area. s as varied as astronomy, economics, environmenta.
This book contains the results of a 9 year (1995-2004)
investigation of the Canary Islands Exclusive Economic Zone, using
state of the art technology. The coverage includes a multibeam
survey demonstrating the magnitude of catastrophic failures of the
Canary Islands; a comparison of the morphology of the Canary
Islands with Hawaii; evaluation of hydrothermal activity associated
with Mesozoic salt diapirs; and many more articles.
This book describes a simple yet innovative method for performing
Raman spectroscopy of samples submerged under liquid nitrogen.
While Raman spectroscopy has proven to be a powerful tool for the
characterization of the structure of matter in the gaseous, liquid,
and solid phases, one major difficulty in its application has been
laser damage to the material under investigation, especially for
biological samples. This book demonstrates how immersion of the
sample in liquid nitrogen protects the sample from thermal
degradation and oxidation at high incident laser power and allows
improvements in sensitivity and spectral resolution over
room-temperature Raman spectroscopy, leading to the so-called RUN
(Raman Spectroscopy Under liquid Nitrogen) technique. Cooling to
liquid nitrogen temperature also allows the selection of the lowest
energy molecular conformation for molecules which may have many low
energy conformers. In addition, the presence of liquid nitrogen
over a roughened surface improves the sensitivity of Surface
Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS), enabling the closely related
SERSUN (Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Under liquid Nitrogen)
technique. This book starts with the theoretical and experimental
basics of Raman and polarized Raman spectroscopy, before moving on
to detailed descriptions of RUN and SERSUN. Room temperature and
RUN spectra are provided for over fifty molecules.
This book provides an overview of asphalt pavement maintenance,
highlighting the key asphalt pavement maintenance technologies in
China. It analyzes the trend toward preventive maintenance
technologies and proposes technical guidelines and implementation
rules for preventive maintenance. As such it is a valuable
reference resource for technicians in related industries, both in
China and abroad, as well as professionals involved in road
infrastructure maintenance projects in countries participating in
the Belt and Road Initiative.
This book discusses the history of invertebrate fossil
understanding and classification by exploring fossil studies
between the 15th and 18th centuries. Before the modern age, the
understanding of fossil findings went through several phases. The
treatment by philologists, philosophers and historians of natural
sciences involved religious, sometimes folkloristic, aspects before
scientific ones. This work showcases and assesses these original
findings by carrying out a bibliographical, and above all
iconographical research, aimed at finding the first printed images
of the objects that we now know as fossils. From here, the authors
provide an understanding of the true nature of fossils by analyzing
them through modern academic viewpoints, and describing each fossil
group from a paleontological and taxonomic point of view, retracing
their treatment in the course of the centuries. As a point of
reference for each fossil group treated, the authors have
considered indispensable the use of ancient prints as evidence of
the first iconographic sources dedicated to fossils, starting from
those in the late fifteenth century, dedicated to the most common
groups of invertebrates without neglecting a necessary exception,
the ichthyodontolites, fundamental in the discussion in Italy on
the interpretation of the organic origin of fossils, and from the
end of the sixteenth century to about half of the eighteenth
century. The abundant iconographic apparatus used, often
unpublished or specially reworked, is essential and functional to
the understanding of the various aspects addressed, a visual
complement to the text and vice versa, designed and used taking its
cue from the need imposed on early scholars to document their
discoveries visually. Among the chosen images there is no shortage
of original attributions to fossil finds that have been poorly
understood or misidentified until now. The English translation of
this book from its Italian original manuscript was done with the
help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service
provider DeepL.com). A subsequent human revision of the content was
done by the authors.
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