Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > General
Handbook of Flotation Reagents: Chemistry, Theory and Practice:
Flotation of Gold, PGM and Oxide Minerals, Volume 2 focuses on the
theory, practice, and chemistry of flotation of gold, platinum
group minerals (PGMs), and the major oxide minerals, along with
rare earths. It examines separation methods whose effectiveness is
limited when using conventional treatment processes and considers
commercial plant practices for most oxide minerals, such as
pyrochlore-containing ores, copper cobalt ores, zinc ores, tin
ores, and tantalum/niobium ores. It discusses the geology and
mineralogy of gold, PGMs, and oxide minerals, as well as reagent
and flotation practices in beneficiation. The book also looks at
the factors affecting the floatability of gold minerals and
describes PGM-dominated deposits such as Morensky-type deposits,
hydrothermal deposits, and placer deposits. In addition, case
studies of flotation and beneficiation in countries such as Canada,
Africa, Russia, Chile, and Saudi Arabia are presented. This book
will be useful to researchers, university students, and professors,
as well as mineral processors faced with the problem of
beneficiation of difficult-to-treat ores.
Explores the complex physico-chemical processes involved in active
volcanism and dynamic magmatism Understanding the magmatic
processes responsible for the chemical and textural signatures of
volcanic products and igneous rocks is crucial for monitoring,
forecasting, and mitigating the impacts of volcanic activity.
Dynamic Magma Evolution is a compilation of recent geochemical,
petrological, physical, and thermodynamic studies. It combines
field research, experimental results, theoretical approaches,
unconventional and novel techniques, and computational modeling to
present the latest developments in the field. Volume highlights
include: Crystallization and degassing processes in magmatic
environments Bubble and mineral nucleation and growth induced by
cooling and decompression Kinetic processes during magma ascent to
the surface Magma mixing, mingling, and recharge dynamics
Geo-speedometer measurement of volcanic events Changes in magma
rheology induced by mineral and volatile content The American
Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for
the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific
knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and
This book gathers the proceedings of the 6th China High Resolution
Earth Observation Conference (CHREOC). Since its inception, the
conference series has become an influential academic event in the
earth detection area and attracted more and more top experts and
industry practitioners in related fields. CHREOC chiefly focuses on
popular topics including military-civilian integration, the One
Belt and One Road initiative, and the transformation of scientific
research achievements, while also discussing new ideas, new
technologies, new methods, and new developments. The CHREOC
conferences have effectively promoted high-level institutional
mechanisms, technological innovation, and industrial upgrading in
the high-resolution earth observation area, and sparked new
interest in the major national-sponsored project CHREOS. The
majority of the contributing authors are researchers and experts
participating in the CHREOS project. The papers highlight new
findings, technical innovations, and research directions in the
field of high-resolution earth observation. All articles have
undergone several rounds of expert review and reflect cutting-edge
advances. Accordingly, the proceedings offer an informative and
valuable resource for both academic research and engineering
Current developments in air pollution modeling are explored as a
series of contributions from researchers at the forefront of their
field. This newest contribution on air pollution modeling and its
application is focused on local, urban, regional and
intercontinental modeling; emission modeling and processing; data
assimilation and air quality forecasting; model assessment and
evaluation; atmospheric aerosols. Additionally, this work also
examines the relationship between air quality and human health and
the effects of climate change on air quality. This work is a
collection of selected papers presented at the 36th International
Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and its Application,
held in Ottawa, Canada, May 14-18, 2018. The book is intended as
reference material for students and professors interested in air
pollution modeling at the graduate level as well as researchers and
professionals involved in developing and utilizing air pollution
This book describes selected problems in contemporary spectroscopy
in the context of quantum mechanics and statistical physics. It
focuses on elementary radiative processes involving atomic
particles (atoms, molecules, ions), which include radiative
transitions between discrete atomic states, the photoionization of
atoms, photorecombination of electrons and ions, bremsstrahlung,
photodissociation of molecules, and photoattachment of electrons to
atoms. In addition to these processes, the transport of resonant
radiation in atomic gases and propagation of infrared radiation in
molecular gases are also considered. The book subsequently
addresses applied problems such as optical pumping, cooling of
gases via laser resonance radiation, light-induced drift of gas
atoms, photoresonant plasma, reflection of radio waves from the
ionosphere, and detection of submillimeter radiation using Rydberg
atoms. Lastly, topical examples in atmospheric and climate change
science are presented, such as lightning channel glowing, emission
of the solar photosphere, and the greenhouse phenomenon in the
atmospheres of the Earth and Venus. Along with researchers, both
graduate and undergraduate students in atomic, molecular and
atmospheric physics will find this book a useful and timely guide.
This volume provides essential information on the origin and
evolution of Greek rivers, as well as their ecological and
anthropogenic characteristics. The topics covered include
geomythology, biogeography, hydrology, hydrobiology,
hydrogeochemistry, geological and biogeochemical processes,
anthropogenic pressures and ecological impacts, water management -
both in the antiquity and today - and river restoration. The book
is divided into four parts, the first of which explores the
importance of rivers for ancient Greek civilization and the natural
processes affecting their evolution during the Holocene. In the
second part, the hydrological, hydrochemical and biological
features of Greek rivers and the unique biogeographical
characteristics that form the basis for their high biodiversity and
endemism are highlighted, while the third part comprehensively
discusses the impacts of environmental pollution on the structure
and function of Greek river ecosystems. In turn, the final part
describes the current socio-economic factors in Greece that are
affecting established water management practices, the application
of ecohydrological approaches in restoring fragmented rivers, and
the lessons learned from restoring aquatic ecosystems in general as
a paradigm for understanding and minimizing anthropogenic impacts
on water resources, at the Mediterranean scale. Given the breadth
and depth of its coverage, the book offers an invaluable source of
information for researchers, students and environmental managers
In its first English-language edition, this book introduces the
many-faceted interactions of animal populations with their
habitats. From soil fauna, ants and termites to small and large
herbivores, burrowing mammals and birds, the author presents a
comprehensive analysis of animals and ecosystems that is as broad
and varied as all nature. Chapter 2 addresses the functional role
of animals in landscape ecosystems, emphasizing fluxes of energy
and matter within and between ecosystems, and the effects of
animals on qualitative and structural habitat change. Discussion
includes chapters on the role of animal population density and the
impacts of native herbivores on vegetation and habitats from the
tropics to the polar regions. Cyclic mass outbreaks of species such
as the larch bud moth in Switzerland, the mountain pine beetle and
the African red-billed weaver bird are described and analyzed.
Other chapters discuss Zoochory - the dispersal of seeds by ants,
mammals and birds - and the influence of burrowing animals on soil
development and geomorphology. Consideration extends to the impact
of feral domestic animals. Chapter 5 focuses on problems resulting
from introduction of alien animals and from re-introduction of
animal species to their original habitats, discusses the effects on
ecosystems of burrowing, digging and trampling by animals. The
author also addresses keystone species such as kangaroo rats,
termites and beavers. Chapter 6 addresses the role of animals in
landscape management and nature conservation, with chapters on the
impact of newcomer species such as animals introduced into
Australia, New Zealand and Europe, and the consequences of
reintroduction of species to original habitat. It also discusses
the carrying capacity of natural habit, public attitudes toward
conversation and more. The final section ponders the effects of
climate on interactions between animals and their habitats.
Presents a comprehensive synopsis of the current state of cosmic
rays, their modulation and their effects in the Earth's atmosphere.
Leading scientists in the field assess the current state of our
understanding of the spatial and temporal variations of galactic
and anomalous cosmic rays in the Heliosphere, and their relation to
effects of the Sun. The main objective is to understand the spatial
and temporal variation of galactic and anomalous cosmic rays in the
light of recent observations, theory and modeling by identifying
the key mechanism(s) of cosmic ray modulation and how changes on
the Sun relate to changes in the observed characteristics of cosmic
rays in the Heliosphere; examining the current long-lasting solar
minimum and understand its implications for solar-cycle variations
and long-term variations; and interpreting the long-term variations
of cosmogenic radionuclides in terms of solar variability and
climate change on Earth. This volume is aimed at graduate students
active in the fields of solar physics, space science, and cosmic
ray physics. Originally published in Space Science Reviews journal,
Vol. 176/1-4, 2013.
The book deals primarily with the aspects of advances in
Self-Potential geophysical data modeling, different interpretation
techniques, new ideas and an integrated study to delineate the
subsurface structures associated with exploration, contamination,
buried paleochannels, archaeological investigations, glaciology,
geomorphology, subsurface mapping and also in hydrocarbon
exploration.The book is specifically aimed with the state-of-art
information regarding research advances and new development in
these areas of study, coupled to extensive modelling and field
investigations obtained from around the world. It is extremely
enlightening for the students, research workers, scientists,
faculty members in Applied Geophysics, Near Surface Geophysics,
Potential field, Electrical and Electromagnetic methods,
Mathematical Modeling Techniques in Earth Sciences, as well as
Environmental and other practical problems associated with Earth
This book addresses development laws for axial strain and excess
pore water pressure in silty clay around subway shield tunnels
before and after freezing-thawing when subjected to subway loading,
as well as the effect of freezing-thawing on the dynamic parameters
of silty clay, including the dynamic modulus and damping ratio,
introducing readers to the design and construction of bypasses in
subway tunnels with the artificial freezing method. On this basis,
it then studies the microstructures of silty clay before and after
freezing-thawing cyclic loading by means of scanning electron
microscope tests and mercury intrusion porosimetry tests. Lastly,
the book presents a numerical simulation of the dynamics of silty
clay around subway tunnels before and after thawing. Given its
scope, it offers a valuable reference guide for construction
researchers and designers alike, as well as senior undergraduate
and graduate students at colleges and universities.
The book presents the state-of-the-art document describing the
knowledge, data, cost-effectiveness and technologies employed to
manage the waste in several countries such as Morocco, Tunisia,
Egypt, Jordon, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, and Yemen. It covers
diverse topics including the status of the waste in the region,
solid waste management, solid waste recovery and disposal, the use
of the agricultural waste in feeding poultry, sludge disposal and
management, wastewater treatment and energy production. Also, the
book explains how waste management systems are becoming more
complex in many countries with the move from landfill-based to
resource recovery-based solutions following the setting of
international and national targets to divert waste from landfill
and to increase recycling and recovery rates. Besides, this book
also evaluates the environmental legislation in the selected
countries and suggests new performance enhancements. This book is
of interest to environmental professionals including scientists and
policymakers in the Middle East, North Africa, and areas with
similar features.
This volume of the series Methods in Environmental Geology, describes the feasibility of aircraft- and satellite-based methods of revealing environmental-geological problems. A balanced ratio between explanations of the methodological/technical side and presentations of case studies is maintained. The comparison of case studies from North America and Germany show how the respective territorial conditions lead to distinct methodological approaches. The dissimilarities in population density alone and often considerable differences in distances between waste disposal areas, settlements, and areas of protected groundwater necessitate a "diversified methods" approach.
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