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Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > General

Horticultural Reviews V13 (Hardcover, Volume 13): J Janick Horticultural Reviews V13 (Hardcover, Volume 13)
J Janick
R9,228 Discovery Miles 92 280 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Horticultural Reviews present state-of-the-art reviews on topics in horticultural sciences. The emphasis is on applied topics including the production of fruits, vegetables, nut crops, and ornamental plants of commercial importance. It is a serial that appears in the form of one hardbound volume per year.

Risk Analysis of Vapour Cloud Explosions for Oil and Gas Facilities (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2019): Guowei Ma, Yimiao Huang, Jingde... Risk Analysis of Vapour Cloud Explosions for Oil and Gas Facilities (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2019)
Guowei Ma, Yimiao Huang, Jingde Li
R5,154 Discovery Miles 51 540 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book focuses on describing and applying risk analysis of vapour cloud explosions (VCEs) in various oil and gas facilities, such as petrol stations, processing plants, and offshore platforms. Discussing most of the complicated features of gas explosion accidents, the book studies in detail the gas explosion risk analysis approaches of different oil and gas facilities in order to develop more accurate, detailed, efficient and reliable risk analysis methods for VCEs under different conditions. Moreover, it introduces an advanced overpressure approach to predict VCEs using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling, and details applications of CFD using a FLame ACceleration Simulator (FLACS). The book is intended for researchers and organisations engaged in risk and safety assessments of VCEs in the oil and gas industry.

Fundamentals of Spatial Analysis and Modelling (Hardcover): Jay Gao Fundamentals of Spatial Analysis and Modelling (Hardcover)
Jay Gao
R3,214 Discovery Miles 32 140 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This textbook provides comprehensive and in-depth explanations of all topics related to spatial analysis and spatiotemporal simulation, including how spatial data are acquired, represented digitally, and spatially aggregated. Also features the nature of space and how it is measured. Descriptive, explanatory, and inferential analyses are covered for point, line, and area data. It captures the latest developments in spatiotemporal simulation with cellular automata and agent-based modelling, and through practical examples discusses how spatial analysis and modelling can be implemented in different computing platforms. A much-needed textbook for a course at upper undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Earth Observation Data Policy (Hardcover): R. Harris Earth Observation Data Policy (Hardcover)
R. Harris
R6,887 Discovery Miles 68 870 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

A critical issue which is fundamentally affecting the development of the Earth Observation sector is not so much the technology but the data policy. The conditions which govern access to the data, distribution of the data and the price of the data are now vital to the exploitation of this important environmental data resource. This book examines and analyses these data policy issues and recommends how the Earth observation sector can best develop appropriate and useful policies so that the scientific, operational and commercial value of the data can be maximised. This book provides a summary of the influences on Earth observation data policy and a review of the main organisations which develop Earth observation data policy including the United States, the committee on Earth Observation Satellites, the International Earth Observing System and space agencies such as the European Space Agency. The book analyses four key parts to Earth observation data policy: access to Earth observation data, data protection, pricing policy and data preservation. Details of the satellite Earth observation systems of the United States, Europe, Japan, Canada and other nations are included throughout the book. In preparing the book the author has interviewed over 70 experts in Earth observation data policy in Europe, the United States and Canada.

Turbulence and Flow-Sediment Interactions in Open-Channel Flows (Hardcover): Roberto Gaudio Turbulence and Flow-Sediment Interactions in Open-Channel Flows (Hardcover)
Roberto Gaudio
R1,138 Discovery Miles 11 380 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Origins of Life - Musings from Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics and Astrobiology (Hardcover): Vlado Valkovic Origins of Life - Musings from Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics and Astrobiology (Hardcover)
Vlado Valkovic
R3,199 Discovery Miles 31 990 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The primary purpose of this book is to prepare the ground for coordinated efforts aiming to answer the question: where and when life originated. The appearance of life involves three successive stages: i) the formation of chemical elements and their combination to simple molecules, which is the concern of physicists; ii) the evolution of organized complexity in biomolecules and their reactions, which falls within the field of chemistry; iii) the onset of Darwinian evolution after the appearance of the first cell-like structure, which is studied by biologists. This book focuses on the first two steps of this process with chapters exploring topics such as chemical element abundances; galaxies, galactic magnetic fields and cosmic rays; galactic chemical evolution. Key Features: Contains extensive lists of reference and additional reading. Includes new hypotheses concerning the origin of life. Combines consideration from nuclear physics, astrophysics, astro- and geochemistry. Despite its interdisciplinary nature, this book remains accessible to nonexperts, and would be a valuable companion for both experts and laypeople.

Asteroids - Astronomical and Geological Bodies (Hardcover): Thomas H. Burbine Asteroids - Astronomical and Geological Bodies (Hardcover)
Thomas H. Burbine
R2,085 Discovery Miles 20 850 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Asteroid science is a fundamental topic in planetary science and is key to furthering our understanding of planetary formation and the evolution of the Solar System. Ground-based observations and missions have provided a wealth of new data in recent years, and forthcoming missions promise further exciting results. This accessible book presents a comprehensive introduction to asteroid science, summarising the astronomical and geological characteristics of asteroids. The interdisciplinary nature of asteroid science is reflected in the broad range of topics covered, including asteroid and meteorite classification, chemical and physical properties of asteroids, observational techniques, cratering, and the discovery of asteroids and how they are named. Other chapters discuss past, present and future space missions and the threat that these bodies pose for Earth. Based on an upper-level course on asteroids and meteorites taught by the author, this book is ideal for students, researchers and professional scientists looking for an overview of asteroid science.

Biodiversity - A Beginner's Guide (revised and updated edition) (Paperback, revised and updated edition): John Spicer Biodiversity - A Beginner's Guide (revised and updated edition) (Paperback, revised and updated edition)
John Spicer
R298 R248 Discovery Miles 2 480 Save R50 (17%) Ships in 9 - 15 working days

Our future is closely tied to that of the variety of life on Earth, and yet there is no greater threat to it than us. From population explosions and habitat destruction to climate change and mass extinctions, John Spicer explores the causes and consequences of our biodiversity crisis. In this revised and updated edition, he examines how grave the situation has become over the past decade and outlines what we must do now to protect and preserve not just nature’s wonders but the essential services that biodiversity provides for us, seemingly for nothing.

Al-Battani Shield - Counteracting Global Warming: A New Approach (Hardcover): Inayatullah Ibrahim Lalani Al-Battani Shield - Counteracting Global Warming: A New Approach (Hardcover)
Inayatullah Ibrahim Lalani
R623 R531 Discovery Miles 5 310 Save R92 (15%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Is the earth's climate really heating up? Are humans really responsible for the coming climatic disaster? Is there such a thing as a "tipping point" after which the climate warming will run an inexorable course culminating in an utter disaster of incalculable magnitude? Will the rising sea levels from the melting of Arctic and Antarctic ice and other sources of permafrost inundate large tracts of land, destroying cities and other major population centers? Will there be a great increase in the frequency and intensity of cyclones, hurricanes, and typhoons? Will there be widespread droughts, mass starvation, pestilence and resulting wars? Will, in the end, life on Earth cease to exist? These are some of the things about which our leaders are warning us.

Or, are we going to experience another Ice Age with equally unpleasant catastrophe? If humans are responsible, how exactly have we brought this upon ourselves? Most importantly, can we do anything to remedy past and current mistakes and stave off the calamity? What steps are politically and economically possible? And are there any other reasonable, alternative ways we can hold the climatic status quo which have not been thought of yet but need to be?

The Event Horizon: Homo Prometheus and the Climate Catastrophe (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2021): Andrew Y. Glikson The Event Horizon: Homo Prometheus and the Climate Catastrophe (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2021)
Andrew Y. Glikson
R1,325 R1,077 Discovery Miles 10 770 Save R248 (19%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

With the advent of global warming and the nuclear arms race, humans are rapidly approaching a moment of truth. Technologically supreme, they manifest their dreams and nightmares in the real world through science, art, adventures and brutal wars, a paradox symbolized by a candle lighting the dark yet burning away to extinction, as discussed in this book. As these lines are being written, fires are burning on several continents, the Earth's ice sheets are melting and the oceans are rising, threatening to flood the planet's coastal zones and river valleys, where civilization arose and humans live and grow food. With the exception of birds like hawks, black kites and fire raptors, humans are the only life form utilizing fire, creating developments they can hardly control. For more than a million years, gathered around campfires during the long nights, mesmerized by the flickering life-like dance of the flames, prehistoric humans acquired imagination, a yearning for omnipotence, premonitions of death, cravings for immortality and conceiving the supernatural. Humans live in realms of perceptions, dreams, myths and legends, in denial of critical facts, waking up for a brief moment to witness a world that is as beautiful as it is cruel. Existentialist philosophy offers a way of coping with the unthinkable. Looking into the future produces fear, an instinctive response that can obsess the human mind and create a conflict between the intuitive reptilian brain and the growing neocortex, with dire consequences. As contrasted with Stapledon's Last and first Man, where an advanced human species mourns the fate of the Earth, Homo sapiens continues to transfer every extractable molecule of carbon from the Earth to the atmosphere, the lungs of the biosphere, ensuring the demise of the planetary life support system."

Essential Astrophysics - Interstellar Medium to Stellar Remnants (Hardcover): Shantanu Basu, Pranav Sharma Essential Astrophysics - Interstellar Medium to Stellar Remnants (Hardcover)
Shantanu Basu, Pranav Sharma
R2,639 Discovery Miles 26 390 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book takes a reader on a tour of astronomical phenomena: from the vastness of the interstellar medium, to the formation and evolution of stars and planetary systems, through to white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes, the final objects of the stellar graveyard. At its heart, this book is a journey through the evolutionary history of the birth, life, and death of stars, but detours are also made to other related interesting topics. This highly accessible story of the observed contents of our Galaxy includes intuitive explanations, informative diagrams, and basic equations, as needed. It is an ideal guide for undergraduates with some physics and mathematics background who are studying astronomy and astrophysics. It is also accessible to interested laypeople, thanks to its limited equations. Key features: Includes coverage of some of the latest exciting research from the field, including star formation, exoplanets, and black holes Can be utilised as a stand-alone textbook for a one-term course or as a supplementary textbook for a more comprehensive course on astronomy and astrophysics Authored by a team respected for research, education, and outreach Shantanu Basu is an astrophysicist and a professor at The University of Western Ontario, Canada. He is known for research contributions on the formation of gravitationally-collapsed objects in the universe: stars, planets, brown dwarfs, and supermassive black holes. He is one of the originators of the migrating embryo scenario of episodic accretion onto young stars. He has been recognized for his teaching excellence and his contributions to the astronomical community include organizing many conferences and training schools. Pranav Sharma is an astronomer and science historian known for his work on the history of the Indian Space Program. He has curated the Space Museum at the B. M. Birla Science Centre (Hyderabad, India). He is in-charge of the history of Indo-French scientific partnership project supported by the Embassy of France in India. He is a national-award-winning science communicator and has extensively worked on the popularization of astronomy education in India.

Engineering Sustainable Life on Earth - Alleviating Adverse Climate Change Through Better Design (Hardcover): John Coplin Engineering Sustainable Life on Earth - Alleviating Adverse Climate Change Through Better Design (Hardcover)
John Coplin
R4,073 Discovery Miles 40 730 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

* The books is very timely: Many expect a return to business as usual after Covid19, but the bigger problem of life-threatening climate change makes it clear that the way humans live and work must change. * The book is informative and stimulating: As technological progress made, it is important that those who need to know are informed. This includes both interested members of the public as well as key policy makers and other climate change stakeholders. * The book is controversial: The degree of change is large, with winners and losers coming from ideas and approaches that in some cases appear to contradict current thinking (e.g. electric cars). * The book is written by an expert: The author has had a distinguished career, in designing safe systems using technology pushed to the limit of optimum performance while making sure that everything is safe throughout the whole life. He has served on many advisory boards reporting at high level to the prime minister, and ministerial level both in UK, and in Indonesia.

Essential Astrophysics - Interstellar Medium to Stellar Remnants (Paperback): Shantanu Basu, Pranav Sharma Essential Astrophysics - Interstellar Medium to Stellar Remnants (Paperback)
Shantanu Basu, Pranav Sharma
R1,438 Discovery Miles 14 380 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book takes a reader on a tour of astronomical phenomena: from the vastness of the interstellar medium, to the formation and evolution of stars and planetary systems, through to white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes, the final objects of the stellar graveyard. At its heart, this book is a journey through the evolutionary history of the birth, life, and death of stars, but detours are also made to other related interesting topics. This highly accessible story of the observed contents of our Galaxy includes intuitive explanations, informative diagrams, and basic equations, as needed. It is an ideal guide for undergraduates with some physics and mathematics background who are studying astronomy and astrophysics. It is also accessible to interested laypeople, thanks to its limited equations. Key features: Includes coverage of some of the latest exciting research from the field, including star formation, exoplanets, and black holes Can be utilised as a stand-alone textbook for a one-term course or as a supplementary textbook for a more comprehensive course on astronomy and astrophysics Authored by a team respected for research, education, and outreach Shantanu Basu is an astrophysicist and a professor at The University of Western Ontario, Canada. He is known for research contributions on the formation of gravitationally-collapsed objects in the universe: stars, planets, brown dwarfs, and supermassive black holes. He is one of the originators of the migrating embryo scenario of episodic accretion onto young stars. He has been recognized for his teaching excellence and his contributions to the astronomical community include organizing many conferences and training schools. Pranav Sharma is an astronomer and science historian known for his work on the history of the Indian Space Program. He has curated the Space Museum at the B. M. Birla Science Centre (Hyderabad, India). He is in-charge of the history of Indo-French scientific partnership project supported by the Embassy of France in India. He is a national-award-winning science communicator and has extensively worked on the popularization of astronomy education in India.

A Practical Guide to Observational Astronomy (Hardcover): M. Shane Burns A Practical Guide to Observational Astronomy (Hardcover)
M. Shane Burns
R2,594 Discovery Miles 25 940 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Contains the latest developments and technologies from astronomical observatories and telescope facilities on the ground and in space Accompanied by a companion website with examples, tutorials, Python scripts and resources Authored by an observational astronomer with over thirty years of observing and teaching experience

Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness - An Introductory Text for Emergency Management and Planning Professionals (Hardcover, 3rd... Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness - An Introductory Text for Emergency Management and Planning Professionals (Hardcover, 3rd edition)
Dylan Sandler, Anna K. Schwab
R2,305 Discovery Miles 23 050 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

An essential text for today's emerging professionals and higher education community, the third edition of Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness provides accessible and actionable strategies to create safer, more resilient communities. Known and valued for its balanced approach, Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness assumes no prior knowledge of the subject, presenting the major principles involved in preparing for and mitigating the impacts of hazards in emergency management. Real-world examples of different tools and techniques allow for the application of knowledge and skills. This new edition includes: Updates to case studies and sidebars with recent disasters and mitigation efforts, including major hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Summary of the National Flood Insurance Program, including how insurance rates are determined, descriptions of flood maps, and strategies for communities to help reduce premiums for residents. Overview of the ways that climate change is affecting disasters and the tools that emergency managers can use to plan for an uncertain future. Best practices in communication with the public, including models for effective use of social media, behavioral science techniques to communicate information about risk and preparedness actions, and ways to facilitate behavior change to increase the public's level of preparedness. Actionable information to help emergency managers and planners develop and implement plans, policies, and programs to reduce risk in their communities. Updated in-text learning aids, including sidebars, case studies, goals and outcomes, key terms, summary questions and critical thinking exercises for students. An eResource featuring new supplemental materials to assist instructors with course designs. Supplements include PowerPoint slides, tests, instructor lecture notes and learning objectives, key terms and a course syllabus.

Geomagnetic Observatory and Survey Practice (Hardcover, 1984 ed.): W.F. Stuart Geomagnetic Observatory and Survey Practice (Hardcover, 1984 ed.)
W.F. Stuart
R3,075 Discovery Miles 30 750 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This issue is a collection of the papers read at the 'Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory and Survey Practice' held during the XIVth General Assembly of IUGG (the International Union of Geology and Geophysics) in Hamburg, August 1983, sponsored by Division V of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA). The papers represent a snapshot taken at a very important time in the history of Geomagnetism and of the sciences which depend on measurements of one kind or another of the Earth's magnetic field. Research science now demands a much greater amount of information to be prepared and immediately made available to the scientific user. Experimental measurements are now required to be reduced, selected and made ready as information which can be recorded as data on magnetic tape in the form required for direct incorporation into the analytical programmes whiCh individual researchers run on digital computers. Computing has reduced the lead time between when observations are made and when they are required by researchers. Many scientific programmes, particularly those related to Solar-terrestrial geophysics, need data to be analysed as near as possible to the time it is recorded. In Geomagnetism these pressures apply to field variations where satellite based geophysical experiments require high resolution of the fine structure of external disturbance fields, and also to field mapping on a global and local scale where the demand for increased accuracy calls for better absolute observations and more frequent surveys.

Solar System - Between Fire and Ice (Paperback): Jennifer Lynn Bartlett, Daniel C Boice, Thomas Hockey Solar System - Between Fire and Ice (Paperback)
Jennifer Lynn Bartlett, Daniel C Boice, Thomas Hockey
R1,201 Discovery Miles 12 010 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

* Most up-to-date overview of planetary science, generously illustrated * Accessible prose with a unique perspective by professional astronomers active in planetary science research with extensive teaching experience and expertise in history of astronomy and classical astronomy * Detailed appendices that supplement the text including past, current, and future space missions

Waste Management Policies and Practices in BRICS Nations (Hardcover): Pardeep Singh, Yulia Milshina, Kangming Tian, Anwesha... Waste Management Policies and Practices in BRICS Nations (Hardcover)
Pardeep Singh, Yulia Milshina, Kangming Tian, Anwesha Borthakur, Pramit Verma, …
R5,418 Discovery Miles 54 180 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Waste Management Policies and Practices in BRICS Nations explores recent developments in waste management. BRICS nations are the emerging economies of the world. Increasing populations, urbanization, industrialization and uses of chemical fertilizer and pesticide in agriculture for enhanced productivity of food, especially in India and China, to support the large populations harm the natural environment. The rise in the living standards of the human population has increased environmental pollution manifold, resulting in the huge generation of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste simultaneously, which has contaminated natural resources such as soil, water and air. It has led to undesirable effects on the environment and human health. The book offers comprehensive coverage of the most essential topics, including: Waste management problems with special reference to MSW in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa Solid waste management in BRICS nations Hazardous waste management in BRICS nations Policies and laws in BRICS nations This book contains both policies and methods used for the management of waste in BRICS nations. The chapters incorporate both policies and practical aspects.

Solar System - Between Fire and Ice (Hardcover): Jennifer Lynn Bartlett, Daniel C Boice, Thomas Hockey Solar System - Between Fire and Ice (Hardcover)
Jennifer Lynn Bartlett, Daniel C Boice, Thomas Hockey
R2,976 Discovery Miles 29 760 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

* Most up-to-date overview of planetary science, generously illustrated * Accessible prose with a unique perspective by professional astronomers active in planetary science research with extensive teaching experience and expertise in history of astronomy and classical astronomy * Detailed appendices that supplement the text including past, current, and future space missions

Coastal Hypoxia - Consequences for Living Resource s and Ecosystems, Coastal and Estuarine Studies Volume 58 (Hardcover): N.N.... Coastal Hypoxia - Consequences for Living Resource s and Ecosystems, Coastal and Estuarine Studies Volume 58 (Hardcover)
N.N. Rabalais
R2,092 Discovery Miles 20 920 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Volume 58.Hypoxia is a condition that occurs when dissolved oxygen falls below the level necessary to sustain most animal life. In U.S. coastal waters, and in the entire western Atlantic, we find the largest hypoxic zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico on the Louisiana/Texas continental shelf. The area affected, which is about the size of the state of New Jersey at its maximal extent, has increased since regular measurements began in 1985. Sediment cores from the hypoxic zone also show that algal production and deposition, as well as oxygen stress, were much lower earlier in the 190Os and that significant increases occurred in the latter half of the twentieth century. We publish this book against the background of such measurements, and to review how the developing and expanding hypoxic zone has affected living resources on this continental shelf.

Introduction to Ground Penetrating Radar - Inverse  Scattering and Data Processing (Hardcover): R Persico Introduction to Ground Penetrating Radar - Inverse Scattering and Data Processing (Hardcover)
R Persico
R3,061 Discovery Miles 30 610 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

A real-world guide to practical applications of ground penetrating radar (GPR)

The nondestructive nature of ground penetrating radar makes it an important and popular method of subsurface imaging, but it is a highly specialized field, requiring a deep understanding of the underlying science for successful application. "Introduction to Ground Penetrating Radar: Inverse Scattering and Data Processing" provides experienced professionals with the background they need to ensure precise data collection and analysis.

Written to build upon the information presented in more general introductory volumes, the book discusses the fundamental mathematical, physical, and engineering principles upon which GPR is built. Real-world examples and field data provide readers an accurate view of day-to-day GPR use. Topics include: 2D scattering for dielectric and magnetic targets3D scattering equations and migration algorithmsHost medium characterization and diffraction tomographyTime and frequency steps in GPR data samplingThe Born approximation and the singular value decomposition

The six appendices contain the mathematical proofs of all examples discussed throughout the book. "Introduction to Ground Penetrating Radar: Inverse Scattering and Data Processing" is a comprehensive resource that will prove invaluable in the field.

Organic Chemicals in the Environment - Mechanisms of Degradation and Transformation, Second Edition (Paperback, 2nd edition):... Organic Chemicals in the Environment - Mechanisms of Degradation and Transformation, Second Edition (Paperback, 2nd edition)
Alasdair H. Neilson, Ann-sofie Allard
R1,591 Discovery Miles 15 910 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Addressing the persistent environmental threat of organic chemicals with a fresh approach to degradation and transformation processes, Organic Chemicals in the Environment: Mechanisms of Degradation and Transformation, Second Edition examines a wide range of compounds as well as abiotic and microbiological reactions mediated by microorganisms. The book emphasizes the pathways used and the broad classes of enzymes involved. It provides an overview of experimental procedures with detailed coverage of the organic compounds that are considered to be xenobiotics. The book begins by providing a broad perspective on abiotic and biotic reactions, including the significance of a range of environmental determinants. The following chapters briefly introduce experimental procedures and emphasize those procedures for establishing the structure of metabolites using isotopes and physical methods. Next, the authors outline details of biochemical reactions involved in the biodegradation of the major groups of aliphatic, carbocyclic aromatic, and heterocyclic compounds. They end with coverage of bioremediation that has attracted increasing concern because of the hazard presented by the disposal of unwanted chemicals or by-products from their manufacture. Broad and comprehensive, this book provides a cohesive treatment of the subject. It contains an extensive set of literature references and numerous illustrative figures. The authors use a mechanistic approach with emphasis on the pathways, and the principles that emerge provide a guide not only for specific compounds but also for those having a more remote structural resemblance.

The Earth Sciences - An Annotated Bibliography (Paperback): Roy Porter The Earth Sciences - An Annotated Bibliography (Paperback)
Roy Porter
R1,023 Discovery Miles 10 230 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Originally published in 1983, The Earth Sciences: An Annotated Bibliography is a compact and thematically organized guide that provides comprehensive access to themes and areas of study in the earth sciences. The bibliography is not exhaustive but provides a detailed and critical index to the most important literature in the field. The book's core focus is geology and examines the subject broadly, covering everything from glaciology, geomorphology, natural history and palaeontology, to oceanography, mapping, stratigraphy and evolution. The book provides detailed essays for each bibliographical chapter on the state of each field of research and the literature compiled for each bibliography will go as far back as around 1700 and contains a wide range of sources from across the world. This book will be of interest to academics and students of natural history, geology, and environmental sciences alike.

Radar Remote Sensing for Crop Biophysical Parameter Estimation (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2021): Dipankar Mandal, Avik Bhattacharya,... Radar Remote Sensing for Crop Biophysical Parameter Estimation (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2021)
Dipankar Mandal, Avik Bhattacharya, Yalamanchili Subrahmanyeswara Rao
R3,801 Discovery Miles 38 010 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book presents a timely investigation of radar remote sensing observations for agricultural crop monitoring and advancements of research techniques and their applicability for crop biophysical parameter estimation. It introduces theoretical background of radar scattering from vegetation volume and semi-empirical modelling approaches that are the foundation for biophysical parameter inversion. The contents will help readers explore the state-of-the-art crop monitoring and biophysical parameter estimation using approaches radar remote sensing. It is useful guide for academicians, practitioners and policymakers.

Ecotoxicology of Marine Organisms (Paperback): Bernardo Duarte, Maria Isabel Violante Cacador Ecotoxicology of Marine Organisms (Paperback)
Bernardo Duarte, Maria Isabel Violante Cacador
R1,450 Discovery Miles 14 500 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book presents a comprehensive review of the most recent studies on the impact of contaminants on the marine environment. Conventional and new information, as well as the latest techniques, are presented, which can be applied to several types of marine organisms from bacteria and fungi to animals and algae. Specific topics discussed include the impact of different contaminants on different organisms as well as different approaches and their outcomes in terms of impact assessment. The integration of these techniques is also discussed in order to attain sentinel species and biomarkers to be applied for assessing ecological quality and impact assessment programs and studies.

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