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Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > General
On a Sustainable Future of the Earth s Natural Resources is divided into three sections, with individual chapters contributed by experts on diff erent facets of the earth sciences, natural resources management and related issues. The first section focuses on the status of Earth s resources; land, water, biota and atmosphere. Reviews on the rate of exploitation and the need to conserve these resources for future sustenance are also covered in this section. Th e following section includes chapters elucidating environmental, ecological, climatological and anthropological pressures on sustained nourishment with the Earth s resources. The last section describes management practices, issues and perspectives on sociological, legal, administrative, ICT and strategic efforts that need to be implemented in order to sustain our natural resources. This book covers a broad spectrum of the Earth s resources and sustenance, offering a comprehensive perspective on their past, present and future.
This text examines the emerging field of fractals and its applications in earth sciences. Topics covered include: concepts of fractal and multifractal chaos; the application of fractals in geophysics, geology, climate studies, and earthquake seismology.
This book provides a comprehensive review of drilling technologies in the polar regions, from the portable drilling equipment for shallow sampling and coring, to heavy drilling equipment for deep onshore and offshore drilling. Particular attention is given to safe drilling methods in permafrost. In recent years, interest in drilling in the polar regions has increased under the pressure of the geopolitical "rush" and the undiscovered resource potential. In addition, borehole monitoring of permafrost thermal states is urgently needed to obtain evidence of climate change. The book focuses on the latest drilling technologies but also discusses the historical development of sampling, and drilling tools and devices, over the last 60-70 years providing valuable insights into a way forward and future possibilities.
This concise work provides a general introduction to the design of buildings which must be resistant to the effect of earthquakes. A major part of this design involves the building structure which has a primary role in preventing serious damage or structural collapse. Much of the material presented in this book examines building structures. Due to the recent discovery of vertical components, it examines not only the resistance to lateral forces but also analyses the disastrous influence of vertical components. The work is written for Practicing Civil, Structural, and Mechanical Engineers, Seismologists and Geoscientists. It serves as a knowledge source for graduate students and their instructors.
Earth Systems Protection and Sustainability authorises imperatives to achieve sustainability and protect our threatened and vulnerable Earth. Mathematical advances in context incorporate operational and Boolean, as well as linguistic, logic-based Bayesian, and generative methods for scenario formation. Functional areas and deeper learning enable the use of searching algorithms, proffering optimal solutions for the circular nature of sustainability in natural ecosystems and human dominated settings. Key informative nodes are provided in the hope that we may moderate the very real dangers facing planet Earth and its biodiversity. An arena of insightful chapters is blended with social resilience and socio-economic development coverage, accentuating integrity, protection and sustainability within divergent climatic forces and species dynamics on Earth. Volume 2 focuses on bioaccumulation; climate change and resilience for co-operative socio-economic and ecosystem management via policy frameworks across sectors; mathematical modelling of freshwater in coastal regions in arid and semi-arid zones; decision making in natural disasters; peat solidification for environmentally sustainable geotechnical engineering; green energy conversion; flood risk mapping; rainfall analysis; exposure, safety, and security amidst increasing environmental contamination; remote handling vehicles; wind turbines; and deep learning and its environmental applications. Earth Systems Protection and Sustainability is addressed globally to communities, schools and researchers in professional, governmental and unit operations; descriptive and illustrative sections include all sectors to ensure Earth Systems Protection as our capacity reaches an unsustainable climax.
This volume contains most of the papers which were presented at the Interdisciplinary Symposium No. 4 "Geodetic Features of the Ocean Surface and their Implications" during the XVIII. General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) in Hamburg, August 1983. The symposium was jointly sponsored by the International Associ ation of Geodesy (lAG) and the International Association for the Physi cal Sciences of the Ocean (IAPSO), and was as such one further step in animpQrtant line of international and interdisciplinary symposia, re lated to the field of Marine Geodesy. Originally the term "Marine Geodesy" was widely understood as "Geodesy in the Marine Environment" and dealt primarily with two as pects: precise position determination at sea and determination of a fine structured marine geoid. However, mainly with the impact of satel lite radar altimeter measurements, a new understanding began to develop: it became evident that the field of Marine Geodesy could not be treated adequately from geodesists alone but that it needed close cooperation with related disciplines such as oceanography and marine geophysics. Symposium No. 4 at Hamburg could demonstrate that this coopera tion has already become a lively reality. The "geodetic features of the ocean surface" don't only reflect oceanographical but also marine geo physical aspects. As such scientists from geodesy, oceanography, marine geology and geophysics came together to present their ideas and to dis cuss questions of mutual interest."
This book presents the select proceedings of the Virtual Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (VCDRR 2021). It emphasizes on the role of civil engineering for a disaster resilient society. Various topics covered in this book are risk assessment, prevention, mitigation, preparedness and response, early warning system, hazard mapping, engineering innovations for hazard mitigation, and safe design of structures. This book is a comprehensive volume on disaster risk reduction (DRR) and its management for a sustainable built environment. This book will be useful for the students, researchers, policy makers and professionals working in the area of civil engineering, especially disaster management.
The ultimate guide to the smells of the universe - the ambrosial to the malodorous, and everything in between - from the author of the acclaimed culinary guides On Food and Cooking and Keys to Good Cooking From Harold McGee, James Beard Award-winning author and leading expert on the science of food and cooking, comes an extensive exploration of the long-overlooked world of smell. In Nose Dive, McGee takes us on a sensory adventure, from the sulfurous nascent earth more than four billion years ago, to the fruit-filled Tian Shan mountain range north of the Himalayas, to the keyboard of your laptop, where trace notes of phenol and formaldehyde escape between the keys. We'll sniff the ordinary (wet pavement and cut grass) and the extraordinary (ambergris and truffles), the delightful (roses and vanilla) and the challenging (swamplands and durians). We'll smell one another. We'll smell ourselves. Through it all, McGee familiarizes us with the actual bits of matter that we breathe in-the molecules that trigger our perceptions, that prompt the citrusy smells of coriander and beer and the medicinal smells of daffodils and sea urchins. And like everything in the physical world, molecules have histories. Many of the molecules that we smell every day existed long before any creature was around to smell them-before there was even a planet for those creatures to live on. Beginning with the origins of those molecules in interstellar space, McGee moves onward through the smells of our planet, the air and the oceans, the forest and the meadows and the city, all the way to the smells of incense, perfume, wine, and food. Here is a story of the world, of every smell under our collective nose. A work of astounding scholarship and originality, Nose Dive distills the science behind the smells and translates it, as only McGee can, into an accessible and entertaining guide. Incorporating the latest insights of biology and chemistry, and interweaving them with personal observations, he reveals how our sense of smell has the power to expose invisible, intangible details of our material world and trigger in us feelings that are the very essence of being alive.
This glossary provides a ready reference to those in the geosciences with the need to translate from English to Spanish or vice versa. It also provides clear communication, a better understanding, and closer working relationships among geoscientists, engineers, and businessmen.
This book provides a new framework for analysis of slope nonlinear stochastic seismic dynamic response based on the new theoretical tool of stochastic dynamics. The coupling effects of uncertainty of geological parameters, strong dynamic nonlinearity, and randomness of ground motion are considered in the process of the seismic dynamic stability assessment of slope. In this book, an intensity frequency non-stationary stochastic ground motion model based on time-domain stochastic process description is preliminarily established to characterize the randomness of earthquakes. The spatial distribution random field model of geotechnical parameters is established to describe the time-space variability of geotechnical parameters. Based on the basic theory of stochastic dynamics, the seismic stability performance evaluation method of slope is established. The slope seismic dynamic model test based on large complex shaking table is performed to verify and modify the proposed framework and method. This book sheds new light on the development of nonlinear seismic stochastic dynamics and seismic design of slope engineering.
J.L. Burch*V. Angelopoulos Originally published in the journal Space Science Reviews, Volume 141, Nos 1-4, 1-3. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-008-9474-5 (c) Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008 The Earth, like all the other planets, is continuously bombarded by the solar wind, which is variable on many time scales owing to its connection to the activity of the Sun. But the Earth is unique among planets because its atmosphere, magnetic eld, and rotation rates are each signi cant, though not dominant, players in the formation of its magnetosphere and its reaction to solar-wind inputs. An intriguing fact is that no matter what the time scale of solar-wind variations, the Earth's response has a de nite pattern lasting a few hours. Known as a magnetospheric substorm, the response involves a build-up, a crash, and a recovery. The build-up (known as the growth phase) occurs because of an interlinking of the geom- netic eld and the solar-wind magnetic eld known as magnetic reconnection, which leads to storage of increasing amounts of magnetic energy and stress in the tail of the mag- tosphere and lasts about a half hour. The crash (known as the expansion phase) occurs when the increased magnetic energy and stresses are impulsively relieved, the current system that supports the stretched out magnetic tail is diverted into the ionosphere, and bright, dynamic displays of the aurora appear in the upper atmosphere. The expansion and subsequent rec- ery phases result from a second magnetic reconnection event that decouples the solar-wind and geomagnetic elds.
This volume presents a comprehensive introduction to the key environmental issues threatening our global environment. Offering an introduction to the key topics, a source of latest environmental information, and an innovative stimulus for debate, this text should be of value to all those studying or concerned with global environmental issues. In this second edition, the most topical global environmental issues are brought more clearly into focus. Explanations of the evolution of the earth's natural systems (hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere, ecosphere) provide the essential understanding of the scientific concepts, processes and historical background behind key environmental issues. Contemporary socio-economic, cultural and political considerations are explored and important conceptual approaches such as Gaian hypotheses and Chaos Theory are introduced. Human impact and management of the natural environment, and concerns for maintaining biodiversity are emphasised throughout. Specific features include: case studies drawn from across the world; illustrations: 4-colour plate sections; informative diagrams; and a glossary of key terms, with key concepts highlighted throughout the text
This book explains and illustrates how Indonesia as the largest and most populous country in Southeast Asia can become independent of fossil fuels by both reducing its energy needs and using renewable resources. A study presented in this work focuses on the Maluku Archipelago in eastern Indonesia with Ambon as its capital. Conventional energy is brought to the islands over long distances by partly simple means as boats, ships and aircrafts. This unsustainable situation calls for a decentralized renewable energy supply strategy. Based on the research presented in this book, it is clear that the archipelago has the potential to become a so-called plus-minus region. Plus-minus regions are regions that produce more renewable energy than they need and capture more CO2 than they emit. The authors are convinced that the presented strategy illustrated on the Maluku Archipelago can be transferred to other regions of the world and that only by developing plus-minus regions the international 2 DegreesC climate goal can be achieved. The model region thus serves as proof that the plus-minus target can also be achieved in emerging countries with limited financial resources.
2) contain introductory material regarding ge Historical Background ology and petroleum exploration techniques Only a few decades ago knowledge of the off which we trust will help the non-specialist, in shore geology west of Britain and Ireland was conjunction with some of the more general ref limited to a scattering of seabed samples. Dur follow the main erences cited in the text, to ing the last twenty five years, however, the parts of the chapters and the text figures. This tempo of geological investigation has gradu first chapter also contains a small amount of ally increased. The framework and outline ge introductory material concerning the opening ology of the western seaboard is now known, of the North Atlantic Ocean which should help although a great deal, some of it fundamental to lead into the more detailed account which in nature, still remains to be elucidated. Sev follows, and also help in the understanding of eral commercial and sub-commercial hydrocar some of the points made in later chapters. bon discoveries have been made and are being Credit must go to university departments, produced, . developed or investigated. A sus and later the Institute of Geological Sciences, tained phase of exploration drilling is antici for their parts in initially establishing the pated in the next five years in the Western existence of, and geological outlines for, the Approaches - Celtic Sea area and to the west offshore basins along the western seaboard of Britain and Ireland."
This book presents selected papers by the keynote speakers and other presenters from various disciplines and includes their opinions and evaluations. The Fourth Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction (4th GSRIDRR, 2019): Increasing the Effectiveness and Relevance of our Institutes, sponsored by the Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI) and Kyoto University, was hosted by and held at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Kyoto, Japan, 13-15 March 2019.. The Global Summit series provided a platform for researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and other stakeholders in both government and non-governmental institutes involved in disaster risk reduction and resilience to come together to discuss, share, and exchange ideas. It focuses specifically on contributing input to the contextualization and revision of the goals of the 2016 Science and Technology Roadmap to implementation of the Priority Areas of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction Agenda 2015-2030, with input for GADRI to move forward in its contributions to the worldwide science community. The conference comprised an impressive array of global stakeholders whose expertise and experience encompassed the management of knowledge and its application for governments and industries, with shared outcomes to bridge science and decision making. It enhanced a process to confront new scientific challenges in disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management. The conference accomplished the following major goals, among others: (1) engagement in dialogue on issues related to disaster prevention and contributions to the Science and Technology Roadmap adopted to support the implementation of the Sendai Framework Agenda 2015-2030; (2) evaluation of current efforts on global and national involvement in the field of disaster prevention research in relation to the implementation of the Priority Areas of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030; (3) assessment of the status of current research knowledge and efforts, and research results at the institutional level in each country.
The Encyclopedia of Applied Geology is an international compendium of engineering geology topics prepared by experts from many countries. The volume contains more than eighty main entries in alphabetical order, dealing with hydrology, rock structure monitoring and soil mechanics in addition to engineering geology. Special topics focus on earth science information and sources, electrokinetics, forensic geology, geocryology, nuclear plant siting, photogrammetry, tunnels and tunnelling, urban geomorphology and well data systems.
This book presents a collection of papers under the theme of multi-hazard early warning and disaster risks. These were selected from the presentations made at the International Symposium on Tsunami and Multi-Hazard Risks, Early Warning and Community Awareness in supporting implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. This conference aimed to recognize achievements and to highlight work that still needs to be carried out. The conference promoted collaboration among academia, research institutions and disaster management offices, and further encouraged multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral interaction This International Symposium on Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Disaster Risk Reduction provided an important opportunity to reflect upon our progress to date in tackling disaster risk, but also to consider some of the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead of us. A particular focus of this event wasMulti-Hazard Early Warning. During the negotiations for the Sendai Framework, countries and partners highlighted the need to: 1. Continue to invest in, develop, maintain and strengthen people-centred, end-to-end early warning systems; 2. Promote the application of simple and low cost early warning equipment and facilities; 3. Broaden the dissemination channels for early warning information to facilitate early action. Countries also called for the further development of and investment in effective, nationally compatible, regional multi-hazard early warning mechanisms. To address these needs, global Target (g) of the Sendai Framework was adopted, namely to "substantially increase the availability of and access to multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information and assessments to the people by 2030". As illustrated by recent events in Indonesia, it is also vital to address the challenge of cascading hazards that pose a tsunami risk, and the importance of linking tsunami early warning to a multi-hazard environment. However, moving towards a multi-hazard environment is complex and poses many challenges but can bring significant benefits in terms of efficiencies and also in recognising the links between hazards, such as cascading threats. We very much hope that this book will provide an important platform to address these and other challenges in addressing disaster risk, as well as supporting implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
Polar motion is an important geophysical process, and difficult to understand given the various parameters involved. But it is of key importance to our climate and climate change. Understanding and modeling also has implications on key technologies such as space geodesy and satellite navigation. Additionally, long term polar motion has close links to decadal climate change and ice cap development. It also reflects the global circulation in the hydro-atmospheric layers and the internal properties of the Earth. Therefore the topic is of primary interest for geophysics as well as climatology.
A practical and insightful discussion of time-frequency analysis methods and technologies Time-frequency analysis of seismic signals aims to reveal the local properties of nonstationary signals. The local properties, such as time-period, frequency, and spectral content, vary with time, and the time of a seismic signal is a proxy of geologic depth. Therefore, the time-frequency spectrum is composed of the frequency spectra that are generated by using the classic Fourier transform at different time positions. Different time-frequency analysis methods are distinguished in the construction of the local kernel prior to using the Fourier transform. Based on the difference in constructing the Fourier transform kernel, this book categorises time-frequency analysis methods into two groups: Gabor transform-type methods and energy density distribution methods. This book systematically presents time-frequency analysis methods, including technologies which have not been previously discussed in print or in which the author has been instrumental in developing. In the presentation of each method, the fundamental theory and mathematical concepts are summarised, with an emphasis on the engineering aspects. This book also provides a practical guide to geophysicists who attempt to generate geophysically meaningful time-frequency spectra, who attempt to process seismic data with time-dependent operations for the fidelity of nonstationary signals, and who attempt to exploit the time-frequency space seismic attributes for quantitative characterisation of hydrocarbon reservoirs.
The development of numerical methods, together with the advent of fast digital computers, have facilitated the application of integral equations in geophysical modelling. This is also due to the successful derivation of integral equations that are applicable to the modelling of complex structures and efficient numerical algorithms for their solution. The purpose of this work is to give the principles by which boundary value problems describing geophysical models can be converted into integral equations. "Geophysical Interpretation and Integral Equations" introduces Fredholm integral equations that are well suited to the numerical solution of boundary value problems representing the electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic and seismic models of geophysics. These methods form a most efficient class of techniques for the numerical modelling of geophysical phenomena. The geophysical methods are briefly described, their mathematical expressions are given in the form of boundary value problems and, by applying the Green's functions, these boundary value problems are then converted into integral equations that can then be solved by standard numerical methematics. The end results are integral formulae and integral equations that form the theoretical framework for model calculations associated with practical geophysical interpretation. The approach is physical rather than mathematical, ie the physical phenomenon is represented by the integral formulae explained in detail, with the mathematical analysis confined to a minimum. Numerical algorithms for solving the integral equations are discussed in connection with some illustrative examples involving numerical modelling results. This work seeks to provide a reference source for all geophysicists and engineers concerned with geophysical phenomenon. |
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