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Haben Sie ein StA1/4ck Erde, das Sie in einen Garten verwandeln
mAchten, aber auA er der Freude an erdverschmierten HAnden, sattem
GrA1/4n und Farbenpracht noch recht wenig Ahnung von Gartenarbeit?
Dann ist "GArtnern fA1/4r Dummies" das richtige Buch fA1/4r Sie!
Hier erhalten Sie konkrete Hilfestellung bei der Planung Ihres
Gartens und der Wahl der fA1/4r Sie und Ihr StA1/4ck Land passenden
Pflanzen. Lernen Sie, wie Sie aus BAumen, BA1/4schen und Blumen ein
harmonisches Ganzes schaffen und mit einjAhrigen und mehrjAhrigen
Pflanzen Ihren Garten zum BlA1/4hen bringen. AuA erdem enthAlt das
Buch viele nA1/4tzliche Tipps zum richtigen GartengerAt, zur Hege
und Pflege der Pflanzen, zur SchAdlingsbekAmpfung und zum
This study is based on original Russian sources, due atten tion
being paid to some authoritative views advanced by foreign lawyers.
Leaving aside the essentials of the work in the hope that they will
speak for themselves; I should like to make some prelim inary
remarks regarding the linguistic and other formal aspects. First of
all it should be noted that many of the Soviet laws have already
been translated into English either in the USSR itself or in
Western countries. This fact is fully reflected in the
bibliographical survey at the end of this study. Some laws have
been translated both in the Soviet Union and abroad, as for
instance the Fundamentals of Soviet Civil Legislation. In such a
case I have used the translation made in the USSR even though
linguistically it may be inferior to the translation made in the
West. The author has translated only those legal provi sions of
which no English translation was available. For transliteration, I
have used the system of the Library of Congress of the USA without
its diacritical marks. Further, a word should be said about the
references in the notes. They are very brief and consist of the
surnames of the authors concerned and if necessary an additional
element, e. g."
This series of documents is a companion volume to Search for New
Guinea's Boundaries: From Torres Strait to the Pacific (Australian
National University Press, 1966). It brings together not only
scattered, previously published documents, but also some of the
correspondence surrounding them and reports and memoranda dealing
with the bounda ries in general. The latter include material up to
1962. The documents have been arranged chronologically within
sections. Material in sections A, B, and C corresponds respectively
with matters dealt with in Chapters 2 (New Guinea Annexations), 3
(Papua Irredenta), and 4 (The Former Anglo-German Boundary), that
in sections D, E, and F with those in Chapter 5 (The Irian
Boundary), while that in section G is touched upon in the
concluding chapter. The selection of published documents was
simple: all were in eluded. Choice of unpublished material
available in the archives was an individual one. Documents in
Dutch, French, and German have been translated. Personal comments
and queries have been entered in foot notes to the English
translations which in all cases precede the original text. Cross
references to Search for New Guinea's Boundaries, using the
abbreviation S. N . G. B ., are made for the convenience of the
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