Books > Health, Home & Family > Gardening > General
Voici Ie Tome II de l'Arbitrage International Commercial. II y a
quatre ans, a 1'occasion du Congres de Paris 1956 de l'Union
Internationa1e des Avocats, que Ie premier volume a paru. Le Tome
II sera offert par son rapporteur-general, notre confrere Ie Prof.
Pieter Sanders, au Congres de Bale, September 1960, et il ne sera
pas, nous en sommes convaincus, Ie dernier dans la serie de notre
Manuel sur l' Arbitrage International Com- mercial. II me semble
que nous pouvons etre reconnaissants a tous ceux qui ont bien voulu
cooperer a Ia composition de ce Manuel, qui presente un interet
primordial pour la pratique de l'arbitrage commercial inter-
national. Je veux rappeler que Ie premier volume nous offrait deja
une description du droit et de la pratique de I'arbitrage dans 16
pays de 1'Europe de I'Ouest et aux Etats-Unis. Le deuxieme volume y
ajoute des contributions sur Ie droit et la pratique de 1'arbitrage
dans 5 pays de l' Amerique latine et 7 de 1'Europe de l'Est. En vue
de I'accroissement des relations economiques entre l'Europe de
1'Ouest et de l'Est et entre 1'Europe d'une part et les deux
Ameriques d'autre part, les deux volumes de notre Manuel presentent
une source d'information inappreciable. II apparait de plus en plus
que la OU se developpe Ie commerce international, l'arbitrage suit.
Pour la solution des conflits commerciaux internationaux
l'arbitrage s'avere dans beau coup de cas comme la voie la plus
Since the appearance of the third edition of 'Ethnomusicology',
still more titles have come to my knowledge, all issued before
September 1958. The reader will find them in this Supplement. I
have used this opportunity to add some more synopses of training
possibilities for ethnomusicologists, together with an additional
selective list of recordings issued, as far as I know, in 1958.
Finally I may express my gratitude to Messrs. Nijhoff who gave me
the opportunity to improve my endeavor to give a practically
exhaustive survey of what has been published in the field of
ethnomusicology up to August 31, 1958. Amsterdam, December 14,
1959. J.K. v CONTENTS Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . v Training possibilitics for cthnomusicologists. . . .
. . . . . . I Selection of L.P.-records of authentie ethnie musie
issued in I958 . 5 Bibliography. . . 8 Illustrations 65-72. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 . Index of subjects. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 27 . Index of peoples and regions the music
of which has been studied andjor recorded. . . . . . . . . . . 30
Index of authors, collectors and musicians . . . . . . . . . . 34
Index of periodieals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 .
The Country Housewife's Garden is precious to us for its attention
to the role of women: as cooks, lovers of fine flowers, and keepers
of the herbal medicine cupboard. While making many suggestions
about the practice of gardening and growing fruit trees, Lawson is
particularly interested in the layout and design of orchard and
pleasure garden. There are several fine woodcuts of knot-gardens
and various designs for flower beds. At the end of the two main
works, there are two contemporary, short pamphlets on grafting and
on picking, packing and transporting fruit. Malcolm Thick is an
agricultural historian.