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Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > Geology & the lithosphere > General
This book is an attempt to demonstrate the analytical power of the holistic approach for understanding disasters. Six major earthquakes in Latin America are used as an example: the general idea is to place disasters in a broad social and regional context. Understanding disasters is a way of understanding the social system. The idea is to show that every major disaster is unique and different. Statistical methods may be useful for purposes of risk estimation but modern disasters are "systemic" and complex. In the chapter on the 2010 Chile earthquake we discuss the tsunami and why the system of tsunami alert did not work. The introductory chapter contains some basics of seismology (plate tectonics) and earthquake engineering. The 1985 Mexico earthquake describes why geology is important. Why was Mexico City founded in a lake? Technology must be adapted to the environment, not "imported" from possibly more advanced but different societies. The 1970 Peru earthquake is an example of disaster in a unique environment. Caracas 1967 takes us on a survey of different engineering solutions. And the 1960 Chile earthquake leads us on a retrospective survey--what has changed in Chile between the two major Chile earthquakes? A discussion on Charles Darwin's observations of the 1835 Chile earthquake provides a fitting summary.
Colloid science has been applied by soil chemists and clay mineral ogists for many years, and some of the most important studies on the behavior of colloids have been contributed by them. Barring a few notable exceptions, only in the last decade have geochemists applied colloid science in their research and in this period much work has been published. It seemed to the authors that it would be useful at this stage to attempt to summarize the progress made and to try to examine what colloid science has contributed and can further contribute to geo chemistry. This book is based partly on a course of the same title given to graduate students by one of the authors (S. Y) between 1972 and 1977 at the Department of Geology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Consequently many fundamental concepts of the subject are included that will be of use to graduate students in geology, geo chemistry, soil science, and oceanography. So that specialists interested in certain sections may find their subjects comprehensively covered, a few topics are dealt with in more than one chapter so that readers may ignore sections not especially of interest to them. However the chapters more fully treating certain topics are cross-referenced. In such cases the subjects are treated from different viewpoints and the citations used represent these dif fering viewpoints."
This book represents the results of a lengthy study which Professor ALFRED RITTMANN began some thirty years ago. The relationship between the chemical and mineralogical composition of igneous rocks is established as far as is possible. Petrographers will appreciate that this problem is extremely complex, particularly since this relationship forms the basis of the classification and nomenclature of igneous rocks. The ingenious scheme of calculation of the CI.P.W. norm system is essentially chemical in nature. The compositions of the stoichiometrically ideal "normative minerals" do not correspond to those of the constituent minerals found in rocks. Although the "norm" is not intended to equal the "mode" or actual mineral composition of a rock, at least a qualitative agreement between the norm and the mode is desirable. For a number of rocks and rock groups, especially the leucocratic and silicic rocks, the deviation of the norm from the mode is generally within tolerable limits. For the melanocratic and highly subsilicic rocks, on the other hand, the CI.P. W. scheme of calculation too often yields results which fail to reflect the observed mineral composition. The anomalies produced in the cal culation of extremely subsilicic volcanic rocks have recently been briefly discussed by F. CHAVES and H. S. YODER, JR. (1971)."
This volume contains the lectures presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute that took place at the University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, July 18-27, 1982. The purpose of this Institute was to provide an international forum for exchange of ideas and dissemination of knowledge on some selected topics in Mechanics of Fluids in Porous Media. Processes of transport of such extensive quantities as mass of a phase, mass of a component of a phase, momentum and/or heat occur in diversified fields, such as petroleum reservoir engineer ing, groundwater hydraulics, soil mechanics, industrial filtration, water purification, wastewater treatment, soil drainage and irri gation, and geothermal energy production. In all these areas, scientists, engineers and planners make use of mathematical models that describe the relevant transport processes that occur within porous medium domains, and enable the forecasting of the future state of the latter in response to planned activities. The mathe matical models, in turn, are based on the understanding of phenomena, often within the void space, and on theories that re late these phenomena to measurable quantities. Because of the pressing needs in areas of practical interest, such as the develop ment of groundwater resources, the control and abatement of groundwater contamination, underground energy storage and geo thermal energy production, a vast amount of research efforts in all these fields has contributed, especially in the last t o decades, to our understanding and ability to describe transport phenomena."
This book explores the basic principles and methods of paleomagnetology and gives a systematic description of paleomagnetic phenomena such as geomagnetic reversals, paleosecular variations, long-term intensity changes and apparent polar wandering paths. Special emphasis is laid on results obtained from research work done in the Soviet Union. Together with data from other parts of the world they allow the critical discussion of aspects of magnetostratigraphy, plate tectonics and accretion tectonics. In diesem Buch werden grundlegende Fragen der Palaomagnetologie und des Palaomagnetismus abgehandelt. Durch die Einbeziehung zahlreicher Daten aus der Sowjetunion werden Probleme der Magnetostratigraphie sowie der Platten- und Akkretionstektonik kritisch beleuchtet.
Constructional morphology explains features of organisms from a constructional and functional point of view. By means of physical analysis it explains the operational aspects of organic structures - how they can perform the activities organisms are expected to fulfil in order to survive in their environment. Constructional morphology also explains options and constraints during the evolution determined by internal constructional needs, ontogenetic demands, inherited organizational preconditions and environmental clues.
municable Disease Control, Dr. Itotia, Director of the The geomedical monograph on Kenya continues the National Public Health Laboratories, Dr. J. M. D. Ro series of Regional Studies in Geographical Medicine berts, Head of the Division of Vector-Borne Diseases, founded by Ernst Rodenwaldt in 1965, which may be considered as supplementing the World Atlas of Epidem and to Mr. Ted Abukuse, Chief Statistician at the Minis ic Diseases of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences. Since try of Health, Nairobi. The authors offer their particular thanks for support the appearance of the first volume in 1967 the series has and valuable suggestions to Dr. 1. C. Vogel, formerly been edited by Helmut]. Jusatz under the aegis of the Professor of Community Health in the Medical Faculty Mathematical and Natural Sciences Class of the Heidel berg Academy of Sciences. at the University of Nairobi and member of the Royal The authors wish to express their thanks to the edi Tropical Institute, Amsterdam. Thanks are due to the Survey of Kenya for their willingness to allow the au tor for his suggestion that they should undertake this thors to reproduce some maps in the National Atlas of kind of teamwork, and to acknowledge with gratitude Kenya. The authors extend their thanks to their col the manner in which Professor Jusatz ensured the most league, Professor S. H."
The Mediterranean Sea, nestled between Africa, southern Europe, and the Middle East, may be envisioned as a complex picture-puzzle comprising numerous intricate pieces, many of which are already in place. A general image, in terms of science, has emerged, although at this time large gaps are noted and some areas of the picture remain fuzzy and indistinct. In recent years this fascinating, mind-teasing puzzle image has become clearer with individual pieces more easily recognized and rapidly emplaced, largely by means of multidisciplinary and multinational team efforts. In this respect, the Special Program Panel on Marine Sciences of the NATO Scientific Af fairs Division considered the merits of initiating four conferences bearing on the Mediterranean ecosystem. It was suggested that the first, emphasizing geology, should dovetail with subsequent seminars on physical oceanogra phy, marine biology, and ecology and man's influence on the natural Medi terranean regime. At a conference held in Banyuls-sur-Mer, France, in August 1979, Profes sor Raimondo Selli was urged by some panel members to initiate an Ad vanced Research Institute (ARI) that would focus primarily on the geologi cally recent evolution of the Mediterranean Sea and serve as a logical base for future NATO conferences on the Mediterranean."
Pteridophyte spores, the main agent of dispersal carrying the essential genet- ic material for sexual reproduction of plants and persistence of the species, are single, airborne cells with complex walls. Palynological records of these spores supply stratigraphic data and evidence of early diversification of vas- cular plants, as well as testimony of climatic and vegetational changes. Compared to the extensive work on pollen, there are relatively few mod- ern studies on development and structure of pteridophyte spore walls. This survey provides a source of original information on these spores, pertinent descriptive characteristics, and related commentary. Studies of sporogenesis and ultrastructure utilizing the electron microscopes have greatly contributed to our knowledge of the development, structure, and variation of spore walls of the Pteridophyta. The synopsis of wall development and structure in the introductory section-New Concepts on Sporoderm Development and Ultra- structure-supplies a comparative review of spores in the Pteridophyta. Source of Material Studied The spores are largely from collections in the Harvard University Herbarium (Gray Herbarium and Arnold Arboretum), except as indicated in the cap- tions. We are grateful to the directors and curators of these and the follow- ing institutions for permission to examine specimens included in the work: Herbarium ]utlandicum, Botanical Institute, University of Aarhus, Den- mark; Queensland Regional Station, C. S. I. R. O.
Major structural features are used in this study to reconstruct the links which existed between North America, Europe and Africa before the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean. The synthesis of geophysical and geochemical data as well as geological observations allows the recognition of the original geometry of the Grenvillian, Cadomian, Caledonian, Ligerian-Acadian and Hercynian foldbelts and the identification of ancient plate sutures. The reader will find a wealth of information based not only on the English but also on the French and Spanish literature, thus opening less known results to the international community.
Earthquakes come and go as they please, leaving behind them trails of destruc tion and casualties. Although their occurrence is little affected by what we do or think, it is the task of earth scientists to keep studying them from all possible angles until ways and means are found to divert, forecast, and eventually control them. In ancient times people were awestruck by singular geophysical events, which were attributed to supernatural powers. It was recognized only in 1760 that earthquakes originated within the earth. A hundred years later, first systematic attempts were made to apply physical principles to study them. During the next century scientists accumulated knowledge about the effects of earthquakes, their geographic patterns, the waves emitted by them, and the internal constitution of the earth. During the past 20 years, seismology has made a tremendous progress, mainly because of the advent of modern computers and improvements in data acquisi tion systems, which are now capable of digital and analog recording of ground motion over a frequency range of five orders of magnitude. These technologic developments have enabled seismologists to make measurements with far greater precision and sophistication than was previously possible. Advanced computational analyses have been applied to high-quality data and elaborate theoretical models have been devised to interpret them. As a result, far reaching advances in our knowledge of the earth's structure and the nature of earthquake sources have occurred."
The study of paleocurrents, since 1963, is now a very routine part of sedimentology, and more and more such studies are finding use in other fields. Thus it seemed appropriate for us to review post-1963 developments and present them in a compact manner for the interested reader. Instead of rewriting a second edition, which thirteen years later we would organize in a completely dif ferent way, we have brought each chapter up to date with new material up to 1976. A new update supplement has in this edition been inserted after each one of the original chapters. We have stayed close to the original theme of paleocurrents-how to measure them and how to use them to solve geological problems ranging in scale from the hand specimen to the sedimentary basin and beyond. We have used many annotated references and tables to help pre sent this information to the reader. The reader will note that we have cited a few 1962 references - pUblications that appeared too late to be cited in the original 1963 edition. A few times we have also cited a reference which was included in the first edition. These are marked with an asterisk and hence do not appear in the new lists of references. We have been aided by many. In Cincinnati, WANDA OSBORNE and JEAN CARROL did typing and RICHARD SPOHN, the University's geological librarian, was very helpful in obtaining many references to the literature."
" ... he who repeats a thing in the name of him who said it brings deliverance to the world ... " Mishnah, Sayings of the Fathers 6; 6 Main Objectives The present book intends to fulfill a number of purposes, which are arranged under the following scheme: 1. A topical review of main subjects in fractography, that branch of science which analyses fracture surface morphology and related features and their causes and mechanisms in technological materials. Among the materials that bear significant affinities to rock are in organic glass, ceramics, metals and polymer glass. 2. A historical review of the main studies published to date on rock fractography. In both these fields of review, one is confronted by the similarities between small-scale (micro metre) and large-scale (tens of metres) fracture surface morphologies. The similarities, on the one hand, and the differences on the other must surely promote further development of fractographical approaches in structural geology, where extrapola tion from microfractography to large-scale fractography is virtually a directive. As geologists become more familiar with the fractography of rocks, they undoubtedly will become aware of the great power of this descriptive discipline as a tool, in both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Rock fractography must yet be routinely applied in the structural analysis of rock formations in which fracture morphology is sufficiently prominent or extensive."
This collection of papers is based on a symposium held in 1987 at the Interna tional Union of Geology and Geodesy Congress in Vancouver, British Colum bia. The Symposium was planned as a follow-up to a session at the 1984 Geo logical Society of America Annual Meeting in Reno, Nevada, which dealt with the emplacement of silicic lava domes. In both cases, emphasis was placed on the physical and mechanical rather than chemical aspects of lava flow. The IUGG Symposium consisted of two lecture sessions, a poster session, and two discussion periods, and had 22 participants. The contributions to this volume are all based on papers presented in the various parts of the Sym posium. The motivation for studying lava flow mechanics is both practical and scientific. Scientists and government agencies seek to more effectively predict the hazards associated with active lavas. Recovering mineral resources found in lava flows and domes also requires an understanding of their emplacement. From a more theoretical standpoint, petrologists view lava studies as a way to directly observe the rheologic consequences of mixing crystals, bubbles, and solid blocks of country rock with silicate liquids. This information can then be used to constrain processes occurring in the concealed conduits, dikes, and chambers that feed flows and domes on the surface."
Geotectonics has a special place among the geological dis ciplines. In addition to ideas based on firmly established facts that constitute lasting scientific values, geotectonics, as a generalizing branch of geology, embraces broad con structions that link the planet's deep interior with its sur face and are largely of a hypothetical character. The inter pretation of the most general matters of the structure and evolution of the globe varies not only from one generation of geologists to another, but even within one generation. The interpretation depends not only, and not so much, on the state of geological knowledge, as on the progress of the related sciences of geophysics and geochemistry. In trying to discover the deep-lying causes of tectonic processes, geotectonics has to unite the results of all the Earth sci ences, converting itself to some extent from a purely geologi cal science into a general physical geographic or geonomic science. The fluidity of the general ideas and the need for joint consideration of the geological, geophysical, and geochemi cal data to substantiate these ideas are the main difficulties facing the author of a textbook on geotectonics. There is undoubtedly, however, a need for a manual of this kind, particularly now when the literature on the various problems of geotectonics has grown so great and so varied in content that it is very difficult for the experienced researcher, let alone the student, to find his way."
Earth's Rotation from Eons to Days reviews long-term changes, methods of measurement, and the major influences on rotation parameters. In order to understand secular changes, the momentary behavior of ocean tides must be analyzed and appropriately modelled. Researchers and students in astronomy and all fields of geosciences will find a wealth of information related to the interaction of geophysical phenomena and the rotation of the planet Earth.
You might well wonder why TFPC in Practice is a part of the Monographs in Visualization series. However, if you really think about typesetting, especially fine typesetting, you soon realize that in large part it is a visual art as well as a science. 'lEX's algorithms produce in almost all cases aesthetic results of the highest quality. On the other hand, occasionally one may want to insert some additional space before a subscript or superscript, or one may want to adjust the vertical spacing in a fraction. Fortunately Donald Knuth, the author of 'lEX, allows one to program such corrections easily where needed. The four volumes of Stephan von Bechtolsheim's long awaited TFPC in Prac tice present a comprehensive view of 'lEX. His thorough discussion of each aspect of 'lEX is liberally laced with cogent illustrative examples. Many of these exam ples represent complete, ready to use macros that enhance the capabilities of 'lEX. These examples are of particular interest to both the typesetter and the 'lEX programmer. The typesetter can often solve an immediate problem by ei ther using one of the examples directly or by making minor changes to adapt it to the problem at hand. The 'lEX programmer can use the examples, along with Stephan's detailed discussion, to increase both the depth and breadth of his or her knowledge of 'lEX. The value of the text is further enhanced by Stephan's concerted effort to explain the reasoning behind each topic or example."
Although you only have one volume in front of you, writing four volumes and 1600 pages on a single subject needs some form of justification. And then on the other hand, why write even more?! Can't, at least, the preface of something that long be short?! Very well, so let's keep it short. It is my sincere hope that the series "'lEX in Practice" will be useful for your own 'lEX work. But please, before you get started, read the "Notes on ''lEX in Practice' ," because it instructs you how to use this series. You will find these notes on pages xxvii-xxxvi. The fourth and last volume deals with two different subject areas. First of all, there are the so-called output routines which are responsible for putting together the pages as generated by 'lEX. You will be amazed at how many different things can be done with 'lEX's output routines. The second subject area we are dealing with in this volume are tables. About a hundred different tables you can choose from should provide you with a starting point in the selection of tables.
The Geo-Platinum 87 Symposium, held at the Open University during April 1987, was designed as a forum for presentation of new research results on the occurrence, genesis, geochemistry, mineralogy and analysis of the platinum-group elements (PGE). With the support of the Open University and the Mineral Industry Research Organisation, the symposium was attended by 115 representatives of university departments, research institutions and members of the mining and mineral exploration industries. An introduction to the symposium was provided by two invited papers from C. J. Morrissey (Riofinex North) and C. R. N. Clark (Johnson Matthey) which were designed to give perspective to the goals of PGE research work. The first of these papers gave a provocative insight into the aims and objectives of an exploration manager, examining the influence of supply, demand and perceived world reserves on exploration strategy. The second invited paper gave a valuable view of the industrial uses, market trends and predicted changes in the commercial value of the platinum-group elements from the standpoint of a refining company and supplier. These invited papers are reproduced in this volume and are followed by twenty four full papers and twenty abstracts that reflect the wide range of research topics presented at the symposium."
For many centuries people living on volcanoes have known that the outset of seismic activity is often a forerunner of a volcanic eruption. This understand ing allowed people living close to the sites of the Mt. Nuovo 1538 eruption at Campi Flegrei, Italy, and of the Mt. Usu 1663 eruption, in Hokkaido, Japan (to quote only two examples) to flee before the eruptions started. During the second half of the 19th century seismographs were installed on some volcanoes, and the link between seismic and eruptive activity started to be assessed on a firmer scientific basis. The first systematic observations of the correlations existing between seismic activity and volcanic eruptions were probably those carried out at Mt. Vesuvius by Luigi Palmieri in 1856. Palmieri was the Director of Osservatorio Vesuviano and built an electromagnetic seismograph with the aim of "making visible the smallest ground motions by recording them on paper and indicating direction, intensity and duration." He was able to show the relationship between earthquakes and the different phases of volcanic activity. He identified the harmonic tremor which he indicated was a precursor of volcanic activity: "the characteristic feature of the ground mo tions preceding eruption is its continuity . . . (before the eruption of 1861) the electromagnetic seismograph began to show a continuous tremor." The Palmieri seismograph was also utilized in Japan until 1883, when it was replaced by the new Gray-Milne seismographs, and, later, by the Omori in struments."
The African continent is unique in that it has escaped widespread orogenic activity after the Pan African orogenic event. Therefore, the African Plate provides the world's best example of the relationship between extensional magmatism and structural setting. This first complete and up-to-date review, written by leading scientists, discusses the evolutionary model and offers a new and reliable basis for scientists working on plate tectonics and extensional areas in other continents.
In the first edition of this book, we observed that it had been created to fill a need for a usable "self-contained volume on hydrodynamics" (and hydrogeology) that was written specifically for the petroleum industry, but could also serve the earth science community in general. When the first edition was published (1982), M. K. Hubbert, the father of petroleum hydrodynamics, was approaching the final stages of his very productive career. For this reason, the book served as a vehicle to amplify his concepts and spread and stimulate applications of some of his theories and methods throughout the exploration sectors of the petroleum industry. This was accomplished by blending discussions of Hubbert's concepts with some of the procedures used by industry specialists to answer practical oil and gas questions. The simple aim of the book was to bring this material to the fingertips of working geologists and geophysicists, who were "evaluating the hydrocarbon possibilities in larger exploration regions or assessing the potential of small, local subsurface oil and gas prospects. " It was also hoped that by treating areas of conceptual overlap between petroleum geology and ground water hydrology, workers in both disciplines would be brought into closer contact, resulting in mutual benefits gained through healthy scientific and technical interaction. This remains our objective in the second edition, although it has become apparent that additional material is needed to satisfactorily achieve it. The size of this volume reflects the new subject matter.
The fifth volume in this series is focused on the chemical and physical interactions between rocks undergoing metamorphism and the fluids that they generate and that pass through them. The recognition that such pro cesses can profoundly affect the course of metamorphism has resulted in a number of recent papers and we consider that it is time for a review by some of the interested parties. We hope our selection of contributors provides an adequate cross section and demonstrates some of the flavor of this rapidly developing field. A cursory examination of the volume will reveal that there are widely divergent opinions on the compositions of metamorphic fluids and on the ways in which they interact physically and chemically with the rocks through which they pass. Since our own views are extensively discussed in Chapters 4 and 8, we leave the reader to determine his own brand of the "truth. " We wish to thank D. Bird, S. Bohlen, D. Carmichael, G. Flowers, C. Foster, C. Graham, E. Perry, J. Selverstone, R. Tracy, J. Valley, and R. Wollast for their chapter reviews. Thanks are also due C. Cheverton for her editorial assistance, and the helpful staff at Springer-Verlag New York."
Advances in seismology and extensions of its application have made it increasingly necessary to perform high-sensitivity observationsonartificial earth tremors (explosions) or on natural ones. This implies in particular to investigating the seismic conditions in large industrial centres. There are many major cities with a million inhabitants or more in seismically-active regions. In the USSR, this applies to the capitals of the Union Republics such as Alma Ata, Frunze, Tashkent, Dushanbe, and Ashkhabad, as well as to dozens of local entres and cities with extensive industrial development. Seismic classification and earthquake forecasting have to be considered in relation to the extension or building of cities in such regions, and this would be impossible without detailed investigation of the seismicity, which involves upgrading the instru mental observation network. The demand for detailed information on the seismicity increases with every extension to the construction. A successful solution here can be implemented only by taking account of some specific factors, the main one being the high level of seismic noise due to the activities in large centres, which restricts the sensitivity of the apparatus and makes it impossible to record weak local earth tremors, which are of particular interest in periods of relative seismic calm. Stations at sufficiently great distances from the city do not sense the city noise, but they also fail to record weak local earth tremors. Also, the accuracy ofobservation falls for those tremors that can be recorded because of the great distances between stations."
Probability theory and its applications represent a discipline of fun damental importance to nearly all people working in the high-tech nology world that surrounds us. There is increasing awareness that we should ask not "Is it so?" but rather "What is the probability that it is so?" As a result, most colleges and universities require a course in mathematical probability to be given as part of the undergraduate training of all scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. This book is a text for a first course in the mathematical theory of probability for undergraduate students who have the prerequisite of at least two, and better three, semesters of calculus. In particular, the student must have a good working knowledge of power series expan sions and integration. Moreover, it would be helpful if the student has had some previous exposure to elementary probability theory, either in an elementary statistics course or a finite mathematics course in high school or college. If these prerequisites are met, then a good part of the material in this book can be covered in a semester (IS-week) course that meets three hours a week." |
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