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Books > Professional & Technical > Electronics & communications engineering > Communications engineering / telecommunications > General
This book presents breakthroughs in the design of Wireless Energy Harvesting (WEH) networks. It bridges the gap between WEH through radio waves communications and power transfer, which have largely been designed separately. The authors present an overview of the RF-EHNs including system architecture and RF energy harvesting techniques and existing applications. They also cover the idea of WEH in novel discoveries of information, the theoretical bounds in WEH, wireless sensor networks, usage of modern channel coding together with WEH, energy efficient resource allocation mechanisms, distributed self-organized energy efficient designs, delay-energy trade-off, specific protocols for energy efficient communication designs, D2D communication and energy efficiency, cooperative wireless networks, and cognitive networks.
This book presents the latest cutting edge research, theoretical methods, and novel applications in the field of computational intelligence and computational biological approaches that are aiming to combat COVID-19. The book gives the technological key drivers behind using AI to find drugs that target the virus, shedding light on the structure of COVID-19, detecting the outbreak and spread of new diseases, spotting signs of a COVID-19 infection in medical images, monitoring how the virus and lockdown is affecting mental health, and forecasting how COVID-19 cases and deaths will spread across cities and why. Further, the book helps readers understand computational intelligence techniques combating COVID-19 in a simple and systematic way.
The study of telecommunications and networking allows us to understand existing modes of communication and information transfer while also developing new methods for managing, modeling, and regulating the exchange of information. Research, Practice, and Educational Advancements in Telecommunications and Networking offers multidisciplinary perspectives on architectures and systems for effective, efficient communication across different types of infrastructures, which include online and wireless networks. Collecting research on mobile ad hoc networks, VoIP, and mobile recommendation systems, this book provides theoretical discussions, as well as practical research on new and emerging developments in telecommunications and networking.
The book presents research that contributes to the development of intelligent dialog systems to simplify diverse aspects of everyday life, such as medical diagnosis and entertainment. Covering major thematic areas: machine learning and artificial neural networks; algorithms and models; and social and biometric data for applications in human-computer interfaces, it discusses processing of audio-visual signals for the detection of user-perceived states, the latest scientific discoveries in processing verbal (lexicon, syntax, and pragmatics), auditory (voice, intonation, vocal expressions) and visual signals (gestures, body language, facial expressions), as well as algorithms for detecting communication disorders, remote health-status monitoring, sentiment and affect analysis, social behaviors and engagement. Further, it examines neural and machine learning algorithms for the implementation of advanced telecommunication systems, communication with people with special needs, emotion modulation by computer contents, advanced sensors for tracking changes in real-life and automatic systems, as well as the development of advanced human-computer interfaces. The book does not focus on solving a particular problem, but instead describes the results of research that has positive effects in different fields and applications.
This book focuses on a combination of theoretical advances in the Internet of Things, cloud computing and its real-life applications to serve society. The book discusses technological innovations, authentication, mobility support and security, group rekeying schemes and a range of concrete applications. The Internet has restructured not only global interrelations, but also an unbelievable number of personal characteristics. Machines are increasingly able to control innumerable autonomous gadgets via the Internet, creating the Internet of Things, which facilitates intelligent communication between humans and things, and among things. The Internet of Things is an active area of current research, and technological advances have been supported by real-life applications to establish their soundness. The material in this book includes concepts, figures, graphs, and tables to guide researchers through the Internet of Things and its applications for society.
For undergraduate electrical, electronic or communications engineering courses. Now in its second edition, Digital Signal Processing offers modern coverage of the fundamentals, implementation and applications of digital signal processing techniques from a practical point of view.
This volume contains revised and extended research articles written by prominent researchers who participated in the international conference on Advances in Engineering Technologies, which was held in Hong Kong, 12-14 March, 2014. Topics covered include engineering physics, engineering mathematics, scientific computing, control theory, artificial intelligence, electrical engineering, communications systems, and industrial applications. The book offers the state of art of tremendous advances in engineering technologies and physical science and applications, and also serves as an excellent reference work for researchers and graduate students working with/on engineering technologies and physical science and applications.
This book describes in detail sampling techniques that can be used for unsupervised and supervised cases, with a focus on sampling techniques for machine learning algorithms. It covers theory and models of sampling methods for managing scalability and the "curse of dimensionality", their implementations, evaluations, and applications. A large part of the book is dedicated to database comprising standard feature vectors, and a special section is reserved to the handling of more complex objects and dynamic scenarios. The book is ideal for anyone teaching or learning pattern recognition and interesting teaching or learning pattern recognition and is interested in the big data challenge. It provides an accessible introduction to the field and discusses the state of the art concerning sampling techniques for supervised and unsupervised task. Provides a comprehensive description of sampling techniques for unsupervised and supervised tasks; Describe implementation and evaluation of algorithms that simultaneously manage scalable problems and curse of dimensionality; Addresses the role of sampling in dynamic scenarios, sampling when dealing with complex objects, and new challenges arising from big data. "This book represents a timely collection of state-of-the art research of sampling techniques, suitable for anyone who wants to become more familiar with these helpful techniques for tackling the big data challenge." M. Emre Celebi, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Science, University of Central Arkansas "In science the difficulty is not to have ideas, but it is to make them work" From Carlo Rovelli
This book is an important outcome of the Fifth World Internet Conference. It provides a comprehensive review of China's Internet development, especially the new practice and achievement in 2018. And it offers a systematic account of China's experience in Internet development and governance. This year, the book improves China's Internet Development Index System, optimizes the algorithm model, and enhances data collection, to assess and reflect Internet development more comprehensively, objectively and scientifically.
Praise for the Series
The book systematically introduces the visible light communication (VLC) technology in detail. Basic concepts and how to realize the system are both illustrated, including the transmitter, channel, and the receiver. In addition, a good many experimental results are presented to help readers further understand the VLC technologies. The upper-layer protocols of visible light communication system and the technology trends are also discussed. This book can be a good reference work for researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of communications, LED, and optics.
This book presents the combined proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (CSA-15) and the International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications (CUTE 2015), both held in Cebu, Philippines, December 15 - 17, 2015. The aim of these two meetings was to promote discussion and interaction among academics, researchers and professionals in the field of computer science covering topics including mobile computing, security and trust management, multimedia systems and devices, networks and communications, databases and data mining, and ubiquitous computing technologies such as ubiquitous communication and networking, ubiquitous software technology, ubiquitous systems and applications, security and privacy. These proceedings reflect the state-of-the-art in the development of computational methods, numerical simulations, error and uncertainty analysis and novel applications of new processing techniques in engineering, science, and other disciplines related to computer science.
This book explores the disruptive changes in the media ecosystem caused by convergence and digitization, and analyses innovation processes in content production, distribution and commercialisation. It has been edited by Professors Miguel Tunez-Lopez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain), Valentin-Alejandro Martinez-Fernandez (Universidade da Coruna, Spain), Xose Lopez-Garcia (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain), Xose Ruas-Araujo (Universidade de Vigo, Spain) and Francisco Campos-Freire (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain). The book includes contributions from European and American experts, who offer their views on the audiovisual sector, journalism and cyberjournalism, corporate and institutional communication, and education. It particularly highlights the role of new technologies, the Internet and social media, including the ethics and legal dimensions. With 30 contributions, grouped into diverse chapters, on information preferences and uses in journalism, as well as public audiovisual policies in the European Union, related to governance, funding, accountability, innovation, quality and public service, it provides a reliable media resource and presents lines of future development.
The author provides a full-range of cost options on how to prevent
EMI: from inexpensive enclosures that are adequate for many
situations to the most advanced shielding techniques used in
scientific applications. This unique book will show the reader how
to select the most suitable technique for the application:
something that will do the job, yet avoid expensive and
time-consuming "overkill." Design of Shielded Enclosures provides a
variety of practical techniques that will reveal how well an
enclosure is working without a lot of expensive and time-consuming
tests. This book will also show how to determine when detailed
testing is necessary.
This book targets major issues in terrestrial-satellite communication networks and presents the solutions. While the terrestrial networks can achieve high-speed data service at low cost, satellite based access is one way to complement terrestrial based networks to ensure ubiquitous, 100% geographic coverage. The coexistence and cooperation between terrestrial and satellite networks are of great potential in future communication networks, and satellite radio access networks has already been considered in the fifth-generation (5G) networks to be supported for phase 2. Therefore, it is important to study the architectures of terrestrial-satellite networks, as well as the possible techniques and challenges. The authors introduce the technique of beamforming in satellite communication systems, which is an efficient transmitting method for multiple access, and they discuss the main challenges as well as prospective applications. The authors introduce possible methods for interference cancelation reception in terrestrial-satellite communication networks when reusing the frequency band between the two networks. Due to the limitation of spectrum resources, spectrum sharing will become one of the important issues in terrestrial-satellite communication networks. The problems of spectrum coexistence between GEO and Terrestrial Systems and between GEO and NEGO systems are also discussed. Finally, taking both the two system into consideration, the resource allocation problem will be more complex due to the coupling between resources and the interference. Based on this, the authors propose several resource allocation schemes in different scenarios of terrestrial-satellite communication networks, which can optimize the capacity performance of the system. The expected audience for this book includes (but not limited to) graduate students, professors, researchers, scientists, practitioners, engineers, industry managers, and government researchers working in the field of satellite communications and networks. The expected audience for this book includes (but not limited to) graduate students, professors, researchers, scientists, practitioners, engineers, industry managers, and government researchers working in the field of satellite communications and networks.
This latest volume in the Wavelets Analysis and Its Applications
Series provides significant and up-to-date insights into recent
developments in the field of wavelet constructions in connection
with partial differential equations. Specialists in numerical
applications and engineers in a variety of fields will find
Multiscale Wavelet for Partial Differential Equations to be a
valuable resource.
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are characterized as a combination of physical (physical plant, process, network) and cyber (software, algorithm, computation) components whose operations are monitored, controlled, coordinated, and integrated by a computing and communicating core. The interaction between both physical and cyber components requires tools allowing analyzing and modeling both the discrete and continuous dynamics. Therefore, many CPS can be modeled as hybrid dynamic systems in order to take into account both discrete and continuous behaviors as well as the interactions between them. Guaranteeing the security and safety of CPS is a challenging task because of the inherent interconnected and heterogeneous combination of behaviors (cyber/physical, discrete/continuous) in these systems. This book presents recent and advanced approaches and tech-niques that address the complex problem of analyzing the diagnosability property of cyber physical systems and ensuring their security and safety against faults and attacks. The CPS are modeled as hybrid dynamic systems using different model-based and data-driven approaches in different application domains (electric transmission networks, wireless communication networks, intrusions in industrial control systems, intrusions in production systems, wind farms etc.). These approaches handle the problem of ensuring the security of CPS in presence of attacks and verifying their diagnosability in presence of different kinds of uncertainty (uncertainty related to the event occurrences, to their order of occurrence, to their value etc.).
Online learning from a signal processing perspective There is increased interest in kernel learning algorithms in neural networks and a growing need for nonlinear adaptive algorithms in advanced signal processing, communications, and controls. "Kernel Adaptive Filtering" is the first book to present a comprehensive, unifying introduction to online learning algorithms in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. Based on research being conducted in the Computational Neuro-Engineering Laboratory at the University of Florida and in the Cognitive Systems Laboratory at McMaster University, Ontario, Canada, this unique resource elevates the adaptive filtering theory to a new level, presenting a new design methodology of nonlinear adaptive filters. Covers the kernel least mean squares algorithm, kernel affine projection algorithms, the kernel recursive least squares algorithm, the theory of Gaussian process regression, and the extended kernel recursive least squares algorithm Presents a powerful model-selection method called maximum marginal likelihood Addresses the principal bottleneck of kernel adaptive filters--their growing structure Features twelve computer-oriented experiments to reinforce the concepts, with MATLAB codes downloadable from the authors' Web site Concludes each chapter with a summary of the state of the art and potential future directions for original research "Kernel Adaptive Filtering" is ideal for engineers, computer scientists, and graduate students interested in nonlinear adaptive systems for online applications (applications where the data stream arrives one sample at a time and incremental optimal solutions are desirable). It is also a useful guide for those who look for nonlinear adaptive filtering methodologies to solve practical problems.
This book provides recent results of game theory for networking applications. The contributors address the major opportunities and challenges in applying traditional game theory as well as intelligent game theory to the understanding and designing of modern network systems, with emphasis on both new analytical techniques and novel application scenarios. After an overview of game theory for networks, the book narrows in on game theory in communications, game theory in wireless networks, and game theory applications. The book features contributions from researchers and professionals around the world. Presents a variety of perspectives on game theory for networking applications; Shows how game theory can apply to the study of data traffic, new generation networks, and smartgrid; Includes recent results of applied game theory for networks, providing some technical progresses in GAMENETS.
This book discusses opportunities for broadcasters that arise with the advent of broadband networks, both fixed and mobile. It discusses how the traditional way of distributing audio-visual content over broadcasting networks has been complemented by the usage of broadband networks. The author shows how this also gives the possibility to offer new types of interactive or so-called nonlinear services. The book illustrates how change in distribution technology is accelerating the need for broadcasters around the world to adapt their content distribution strategy and how it will impact the portfolios of content they offer.
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to all major topics in digital signal processing (DSP). The book is designed to serve as a textbook for courses offered to undergraduate students enrolled in electrical, electronics, and communication engineering disciplines. The text is augmented with many illustrative examples for easy understanding of the topics covered. Every chapter contains several numerical problems with answers followed by question-and-answer type assignments. The detailed coverage and pedagogical tools make this an ideal textbook for students and researchers enrolled in electrical engineering and related programs.
The most important theoretical aspects of Image and Signal Processing (ISP) for both deterministic and random signals, the theory being supported by exercises and computer simulations relating to real applications. More than 200 programs and functions are provided in the MATLAB(R) language, with useful comments and guidance, to enable numerical experiments to be carried out, thus allowing readers to develop a deeper understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of this subject. Following on from the first volume, this second installation takes a more practical stance, providing readers with the applications of ISP.
This book provides an insight into recent technological trends and innovations in mobility solutions and platforms to improve mobility of visually impaired people. The authors' goal is to help to contribute to the social and societal inclusion of the visually impaired. The book's topics include, but are not limited to, obstacle detection systems, indoor and outdoor navigation, transportation sustainability systems, and hardware/devices to aid visually impaired people. The book has a strong focus on practical applications, tested in a real environment. Applications include city halls, municipalities, and companies that can keep up to date with recent trends in platforms, methodologies and technologies to promote urban mobility. Also discussed are broader realms including education, health, electronics, tourism, and transportation. Contributors include a variety of researchers and practitioners around the world. Features practical, tested applications of technological mobility solutions for visual impaired people; Presents topics such as obstacle detection systems, urban mobility, smart home services, and ambient assisted living; Includes a number of application examples in education, health, electronics, tourism, and transportation. |
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