Books > Humanities > Religion & beliefs > Non-Christian sacred works & liturgy > Liturgy > General
>. ISAIAS 45:2 Este fue el versiculo que Charles Spurgeon
escucho predicar a la edad de quince anos, y que le mostro el
camino a la salvacion. En este libro devocional Charles Spurgeon
nos da dia a dia un alimento que nos nutrira y nos ensenara las
maravillas de la Palabra de Dios. Vuelvan a mi ofrece una
perspectiva espiritual y una sabiduria eterna de uno de los
predicadores mas grandes de todos los tiempos. El ha entusiasmado a
generaciones de cristianos para que descubran una mas rica entrega
a Cristo. Estas devociones tomadas de Morning by Morning se han
actualizado con un mensaje contemporaneo y comentarios de Jim
Yo debera orar ms. S que yo debera leer la Biblia cada da. Quiero
pasar ms tiempo con Dios, pero mi vida est tan ocupada. Se siente
culpable o desalentado al ver que las distracciones y la actividad
de la vida diaria le impiden desarrollar la clase de relacin que le
gustara tener con Dios? Cristo no quiere que usted pase tiempo con
l sintiendo culpa o como algo impuesto. l quiere que usted se
entregue perdidamente a su amor de manera que sus pensamientos sean
con usted dondequiera que vaya. l anhela momentos sagrados con
usted durante todo el da, cuando usted est solo, con amigos, en la
iglesia o en el mundo. l espera encontrarle en todos los momentos
de su vida diaria. Este libro introduce nuevos modos de pensar
acerca de las disciplinas espirituales. nase al doctor Frank Moore
y explore como las prcticas espirituales como: oracin,
hospitalidad, simplicidad de vida y compasin pueden transformar
momentos ordinarios en encuentros sagrados. Convierta su rutina
espiritual en un romance sagrado que redefinir, para siempre, lo
que significa seguir a Cristo.
For thirty-five years, J. I. Packer's Knowing God has revealed to
over a million Christians around the world the wonder, the glory
and the joy of knowing God. Now, you can discover the riches of the
character of God in a devotional format. The daily reading includes
Scripture, a suggestion for action or reflection, and space to
journal or write out your prayers. Next to Scripture, Knowing God
could be the most significant book you will read this year.
Para muchas personas hoy, el reloj es el enemigo, con las agendas
llenas de actividades, haciendo desaparecer cualquier esperanza de
descanso, reflexi n y renovaci n espiritual. El Reloj Divino ense a
un estilo de vida que se basa en una agenda cuyo prop sito es
restaurar el plan y potencial que Dios tiene para nuestras vidas.
El Reloj Divino describe un estilo de vida de oraci n que Dios
mismo revel a Mois s, fue desarrollado por el Rey David, y recibi
su pleno sentido y poder en la vida y obra de Jesucristo. Los Ap
stoles y la Iglesia primitiva lo practicaban; y sigui siendo una
parte integral de la vida en los cristianos de los primeros siglos.
Ha sido redescubierto en momentos cr ticos en la historia de la
Iglesia, revitalizando la fe y la influencia de los seguidores de
Cristo en el mundo. Al leer este libro usted tendr la oportunidad
de ser una parte vital de un movimiento de intercesi n y
avivamiento que podr transformar el mundo actual.
Una guia de sabiduria inspiracional que nos ayudara a
acercarnos a la gracia y el amor de la Virgen Maria
Conocida en todo el mundo bajo diferentes nombres, la Virgen
Maria siempre ha sido la traedora de consuelo, esperanza y fe a la
Tierra. Esta obra nos presenta a la Maria de la Biblia y de las
escrituras de los santos, a la Maria de las leyendas y los estudios
academicos, la Maria de los Angeles y Apariciones, la Santa Virgen,
la Madre de Dios, la Reina de los Cielos, la Madre de Ayuda
Perpetua, la Reina de la Paz y la Madre de la Misericordia.
"365 Meditaciones con la Virgen Maria" nos brinda meditaciones
basadas en los milagros, las bendiciones y las curaciones de la
Virgen Maria. Este libro es una poderosa invitacion a la oracion,
el perdon, la esperanza y el amor.
This treasure store of prayer draws widely on many of the world's
great religious and spiritual traditions and focuses on
contemporary concerns. It is intended for people seeking to deepen
and broaden their spiritual lives and also for those who lead
public worship or school assemblies and are searching for material.
The prayers are suitable for contemporary events, such as after a
divorce or redundancy, and for both everyday and special occasions.
There are prayers for times of difficulty, illness and bereavement,
and special emphasis on prayers for the needs of the world: for
peace and justice, for the hungry, for victims of oppression and
for the protection of the environment. There are also prayers to
lead the individual into a deeper relationship with the Divine
En esta edicion en espanol del libro "Stations of the Cross With
Pope John Paul II, " el padre Joseph Champlin adapta El Via Crucis
que el Papa Juan Pablo II hizo en el Coliseo de Roma el Viernes
Santo de 1991. El Via Crucis se compone de quince estaciones porque
incluye la estacion de la resurreccion. Todas las estaciones estan
basadas en pasajes de los Evangelios. Y cada una de las respuestas
esta tomada de los salmos. El padre Champlin incluye nuevas
estaciones con las tradicionales.
In this Spanish edition of "Stations of the Cross With Pope John
Paul II, " Father Joseph Champlin adapts the Stations from the ones
used by Pope John Paul II at the Roman Colosseum on Good Friday
There are 15 stations, including the Resurrection. Based on the
events in the Gospels, each station is accompanied by specific
Gospel readings. Each of the prayer responses is taken from a
portion of the psalms. Father Champlin includes new stations, in
addition to some of the traditional ones.
"40 paginas; Librito"
This is a collection of prayers and devotional writings in
contemporary worship in the Muslim world. Drawing on a range of
sources representing the spiritual influence, this book traces and
analyzes the evolution of Islamic theological thought from the
early saints and mystics to the present day.
Being close to God means communicating with him--telling him what
is on our hearts in prayer and understanding what he is saying to
us. The second half of this conversation is so important--and so
difficult. How do we hear God? In these daily devotionals Dallas
Willard helps us understand how we can know the voice of God and
act on it. Now in a new format with an expanded introduction, this
classic provides daily Scripture readings and suggestions for
prayer, journaling and reflection to draw you into God's presence.
You may be surprised--and even transformed--by what you discover.
It is a new day, a new season for women at this unique time in
history. With this new season comes a responsibility and
opportunity to live life to its fullest potential . . . but how,
exactly, can women wake up to all the possibilities and make the
right choices to make each day matter? Popular author and speaker
Holly Wagner is calling women to set aside 90 days to awaken to the
life God has waiting for each of his daughters. Based on Holly's
book Warrior Chicks and on Proverbs 31, these daily devotions go
right to the heart of every woman's hopes and dreams for her life,
and will stir readers to claim their freedom as heiresses to God's
promises. Each reading includes action steps to help women make an
impact on and in their day and questions to inspire deeper
When Carol Floch realized that her marriage was about to end and
that she was about to join the ranks of moms left to raise their
children on their own, she could not stop crying. She mourned her
shattered hopes and grieved the loss of the family she had always
dreamed of. But mostly, she cried for her children. Into Carol's
grief, regret, and fear, God's Spirit came with a message from
Psalm 84: Build your nest near my altar, and I will be your
children's source of security, protection, provision, and blessing.
In The Single Mom's Devotional, Carol tells her story and shares
with the sisterhood of single moms how they can build their
family's nest in the protective shadow of God's presence. Single
mothers, whether on their own after a divorce or a husband's death,
will discover how to find true life in Christ and allow the
strength of that inner life to be the compass by which they
navigate an unpredictable future. Near God's altar, the cross of
Christ is where single moms will discover life through
relinquishment, power through dependence, and hope through
surrender. Anchored at the foot of the cross, readers will find
daily security and hope as they nourish their souls and nurture
their children at a place near God's altar.
Scholars and experts in anthropology, theatricality,
ethnoscenology, dance, religious studies, theology, history and art
have contributed to the inspiring exchange of intellectual inquiry
in this book. It presents the revised lectures and a selection of
the revised papers from the international and interdisciplinary
conference Religion, Ritual, Theatre which took place in April 2006
at the University of Copenhagen. The aim of the book is to
intertwine new theories with concrete case studies in an empirical
and practical manner. Case studies from different places and
various cultures in Europe, South Africa, the Near East and India
demonstrate noticeable parallels concerning the notions of
embodiment and practice. Even though these upcoming perspectives
share a rather redundant vocabulary they nevertheless seem to
contribute to a common ground of a phenomenology of the body, of
action and perception.
Achttausend Predigten und mehr durfte Augustinus in den fast
vierzig Jahren seines pastoralen Wirkens gehalten haben. Nicht
einmal zehn Prozent davon sind uberliefert, und doch macht dieser
Bruchteil allein ca. 17 Prozent seines erhaltenen Opus aus.
Augustins Predigttatigkeit war also mehrfach umfangreicher als alle
anderen seiner Schriften zusammengenommen. Diese Zahlen machen die
tatsachlichen Dimensionen des Wirkens Augustins deutlich, die oft
zugunsten seiner philosophischen und theologischen Traktate
verkannt werden. Der sechste Band der ersten deutschsprachigen
Gesamtausgabe der Predigten legt daher die 32 Sermones zum
oesterlichen Triduum vor (Karfreitag, Osternacht, Ostersonntag),
von denen zwanzig erstmals ins Deutsche ubertragen wurden. Der en
face abgedruckte Text gibt die grundlegende Edition der Mauriner
unter kritischem Vergleich mit den spateren Editionen und Angabe
der Abweichungen wieder. Die Einleitungen und Anmerkungen erlautern
das zur Einordnung und zum Verstandnis der Texte Erforderliche:
Echtheit, UEberlieferung, Chronologie, Struktur, Stil, historische
Daten, Theologie und Liturgie. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf
dem Nachweis des biblischen Gedankengutes.
In this, companion volume to his worldwide bestseller, Care of the Soul, Thomas Moore offers a way of living in this new and confusing century. Drawing on faiths front all over tile world, as well as from his own vast well of knowledge and personal experience, Moore shows its ]low religion can be used to embrace others, rather than exclude them. He helps its become comfortable with our doubts, and reveals a, liberating truth -- it is in the dark corners of the soul Chat trite faith is born. Intimate and provocative, Moore writes with the compassion of a parent and the wisdom of a trite teacher.
How can a young couple start off on the right foot, helping to
ensure that their marriage remains strong and vibrant? This dynamic
sixty-day devotional from well-known Christian counselor H. Norman
Wright is written expressly for pre-engaged, engaged, or dating
couples. The Starting Out Together devotional allows engaged
couples to spend quality time together, learning what God says
about marriage success. This beautifully designed devotional is a
practical, inspirational tool that will help prepare couples of all
ages for the wonder and mystery of marriage.
Band 9 der zweisprachigen Ausgabe der Sermones ad populum bietet
die erstmalige deutsche UEbersetzung der drei Predigten zur
Apostelgeschichte 148-150. Die lateinischen Texte beruhen auf dem
Vergleich der bisherigen Editionen, im Fall von sermo 150 auch auf
Codex I 9 der Stadtbibliothek Mainz, der als Faksimile abgedruckt
wird. Die Kommentierung erlautert insbesondere UEberlieferung,
Chronologie, Struktur, Stil, historische Daten, biblisches
Gedankengut, Liturgie und Theologie der Predigten. Daruber hinaus
werden hagiographische und archaologische Daten sowie die
Verwendung der Apostelgeschichte im Gesamtwerk Augustins
Band 10 der zweisprachigen Ausgabe der Sermones ad populum bietet
die erstmalige deutsche UEbertragung der Predigten 42-50 zu den
alttestamentlichen Propheten (Jesaja, Ezechiel, Micha, Haggai),
darunter die beiden vormals groessten und seit der Antike ausserst
popularen Sermones 46 und 47 zu Ezechiel 34 "UEber die Hirten und
die Herde". Der kritisch annotierte lateinische Text beruht auf dem
Vergleich der bisherigen Editionen unter Heranziehung neu
identifizierter Handschriften sowie der indirekten UEberlieferung
in Zitaten mittelalterlicher Werke. Die Kommentierung erlautert
insbesondere UEberlieferung, Chronologie, Struktur, Stil,
biblisches Gedankengut, Liturgie und Theologie der Predigten,
historische, hagiographische, archaologische und
naturwissenschaftliche Daten.
La vida de un santo es la vida de una persona comun bien
llevada. Y esa es la vida que los lectores descubriran en esta
coleccion encantadora y por momentos sorprendente de palabras y
sabiduria de los santos a traves de los tiempos. Un libro hermoso e
inspirador, "365 Santos" revela como vivian los santos, detallando
sus esperanzas, miedos, alegrias y tristezas, y tambien sus menos
conocidos idiosincrasias y dichos. Ingenioso y asombroso, simple y
sublime, "365 Santos" ofrece un ano entero de meditaciones y
sugerencias practicas para emular a los santos hoy en dia.
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