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We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (GERMAN) - Wir Singen Wir Bleiben Zusammen: Gebete Zum... We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (GERMAN) - Wir Singen Wir Bleiben Zusammen: Gebete Zum Morgengottesdienst Am Shabbat (German, Hardcover)
Richard Collis
R741 Discovery Miles 7 410 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

"Wir Singen Wir Bleiben Zusammen (We Sing We Stay Together) - Gebete zum Morgengottesdienst am Shabbat" ist ein besonders benutzerfreundliches Gebetsbuch zum Mitsingen fur den Morgengottesdienst am Shabbat (Samstag) in der Synagoge, mit TRANSKRIBIERTEM ENGLISCHEM TEXT und einer Transliteration des Gottesdienstes mit Erklarungen. Hauptsachlich will das Werk beim Hoeren und Mitsingen der 64 Titel des gleichnamigen CD-Musikalbums das Erlernen der Gebete ganz besonders erleichtern; doch auch fur sich genommen dient es als Hilfsmittel zum Erlernen der verwendeten Begriffe und der Ablaufe des Gottesdienstes. Unsere judischen Gebete sind wunderschoene Liebeslieder; voller Gute, Warmherzigkeit, Anbetung, Hoffnung, Freundlichkeit und Edelmut. Sie sind uns eingraviert, selbst wenn wir sie nicht kennen, denn diese Gebete, die gleich unserer Religion sind, haben das judische Volk, seine Denkweise und die Ausbildung gepragt und uns zu dem gemacht, was wir sind und fur was wir einstehen. Im Judentum geht es vor allem darum, zu sich selbst, der Familie, der Gemeinde und allen Mitmenschen gut und positiv zu sein - und das aus dem Respekt und der Liebe zu Hashem heraus. Das erfullt mich mit Dankbarkeit, Demut und Stolz. Unser Erbe ist ein intellektueller, kultureller, spiritueller und religioeser Segen - aber wir brauchen jemanden, der uns Zugang dazu gewahrt. Ich konnte nie am Shabbat-Morgengottesdienst teilnehmen, geschweige denn, ihn geniessen, doch ich liebte jene Momente, in denen die ganze Gemeinde zusammenkam und einige kurze Gebete in bewegenden Melodien singt. Man konnte einfach nicht genug davon bekommen, und deshalb brauchen wir mehr Lieder, noch viel mehr! Die Gemeinde sind die Familie und die Freunde, und wir alle sind Freunde - so heisst es sogar in einem unserer Gebete. Unsere Gebete verlangen danach, mit grosser Freude deutlich und harmonisch gesungen zu werden. Das gemeinsame Gebet bringt Zugehoerigkeit und Gemeinschaftsgeist, und das ist nur moeglich, wenn jeder von uns gleich ist. Dazu brauchen wir gut verstandliche Worte, die man leicht lernt und die zu singen Freude macht. Ich widme dieses Projekt der Vertonung von Gebeten zum Shabbat-Morgengottesdienst und der Niederschrift eines Gebetsbuchs zum Mitsingen all denjenigen, die den Fortbestand der Juden, das Judentum, die Thora, und den Nationalstaat des judischen Volks, Israel, lieben und schatzen, und ich widme das Werk unseren wunderbaren Freunden, den Gerechten unter den Voelkern. Denken Sie immer daran: Wenn wir zusammen singen, dann bleiben wir zusammen. AM ISRAEL CHAI- das Volk Israels lebt. Mit Liebe und Hoffnung fur unsere Kinder, Richard Collis

Minute of Margin (Hardcover, 1st ed): Richard A Swenson Minute of Margin (Hardcover, 1st ed)
Richard A Swenson
R518 R440 Discovery Miles 4 400 Save R78 (15%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Rediscover the space you need in between your work, your schedule, and your limits by eliminating unneeded frustrations and reflecting on how you spend your time. From Richard Swenson, author of the bestselling book "Margin," this devotional's 180 daily readings offer encouragement, healing, and rest as you deal with time management, stress, and busyness.

Koren Yamim Noraim Mahzor (Hardcover): Koren Publishers Koren Yamim Noraim Mahzor (Hardcover)
Koren Publishers
R1,224 R1,057 Discovery Miles 10 570 Save R167 (14%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Un Dios, Un Plan, Una Vida - Un Devocional de 365 Dias Para Jovenes (Spanish, Paperback): Max Lucado Un Dios, Un Plan, Una Vida - Un Devocional de 365 Dias Para Jovenes (Spanish, Paperback)
Max Lucado
R390 R332 Discovery Miles 3 320 Save R58 (15%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Bearing the Cross: Devotions on Albrecht Durer's Small Passion (Hardcover, New): Carolyn Brinkley Bearing the Cross: Devotions on Albrecht Durer's Small Passion (Hardcover, New)
Carolyn Brinkley
R440 R368 Discovery Miles 3 680 Save R72 (16%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
BRIT OLAM, Prayer Book for Noahides in French (French, Hardcover): Brit Olam BRIT OLAM, Prayer Book for Noahides in French (French, Hardcover)
Brit Olam
R981 Discovery Miles 9 810 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (SPANISH) - Cantamos y Permanecemos Juntos: Plegarias del Servicio... We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (SPANISH) - Cantamos y Permanecemos Juntos: Plegarias del Servicio Matutino Del Shabbat (Spanish, Hardcover)
Richard Collis
R741 Discovery Miles 7 410 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

We Sing We Stay Together (Cantamos y Permanecemos Juntos): El libro Plegarias Del Servicio Matutino del Shabbat es un libro de plegarias para acompanar el canto en el servicio de culto del Shabbat (sabado) por la manana, con texto transliterado a caracteres del alfabeto latino, traduccion y explicacion del servicio de culto. Su objetivo principal es simplificar al maximo el aprendizaje de las oraciones, como soporte de ayuda para escuchar y cantar con el CD de 64 canciones del mismo nombre; pero tambien constituye, por derecho propio, una herramienta de aprendizaje que explica el significado de las palabras y del servicio de culto. Nuestras plegarias judias son bellas canciones de amor, llenas de bondad, afecto, adoracion, esperanza, amabilidad y generosidad. Son nuestro ADN aunque no las conozcamos, porque estas plegarias, nuestra religion, han moldeado al pueblo judio: nuestra manera de pensar y educacion, quienes somos y que representamos. El judaismo implica ser bueno y positivo para uno mismo, la familia, la comunidad y el mundo en general - todo por respeto y amor a Hashem. Me llena de gratitud, humildad y orgullo. Nuestro legado es una bendicion intelectual, cultural, espiritual y religiosa, pero necesitamos un acceso facil. Nunca pude participar ni aun menos disfrutar del servicio matutino del Shabbat, pero adoraba esos momentos en que toda la comunidad se reunia y cantaba plegarias cortas con melodias conmovedoras. No habia suficiente, necesitabamos mas canto, !mucho mas! La comunidad es cuestion de familia y amigos, y todos somos amigos: lo dice incluso una de nuestras plegarias. Nuestras oraciones reclaman ser cantadas con jubilo, clara y armoniosamente. Las plegarias comunales buscan la pertenencia, compartir, y eso solo es posible si todos nos unimos como iguales; necesitamos palabras claramente articuladas, faciles de aprender y agradables de cantar. Dedico este proyecto de melodizar las plegarias del servicio matutino del Shabbat y de escribir un libro de plegarias para acompanar el canto a todos los que aman y desean la continuidad judia, el Judaismo, la Tora y el estado-nacion del pueblo judio, Israel; y asimismo a todos nuestros maravillosos amigos, los justos entre las naciones. Acordaos de recordar que cuando cantamos juntos, permanecemos juntos. AM ISRAEL CHAI - el pueblo de Israel vive. Con amor y esperanza para nuestros hijos, Richard Collis

We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (FRENCH) - Nous Chantons Nous Restons Ensemble: Prieres Du Service Du... We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers (FRENCH) - Nous Chantons Nous Restons Ensemble: Prieres Du Service Du Matin De Shabbat (French, Hardcover)
Richard Collis
R741 Discovery Miles 7 410 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Nous Chantons Nous Restons Ensemble (We Sing We Stay Together): Prieres du service du matin de Shabbat est un recueil de prieres a chanter pour le service a la synagogue du matin de Shabbat (samedi), tres facile a utiliser, avec une translitteration en caracteres romains, une traduction et une explication du service. Son principal objectif est de faciliter au possible l'apprentissage des prieres en ecoutant et en chantant sur les 64 pistes musicales du CD du meme nom ; mais il represente aussi, en lui-meme, un outil didactique qui donne la signification des mots et du service. Nos prieres juives sont de beaux chants d'amour, pleines de bonte, d'affection, d'adoration, d'espoir, de bienveillance et de generosite. Elles sont notre ADN, meme si nous ne les connaissons pas, car ces prieres, notre religion, ont faconne le peuple juif, notre facon de penser, notre education, qui nous sommes et ce que nous representons. Le judaisme c'est etre bon et positif envers soi-meme, la famille, la communaute, le monde en general - tout ceci par respect et par amour pour Hashem. Cela me remplit de gratitude, d'humilite et de fierte. Notre heritage est une benediction intellectuelle, culturelle, spirituelle et religieuse - mais nous avons besoin d'un acces facile. Je n'ai jamais pu prendre part, encore moins prendre plaisir, a un service du matin de Shabbat, mais j'aimais ces moments ou la communaute se rassemble et chante quelques courtes prieres aux melodies touchantes. Il n'y en avait simplement pas assez, il nous fallait plus de chants, bien plus ! La communaute tourne autour de la famille et des amis, et nous sommes tous amis, c'est meme ecrit dans l'une de nos prieres. Nos prieres demandent a etre chantees avec beaucoup de joie, clairement et harmonieusement. Les prieres communes servent a renforcer les liens, a partager, ce qui n'est possible que si nous pouvons tous participer de facon egale, et pour ce faire il nous faut des paroles clairement enoncees qui soient faciles a apprendre et agreables a chanter. Je dedie cet ouvrage de mise en musique des prieres du matin de Shabbat et de redaction d'un recueil des paroles de ces prieres a tous ceux qui aiment et se soucient de la Continuite Juive, de la Torah et de l'Etat-Nation du Peuple Juif, Israel ; ainsi qu'a tous nos merveilleux amis, les justes parmi les nations. Souvenez-vous de vous souvenir que lorsque nous chantons ensemble, nous restons ensemble. AM ISRAEL CHAI - le peuple d'Israel vit. Avec amour et espoir pour nos enfants, Richard Collis.

????? ???? ??? (Multiple languages, Hardcover): Noam Kaplan סידור נועם השם (Multiple languages, Hardcover)
Noam Kaplan
R874 Discovery Miles 8 740 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Introduction to Kalophony, the Byzantine "Ars Nova" - The "Anagrammatismoi" and "Mathemata" of Byzantine Chant (Paperback, New... Introduction to Kalophony, the Byzantine "Ars Nova" - The "Anagrammatismoi" and "Mathemata" of Byzantine Chant (Paperback, New edition)
Gregorios Th Stathis, Konstantinos Terzopoulos
R1,846 Discovery Miles 18 460 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The anagrams, or more generally, the mathemata and morphologically related kalophonic forms of Byzantine melopoeia, constitute the artistic creations by which Psaltic Art is known in all its splendour and becomes an object of admiration. Kalophony as ars nova was born following the recovery of the city of Constantinople after the Latin occupation of Byzantium (AD 1204-1261) during the long reign of Andronicus II (1282-1328) and reached its final form in the first half of the fourteenth century. During the years 1300-1350, four key composers and teachers of the Psaltic Art imposed a new attitude of melic composition on the preexisting forms and designated new compositional techniques dominated by the beautifying kallopistic element. They created new compositions in the new spirit of kallopismos and musical verbosity. This new musical creation was christened with the term kalophony and this period is the golden age of Byzantine Chant. Originally published under the title Hoi anagrammatismoi kai ta mathemata tes byzantines melopoiias (1979 plus seven reprints), this publication thoroughly investigates and reveals for the first time the entire magnitude of Byzantine kalophony with its individual forms, serving as a systematic introduction to the Greek Byzantine music culture and that of the Byzantine Psaltic Art at the height of its expression.

Saint Augustine's Prayer Book (Leather / fine binding, 2nd 2012 Revised ed.): Derek Olsen, David Cobb Saint Augustine's Prayer Book (Leather / fine binding, 2nd 2012 Revised ed.)
Derek Olsen, David Cobb
R705 R529 Discovery Miles 5 290 Save R176 (25%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
The Songs of Jesus - A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms (Hardcover): Timothy Keller, Kathy Keller The Songs of Jesus - A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms (Hardcover)
Timothy Keller, Kathy Keller
R581 R451 Discovery Miles 4 510 Save R130 (22%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Renowned pastor and New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller writes the book his readers have been asking for: A year-long daily devotional, beautifully designed with gilt edges and a gold ribbon marker. The Book of Psalms is known as the Bible's songbook-Jesus knew all 150 psalms intimately, and relied on them to face every situation, including his death. Two decades ago, Tim Keller began reading the entire Book of Psalms every month. The Songs of Jesus is based on his accumulated years of study, insight, and inspiration recorded in his prayer journals. Kathy Keller came to reading the psalms as a support during an extended illness. Together they have distilled the meaning of each verse, inviting readers into the vast wisdom of the psalms. If you have no devotional life yet, this book is a wonderful way to start. If you already spend time in study and prayer, understanding every verse of the psalms will bring you a new level of intimacy with God, unlocking your purpose within God's kingdom.

Litanic Verse III - Francia (Hardcover, New edition): Magdalena Kowalska Litanic Verse III - Francia (Hardcover, New edition)
Magdalena Kowalska
R1,892 Discovery Miles 18 920 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Despite the numerous famous examples of "les litanies" in French poetry, the manner in which the structures of this form of worship affect the versification strategies of poems has not previously been discussed thoroughly. Litanic verse, whose origins are as ancient as those of the litany genre, is recognized in works whose poetic diction, in whole or in part, includes the distinctive features of the litany, such as enumeration, parallelism, anaphora, and epiphora. The third volume describes the development of litanic verse from troubadour poetry and Old French religious verse up to World War II. This rich and multifaceted material is presented in chronological order and in the context of different literary genres.

Presence and Encounter - The Sacramental Possibilities of Everyday Life (Paperback): David G Phd Benner, Richard Rohr Presence and Encounter - The Sacramental Possibilities of Everyday Life (Paperback)
David G Phd Benner, Richard Rohr
R346 Discovery Miles 3 460 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The most vital and significant moments in life are moments of encounter. Whether we encounter ourselves, others, or God, these moments let us know that life is meaningful. And presence is what makes encounter possible. When we are truly present, everything that has being becomes potentially present to us.
In this unique resource, David Benner invites us to live with more presence so we can know the presence of God more deeply in our lives. Drawing on over thirty-five years of experience integrating psychology and spirituality, Benner examines the transformational possibilities of spiritual presence and encounter in fresh, exciting, and practical ways. He helps readers understand the personal and interpersonal dimensions of presence and encounter, revealing how they mediate Divine Presence and serve as sacraments of everyday life. His rich meditations are presented in a voice that is intelligent, compassionate, and engaging. The book includes end-of-chapter reflection exercises for individual or group use and a foreword by Richard Rohr.

Victorious Living (Paperback): E.Stanley Jones Victorious Living (Paperback)
E.Stanley Jones
R518 R447 Discovery Miles 4 470 Save R71 (14%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

E. Stanley Jones wrote "Victorious Living" in 1936 to respond to inquirers who had come to him morally and spiritually defeated. They were inwardly beaten, thus outwardly ineffective. The book responds with individual and social emphases, and goes step by step, as if on a ladder, to work through the pressing questions of the inner life and how it extends outward: How do we achieve a life evidencing the peace that passes understanding, even in ourselves, let alone passing it on?

What makes the difference between ordinary living and extraordinary, victorious living? How can we build a new inner strength that shines through in our outward character and relationships? Our own efforts to rise above are ineffective but by applying the power of God s Word we can close the gap between our reality and our beliefs. Each daily reading offers essential truths and eternal principles: keys to victorious living in the circumstances we encounter every day Now this vibrant work is making a long deserved comeback, with a new foreword by Leonard Sweet."

Kolbe - Saint of the Immaculata (Paperback): Mary Francis Kolbe - Saint of the Immaculata (Paperback)
Mary Francis
R359 R312 Discovery Miles 3 120 Save R47 (13%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Book of Akathists Volume II - To Our Saviour, the Holy Spirit, the Mother of God, and Various Saints (Hardcover): Isaac... Book of Akathists Volume II - To Our Saviour, the Holy Spirit, the Mother of God, and Various Saints (Hardcover)
Isaac Lambertson
R824 R736 Discovery Miles 7 360 Save R88 (11%) Ships in 9 - 15 working days

An Akathist (Greek for "Standing Up") is a type of extended devotional hymn used both in church and at home. This second volume contains Akathist hymns for the Ascension and Nativity of Christ, an Akathist to the Holy Spirit, for seven different icons of the Mother of God, and the following other Saints: St.'s Ambrose of Optina, Anthony & Theodosius of the Caves of Kiev, the Father's of Athos, Basil the Great, Hieromartyr Cyprian, the New Martyr Elizabeth, Faith, Hope and Love with Sophia their mother, John of Shanghai, Juliana the Merciful, the Apostle Luke, Mary of Egypt the Apostle Matthew, new Martyr Maximus Sandovich, Fr. Moses of the Carpathians, the Elders of Optina, Photius of Constantinople, Theophan the Recluse and the Holy Martyr Zlata of Mglen. Beautifully bound and printed. In traditional English.

Poetry as Prayer in the Sanskrit Hymns of Kashmir (Hardcover): Hamsa Stainton Poetry as Prayer in the Sanskrit Hymns of Kashmir (Hardcover)
Hamsa Stainton
R2,415 Discovery Miles 24 150 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Historically, Kashmir was one of the most dynamic and influential centers of Sanskrit learning and literary production in South Asia. In Poetry as Prayer in the Sanskrit Hymns of Kashmir, Hamsa Stainton investigates the close connection between poetry and prayer in South Asia by studying the history of Sanskrit hymns of praise (stotras) in Kashmir. The book provides a broad introduction to the history and general features of the stotra genre, and it charts the course of these literary hymns in Kashmir from the eighth century to the present. In particular, it offers the first major study in any European language of the Stutikusumanjali, an important work of religious literature dedicated to the god Siva and one of the only extant witnesses to the trajectory of Sanskrit literary culture in fourteenth-century Kashmir. The book also contributes to the study of Saivism by examining the ways in which Saiva poets have integrated the traditions of Sanskrit literature and poetics, theology (especially non-dualism), and Saiva worship and devotion. It substantiates the diverse configurations of Saiva bhakti expressed and explored in these literary hymns and the challenges they present for standard interpretations of Hindu bhakti. More broadly, this study of stotras from Kashmir offers new perspectives on the history and vitality of prayer in South Asia and its complex relationships to poetry and poetics.

Favourite Prayers - Chosen by People from All Walks of Life (Paperback): Deborah Cassidi Favourite Prayers - Chosen by People from All Walks of Life (Paperback)
Deborah Cassidi
R383 R310 Discovery Miles 3 100 Save R73 (19%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

A collection of favourite prayers chosen by men, women, and children from multi-denominational backgrounds. Contributors include politicians and royalty, as well as ordinary people.

An Aural-Performance Analysis of Revelation 1 and 11 (Hardcover, New edition): Kayle B. De Waal An Aural-Performance Analysis of Revelation 1 and 11 (Hardcover, New edition)
Kayle B. De Waal
R1,942 Discovery Miles 19 420 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book breaks fresh ground in the interpretation of the Apocalypse with an interdisciplinary methodology called aural-performance criticism that assesses how the first-century audience would have heard the Apocalypse. First-century media culture is probed by assessing the dynamics of literacy, orality, aurality, and performance in the Gospels, parts of the Pauline corpus, and also Jewish apocalyptic literature. The audience constructs of informed, minimal, and competent assist the interpreter to apply the methodology. Sound maps and an aural-performance commentary of Revelation 1 and 11 are developed that analyze aural markers, sound style, identity markers, repetition, themes, and the appropriation of the message by the audience. The book concludes by examining the sociological, theological, and communal aspects of aurality and performance and its implications for interpreting the Apocalypse.

Spirituality of Gratitude - The Unexpected Blessings of Thankfulness (Paperback): Joshua Choonmin Kang Spirituality of Gratitude - The Unexpected Blessings of Thankfulness (Paperback)
Joshua Choonmin Kang
R429 R356 Discovery Miles 3 560 Save R73 (17%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

2015 Readers' Choice Award Winner "Deep gratitude springs up from within," writes pastor and bestselling Korean author Joshua Choonmin Kang. "To become truly grateful is incredibly difficult, but the difficulty of the process makes the results all the more lovely." God invites us to enter into this world of thankfulness at every moment in our lives, even in the hard times-perhaps especially then. Pastor Kang continues: "Gratitude heals us and holds us, tethering us to one another, offering us joy and strength." As with Deep-Rooted in Christ, this book has fifty-two short chapters that can be read in weekly sabbath reflection or daily devotional use. So come and discover a spirituality of gratitude.

The Jesus Person Pocket Promise Book - 800 Promises from the Word of God (Paperback, Uk Ed.): David Wilkerson The Jesus Person Pocket Promise Book - 800 Promises from the Word of God (Paperback, Uk Ed.)
David Wilkerson 1
R115 Discovery Miles 1 150 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

800 promises from the Word of God with biblical answers to almost every spiritual and personal problem encountered today. The promises are categorized to speak to specific situations for quick reference. Find hope and the knowledge of God's abundant grace through reading God's promises, one after another. Your faith will be strengthened and your soul encouraged.

Pray for the World - A New Prayer Resource from Operation World (Paperback, Abridged edition): Patrick Johnstone, Molly Wall Pray for the World - A New Prayer Resource from Operation World (Paperback, Abridged edition)
Patrick Johnstone, Molly Wall
R522 R439 Discovery Miles 4 390 Save R83 (16%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

For decades, Operation World has been the world's leading resource for people who want to impact the nations for Christ through prayer. Its twofold purpose has been to inform for prayer and to mobilize for mission. Now the research team of Operation World offers this abridged version of the 7th edition called Pray for the World as an accessible resource to facilitate prayer for the nations. The Operation World researchers asked Christian leaders in every country, "How should the body of Christ throughout the world be praying for your country?" Their responses provide the prayer points in this book, with specific ways your prayers can aid the global church. When you hear a country mentioned in the news, you can use Pray for the World to pray for it in light of what God is doing there. Each entry includes: Timely challenges for prayer and specific on-the-ground reports of answers to prayer Population and people group statistics Charts and maps of demographic trends Updates on church growth, with a focus on evangelicals Explanations of major currents in economics, politics and society Join millions of praying people around the world. Hear God's call to global mission. And watch the world change.

Sacramental Politics - Religious Worship as Political Action (Hardcover, New edition): Brian Kaylor Sacramental Politics - Religious Worship as Political Action (Hardcover, New edition)
Brian Kaylor
R1,911 Discovery Miles 19 110 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Religion and politics have often been called taboo topics for polite dinner conversation, but in political campaigns and religious services, the two often mix. This book looks at how religious worship remains embedded with inherent political messages and behaviors, showing that conflicts between church and state exist not just in the public arena, but in each sanctuary and house of worship. To explore this religious-political tension, the book first examines more obvious examples of worship as political action, such as when candidates speak during church services or when political parties hold prayer services at party events. The initial analysis acts as a foundation for the idea of worship serving a political purpose, and is followed by analysis of non-partisan and less obvious political worship services. Religious sacraments (such as baptism, confirmation, communion/mass, and confession) function as key moments in which religious participants pledge allegiance to a power that resides outside Washington, D.C. or statehouses, thus highlighting the alternative political messages and space carved out through worship.

Ala di Mma in Umuohiagu - An Igbo Concept of Reconciliation and Peace (Hardcover, New edition): Gerald Njoku Ala di Mma in Umuohiagu - An Igbo Concept of Reconciliation and Peace (Hardcover, New edition)
Gerald Njoku
R1,886 Discovery Miles 18 860 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Among other relevant issues, this book adds new insights to the proposed Igbo Christian rites of reconciliation. Towards an inculturation, the resolutional equations of the Igbo cultural method of reconciliation - oriko in ala di mma - are balanced with the sacrament of reconciliation in operational life of the people who are pastorally concerned. In this context, the author refers to the Owerri archdiocesan working document on emume nsacha na ndozi, meaning a ritual of purification and peace, as well as to the Igbo Christian rite of reconciliation proposed by Augustine Echema. The method of these new rites is para-liturgical in nature which highlights the importance of reconciliation of human beings with themselves, their neighbours and God, whenever sin has taken place. Paradoxically, this new method of reconciliation can broaden ecumenism and strengthens the social, cultural, political and religious lives of the people. In this sense, reconciliation can be seen as a natural spiritual cord that ties people to themselves and to God in a communal and Christian environment.

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