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Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > Geology & the lithosphere > Geological surface processes (geomorphology) > General
The proceedings contain five invited lectures and 99 papers relevant to landslide occurrence and problems from Europe, Asia, America, Africa and Australia and New Zealand. The five special invited lectures deal with a variety of important aspects of landslides.
This text brings together meteorology and the theory of glacier
flow, providing a fundamental understanding of how glaciers respond
to climate change. Attention is paid to the microclimate of
glaciers and the physical processes regulating the exchange of
energy and mass between glacier surface and atmosphere. Simple
analytical and numerical models are used to:
Modeling of Magmatic and Allied Processes presents methods and models for the quantification of geological processes. Conceptual models for magmatic differentiation involving crystallization and mixing are presented and applied to field and textural data. Model equations for the degree of partial melting in presence perturbations of lithospheric geotherms and partitioning of trace/radioactive elements in the matrix and melts, and the formation of continents with melt additions are described. Diverse magmatic products are shown to result from differentiation processes rather than magmatic source heterogeneities. The degree of partial melting depends on mantle temperatures, for which parameterized thermal convection models are reviewed. Perturbations in geotherms caused by mantle heat flow, CO2 flux from great depths and tectonic thrusting are analyzed. The petrogenetic significance of accessory minerals of felsic magma evolution is assessed with the help of examples from Carpathian granitoids. Methods for simulating the 3-D Concentration and Distribution Models (DC-DMs) and fractal dimension of evolving magma systems are described with examples. The use of conventional scanning electron microscopy methods and electron microprobe to characterize and infer magmatic processes is explained, and the background and economic potential of hydrothermal systems are examined. The nature of oxidizing felsic magmas along with their potential for copper mineralization is discussed. In closing, the handling, calculation and plotting of geochemical data for igneous rock suites using the R-language-based software Geochemical Data Toolkit (GCDkit) along with plug-in modules for the forward and reverse mass-balance calculation of fractional crystallization are demonstrated.
This proceedings book investigates the possibilities for creating new models of the continental lithosphere structure by integrating methods from geothermodynamics and deep geoelectrics. It particularly focuses on the use of powerful controlled sources of electromagnetic field to study the nature of deep geophysical boundaries. It also presents research related to the transition boundary between the brittle and quasiplastic states of Earth's crust matter and the position of creep areas in Earth's crust, as well as geothermal and rheological studies in combination with the deep electromagnetic soundings - a promising direction that allows the tectonophysical reconstruction of natural stresses in the lithosphere. The experimental study results and tectonophysical modeling are discussed in the context of the Fennoscandinavian shield, the Indian Craton, the Himalayas, Eastern Tibet and the Eurasian continent as a whole. The book appeals to researchers interested in solid Earth physics.
In Search of Ancient Tsunamis takes readers on a journey through the science of tsunamis and acts as a "how to" guide in the geology, geomorphology, anthropology, and archaeology of these devastating phenomena. The book draws on examples from around the world and includes numerous personal accounts of field and laboratory experiences. This journey through tsunami science is framed within the search for ancient tsunamis in the northern part of Chile, a desert environment that requires all the skillsets available to the tsunami researcher. This is a region where numerous attempts to find evidence have failed largely due to the hostile environment that refuses to play by the rules. The story is told through the very personal lens of the author with first-hand accounts of the trials and tribulations of fieldwork and local eccentricities, of serendipitous events, and a growing awareness and understanding of a wide variety of techniques that can be applied to the science. The journey is populated with side stories engaging the reader with deeper insights into the countries, study areas, joys and disappointments of carrying out scientific research across the globe. It is both a very personal story as well as an in-depth look at the science involved in an increasingly sophisticated and interdisciplinary search to better understand the true nature of tsunamis. It contains the wisdom of elders, "Eureka" moments of discovery, and a look at the very latest developments of understanding the effects of ancient tsunamis on prehistoric human populations.
This text gives an overview of the main landslide field sites. It
covers aspects of recent landslide research at the University of
Because water is one of the most important life-supporting media on the planet, the quality of aquatic ecosystems is of great interest to the entire world population. One of the factors that greatly affects water quality is the condition of the underlying sediment layer. The Manual of Physico-Chemical Analysis of Aquatic Sediments addresses the best methods for quantitative determination of chemical forms of different elements and compounds, bioassessment techniques, and determination of physical properties of sediments. Essential information for surveying, research, and monitoring of sediment contamination is covered. This manual will aid sediment biologists, geochemists, limnologists, regulatory program managers, environmental chemists and toxicologists and environmental consultants in preparing plans for proper remedial action.
Salt and Sediment Dynamics presents a thorough treatment of salt
and sediment interactions and the implications of such interactions
for sub-salt exploration. The book emphasizes and utilizes recent
discoveries on many aspects of salt and sediment interactions,
provides the theoretical framework for interpreting the increasing
amount of available data on salt and sediments, and develops a
self-consistent dynamical evolution model of salt structures and
their interaction with surrounding sediments.
This book presents practical hydraulic and river engineering research along with fluvial geomorphological concepts, and links the theoretical and practical knowledge of people working every day with rivers, streams, and hydraulic structures to fluvial geomorphology. Besides providing a guide for professionals, this book also provides material for students to acquire the knowledge and skills to rehabilitate rivers, streams, and waterways.
A concise account of all major branches of sedimentary geology, highlighting the connecting links between them. Introduction; Processes of sedimentation; Sedimentary texture; Sedimentary petrology; Hydraulics, sediment transportation and structures of mechanical origin; Sedimentary environments and facies; Tectonics and sedimentation; Stratigraphy and sedimentation; Basin analysis: A synthesis; References; Index.
The main objective of this research is to investigate the governing processes and characteristics that drive morphodynamic evolution in alluvial estuaries by application of a process-based numerical model (Delft3D). It is of utmost importance to understand estuarine processes so that impact of human interference (like dredging and land reclamation) and long-term changes (like sea level rise) can be evaluated. The research addresses a number of cases ranging from an rectangular basins to real estuaries like the Western Scheldt in the Netherlands or San Pablo Bay in California. The more schematized approach allow to study morphodynamic evolution over several millennia under constant forcing and answers more fundamental questions related to conditions of equilibrium and related time scales. The more realistic cases give insight into the skill of the approach in predicting decadal morphodynamic developments. More processes are included to mimic realistic conditions and model results are compared to bathymetric measurements over the last century. The research shows that the modeling approach is good capable of describing stable morphodynamic calculations over a timescale of millennia with patterns similar to patterns observed in reality. Additionally, the approach shows that it is possible to predict decadal morphodynamic developments in real estuaries with significant skill.
Sand dunes are a globally important depositional landform and sedimentary system. Their origins and dynamics are important in understanding how deserts have evolved in response to climate change and changes in sand supply and mobility, and how they will continue to evolve in the future. This book provides a state-of-the-art review of the characteristics of desert dunes and their sediments, and explores their dynamics on timescales from days to millennia as they respond to changes in wind speed and direction, precipitation and sand supply. This extensively revised edition reflects the advances in our understanding of desert dunes, their dynamics and history; and covers recent developments including the luminescence dating revolution, ground penetrating radar and advances in numerical modeling. Also covering dunes on Mars and Titan, this authoritative reference is a must-have for researchers and graduate students working on desert dunes and aeolian geomorphology.
Gravity hazards are a major concern to those living in mountainous areas. To protect infrastructure and human life in these areas, engineers require numerical tools for trajectory analysis, for application from fragmental rockfalls to large-scale avalanches or landslides. This book explores state-of-the-art methods to model the propagation (flows and stops) of masses, using the discrete element method (DEM) to study the evolution of kinetics during an event. Taking into account the shape of the blocks and the topology of the terrain provides an explicit and sophisticated consideration of geometries, eliminating the need for stochastic inputs to rockfall simulations. This method is validated experimentally, before the authors apply it to real case studies. The book ends with an introduction to and comparison with the material point method (MPM), a new and promising approach able to bridge the gap between cases dominated by discreteness and those involving a very large number of elements. Engineering consulting firms, researchers and students should find the approaches outlined in this book useful, whether designing prevention and protection systems for gravity hazards, or exploring new ways to model gravity hazards.
This helpful book underscores the importance of working with both the individual and family as part of a comprehensive biopsychosocial approach in assessment, intervention, and treatment of chemical addiction. With many case studies highlighting the treatment guidelines, Chemical Dependency is an ideal guide for professionals and students in addictions studies, mental health, and other human service related fields intent on working with and providing services to individual and family addiction.
Considering that glaciers and ice sheets cover about 10% of the Earth's land surface in a world where human civilization is increasingly impacted by the effects of changing glacial activity, Colour Atlas of Glacial Phenomena presents itself as an indispensable guide for students, professionals, and researchers who want to be better informed while studying and tracking the future influences of glaciers and ice sheets on the global environment. While stressing both the beauty and utility of glaciers, the authors cover critical features of glaciers and their landforms and provide useful explanations of the key concepts in glaciology and glacial geology. The authors expand to demonstrate how our lives are influenced by the Cryosphere, a key component of the Earth system and how this heightens the vulnerability of glaciers and ice sheets to deterioration. This illustrated book also helpfully maps out regions of mountain glaciers and ice caps around the world for a practical reference and discusses the products of glacial erosion and deposition integral to understanding rising global sea levels.
This revised and updated edition continues to provide a comprehensive introduction to the subject, exploring the world's landforms from a broad systems perspective. It covers the basics of Earth surface forms and processes, while reflecting on the latest developments in the field. Fundamentals of Geomorphology begins with a consideration of the nature of geomorphology, including its relation to society, process and form, history, and geomorphic systems, and moves on to discuss: * Structure: structural landforms associated with plate tectonics and those associated with volcanoes, and folds, faults, and joints. * Process and form: landforms resulting from, or influenced by, the exogenic agencies of weathering, running water, flowing ice and meltwater, ground ice and frost, the wind, and the sea; landforms developed on limestone; extraterrestrial landforms; and landscape evolution, a discussion of ancient landforms. Fundamentals of Geomorphology provides a stimulating and innovative perspective on the key topics and debates within the field of geomorphology. Written in an accessible and lively manner, it includes guides to further reading, chapter summaries, and an extensive glossary of key terms. The book is also illustrated throughout with over 200 informative diagrams and attractive photographs, all in colour. It is supported by online resources for students and instructors.
In geomorphology, landform inheritance refers to the inherited relationship of different landform morphologies in a certain area during the evolutionary process. This book studies loess landform inheritance based on national basic geographic data and GIS spatial analysis method. It reveals the Loess Plateau formation mechanism and broadens the understanding of spatial variation pattern of loess landform in the Loess Plateau.
The text on tidal hydraulic engineering includes discussion of: basic characterstics of tides and tidal propagation; hydrographic surveys in tidal rivers; and design considerations for tidal sluice gates for drainage and fish farms in aquaculture.
For many years, planetary science has been taught as part of the astronomy curriculum, from a very physics-based perspective, and from the framework of a tour of the Solar System - body by body. Over the past decades, however, spacecraft exploration and related laboratory research on extraterrestrial materials have given us a new understanding of planets and how they are shaped by geological processes. Based on a course taught at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, this is the first textbook to focus on geologic processes, adopting a comparative approach that demonstrates the similarities and differences between planets, and the reasons for these. Profusely illustrated, and with a wealth of pedagogical features, this book provides an ideal capstone course for geoscience majors - bringing together aspects of mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, volcanology, sedimentology, geomorphology, tectonics, geophysics and remote sensing.
This book is the outcome of rigorous and continuous research work done by the author over about three decades on the open ecosystem and dynamic environment of the estuarine Sunderbans. The objective of this work is to identify the field and factors changing gradually upon this active delta over the years, decades and centuries. The deltaic Sunderbans yet not mature enough, has been changing in its natural course with time. Further, anthropogenic interferences disturb the environments and accelerate degradation of nature of this fragile ecosystem simultaneously. Roles played by almost all the agents including man and environment and their involvement are identified for the changing environmental scenario of the Sunderbans. The book is befitted for the researchers and students for the post graduate levels. The Sunderbans, a UNESCO World Heritage Site covering parts of Bangladesh and the southern tip of Indian state of West Bengal, is a part of world's largest deltaic plain of fluvio-marine deposit formed by the Ganges and Brahmaputra at the confluence of the Bay of Bengal. It is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world, conspicuous for its great size and biodiversity. With an enormous network of channels and creeks, tidal inundation twice daily, Sunderbans mangroves wetland is a dynamic and complex ecosystem, which undergoes continuous processes of erosion and accretion. Natural processes like changes in local hydrology, sediment motion under wind, wave and tidal action, beach dynamics, regional and global processes like sea level rise as well as the impact of human interference in the form of reclamation of forest land, changes in land use patterns, coastal urbanizations etc are the lead factors for the changes in the environmental scenario of Sunderbans.
This volume presents a suite of detailed stratigraphic and sedimentologic investigations of the Eocene Green River Formation of Wyoming, Colorado and Utah, one of the world's foremost terrestrial archives of lacustrine and alluvial deposition during the warmest portion of the early Cenozoic. Its twelve chapters encompass the rich and varied record of lacustrine stratigraphy, sedimentology, geochronology, geochemistry and paleontology. Chapters 2-9 provide detailed member-scale synthesis of Green River Formation strata within the Greater Green River, Fossil, Piceance Creek and Uinta Basins, while its final two chapters address its enigmatic evaporite deposits and ichnofossils at broad, interbasinal scale.
This book offers a collection of conference articles presented at the Second International Young Scientists Forum on Soil and Water Conservation and ICCE symposium 2018 "Climate Change Impacts on Sediment Dynamics: Measurement, Modelling, and Management" held at Moscow from 27 to 31 August 2018. This conference was organized by World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC) and Lomonosov Moscow State University in cooperation with the International Commission on Continental Erosion of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences and World Large rivers Initiative. Topics in this book cover a wide range of questions related to fluvial geomorphology, water studies, and sediment transport.
Sandy beaches represent some of the most dynamic environments on Earth and examining their morphodynamic behaviour over different temporal and spatial scales is challenging, relying on multidisciplinary approaches and techniques. Sandy Beach Morphodynamics brings together the latest research on beach systems and their morphodynamics and the ways in which they are studied in 29 chapters that review the full spectrum of beach morphodynamics. The chapters are written by leading experts in the field and provide introductory level understanding of physical processes and resulting landforms, along with more advanced discussions.
Remote Sensing of Geomorphology, Volume 23, discusses the new range of remote-sensing techniques (lidar, structure from motion photogrammetry, advanced satellite platforms) that has led to a dramatic increase in terrain information, and as such provided new opportunities for a better understanding of surface morphology and related Earth surface processes. As several papers have been published (including paper reviews and special issues) on this topic, this book summarizes the major advances in remote sensing techniques for the analysis of Earth surface morphology and processes, also highlighting future challenges. Useful for MSc and PhD students, this book is also ideal for any scientists that want to have a single volume guideline to help them develop new ideas. In addition, technicians and private and public sectors working on remote sensing will find the information useful to their initiatives.
Rivers are important agents of change that shape the Earth's surface and evolve through time in response to fluctuations in climate and other environmental conditions. They are fundamental in landscape development, and essential for water supply, irrigation, and transportation. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the geomorphological processes that shape rivers and that produce change in the form of rivers. It explores how the dynamics of rivers are being affected by anthropogenic change, including climate change, dam construction, and modification of rivers for flood control and land drainage. It discusses how concern about environmental degradation of rivers has led to the emergence of management strategies to restore and naturalize these systems, and how river management techniques work best when coordinated with the natural dynamics of rivers. This textbook provides an excellent resource for students, researchers, and professionals in fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, river science, and environmental policy. |
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