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Tu eres una mujer de gran valor para Dios. Eres su preciado tesoro
y el desea que te conviertas en la mujer que el diseno cuando penso
en ti. A traves de estos 52 devocionales, Karen Moore te inspirara
para comenzar a experimentar la realidad de que eres una mujer
especial, con todas las cualidades y virtudes que Dios ha puesto en
tu vida. Karen te desafiara para cultivar estas cualidades con el
proposito de glorificar a Dios y guiarte por el camino que te
transformara en la mujer valiosa que Dios sabe que puedes ser."
"All will find here much reality, much wisdom, much encouragement,
and much to praise God for."--J.I. Packer
This popular book from respected leader Charles H. Kraft shows
believers how to exercise the authority they have from God through
Jesus Christ. When Christians recognize and use the amazing gift of
spiritual authority, they position themselves to provide protection
and bring transformation, not only in their lives but in the lives
of family members, friends, even coworkers. Now fully revised and
Mujeres de la Biblia se enfoca en cincuenta y dos mujeres
extraordinarias de las Escrituras, cuyas luchas para vivir con fe y
valentia no son distintas a las tuyas. Y ahora este exitoso libro
de estudio devocional ha sido actualizado y expandido para realzar
su flexibilidad, utilidad y relevancia tanto para individuos como
para grupos. Los grupos pequenos le daran una especial bienvenida a
la forma en que los estudios biblicos se han modernizado para
satisfacer las necesidades unicas del marco del grupo. Otros
importantes cambios incluyen: * Linea cronologica de las mujeres de
la Biblia * Una lista de las mujeres en el arbol genealogico de
Jesus * Una lista de las mujeres en el ministerio y vida de Jesus.
Vital y profundamente humanas, las mujeres en este libro te animan
a traves de sus fracasos al igual que sus exitos. Veras como Dios
actuo de maneras sorprendentes y maravillosas para llevarles a
ellas, y a ti, hacia el. Este devocional de un ano te ofrece un
metodo unico para ayudarte a desacelerar y saborear la historia del
amor sin igual de Dios por su pueblo, ofreciendo una fresca
perspectiva que nutrira y fortalecera tu comunion personal con el."
Being a leader demands a lot, which is why we need to constantly
stop along the way to lift our eyes to the only One who is able to
fulfill all of our needs. The Lord not only promises to steady our
steps, but also equip us with everything we need so that we can
fulfill our mission. Lifting our eyes to Jesus is an indispensable
exercise: it is the action that will allow us to stay focused,
strengthened, and led by him.Por estar en una posicion en la que se
le exige mucho, el lider se ve en la necesidad constante de hacer
un alto en el camino para alzar los ojos al Unico capaz de suplir
todas sus necesidades. El Senor no solamente promete afirmar sus
pasos, sino tambien equiparlo con todo lo necesario para que el
pueda cumplir su mision. Alzar sus ojos a Jesus es un ejercicio
indispensable para el lider. Es la accion que le permitira
permanecer enfocado; por medio de ella, podra escuchar a Dios y ser
fortalecido y dirigido por el. Al perseverar en esta disciplina, el
lider descubrira que lentamente se produce esa maravillosa
transformacion que permite a los demas reconocer la mano de Dios
sobre su vida y su ministerio.
What is the true secret to spiritual growth for couples? Dennis and
Barbara Rainey know from experience that the secret is more moments
together. When you are lifting up your relationship and the rest of
your life together to God, you won't be able to keep the spiritual
growth from happening. In the pages of Moments with You, the
Raineys offer just what couples need to get started or to continue
growing in their quiet times together. These short but poignant
biblical devotions are enjoyable and easy to use, providing a daily
discussion point, prayer and Scripture reference. Married couples
desiring a deeper spiritual connection with God and their spouse
will come to treasure their time spent over Moments with You. For
married couples of all ages and at all stages of life.
Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God's will for their
lives. Many even believe you just can't know God's will - that in
His sovereignty, He will make it happen regardless of what you do.
Too long this viewpoint has kept Christians from knowing the full
potential He planned for them. But no more. God created you with a
specific purpose, and the good new is, He wants you to find it.
Just knowing God's will, however, isn't enough. You need to
understand the part you play if you're going to follow it. You
might be surprised to learn it involves following the desires of
your heart. But before you set off, make sure you're able to
distinguish His will from your own selfish desires.
One of the most important lessons of all is that you can't
fulfill God's will any way you want. His strength and timing, and
your obedience and patience are just a few of the things it takes.
This book explains all this and much more.
2011 Reprint of 1921 Illustrated Edition. Full facsimile of the
original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software.
Illustrated Edition complete with 55 Charts and Plans. Larkin wrote
this work with the intention of "Rightly Dividing the Word" in
which the Fundamental Doctrines should be rightly divided in a
series of contrasts. To this end he has aimed to express these
fundamental doctrines in the simplest and clearest manner possible.
This book contains the cream and meat of Larkin's sermons,
condensed and arranged in a form that will grip the interest of the
reader, because of the manner of their presentation. The charts are
clear and simple and add much to the value of the book, and will be
suggestive to preachers and bible teachers presenting these
fundamental doctrines.
God's Word is the strongest weapon in a believer's spiritual
artillery. Quin Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock, bestselling authors
of A Woman's Guide to Spiritual Warfare, believe that when
Christians use the Bible in intercession and warfare, they bind the
power of the evil one and declare God's promises and victory for
their lives and for those they love. In The Spiritual Warrior's
Prayer Guide, they show the reader how to apply biblical promises
to every area of life, whether in illness, financial trouble,
depression, concern for wayward loved ones, unemployment, or
spiritual confusion.
Gathered from sources that span the globe and cross the centuries,
this unique collection of prayers provides a treasury of
inspiration for anyone seeking spiritual sustenance. With works
from well-known religious figures as well as more secular writers,
these words enrich the soul and elevate the mind.
IN 1924 a lengthy article appeared in the May 21 issue of The
Golden Age magazine titled "A Bible for the Scientist." The article
was revised and republished in the December 31 issue with the
byline, "by W.E. Van Amburgh." This article asserts that the Great
Pyramid at Giza was "Bible number one," and presents proofs FROM
THE PYRAMID for Watchtower expectations, speculations and
predictions for the dates 1789, 1874, 1914, 1925 and 1926. The
publisher of The Golden Age magazine was the Watch Tower Bible
& Tract Society, of which organization W.E. Van Amburgh was the
Secretary-Treasurer for 43 years. Followers of The Watchtower Bible
& Tract Society, called "Jehovah's Witnesses" since 1931,
believe that in the year 1919 The Watchtower Bible & Tract
Society was selected as God's sole channel of communication with
man. These are some of the things that The Watch Tower Bible &
Tract Society was teaching when Jesus selected them as his
"faithful and discreet slave."
"Here, in these words from his lectures and prayers in the Geneva
Academy, John Calvin most fully revealed his heart. As he prepared
an international gathering of talented young men for gospel
ministry--and not a few for martyrdom--he poured his knowledge into
them and prayed fervently with them. Here he models what he sought
to teach: if a man would be a pastor he must know God. If he would
know God and serve man he must devote himself to prayer and the
ministry of the word." - Sinclair B Ferguson "This precious book
confirms Calvin's conviction that the Word and prayer work together
to develop genuine piety in the Christian. Calvin taught that the
Word is God's communication to us, providing us with spiritual food
and medicine for spiritual health. Prayer is our communication to
God by which we express praise and adoration, and bow in submissive
piety before Him. May God mightily use this little volume to foster
this spirit of devotion in many hearts and lives." -Dr. Joel R.
Rediscover the space you need in between your work, your schedule,
and your limits by eliminating unneeded frustrations and reflecting
on how you spend your time. From Richard Swenson, author of the
bestselling book "Margin," this devotional's 180 daily readings
offer encouragement, healing, and rest as you deal with time
management, stress, and busyness.
Many Christians are locked in a cycle of addiction, particularly in
the areas of alcohol and drug abuse. Adapting his successful Steps
to Freedom in Christ, Dr. Neil Anderson has provided an alternative
model of recovery for substance and alcohol abusers--a model that
has also freed hundreds of thousands struggling with other kinds of
addictions. But the devil doesn't give up easily. So to further
help recovering addicts still struggling with temptation, there is
the One Day at a Time devotional. Here are inspirational readings
that reinforce the Steps to Freedom and encourage those on the road
to recovery. This product is for those who want to break free from
a debilitating lifestyle of addiction, and for pastors and
counselors to use with their clients.
Containing Ireland's most popular prayers and blessings, this book
is packed full of inspirational words to take comfort in. In turn
these words provide us with hope, joy and solace. This little book,
designed to fit in the smallest bag or pocket, will bring those old
words back to life, reminding us that poetic lines and wise sayings
can wrap around you like a hug, making the world seem a better
place for a while.