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Books > Medicine > Clinical & internal medicine > Gynaecology & obstetrics
G. Piekarski appears not to have been brought home to at Forty years have passed since Trussent pub- least some clinicians. Of special importance in lished an important book in the English lan- this connection are T. vaginalis and Pentatri- guage on Trichomonas vaginalis Donne and uro- chomonas hominis (Davaine), the intestinal tri- genital trichomoniasis. During the intervening chomonads of many mammalian species, in- four decades, much information has been accu- cluding humans. Some practitioners still tell mulated on trichomonads parasitic in humans their patients about the possibility of an intesti- and on the diseases they cause. In light of this, nal origin of trichomonal infection of the uro- many parasitologists and clinicians believe that the time has come for a complete review, in genital tract. book form, of various aspects of these parasites Trichomonas vaginalis infection of new- and of the trichomonad parasitemias. This need borns, infants, and young children constitutes has been further reinforced by the finding that, an interesting, although not extensively pur- despite the use of effective anti trichomonal sued, area of investigation. For hitherto incom- drugs during the past years, the prevalence of pletely understood reasons, the period of preg- human urogenital trichomoniasis, the world's nancy appears to favor the increase of most common sexually transmitted disease, has symptomatic trichomoniasis; there is, there- been increasing significantly. As might have fore, little doubt that infants can be infected been expected, therefore, discussion of various during birth.
The frontispiece, Leonardo da Vinci's drawing of the embryo in the womb, was chosen as a starting point for this book. It was Leonardo who in his notebooks and drawings combined artistic composition and accurate recording of the anatomy of the human body. Leonardo studied human anatomy in order to execute artistic drawings. His aim was to clarify form and function of human organs including reproductive organs. He followed up his extensive research with graphic representa tion and thereby initiated record keeping as a basis of scientific investigation. His records, accurate three-dimensional drawings, allowed others to reproduce his find ings and to test for correctness. Results could be updated and refined. Only after these steps can abnormalities be ascertained and defined as pathology. Though Leonardo was both artist and scientist, it is assumed that his anatomic drawings were used to improve his art, and thus scientific endeavor was at the service of his art. Anatomy, the offspring of science and art, is an integration of the two and became an accepted branch of the natural sciences. Although art and science continued to interact throughout the Renaissance, art was often placed in the service of science. In the course of history that followed, art and science in creasingly followed separate ways."
Ovarian carcinoma continues to be responsible for more deaths than all other gynecologic malignancies combined, due to a continued inability to achieve detection of early (rather than advanced) stage disease and the lack of effective tumor-specific therapeutics. Ovarian carcinogenesis, invasion, and metastatic dissemination require a complex cascade of interrelated genetic, molecular, and biochemical events that regulate the neoplastic transition of normal ovarian surface epithelium. This updated second edition includes exciting new advances in ovarian cancer detection and treatment and provides an analysis of current research into aspects of malignant transformation, growth control, and metastasis. A more detailed understanding of these processes may ultimately translate into the development of novel approaches for the detection and control of ovarian cancer.
This RRCR-conference-volume marks "number six" in a 20-year evolution of international conferences on the adjuvant therapy of primary breast cancer. Starting in 1978, a handful of some 80 en thusiastic breast cancer surgeons and oncologists, met in a se cluded mountain resort near st. Gallen in Eastern Switzerland, to exchange their early data of some pioneer trials on adjuvant sys temic therapy of early breast cancer, and to correlate their future research efforts to overcome the frustrating prognostic stagna tion of this dominant neoplastic disease in Western females dur ing the past decades. Repeated every 3-4 years, these St. Gallen International Conferences on Adjuvant Therapy of Primary Breast Cancer have continuously grown in numbers of partici pants and in normative, therapeutic influence by being published in major oncology journals 1-3], the last (6th) conference hav ing taken place from February 25-28, 1998 with more than 1800 attendees from over 50 countries worldwide. What is the fascination of adjuvant therapy in primary (early) breast cancer, and what has changed, during the last 3 years since March 1995, to justify another international gathering of this size, and of the world's leading experts in the field? There is no question, that providing even more effective care and designing appropriate recommendations for the multitudes of patients with so-called early breast cancer or at high risk of developing the disease, remain highly important public health goals."
Extensive reviews have been published on the mor aspects, anatomy, ultrastructure, physiology, bio phology, anatomy, and physiology of the mam chemistry, endocrinology, pharmacology, and physiopathology of the mammalian ovary. The malian ovary. However, little attention has been given to the gaps between the physiological, endo contributors, who prepared their chapters metic ulously, are recognized experts in their respective crine and histochemical parameters of the ovary as disciplines and their writings reflect extensive per it relates to clinical aspects. There is a wealth of sonal experience and unpublished data of both publications concerning the biology of the ovary: basic and clinical sciences. Without the assistance of the purpose of this volume is to integrate this information with emphasis on modern concepts in good friends and permission to draw extensively microanatomy, physiology, methodology, clinical from investigations, this volume would not have complications, and therapeutic approaches. An been possible. attempt is made to place fundamental research in Thanks are due to G. F. Franchitto, F. Barberini, clear perspectives. P. Stoops. Lori Rust and J. Squiers for their editorial It is hoped that this volume will fulfil a long skills and for checking the references to the original standing need and serve as an important source for sources. Thanks are particularly due to 1. K. Smith investigators and clinicians concerned with the of Martinus Nijhoff Publishers BV for his excellent physiopathology of the ovaries for years to come. It cooperation during the production of the book."
This book presents medical students and those preparing for
postgraduate examinations with an ideal opportunity to assess their
levels of knowledge and understanding in obstetrics and
gynaecology, and to practice their exam technique across a range of
question formats. It can be used as a standalone revision guide,
but is also designed to complement the latest editions of the
best-selling volumes Gynaecology by Ten Teachers and Obstetrics by
Ten Teachers.
With coverage across the obstetrics and gynaecology curriculum, medical students and those studying for for DRCOG and MRCOG examinations will find Self Assessment in Obstetrics and Gynaecology by Ten Teachers provides invaluable practice and guidelines during the critical revision period.
Sexology as a discipline has had to fight for full-fledged recognition in the scientific community. Yet special knowledge of normal and disturbed sexual behavior is expected of medical professionals, psychologists and educators alike. Based on the papers given at the 8th World Congress for Sexology in 1987, this volume gives an up-to-date discussion of the most interesting and controversial topics, such as AIDS, in the field. Contributions have been grouped under the main headings: Family Planning, Sterility and Sexuality, Erectile Dysfunction, Sexuality in the Elderly and in Marriage, Transsexualism, Sexual Therapy, and Sexuality and Illness, and include items of historical interest as well as transcultural comparisons.
The Organon Symposia have actually become a tradition, keeping up with exciting developments in reproductive medicine. The purpose of this symposium on "Fertiliza tion of the Human Egg in Vitro" was to bring together the stilllimited number of elinical specialists in the field and to stimulate another group of basic research people to exchange their experiences and knowledge, hopefully promoting elose cooperation between the two groups. It was a kind of scientific "first" that all research teams so far successful in achieving the birth of a healthy baby, fertilized in vitro came together at a workshop conference without a large audience of spectators and reporters, but with a small number of highly critical colleagues from the fields of basic reproductive physiology and comparative developmental biology. This atmosphere allowed for the elose exchange of results, hypotheses, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, criticism, and respect, and created very productive discussions, all of which furthered the aim of the method: To help more childless couples to have their own babies by the ultima ratio procedure of in vitro fertilization and embryo replacement. The book that has emerged from this symposium will help to disseminate the great amount of information and experience gathered among the scientifically and clinically interested colleagues of many other hospitals and universities who could not be invited to the meeting. At the same time, it will prove that there is much more work to be done in the basic and clinical sciences of human embryology and reproductive biology."
Breast Cancer, the second volume in the MD Anderson Solid Tumor Oncology series, this book provides the general surgeon, surgical oncologist, and medical oncologist with the state-of-the art multimodality care for breast cancer. Divided into five sections, the text brings the field's recognized esperts addressing the current status of breast imaging, breast pathology, the role of breast surgery including management of in situ and early stage carcinoma, prophylatic mastectomy, axillary node dissection, sentinel node and lymphatic mapping, and outpatient mastectomy, as well as coverage of special selected topics featuring breast cancer in pregnancy, inflammatory breast cancer and breast sarcoma. An important section on future research reviews on-going studies for the use of in situ laser ablation, cryosurgery, and translational research to bring the busy practitioner up-to-date on state-of-the art advances. This book is a must-have resource on the full specturm of current and prospective treatment options for this challenging disease.
The authors of this book have a goal-to describe the management of infertility from the perspective of physiology and anatomy gone awry. To accomplish this goal, the chapters devoted to the causes of infertil ity begin with a description of the normal structure and function of the organ or system causing the infertility. We believe that under standing the normal will result in rational and effective diagnosis and treatment of infertility. Our intent is that this book be a useful re source for those who care for infertile couples. For an infertile couple, success is the delivery of a normal and healthy infant. Chapters that describe the causes and treatment of habitual abortion and the reproductive performance of previously infertile couples emphasize the hazards that exist between conception and birth. Our environment is one of these hazards, one that may also affect reproduction before conception. A chapter is devoted to a de scription of environmental agents that affect reproduction, the mech anisms of their effect, and methods to predict those present and future environmental agents which might also affect reproduction."
The many advances in breast cancer research, as well as the large quantity of published material, make it very difficult to gain insight into the global aspects of cancer management. To follow and understand all the new developments is becoming a major challenge. For this reason, the editors decided to bring together a group of top researchers in breast cancer to provide a comprehensive, yet readable conceptual review of the state of the art of breast cancer diagnosis and therapy. The proposal to focus the review on the quantitative assessment of the risk at diagnosis, the determination of which may permit selective therapies for individual patients, was met with enthusiastic approval, resulting in the present volume with contributions by the leading investigators in the field. While the volume relating to diagnosis, published re cently, focused on efforts leading to refinement at diagnosis of risk criteria sensitive enough to reliably distinguish the low- and high-risk categories, the second volume, by provid ing a review of the main problems and results of therapy given to high-risk patients, can be considered as a continua tion of the first book. A refined risk assessment at diagnosis and the application of the most suitable treatments to well selected individuals are the most important steps towards avoiding the present worrisome reality of overtreating the low risk and undertreating the high-risk patients. The first few chapters of the present volume offer an insight into the general management of early breast cancer.
The introduction of prostaglandins into clinical practice has been one of the most important advances in obstetrics and gynaecology in recent years. During the last decade obstetricians have become familiar with these drugs for inducing labour and for terminating second-trimester pregnancy. Within the last year their use has been extended, in association with antiprogestin, to first-trimester termi nation. Although the effectiveness of prostaglandins in these pharma cological roles is clear, their full potential has still to be explored, and much remains to be learned about their physiology. Prostaglandins playa central role in the initiation of labour. Further clarification of this role could lead to improvements in preventing or treating preterm labour, which still remains the most important cause of perinatal mortality in this country. Prostaglandins are also inti mately involved in the mechanism of menstruation. More detailed understanding of this role should lead to more effective treatments for menorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea. These substances also playa part in the mechanism of implantation, and further research in this area may lead to more effective therapy for infertility.
Now in its 3rd edition, Lecture Notes: Obstetrics and Gynaecology has been extensively revised and updated to provide a concise and practical introduction to obstetrics and gynaecology for medical students and junior doctors. Starting with a section on basic science, the text is divided into six sections that explain female health needs and their management from the early years to old age. The self-assessment section is now a separate chapter, and includes Extended Matching Questions (EMQs), scenarios for practical history taking for the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Part 1 looks at female reproductive anatomy and physiology. Part 2 covers the puberty and menstrual problems of young women, sub-fertility, pregnancy prevention, and sexual problems. Part 3 examines the reproductive years including pregnancy and childbirth. Part 4 covers the mature woman including menstrual problems of the older woman and pelvic pain. Part 5 discusses the older woman including the menopause, incontinence and malignancy including breast cancer. Part 6 demonstrates the importance of public health statistics on the provision of services in obstetrics and gynaecology. Now in two-colour throughout, with a new colour plate section, Lecture Notes: Obstetrics and Gynaecology covers the core material needed for O&G courses, written specifically for medical students, nursing students, junior doctors on the Foundation Programme and the first two years of specialist training, midwives, and GPs.
Neuroendocrine Perspectives, Volume 7, is part of an international book series designed to keep clinicians and researchers appraised of important trends and new data in basic and clinical neuroendocrinology. It focuses on four very rapidly evolving major topics: - the role of dopaminergic regulation of the intermediate pituitary lobe in elucidating intracellular signal transaction pathways and other regulatory mechanisms involved in transsynaptic regulation of peptide biosynthesis, post-translational processing, and hormone secretion; - the physiological and clinical implications of corticotropin releasing factor for such areas as diagnosing Cushing's syndrome, defining the hypothalamic and pituitary origins of secondary adrenal insufficiency, and distinguishing Cushing's syndrome from psychiatric states associated with hypercortisolism; - the large number of neurotrophic factors that affect CNS neurons and of neurite promoting factors that modulate neuronal performance, with emphasis on their mechanisms of action and their possible therapeutic applications to peripheral neuropathies and central diseases; - and the many factors that regulate changes in female reproductive cycles during middle age, with careful distinction between neuroendocrine and ovarian components and special attention to the possible cause-and-effect relationship within the cascade of events resulting in acyclicity and infertility.
Contraception is the most comprehensive exploration of the newest technologies in the area of contraception. Edited by renowned authorities Dr. Donna Shoupe and Dr. Florence Haseltine, with chapters written by leaders in the field, this book comprises the most up-to-date, practical and clinical information available and presents a thorough examination of clinical efficacy, side effects, mechanisms of action, and benefits of all types of contraception, including: - chapters on the IUD, the new subdermal implant Norplant, injectables, the diaphragm, condoms, sponge, female sterilization, vasectomy, and more - discussions of cutting edge contraceptive technologies, including the new progestin oral contraceptive pills, contraceptive vaginal rings, and RU 486, - an important chapter on AIDS and contraception. This book will serve as an invaluable reference providing useful, instructive background information and pertinent clinical applications for the physician, resident, and researcher. At such an exciting time for contraceptive technology, no one in the field can afford to be without this text.
Richly illustrated and comprehensive in scope, Obstetric Imaging, 2nd Edition, provides up-to-date, authoritative guidelines for more than 200 obstetric conditions and procedures, keeping you at the forefront of this fast-changing field. This highly regarded reference covers the extensive and ongoing advances in maternal and fetal imaging in a concise, newly streamlined format for quicker access to common and uncommon findings. Detailed, expert guidance, accompanied by superb, high-quality images, helps you make the most of new technologies and advances in obstetric imaging. Features more than 1,350 high-quality images, including 400 in color, and over 85 videos online. Helps you select the best imaging approaches and effectively interpret your findings with a highly templated, bulleted, at-a-glance organization. Reflects all the latest developments in the field, including genetics, open fetal surgery, fetal echocardiography, Zika virus, and 3D imaging, so you can provide the safest and most responsive care to both mother and fetus. Includes new chapters on Limbs and Bones Overview; Open Fetal Surgery; Biophysical Profile; Ultrasound Physics; Elastography; Doppler; MRI; Echogenic Bowel; Pregnancy of Unknown Location (PUL), Failed Pregnancy and Ectopic Pregnancy, Cesarean Scar Pregnancy; Cytomegalovirus (CMG), Rubella, Toxoplasmosis, Herpes, Varicella; and Congenital Syphilis; plus a new chapter on Zika Virus written by imaging experts from the "hot zone." Keeps you up to date with the latest developments in multimodality imaging and optimizing diagnostic accuracy from ultrasound, 3D ultrasound, Doppler, MRI, elastography, image-guided interventions, and much more. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, Q&As, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
ThisbookcomprisesthescientificproceedingsoftheInternationalWorkshop onDigitalMammography(IWDM),heldinBremen,Germany,fromJune22 toJune25,2002. Sinceitsinceptionin1992,IWDMhasgrownintotheIn- ternationalForumonDigitalMammography. TheuniquenessofIWDMisits attractivenesstoresearchers,medicalpractitioners,andindustrialdevelopers. F6rmerworkshopswereheldinSanJose,USA(1992),York,UK(1994), Chicago,USA(1996),Nijmegen,NL(1998),andToronto,Canada(2000). Each ofthesescientificeventshasbeencombinedwithverysuccessfulandfocused industrialandresearchexhibits,whichdemonstratedthemilestonesofdigital mammographyhard-andsoftware. Now,thatdigitalmammographyisenteringroutineclinicaluse,wewitness itsstrongimpactonscreeninganddiagnosticmammography,computeraided detection,minimallyinvasiveprocedures,andthedevelopmentofsystemicand integrateddisease-orientedbreastcare. Inviewofthis,the2002workshoppro- videdawindowtogiveusaglanceatthefuture,andtheworkwhichwas presentedintalks,postersandexhibitshasdemonstratedthatIWDM2002will takeaspecialplaceintheverysuccessfulsequenceofIWDMevents. Finally,asconferencechair,Iwouldliketothankallwhohavehelpedtopre- pareandrunIWDM2002:theScientificAdvisoryBoardforitsexcellentworkin guaranteeingscientificsignificance,theOrganizationalBoardforitshardworkto accomplishanappropriateframeworkfortheevent,andtheindustrialexhibitors andsponsorsfortheirgeneroussupport. Bremen,January2003 Heinz-Otto Peitgen ConferenceChair ProfessorofMathematicsand BiomedicalSciences VI Scientific Committee SusanAstley UniversityofManchester,UK UlrichBick CharitBerlin,Germany/UniversityofChicago,USA MichaelBrady OxfordUniversity,UK HiroshiFujita GifuUniversity,Japan MaryellenGiger UniversityofChicago,USA NicoKarssemeijer UniversityHospitalNijmegen,TheNetherlands Heinz-OttoPeitgenUniversityofBremen,Germany EttaD. Pisano UniversityofNorthCarolina,USA MartinYaffe UniversityofToronto,Canada IWDM 2002 was supported by (MeViS SIEMENS BreastCare medical I' General Electric ARC-0 Fllmle. . Perfection for DI I JMammography Table of Contents Imaging Systems and Detectors...1 DigitalMammographicApplicationofaSinglePhotonCountingPixel Detector...3 Amendolia SR, Bisogni MG, Delogu P, Fantacci ME, Novelli M, Quattrocchi M, Rosso V, Stefanini A, Zucca S BreastCancerScreeningUsingaDedicatedBreastCTScanner:A FeasibilityStudy...6 Boone JM, Lindfors KK, Seibert JA, Nelson TR PhysicalEvaluationofaPrototypefortheSectraMicrodose MammographySystem...12 Lundqvist M, Bergstrom D, Cederstrom B, Chmill V, Chuntonov A, Danielsson M, Aslund M DoseMeasurementsonaScanningMulti-slitDigitalMammography System...17 Hansson B, Cederstrom B, Danielsson M, Aslund M DigitalMammographyvs. toScreen-FilmMammography:aPhantom Study...20 Heid P, PagliuchiC, Seradour B, Motte N, Langlois L, Kurkdjian S, Piana L MammographyTaxonomyforImprovementofLesionDetectionRates...27 Howard D, Roberts SC, Tabar L AHighResolution(25 p. m)HybridSelenium/CCDSlotScanDetector forDigitalMammography...33 Hunter DM, De CrescenzoG, Mainprize JG, Mawdsley GE, SmithC, Kasap SO, Rowlands JAR, Tumer T, Yin S, Yaffe MJ Co-registeredBreastImagingwith3DX-Raysand3DUltrasound...38 Kapur A, Eberhard JW, Abdalmajeid AM, Thomenius K ImagingCharacteristicsofaDirectConversionFull-FieldDigital MammographyDetectorusingSelenium...4 3 Lee DL, Yorker lG, ling Z, leromin LS SimultaneousAcquisitionofDiffraction,ScatteringandPhase-Contrast ImagesbyMeansofaMulti-LayerEdge-OnMicrostripDetector 48 Olivo A, Arfelli P, Bergamaschi A, Dreossi D, Longo R, Menk RH, Montanari F, Pani S, Poropat P, Rigon L, Vallazza E, Castelli E VIII FullFieldDigitalMammographywithaCCDBasedSlot-Scanned Detector. PhysicalCharacteristicsMeasurements...
With mesh surgery for prolapse sometimes proving problematic, there has been a resurgence of professional medical interest in more traditional methods for the management of prolapse and of stress urinary incontinence. This concise guide to the practical aspects of pessary use will be of interest to all gynecologists involved in the clinical management of the patient with these problems. Contents: Historical review * Pessaries for pelvic organ prolapse * Incontinence pessaries * Pessary fitting * Pessary care * Outcomes of pessary use * Current clinical studies on vaginal pessaries Cover image of vaginal pessaries (c) 2019 Rick Hicaro, Jr., Chicago, IL 60647, USA
The incidence of endometrial cancer rose sharply in the United States in the early 1970s, paralleling changes in the use of postmenopausal estrogens by American women. A sizeable body of evidence supports the role of both excessive endogenous estrogen and exogenous estrogen in the etiology of endometrial cancer. There is growing evidence that inadequate progesterone has the opposite effect, in that progesterone supplementation of postmeno pausal estrogen therapy reduces the incidence of endometrial cancer. Despite this new awareness of the hormonal role that is played in carcino ma of the endometrium, the disease still plagues the oncologist. The general approach to carcinoma of the endometrium in the United States is that of primary surgical staging. This provides the maximum amount of information to best plan postoperative radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy for these patients. In general, patients who are considered candidates for surgical staging are those with advanced disease or high-risk stage I endometrial carcinoma. High-risk endometrial carcinoma is defined as those patients with moderately differentiated lesions with deep myometrial invasion, poor ly differentiated carcinoma of the endometrium, and the high-risk histolo gies such as papillary carcinoma and clear-cell carcinomas. The surgical staging has extended in most institutions to patients with occult stage II carcinoma of the endometrium, i. e."
This book contains the proceedings of the Serono Symposia USA interna tional symposium on Genetic Models of Immune and Inflammatory Dis eases held on October 20 to 23, 1994, in Savannah, Georgia. The advent of methods for introducing genes into the germlines of mice, and for targeted disruption of particular genes by homologous recombination, has provided scientists in many disciplines with an extraordinarily powerful set of analyti cal tools. Some of the most informative applications of transgenic and gene knockout technology have been in studies of lymphocyte development and activation. The goal of this symposium was to bring together investigators using these genetic approaches for analyzing the immune system, with a view to defining common themes and novel directions. Transgenic mice have a wide variety of important applications in immu nology. Defined proteins can be expressed in selected tissues throughout development, thus acquiring the essential characteristic of "self" antigens. Such models have been used to study how immune responses to these artificially created "self" antigens are controlled. Antigen receptors of lym phocytes have been expressed as transgenes, and because lymphocytes are endowed with the unique property of allelic exclusion, such transgenic mice become essentially monospecific. Immunomodulatory agents have been expressed in defined tissues or throughout the body, providing tools for studying the functional consequences of dysregulated expression of biologi cal response modifiers."
Life Before Birth provides a coherent framework for addressing
bioethical issues in which the moral status of embryos and fetuses
is relevant. It is based on the "interest view" which ascribes
moral standing to beings with interests, and connects the
possession of interests with the capacity for conscious awareness
or sentience. The theoretical framework is applied to ethical and
legal topics, including abortion, prenatal torts, wrongful life,
the crime of feticide, substance abuse by pregnant women,
compulsory cesareans, assisted reproduction, and stem cell
research. Along the way, difficult philosophical problems, such as
identity and the non-identity problem are thoroughly explored. The
book will be of interest not only to philosophers, but also
physicians, lawyers, policy makers, and anyone perplexed by the
many difficulties surrounding the unborn.
Manual of Pathology of the Human Placenta, Second Edition is a concise, practical manual of placental pathology. While references are made to the more encyclopedic Pathology of the Human Placenta, this Manual is designed as a user-friendly, easy-to-read bench manual that can be used in the grossing room as well as at the microscope. Features of the text include: - A section on the approach to the placental specimen, providing suggestions on what to do, as well as when and how to do it.- Discussion of detailed development and normal histology of all parts of the placenta for those wanting to learn about specific areas of the placenta.- Discussion of placental lesions, disease processes related to the placenta, neoplasms, and trophoblastic lesions. An overview of the legal implications of placental examination and future direction. "Suggestions for Examination and Report" includes key points in gross examination, sectioning, and diagnosis. Suggestions for comments in the surgical pathology report guide the reader in problematic situations or when the diagnosis or diagnostic implications are unclear.An abundance of tables summarize pertinent information and provide easy access to the differential diagnoses of various lesions. Manual of Pathology of the Human Placenta is a must-have reference for every pathologist, resident and pathology assistant
Sex Hormone Replacement Therapy addresses important issues in contemporary endocrinology. Its major emphasis is on the consequences of the menopause and on androgen deficiency in the absence of overt disease of the hypothalamus and/or pituitary in men. The use of hormone therapy for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in post-menopausal women has become an area of major debate, and the pros and cons are examined in detail. Secondary prevention also remains controversial and is addressed in this volume. An issue of particular concern is the treatment of estrogen deficiency symptoms in women with the diagnosis of breast cancer. Whether older men with some androgen deficiency symptoms and equivocally low plasma testosterone concentrations should be treated with androgens is also a matter of great debate, as is the efficacy and safety of plant estrogens in the treatment of menopause-related complaints. Sex Hormone Replacement Therapy will be of interest to students and non-specialists, as well as a wide range of medical practitioners including endocrinologists, gynecologists, rheumatologists and cardiologists.
This book is intended as a reference manual that will provide the busy clinician with up-to-date information on the diagnosis and treatment of uncommon and rare gynecological cancers. While standard textbooks briefly cover these tumors, this is intended as a more comprehensive yet easy-to-use guide. After opening chapters on epidemiology, pathology, and diagnostic imaging, the full range of infrequently encountered gynecological cancers (ovarian, uterine, cervical, vaginal, and vulval) is presented and discussed with the aid of high-quality illustrations. In each case, detailed attention is paid to both differential diagnosis and current treatment options. The book has been written by an international panel of experts and is the first to gather all the uncommon and rare gynecological cancers together within one volume. |
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