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Promotions > Summer Sale > Books > Kids
A sequel to the timeless classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas! featuring all your favourite characters! The Grinch has grown to LOVE Christmas, so when the Grinch sees a poster for Who-ville’s Christmas tree contest, he has an awfully crafty idea… he will show off his new festive spirit by making the tallest, most spectacular Christmas tree the Whos have ever seen! But when things don’t go as planned, will the Grinch return to his grinchy ways, or can one special Who remind him of the true meaning of Christmas? Celebrate the season alongside all your favourite characters with this sequel to the timeless classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
Chump the chimpanzee was always being silly. He would make rude noises from BOTH ENDS, pick his nose with his little toe... and eat the skins of bananas, hurling out the tasty part inside. NASA's scientists thought he'd be the PERFECT chimp to send into space. Little did Chump know that he had been selected for a deadly-dangerous mission. If a chimp could orbit Earth, then chances were a human could too. With Chump the chimp at the controls of a spacecraft, what could possibly go wrong? As it turned out, EVERYTHING. Blast off with Chump, and encounter dog space pirates, evil insects, and the silliest chimpanzee who ever lived in this wildly funny space opera, fully illustrated in fantastic colour.
This book is ideal for teachers and parents! Teachers will be able to
use the book in the classroom as it contains more than 50 texts in the
following categories: comprehension tests, visual texts, listening
tests and summaries. Parents will also be able to buy the book to use
as an additional resource at home or for homeschool use.
Dragons! Daring! Danger! The first fully illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is an extraordinary creative achievement by two extraordinary talents. Jim Kay's inspired reimagining of J.K. Rowling's classic series has captured a devoted following worldwide, and the drama just gets bigger as the series progresses. With over 150 illustrations, Jim Kay's unique vision delivers breathtaking scenes and unforgettable characters - including fan favourites Cedric Diggory, Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum illustrated by Jim Kay for the first time. Fizzing with magic and brimming with humour, this full-colour edition will captivate fans and new readers alike as Harry, now in his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, finds himself competing in the legendary Triwizard Tournament and facing death-defying tasks, dragons and Dark wizards . Making magic in paint, pencil and pixels, this is the Wizarding World as we have never seen it before.
The colourfully illustrated Joy!Kids Bible Story series is based on 1 Thessalonians 5:16 - Rejoice always. This series helps children to be Joy!Kids that celebrate the joy of Jesus by living a joy-filled life. Each story is accompanied by a prayer to help children connect with God and a Christian value that reinforces the story. The books include guidelines for helping children with faith-building, vocabulary, numeracy and reading skills, as well as emotional development. Encourages engagement:
“My name is Harriet Manners, and I am a geek.” Harriet Manners knows that a cat has 32 muscles in each ear, a “jiffy” lasts 1/100th of a second, and the average person laughs 15 times per day. She knows that bats always turn left when exiting a cave and that peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite. But she doesn’t know why nobody at school seems to like her. So when Harriet is spotted by a top model agent, she grabs the chance to reinvent herself. Even if it means stealing her best friend's dream, incurring the wrath of her arch enemy Alexa, and repeatedly humiliating herself in front of impossibly handsome model Nick. Even if it means lying to the people she loves. Veering from one couture disaster to the next with the help of her overly enthusiastic father and her uber-geeky stalker, Toby, Harriet begins to realise that the world of fashion doesn't seem to like her any more than the real world did. As her old life starts to fall apart, will Harriet be able to transform herself before she ruins everything? The award-winning debut by bestselling author Holly Smale.
This book is ideal for teachers and parents! Teachers will be able to
use the book in the classroom as it contains more than 50 texts in the
following categories: comprehension tests, visual texts, listening
tests and summaries. Parents will also be able to buy the book to use
as additional resource at home or for homeschool use.
Die Klasgids - Hoërskool is ’n Afrikaans vaktydskrif vir enige iemand
wat belang het by Afrikaans in die klaskamer van Graad 8-12. Dit dien
as ondersteunende en verrykende materiaal vir onderwysers, leerders,
mense wat Afrikaans ekstra klasse aanbied, onderwysstudente, ensovoorts.
Hierdie boek is ideaal vir onderwysers en ouers! Onderwysers sal die
tekste in die klaskamer kan gebruik omdat daar meer as 50 tekste in ’n
verskeidenheid afdelings is, soos begripstoetse, visuele tekste,
luistertoetse en opsommings. Ouers kan ook die boek vir kinders aankoop
– dit is uitstekend vir addisionele materiaal en vir gebruik in
Ekstra taaloefeninge is iets wat skaars is en menige onderwyser (ouer
en leerder) soek. Dit is wat die Taalwerkboek Afrikaans Eerste
Addisionele Taal Graad 10-12 ideaal maak: Dit is ’n taalhersieningsboek
vir Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal met oefeninge vir taalstrukture
en -konvensies. Daar is hersieningsoefeninge van die volgende
taalaspekte: woordeskat-uitbreiding, woordkeuses, sinsbou, spelling en
punktuasie. Die hersieningsvrae is ook in noue samehang met die
Nasionale Eksamenvraestel 1 vir Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal (NSS
en IEB) opgestel.
Greg Owen, die ou wat sy eie pa vir die wolwe gegooi het, is 'n eerstejaar op Stellenbosch. Klaar met hacking. Ingeskryf vir 'n graad in Sportwetenskap. Maar sal hy ooit van die skadu van Lawson Kollege en Project Nursery Rhyme kan wegkom? As jy wil wraak neem, moet jy twee grafte grawe, besef hy gou, in hierdie vervolg op die topverkoper Onderwêreld. Verkorte skooluitgawe van die topverkoper. 'n Gratis leesgids is beskikbaar.
Winnie Foster is in the woods, thinking of running away from home, when she sees a boy drinking from a spring. Winnie wants a drink too, but before she can take a sip, she is kidnapped by the boy, Jesse Tuck, and his family. She learns that the Tuck family are blessed with - or doomed to - eternal life since drinking from the spring, and they wander from place to place trying to live as inconspicuously as they can. Now Winnie knows their secret. But what does immortality really mean? And can the Tucks help her understand before it's too late? A beautiful paperback edition of the unforgettable classic of children's writing about what it truly means to live forever. Featuring illustrations by Melissa Castrillon.
Happy Baby is a wonderful new gift book for babies by Priddy Books. This shaped board book is a wonderful gift for any baby shower or to give to a newborn baby. It has been designed with our very first learners in mind, as each page has a ribbon attached with a different pattern or tactile feel which babies can explore as they interact with the book. There are also three shaped animal tabs which will also engage young children as they turn the pages. This book is focussed on different types of play, from toys to playing outside and doing arts and crafts together. The soft retro illustrations include sweet vignettes of babies and labelled images of what is in the scene to encourage early speaking skills, word-picture recognition as well as introducing babies to the world around them. There is also gentle rhyming text written from a child’s perspective which is perfect for reading aloud to young children: I can shake my rattle, bang my drum, and stack up blocks one by one! There is so much for babies and parents to explore together as they enjoy this adorable baby book.
Gebruik My Gunsteling Storie-Bybel en My Gunsteling Storie-Bybel Aktiwiteits & Inkleurboek saam om kinders te help groei in hulle verhouding met God en Sy Woord.
Ten cautionary tales and a delightfully dreadful cast of characters from number one bestselling author David Walliams! Are you ready to meet the world's worst children? Five beastly boys and five gruesome girls! Like Sofia Sofa, a TV superfan so stuck to the sofa that she's turning into one! And Blubbering Bertha, a bawling big sister with a horrid habit of telling tales! From number one bestselling author David Walliams comes this collection of deliciously mischievous tales, illustrated throughout by artistic genius Tony Ross.
Die onderwysersgids is saamgestel volgens die vereistes vir Huistaal. Dit ondersteun die onderwyser se taak deur: • ’n volledige antwoordsleutel vir elke module te voorsien, asook riglyne, wenke en prosedures • leeraktiwiteite in afdelings soos Pitkos en In ’n neutedop • wenke te gee vir doeltreffende luister, praat, lees, kyk, skryf en aanbied • gepaste inhoud en kontekste, en ’n wye verskeidenheid tekssoorte aan te bied volgens eietydse temas • onderrigplanne vir elke module, asook riglyne vir lesbeplanning • ’n formele assesseringsprogram vir graad 5, asook verskeie metodes en instrumente vir assessering • ’n CD waarop ’n volledige onderwyserslêer, beplanningsdokumente en addisionele werkkaarte verskyn
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela is the amazing story of a true hero of our times; his famous biography has been specially adapted for children in a beautiful illustrated picture book format. Discover how a little boy whose father called him "troublemaker" grew up to fight apartheid, become South Africa's first black president and campaign for freedom and justice throughout the world. Adapted by poet Chris van Wyk and illustrated by South African artist Paddy Bouma, with an introduction from Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Long Walk to Freedom introduces children to the life of one of the world's most beloved leaders.
Die Klasgids - Hoërskool is ’n Afrikaans vaktydskrif vir enige iemand
wat belang het by Afrikaans in die klaskamer van Graad 8-12. Dit dien
as ondersteunende en verrykende materiaal vir onderwysers, leerders,
mense wat Afrikaans ekstra klasse aanbied, onderwysstudente, en
leerders kan dit met vrug vir selfstudie gebruik.
Die Klasgids (Laerskool) is ’n Afrikaans vaktydskrif vir enige iemand
wat belang het by Afrikaans in die klaskamer van Graad 1-7. Dit dien as
ondersteunende en verrykende materiaal vir onderwysers, leerders, mense
wat Afrikaans ekstra klasse aanbied, onderwysstudente, ensovoorts.
Die Klasgids (Laerskool) is ’n Afrikaans vaktydskrif vir enige iemand
wat belang het by Afrikaans in die klaskamer van Graad 1-7. Dit dien as
ondersteunende en verrykende materiaal vir onderwysers, leerders, mense
wat Afrikaans ekstra klasse aanbied, onderwysstudente, ensovoorts.
"I've lost my mum!" Where is Monkey's mummy? It's not too much fun being lost in the jungle, and little monkey wants his mum. A kindly butterfly is keen to help, but they don't seem to be having much luck but they don't seem to be having much luck and keep finding the wrong animals! But eventually, they find . . . Dad! It's just as well that he knows exactly where mum is, and she's waiting with a well-deserved cuddle. Monkey Puzzle is a clever, funny and charming tale from the unparalleled picture book partnership of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, creators of The Gruffalo. This handy board book format is perfect for younger readers. It features the classic story with a stunning redesigned cover and beautiful finish, making it a must-have for even the smallest Donaldson and Scheffler fans! Also available in board book format and with striking redesigned covers are: The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo's Child, Room on the Broom, The Snail and the Whale, The Smartest Giant in Town, Charlie Cook's Favourite Book, and A Squash and a Squeeze.
"Human beans is not really believing in giants, is they? Human beans is not thinking we exist." One dark, silvery moonlit night, Sophie is snatched from her bed by a giant! Luckily it is the Big Friendly Giant (the BFG), who is no ordinary bone-crunching giant, but instead prefers snozzcumbers and frobscottle to children. But there are other giants in Giant Country. And those giants have a plan to gallop far and wide to find some tasty human beans to eat. Can Sophie and the BFG stop them?
The award-winning tale about the power of perseverance by the bestselling author of A LONG WALK TO WATER. 13-year-old Tree-ear lives in a Korean village famous for its ceramics. He doesn’t have much but he loves to watch master potter Min at work and dreams of learning the craft one day. Reluctantly Min agrees to let Tree-ear help him. Determined to do whatever it takes to prove himself, Tree-ear embarks on a dangerous journey to present his master’s work to the king, unaware it will change his life forever. |
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