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Books > Arts & Architecture > Architecture > Landscape art & architecture
This book takes an interdisciplinary approach to our understanding of infrastructure, and it's influence on happiness and wellbeing, by examining the concept from economic, human development, architectural, urban planning, psychological, and ethical points of view. Providing insights from both research and practice the volume discusses how to develop happier cities and improve urban infrastructure for the wellbeing of the whole population. The book puts forth the argument that it is only in understanding the true nature of infrastructure's reach - how it connects, supports, and enlivens human beings - that we can truly begin to understand infrastructure's possibilities. It connects infrastructure to that most elusive of human qualities - happiness - examining the way infrastructure is fundamentally tied to human values and human well-being. The book seeks to suggest novel approaches, identify outmoded undertakings, and define new possibilities in order to maximize infrastructure's impact for all people - with a focus on diversity, inclusion and equity. In seeking to define infrastructure broadly and examine its possibilities systematically this book brings together theory and evidence from multiple disciplinary perspectives including, sociology, urban studies, architecture, economics, and public health in order to advance a startling claim - that our lives, and the lives of others, can be substantively improved by greater adhesion to the principles and practices of infrastructure design for happiness and wellbeing.
This book takes an interdisciplinary approach to our understanding of infrastructure, and it's influence on happiness and wellbeing, by examining the concept from economic, human development, architectural, urban planning, psychological, and ethical points of view. Providing insights from both research and practice the volume discusses how to develop happier cities and improve urban infrastructure for the wellbeing of the whole population. The book puts forth the argument that it is only in understanding the true nature of infrastructure's reach - how it connects, supports, and enlivens human beings - that we can truly begin to understand infrastructure's possibilities. It connects infrastructure to that most elusive of human qualities - happiness - examining the way infrastructure is fundamentally tied to human values and human well-being. The book seeks to suggest novel approaches, identify outmoded undertakings, and define new possibilities in order to maximize infrastructure's impact for all people - with a focus on diversity, inclusion and equity. In seeking to define infrastructure broadly and examine its possibilities systematically this book brings together theory and evidence from multiple disciplinary perspectives including, sociology, urban studies, architecture, economics, and public health in order to advance a startling claim - that our lives, and the lives of others, can be substantively improved by greater adhesion to the principles and practices of infrastructure design for happiness and wellbeing.
The City in Transgression explores the unacknowledged, neglected, and ill-defined spaces of the built environment and their transition into places of resistance and residence by refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, the homeless, and the disadvantaged. The book draws on urban and spatial theory, socio-economic factors, public space, and architecture to offer an intimate look at how urban sites and infrastructure are transformed into spaces for occupation. Anderson proposes that the varied innovations and adaptations of urban spaces enacted by such marginalized figures - for whom there are no other options - herald a radical new spatial programming of cities. The book explores cities and sites such as Mexico City and London, the Mexican/US border, the Calais Jungle, and Palestinian camps in Beirut and utilizes concepts associated with 'mobility' - such as anarchy, vagrancy, and transgression - alongside photography, 3D modelling, and 2D imagery. From this constellation of materials and analysis, a radical spatial picture of the city in transgression emerges. By focusing on the 'underside of urbanism', The City in Transgression reveals the potential for new spatial networks that can cultivate the potential for self-organization so as to counter the existing dominant urban models of capital and property and to confront some of the major issues facing cities amid an age of global human mobility. This book is valuable reading for those interested in architectural theory, modern history, human geography and mobility, climate change, urban design, and transformation.
A compilation of concepts, biological relationships and procedures used to organize forested landscapes for combinations of goods, services and effects. Includes such management processes as investments for biological diversity, timber production, wilderness effects, recreational opportunities, esthetic values and habitats for endangered animals and plants.
Recent years have seen a gathering interest in the importance of real estate development to the growth and development of cities. This has included theoretical work on such topics as land rent and property rights as well as empirical studies on property investments, assetization, securitization, and the effects of changing property values on economic growth and the global status of cities. In the field of urban political economy, attention has turned particularly to the financialization of land and the built environment and to the globalization of property ownership, real estate development, and architectural design. This edited volume brings together a collection of original investigations of the current thinking on three broad themes: the assetization of land and buildings, the relationship of land rent to valuation and speculation in the markets for private and public properties, and the different ways in which land functions as a social relation. In order to ground the discussion, each chapter combines a theoretical perspective with empirical evidence. And, to convey a sense of the global nature of these phenomena, the book includes cases from Finland, India, Spain, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Italy, China, and the United States. Although its prime goal is to solidify and extend the political economy of land, this book is also a celebration of the Finnish scholar Anne Haila who was a major contributor to this literature and, specifically, to the work of this book's authors. Prior to her sudden death in 2019, she was a key figure in the discussions that are at the core of the political economy of land: this book, in part, is a public acknowledgement of her contributions.
delivers a realistic and feasible framework for creating resilient landscapes in an era of anthropogenic climate change. presents fifteen case studies of differing sociocultural, economic, and biophysical backgrounds that showcase opportunities and limitations for creating resilient landscapes throughout the world. provides that much-needed link between theory and practice to deliver forward-thinking, practical solutions. This book will be of great interest to students, researchers, practitioners and policymakers who are interested in the complex relationship between landscapes, climate change, biodiversity loss, and land-based conversion at local, national and global scales.
--The book will cover basic and advanced computational and parametric modeling methods as a starting point for the following chapters. This can serve many undergraduate courses that focus on both introductory and advanced computational modeling by establishing best practices and workflow for more advanced operations and calculations. The advanced topics of ecosystem services and landscape performance covered in later chapters of the book can serve both upper-level undergraduate courses and graduate students for courses that focus on grading and drainage, stormwater management, and system thinking. --Guides readers on evaluating performance in both the natural and built environment, which is a professional standard for accredited programs and is necessary for Sustainable Sites and L.E.E.D. certifications. --In the introductory chapters of the book, references to external resources will be provided as they relate to climate, soil, and topographic data so that the user is not limited to the example's region and context.
-A simple clear structure based on urban design course structures -A comprehensive discussion of the field -Well illustrated throughout with examples, tables and images that explain and illuminate the text
Architects, landscape architects and urban designers experiment with color and lighting effects in their daily professional practice. Over the past decade, there has been a reinvigorated discussion on color within architectural and cultural studies. Yet, scholarly enquiry within landscape architecture has been minimal despite its important role in landscape design. This book posits that though color and lighting effects appear natural, fleeting, and difficult to comprehend, the sensory palette of built landscapes and gardens has been carefully constructed to shape our experience and evoke meaning and place character. Landscape Design in Color: History, Theory, and Practice 1750 to Today is an inquiry into the themes, theories, and debates on color and its impact on practice in Western landscape architecture over the past three centuries. Divided into three key periods, each chapter in the book looks at the use of color in the written and built work of key prominent designers. The book investigates thematic juxtapositions such as: natural and artificial; color and line; design and draftsmanship; sensation and concept; imitation and translation; deception and display; and decoration and structure, and how these have appeared, faded, disappeared, and reappeared throughout the ages. Richly designed and illustrated in full color throughout, including color palettes, this book is a must-have resource for students, scholars, and design professionals in landscape architecture and its allied disciplines.
Contributions by Carrie Bernhard, Scott Bernhard, Marilyn R. Brown, Richard Campanella, John P. Clark, Joel Dinerstein, Pableaux Johnson, John P. Klingman, Angel Adams Parham, Bruce Boyd Raeburn, Ruth Salvaggio, Christopher Schaberg, Teresa A. Toulouse, and Beth Willinger Much has been written about New Orleans's distinctive architecture and urban fabric, as well as the city's art, literature, and music. There is, however, little discussion connecting these features. Sweet Spots--a title drawn from jazz musicians' name for the space ""in-between"" performers and dancers where music best resonates--provides multiple connections between the city's spaces, its complex culture, and its future. Drawing on the late Tulane architect Malcolm Heard's ideas about ""interstitial"" spaces, this collection examines how a variety of literal and represented ""in-between"" spaces in New Orleans have addressed race, class, gender, community, and environment. As scholars of architecture, art, African American studies, English, history, jazz, philosophy, and sociology, the authors incorporate materials from architectural history and practice, literary texts, paintings, drawings, music, dance, and even statistical analyses. Interstitial space refers not only to functional elements inside and outside of many New Orleans houses--high ceilings, hidden staircases, galleries, and courtyards--but also to compelling spatial relations between the city's houses, streets, and neighborhoods. Rich with visual materials, Sweet Spots reveals the ways that diverse New Orleans spaces take on meanings and accrete stories that promote certain consequences both for those who live in them and for those who read such stories. The volume evokes, preserves, criticizes, and amends understanding of a powerful and often-missed feature of New Orleans's elusive reality.
Architecture is a Verb outlines an approach that shifts the fundamental premises of architectural design and practice in several important ways. First, it acknowledges the centrality of the human organism as an active participant interdependent in its environment. Second, it understands human action in terms of radical embodiment-grounding the range of human activities traditionally attributed to mind and cognition: imagining, thinking, remembering-in the body. Third, it asks what a building does-that is, extends the performative functional interpretation of design to interrogate how buildings move and in turn move us, how they shape thought and action. Finally, it is committed to articulating concrete situations by developing a taxonomy of human/building interactions. Written in engaging prose for students of architecture, interiors and urban design, as well as practicing professionals, Sarah Robinson offers richly illustrated practical examples for a new generation of designers.
The book combines an extensive review of art actions, classifying and anchoring them in contemporary urban theories. It reviews trends and describes numerous art projects in the public space, and is interspersed with multiple photographs, hence it may be attractive to any reader who wishes to become involved in his community and urban environment.
The book combines an extensive review of art actions, classifying and anchoring them in contemporary urban theories. It reviews trends and describes numerous art projects in the public space, and is interspersed with multiple photographs, hence it may be attractive to any reader who wishes to become involved in his community and urban environment.
Landscape Architecture and Digital Technologies explores how digital technologies are reshaping design and making in landscape architecture. While the potentials of digital technologies are well documented within landscape planning and visualisation, their application within design practice is far less understood. This book highlights the role of the digital model in encouraging a new design logic that moves from the privileging of the visual to a focus on processes of formation, bridging the interface of the conceptual and material, the virtual and the physical. Drawing on interviews and projects from a range of international designers -including , Snohetta, Arup, Gustafson Porter, ASPECT Studios, Grant Associates, Catherine Mosbach, Philippe Rahm, PARKKIM, LAAC and PEG office of landscape + architecture among others, the authors explore the influence of parametric modelling, scripting, real-time data, simulation, prototyping, fabrication, and Building Information Modelling on the design and construction of contemporary landscapes. This engagement with practice is expanded through critical reflection from academics involved in landscape architecture programs around the world that are reshaping their research and pedagogy to reflect an expanded digital realm. Crossing critical theory, technology and contemporary design, the book constructs a picture of an emerging twenty-first century practice of landscape architecture practice premised on complexity and performance. It also highlights the disciplinary demands and challenges in engaging with a rapidly evolving digital context within practice and education. The book is of immense value to professionals and researchers, and is a key publication for digital landscape courses at all levels.
This open access book outlines new concepts, development models, governance and implementation processes capable of addressing the challenges of transformative urban regeneration of cities at precinct scale.
Every morning, the architect and writer Michael Sorkin walks downtown from his Greenwich Village apartment through Washington Square to his Tribeca office. Sorkin isn't in a hurry, and he never ignores his surroundings. Instead, he pays careful, close attention. And in "Twenty""Minutes in Manhattan," he explains what he sees, what he imagines, what he knows--giving us extraordinary access to the layers of history, the feats of engineering and artistry, and the intense social drama that take place along a simple twenty-minute walk.
In the last ten years, concepts such as urban health and liveability have become ever more present in urban planning studies. Many companies rank the most liveable city in the world or in a nation, and many indicators are used to try to measure factors which can report the health of a place by investigating it in different ways. While it is possible to understand why a place is liveable - due to the liveability and health concepts that are being more and more explored in urban studies, and the strong influence coming from other disciplines - it is difficult to design a place that is certain to be healthy and liveable. Accordingly, aim of this book is, after the definition of the field of investigation concerning sustainable regeneration trough topics such as resilience, adaptation, health, and mixed connections, to illustrate the present-day approaches to the analysis and design of healthy places, and in particular the original Healthy Pl@ce Design method, flexible and repeatable in different contexts. The method aims to identify sustainable urban liveability and healthiness and the factors which make places liveable and healthy from users' points of view and identifying design interventions that can enhance or create both urban liveability and health. Emblematic case studies carried out in Europe, Canada and China - Bordeaux, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Madrid, Newcastle-Gateshead, Nice, Dublin, Vancouver and Wuhan - constitute the empirical part of the book, detailed with surveys, questionnaires, images and maps. The theoretical framework - built on contemporary issues - and international case studies make this book both attractive and scientific, adding a new stone on the sustainable city construction and opening it to a particularly wide readership, including scholars, students, administrators and professionals.
Provides a complete, easily replicated design process that sees the designer-as-author, the landscape-as-text, and the participant, user-as-reader. It is also unique in the foundation it sets for learning design, the application of that foundation to doing landscape, architectural or interior design, and the call for landscape architectural design to explicitly address a greater inclusion of people, those left to live with what is designed. Illustrated with locations and landmarks in Canada and the United States. A few are from England, France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Italy. They are of readily recognizable features such as walkways, paths, street scenes, and landmarks. Questions and thought-provoking situations provide instructors with discussion points and reader with self-reflective triggers that illuminate their taken-for-granted world.
The book explores the relationship between the shrinking process and architecture and urban design practices. Starting from a journey in former East Germany, six different scenes are explored in which plans, projects, and policies have dealt with shrinkage since the 1990s. The book is a sequence of scenes that reveals the main characteristics, dynamics, narratives, reasons and ambiguities of the shrinking cities' transformations in the face of a long transition. The first scene concerns the demolition and transformation of social mass housing in Leinefelde-Worbis. The second scene deals with the temporary appropriation of abandoned buildings in Halle-Neustadt. The third scene, observed in Leipzig, shows the results of green space projects in urban voids. The scene of the fourth situation observes the extraordinary efforts to renaturise a mining territory in the Lausitz region. The fifth scene takes us to Hoyerswerda, where emigration and ageing process required a reduction and demolition in housing stock and social infrastructures. The border city of Goerlitz, the sixth and last scene, deals with the repopulation policies that aim to attract retirees from the West.
In the era of the Anthropocene, site matters are more pressing than ever. Building on the concepts, theories, and multi-disciplinary approaches raised in the first edition, this publication strives to address the changes that have taken place over the last 15 years with new material to complement and re-position the initial volume. Reaching across design disciplines, this highly illustrated anthology assembles essays from architects, landscape architects, urban designers, planners, historians, and artists to explore ways to physically and conceptually engage site. Thoughtful discourse and empirically grounded pieces combine to provide the language and theory to contextualize the meanings of site in the built environment. The increasingly complex hybridity of constructed environments today demands new tools for thinking about and working with site. Drawing contributions from outside and within the traditional design disciplines, this edition will trace important developments in site thinking with new essays on topics such as climate change, landscape as infrastructure, shifts from global to planetary urbanization debates, and the proliferation of participatory site transformation practices. Edited by two leading practitioners and academics, Site Matters juxtaposes timeless contributions from individuals including Elizabeth Meyer, Robert Beauregard, and Robin Dripps with original new writings from Peter Marcuse, Jane Wolff, Neil Brenner, and Thaisa Way, amongst others, to recontextualize and reignite the debate around site. An ideal text for students, academics, and researchers interested in site and design theory.
This book presents a detailed exploration into the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT), an enterprise concerned with finding and communicating sustainable ways of living, established in Wales in 1973. Playing a central role in the global green network, this study examines CAT's history and context for creation, its development over time and its wider influence in the progression of green ideas at the local, national and international levels. Based on original archival and ethnographic research, this book provides the first in-depth analysis of CAT and uses the case study to explore wider issues of sustainability and environmental communication. It situates the Centre within current environmental and political discourse and emphasises the relevance and reach of CAT's practical solutions and creative educational programme. These practical solutions to the destruction of the environment of human activity are increasingly vital in today's context of climate change, loss of biodiversity and rising levels of pollution. It debates the spectrum of attitudes between environmentalism and ecologism evident at CAT and in broader conversations surrounding sustainability. Woven throughout the text, the author makes clear what we can learn from CAT's almost 50 years of experiments and experiences, from his first-hand account of working at the site. This will be a fascinating and revealing read for academics, researchers, students and practitioners interested in all aspects of sustainability and environmental issues.
In diesem interdisziplinaren Sammelband wird nicht nur eine Motivgeschichte des Themas Wasser vorgelegt. Vielmehr eint die Beitrage der Ansatz, Wasser als ein mit vielfaltigen kulturellen Bedeutungen aufgeladenes Phanomen und als Akteur zu verstehen. Alle Aufsatze befassen sich mit der Reprasentation der grundlegenden Eigenschaft von Wasser, namlich dessen materieller Wandelbarkeit. Diese zeigt sich in so faszinierenden Aspekten wie der musikalischen 'Sprache' von Kunstbrunnen oder in der Mittlerfunktion von Wasser zwischen Mensch und Natur. Wasser kann auch zum Protagonisten in der Gartenarchitektur werden oder soziale und geographische Abgrenzung markieren. Nicht zuletzt kann Wasser auch als programmatischer Tragers eines Kunstwerks fungieren.
Temporary and Tactical Urbanism examines a key set of urban design strategies that have emerged in the twenty-first century. Such projects range from guerrilla gardens and bike lanes to more formalised temporary beaches and swimming pools, parklets, pop-up plazas and buildings and container towns. These practices enable diverse forms of economic, social and artistic life that are usually repressed by the fixities of urban form and its management. This book takes a thematic approach to explore what the scope of this practice is, and understand why it has risen to prominence, how it works, who is involved, and what its implications are for the future of city design and planning. It critically examines the material, social, economic and political complexities that surround and enable these small, ephemeral urban interventions. It identifies their short-term and long-term implications for urban intensity, diversity, creativity and adaptability. The book's insights into temporary and tactical urbanism have particular relevance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has highlighted both the need and the possibility of quickly transforming urban spaces worldwide. They also reveal significant lessons for the long-term planning and design of buildings, landscapes and cities. |
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