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Thabo The Space Dude - Logbook 3: Voyagers In Space (Paperback): Lori-Ann Preston Thabo The Space Dude - Logbook 3: Voyagers In Space (Paperback)
Lori-Ann Preston; Illustrated by Zinelda McDonald
R190 R178 Discovery Miles 1 780 Save R12 (6%) Ships in 7 - 11 working days

In the past two months, Thabo has experienced many exciting things.

He has:

  • Flown to Mars;
  • Met two Martians;
  • Almost been eaten by a pod of seriously dodgy aliens;
  • And also flown off Mars.

Now, Thabo and all his friends - human and alien - are on their way to the planet Gliese. Everything will go super-smoothly ... Right?!

Monetary Economics (Paperback, 2nd Edition): Ernie van der Merwe, Sandra Mollentze Monetary Economics (Paperback, 2nd Edition)
Ernie van der Merwe, Sandra Mollentze; J. J. Rossouw, J. C. Vermeulen, L. A. Leshoro
R690 Discovery Miles 6 900 Ships in 6 - 10 working days

What do you need to know about financial innovation, financial liberalisation and deregulation? Do you know what purpose monetary policy serves in the economy? What is the role of interest rates?

The second edition of Monetary Economics will look into these matters and other topical issues such as the subprime crisis. The text uses a step-by-step approach to technical areas such as formulae and graphs.

The book takes a look at South African as a developing country within the wider global arena. Monetary Economics is written in a concise and accessible level for Economics students at senior undergraduate and Honours level.

Going Infinite - The Rise And Fall Of A New Tycoon (Hardcover): Michael Lewis Going Infinite - The Rise And Fall Of A New Tycoon (Hardcover)
Michael Lewis
R665 R591 Discovery Miles 5 910 Save R74 (11%) In Stock

From the #1 bestselling author of The Big Short and Flash Boys comes the high-octane story of the enigmatic figure at the heart of one of the 21st century's most spectacular financial collapses

'I asked him how much it would take for him to sell FTX and go do something other than make money. He thought the question over. "One hundred and fifty billion dollars," he finally said-though he added that he had use for "infinity dollars"...'

Sam Bankman-Fried wasn't just rich. Before he turned thirty he'd become the world's youngest billionaire, making a record fortune in the crypto frenzy. CEOs, celebrities and world leaders vied for his time. At one point he considered paying off the entire national debt of the Bahamas so he could take his business there.

Then it all fell apart.

Who was this Gatsby of the crypto world, a rumpled guy in cargo shorts, whose eyes twitched across TV interviews as he played video games on the side, who even his million-dollar investors still found a mystery? What gave him such an extraordinary ability to make money - and how did his empire collapse so spectacularly?

Michael Lewis was there when it happened, having got to know Bankman-Fried during his epic rise. In Going Infinite he tells us a story like no other, taking us through the mind-bending trajectory of a character who never liked the rules and was allowed to live by his own. Both psychological portrait of a preternaturally gifted 'thinking machine', and wild financial roller-coaster ride, this is a twenty-first-century epic of high-frequency trading and even higher stakes, of crypto mania and insane amounts of money, of hubris and downfall. No one could tell it better.

Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them - The Original Screenplay (Hardcover): J. K. Rowling Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them - The Original Screenplay (Hardcover)
J. K. Rowling 3
R600 R450 Discovery Miles 4 500 Save R150 (25%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

J.K. Rowling's screenwriting debut is captured in this exciting hardcover edition of the Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them screenplay.

When Magizoologist Newt Scamander arrives in New York, he intends his stay to be just a brief stopover. However, when his magical case is misplaced and some of Newt's fantastic beasts escape, it spells trouble for everyone...

Inspired by the original Hogwart's textbook by Newt Scamander, Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them: The Original Screenplay marks the screenwriting debut of J.K. Rowling, author of the beloved and internationally bestselling Harry Potter books. A feat of imagination and featuring a cast of remarkable characters and magical creatures, this is epic adventure-packed storytelling at its very best. Whether an existing fan or new to the wizarding world, this is a perfect addition for any film lover or reader's bookshelf.

(Please note: This is the screenplay edition, so it's written in a movie script format and not a novelized format.)

Rooigety (Afrikaans, Paperback): Bets Smith Rooigety (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Bets Smith
R320 R300 Discovery Miles 3 000 Save R20 (6%) Ships in 7 - 11 working days

Hoe ver sal jy gaan om jou kind te beskerm?

Inwoners van Makulu Manzi het skaars herstel van die kinderpornografieskandaal wat die dorp vroeër die jaar getref het. Nou is daar gerugte van moetiemoorde en ekstremistiese groepe wat kinders werf vir selfmoordbomaanvalle. Die plaaslike skool stuur rebelse tieners na regrukkampe, en selfs georganiseerde bloedskenking word met agterdog bejeën.

Wanneer Daleen Boshoff se dogter tydens ’n uitstappie op die lyk van ’n tienerseun afkom, ruk dit die fondament onder hul uit. Is dit inderdaad moord vir moetie? Of hou die vermiste kinders verband met die bomaanvalle teen die kus van Afrika?

Rooigety is die opvolg van Dooiegety (2019).

Koors (Afrikaans, Paperback): Deon Meyer Koors (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Deon Meyer 4
R365 R342 Discovery Miles 3 420 Save R23 (6%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Die Koors het byna almal gevat. Maar nie dertien jaar oue Nico Storm en sy pa, Willem, nie.

Deur ’n Suid-Afrikaanse landskap feitlik sonder mense, met al hoe minder blikkieskos in die verlate winkels, Koeberg-bestraling in die Wes-Kaap en al hoe meer moorddadige hondebendes – én mensebendes – swerf Nico en sy pa, op soek na ’n plek om die samelewing weer te vestig.

Wanneer hulle dit eindelik sover het by die ou Vanderkloof – nou Amanzi – met ’n groepie swerflinge wat saam van voor af wil begin, steek al die ou sondes van die mensdom kop uit. Gou is Amanzi op geloofs- en politieke lyne verdeel, en verdediging teen die swaar gewapende motorfietsbendes wat dwarsoor Suid-Afrika plunder en moor raak al hoe moeiliker. En wat van die geheimsinnige, yskoue Domingo, wat by Amanzi aangery kom op ’n motorfiets van sy eie en spoedig as paramilitêre leier ontpop – kan hý ooit vertrou word?

Dis nie lank nie, of moord kom inderdaad ook na Amanzi …

In Koors vertel die volwasse Nico Storm die verhaal van die moord op sy pa. Dit is ’n aksiebelaaide nuwe rigting vir Deon Meyer, met al die aspekte wat lesers van sy spanningsfiksie verwag en nog vele nuwe lekkertes daarby.

Turning The Flywheel - A Monograph To Accompany Good to Great (Paperback): Jim Collins Turning The Flywheel - A Monograph To Accompany Good to Great (Paperback)
Jim Collins 1
R291 R262 Discovery Miles 2 620 Save R29 (10%) Ships in 9 - 15 working days

A companion guidebook to the number-one bestselling Good to Great, focused on implementation of the flywheel concept, one of Jim Collins’ most memorable ideas that has been used across industries and the social sectors, and with startups.

The key to business success is not a single innovation or one plan. It is the act of turning the flywheel, slowly gaining momentum and eventually reaching a breakthrough. Building upon the flywheel concept introduced in his groundbreaking classic Good to Great, Jim Collins teaches readers how to create their own flywheel, how to accelerate the flywheel’s momentum, and how to stay on the flywheel in shifting markets and during times of turbulence.

Combining research from his Good to Great labs and case studies from organisations like Amazon, Vanguard, and the Cleveland Clinic which have turned their flywheels with outstanding results, Collins demonstrates that successful organisations can disrupt the world around them – and reach unprecedented success – by employing the flywheel concept.

Bloedbroers - Na die slagveld van Smokeshell en terug (Afrikaans, Paperback): Deon Lamprecht Bloedbroers - Na die slagveld van Smokeshell en terug (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Deon Lamprecht
R290 R259 Discovery Miles 2 590 Save R31 (11%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

“Dis politici wat oorlog verklaar, nie ons nie. Ons het gedoen wat ons geglo het ons moes doen en hulle [die vyand] ook . . .” – Marco Caforio, ouddienspligtige

Op 10 Junie 1980 gedurende ’n eindelose dag van bloedige gevegte onder die Angolese son is 13 lede van die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag dood en etlike beseer toe 61 Gemeganiseerde Bataljon Groep ’n kompleks van Swapo-basisse in die suide van Angola aangeval het.

Gedurende Operasie Sceptic het tweede luitenant Paul Louw sy peleton in vier Ratels na die slagveld by die doelwit Smokeshell gelei.

In die chaos wat daardie dag gevolg het, is 12 dienspligtiges in sy peleton van 44 noodlottig gewond en hy is self ook beseer. Een van sy troepe, die 18-jarige HP Ferreira, is met ’n 14,5 mmmasjiengeweer deur sy pelvis geskiet en hy is ook deur etlike AK-47 koeëls getref. Hy het wonderbaarlik oorleef. Louw, nog met die bloed van sy manne aan sy klere, en ’n handjievol ander soldate het die aand deurgebring in ’n Ratel wat deur ’n RPG-vuurpyl getref is. Hulle was heeltemal afgesny van die res van die aanvalsgroep en het nie geweet of hulle die son sou sien opkom nie.

In Bloedbroers vertel van die oorlewendes van hul ervarings tydens die geveg. Dit werp ook lig op wat met soldate gebeur nadat die laaste skote afgevuur is en volg die veterane toe hulle vier dekades ná die operasie vir die eerste keer na die slagveld teruggekeer het.

Word Ryk, Bly Ryk - Hoe Om Welvaart Te Skep En Bestuur (Afrikaans, Paperback): PJ Botha, Geo Botha Word Ryk, Bly Ryk - Hoe Om Welvaart Te Skep En Bestuur (Afrikaans, Paperback)
PJ Botha, Geo Botha
R250 R234 Discovery Miles 2 340 Save R16 (6%) In Stock

Wat is die geheime en strategieë van die uitgelese groep wat welvaart skep, hetsy as entrepreneurs, professioneles of salaristrekkers, én boonop daarin slaag om hul geld te laat groei, te geniet en oor te dra na komende generasies?

In Word ryk, bly ryk help Geo en PJ Botha, onafhanklike finansiële adviseurs en medeaanbieders van kykNET se gewilde Welvaartskeppers, gewone Suid-Afrikaners om geld te maak in ’n uitdagende omgewing en dit te laat groei. Hulle begelei jou op jou reis na rykdom en die vrugte daarvan.

Suksesstories van entrepreneurs soos Michael Jordaan, Albé Geldenhuys en Whitey Basson sal jou ’n kopskuif help maak om geleenthede raak te sien in moeilike ekonomiese omstandighede. Die skrywers se maklik verstaanbare finansiële ekspertadvies, gemik op die kweek van goeie gewoontes, rig jou fokus en ondersteun jou op jou welvaartreis.

Trapped (Paperback): Sam Scarborough Trapped (Paperback)
Sam Scarborough
R410 Discovery Miles 4 100 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

She was confident, beautiful and financially secure. When she arrived in London with her daughter the future looked bright and she was hoping for a lasting, mature relationship. But within days, things started to go wrong. Was he manipulating her? Maybe it was all in her head? She started a diary, evidence to reassure herself that she wasn’t going mad. This is the true story of a strong, independent woman's descent into abuse, and how she eventually escaped.

Demi Lovato - Holy Fvck (CD): Demi Lovato Holy Fvck (CD)
Demi Lovato
R474 Discovery Miles 4 740 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This 16-track album is a sonic journey grounded in Demi Lovato's rock and pop-punk roots and illustrates an earnest yet tongue-in-cheek retrospective of their life experiences.

How The Secret Changed My Life - Real People. Real Stories (Hardcover): Rhonda Byrne How The Secret Changed My Life - Real People. Real Stories (Hardcover)
Rhonda Byrne 4
R469 R225 Discovery Miles 2 250 Save R244 (52%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Since the very first publication of The Secret a decade ago, Rhonda Byrne's bestselling book has brought forth an explosion of real people sharing real stories of how their lives have miraculously changed for the better. How The Secret Changed My Life presents a selection of the most heartwarming and moving stories in one inspirational volume.

Each story provides an authentic, real-life illustration of the pathway that leads to success in every area of life: money, health, relationships, love, family and career.

The people in How The Secret Changed My Life show time and again that no one is excluded from living the life of their dreams.

Emily Hobhouse - Beloved traitor (Paperback): Elsabe Brits Emily Hobhouse - Beloved traitor (Paperback)
Elsabe Brits 3
R495 R464 Discovery Miles 4 640 Save R31 (6%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

A fresh, nuanced look at an extraordinary woman and her lifelong fight for justice. Defying the constraints of her gender and class, Emily Hobhouse travelled across continents and spoke out against oppression. A passionate pacifist and a feminist, she opposed both the 1899-1902 Anglo-Boer War and World War One, leading to accusations of treason. Elsabe Brits travelled in her footsteps to bring to life a colourful story of war, heroism and passion, spanning three continents.

Cilka's Journey (Paperback): Heather Morris Cilka's Journey (Paperback)
Heather Morris 4
R440 R405 Discovery Miles 4 050 Save R35 (8%) Ships in 9 - 15 working days

The sequel to the International Number One Bestseller The Tattooist Of Auschwitz, based on a true story of love and resilience.

Cilka is just sixteen years old when she is taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp, in 1942. The Commandant at Birkenau, Schwarzhuber, notices her long beautiful hair, and forces her separation from the other women prisoners. Cilka learns quickly that power, even unwillingly given, equals survival.

In a Siberian prison camp, Cilka faces challenges both new and horribly familiar, including the unwanted attention of the guards. But when she makes an impression on a woman doctor, Cilka is taken under her wing and taught new skills. Cilka begins to tend to the ill in the camp, struggling to care for them under brutal conditions.

Cilka finds endless resources within herself as she daily confronts death and faces terror. And when she nurses a man called Ivan, Cilka finds that despite everything that has happened to her, there is room in her heart for love.

Steinheist - Markus Jooste, Steinhoff and SA's Biggest Corporate Fraud (Paperback): Rob Rose Steinheist - Markus Jooste, Steinhoff and SA's Biggest Corporate Fraud (Paperback)
Rob Rose 1
R385 R361 Discovery Miles 3 610 Save R24 (6%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

The Steinhoff crash wiped more than R200bn off the JSE, erased half the wealth of tycoon Christo Wiese and knocked the pension funds of millions of people.

When it was exposed as a house of cards, tales of fraudulent accounting, lavish spending and ructions in the ‘Stellenbosch mafia’ made the headlines. As regulators tally up the cost, Financial Mail editor Rob Rose reveals the real inside story behind Steinhoff. Based on interviews with key players in South Africa, the UK, Germany and the Netherlands – and documents not yet public – Steinheist reveals:

  • How Bruno Steinhoff formed the company in the Communist bloc and apartheid South Africa;
  • How the ‘Markus myth’ grew thanks to a ‘bit of luck’ in a 1998 takeover;
  • How Jooste insiders shifted nasty liabilities off Steinhoff’s balance sheet to present a false picture of the profits;
  • How Wiese was lucky to lose only R59bn and; and
  • What happened behind closed boardroom doors in the frantic week before Jooste resigned.
Deep End (Paperback): Ali Hazelwood Deep End (Paperback)
Ali Hazelwood
R280 R213 Discovery Miles 2 130 Save R67 (24%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Scarlett Vandermeer is swimming upstream. A junior at Stanford and a student athlete who specializes in platform diving, Scarlett prefers to keep her head down, concentrating on getting into med school and on recovering from the injury that almost ended her career. She has no time for relationships - at least, that's what she tells herself.

Swim captain, world champion, all-around aquatics golden boy Lukas Blomqvist thrives on discipline. It's how he wins gold medals and breaks records: complete focus with every stroke. On the surface, Lukas and Scarlett have nothing in common. Until a well-guarded secret slips out, and everything changes.

So they start an arrangement. And as the pressure leading to the Olympics heats up, so does their relationship. It was supposed to be just a temporary, mutually satisfying fling. But when staying away from Lukas becomes impossible, Scarlett realizes that her heart might be treading into dangerous water...

Holding On When You Want To Let Go - Clinging To Hope When Life Is Falling Apart (Paperback, Itpe): Sheila Walsh Holding On When You Want To Let Go - Clinging To Hope When Life Is Falling Apart (Paperback, Itpe)
Sheila Walsh
R150 R138 Discovery Miles 1 380 Save R12 (8%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Are you struggling today? Do you look back and long for what used to be, or are you looking ahead and have no idea what's coming? Are you stuck in the middle of a mess because life has not turned out as you expected? When you run to God for answers, do you often feel like you aren't getting them--or at least aren't getting the answers you want? Are you holding on . . . but not sure how much longer you can?

In times of not knowing, Sheila Walsh offers a lifeline of hope. With great compassion born of experience and hardship, Sheila comes alongside the hurting, fearful, and exhausted to remind us that we serve a God who is so much greater than our momentary troubles, no matter how insurmountable they feel. Sheila doesn't offer a quick fix. She offers a God fix. Sharing from her own painful struggles and digging deep into biblical stories of rescue, hope, and miracles, she gives you the strength to keep going, to keep holding on to God in a world turned upside down.

All of us feel it at one time or another. The sense that this life has not turned out as we thought it would. That somewhere along the line we took a wrong turn. That our puzzle is missing a few pieces. It shows up in our hearts and minds as loneliness, regret, fear, the feeling that with one wrong move everything will spin out of control or come crashing down. In those dark moments and difficult seasons of life, it's hard to hold on to hope. Sheila offers hard-to-come-by answers that glisten with honesty, and she shares with you a powerful truth: you are not forgotten, overlooked, or pushed aside.

Your story is simply not finished yet.

In these pages, you will discover that you are loved, cherished, and held in the sure grip of the God who rescues us, who keeps His promises, who performs miracles . . . who changes everything.

De Jagers In Die Dorsland (Afrikaans, Hardcover): Nicol Stassen De Jagers In Die Dorsland (Afrikaans, Hardcover)
Nicol Stassen
R484 Discovery Miles 4 840 Ships in 4 - 8 working days

In die jare 1891 tot 1893 het ongeveer 770 persone Transvaal verlaat en na Angola en Duits-Suidwes-Afrika getrek om hulle heil daar te soek. Dit staan bekend as die “sesde” Dorslandtrek.

Sowat 45 De Jagers het in verskillende groepe aan hierdie epiese trek deelgeneem. Ná die sesde Dorslandtrek het hulle tussen Angola, Suidwes-Afrika, Suid-Afrika en selfs Kenia rondgeswerf en verdere avonture oor die hele Suider-Afrika beleef. Sommige De Jagers het in 1928 van Angola na Suidwes-Afrika getrek en hulle daar gevestig, terwyl ander eers in 1958 uit Angola gerepatrieer is.

Uit die beperkte beskikbare bronne is die verskillende trekroetes van die sesde Dorslandtrek gerekonstrueer en vir die eerste keer word ’n kaart van die verskillende trekroetes gepubliseer. ’n Geslagregister van bykans 1800 afstammelinge en aangetroude familielede van die De Jagers van die sesde Dorslandtrek en byna 500 foto’s vorm ’n omvattende beeld van hierdie familiegeskiedenis.

The Temple Of Fortuna - The Wolf Den Trilogy: Book 3 (Paperback): Elodie Harper The Temple Of Fortuna - The Wolf Den Trilogy: Book 3 (Paperback)
Elodie Harper
R420 Discovery Miles 4 200 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The final instalment in Elodie Harper's Sunday Times bestselling Wolf Den Trilogy.

A courtesan in Rome. Playing for power. Haunted by her past. Her name is Amara. How will her fortunes fall?

Amara's journey has taken her far, from a lowly slave in Pompeii's brothel to a high-powered courtesan in Rome. She is now a freedwoman with wealth and influence, yet she is still drawn back to her past.

For while Amara is caught up in the political scheming of the Imperial palace, her daughter remains in Pompeii, raised by the only man she ever truly loved. Although she longs for her family, Amara knows they are safest while she is far away. Perhaps, with enough cunning and courage, she will manage to turn Fortuna's wheel in their favour.

Feel Good In 15 - 15-Minute Recipes, Workouts + Health Hacks (Hardcover): Joe Wicks Feel Good In 15 - 15-Minute Recipes, Workouts + Health Hacks (Hardcover)
Joe Wicks
R550 R489 Discovery Miles 4 890 Save R61 (11%) In Stock

Recipes, workouts and life hacks to change your life in just 15 minutes.

We all live busy lives, so let Joe Wicks show you how just 15 minutes a day can make all the difference. He's taken 10 years of experience helping people to get fit, strong, healthy and happy and shared it all here.

Simple, nutritious 15-minute recipes. Awesome, mood-boosting 15-minute home workouts. Quick health hacks and 15-minute small daily wins. This is the feel-good way to bring some joy, energy and happiness into your life by doing the simple things well – all you need is 15 minutes.

This book is packed full of useful advice you'll wish you'd read sooner, including:

  • Yummy recipe ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks
  • Tips on how to sleep better and find focus
  • Workout routines to energise you
  • Ideas to help you manage your time in the way that works best for you
  • Gratitude and journaling prompts to help you find the joy in everyday life

Are you ready to see some change? Let’s go!

Atmosvuur (Afrikaans, Hardcover): Jan Braai Atmosvuur (Afrikaans, Hardcover)
Jan Braai
R590 R534 Discovery Miles 5 340 Save R56 (9%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Hierdie boek is ’n universele gids oor alles wat Jan Braai tans oor braai weet. Dit is ’n viering van hierdie wonderlike Suid-Afrikaanse tradisie waaraan 15–20 miljoen Suid-Afrikaners elke jaar op 24 September op Nasionale Braaidag deelneem. Om hierdie kulturele gebeurtenis se 20ste herdenking te vier het Jan Braai meer as 200 resepte bymekaargesit wat oor ’n houtvuur gaargemaak en daar langsaan geniet kan word.

Die boek is in 20 hoofstukke verdeel en sluit resepte in vir tradisionele gunstelinge soos klassieke potjies, steaks, burgers en ribbetjies, tot minder konvensionele geregte wat op die braai voorberei word, soos pasta, pizza, slaai en nagereg. Elke gereg is smaaklik en die meegaande fotografie sal jou mond laat water en jou familie en vriende geesdriftig op ’n samekoms langs die vuur laat aandring terwyl jy jou braaivaardighede ten toon stel. Jan Braai se duidelike instruksies en nugter houding teenoor die braaikuns sal verseker dat selfs groentjiebraaiers hierdie resepte maklik baasraak.

Daar is iets vir almal in hierdie boek, en die maklik verkrygbare bestanddele beteken dis verspot maklik om die maaltye saam te stel, aangesien die meeste items waarskynlik reeds byderhand is, of met min moeite of ’n vinnige rit na die supermark in die hande gekry kan word.

Ook beskikbaar in Engels, as 'Atmosfire'.

Strategic Marketing (Paperback, 4th Edition): J.A. Wiid, M C Cant Strategic Marketing (Paperback, 4th Edition)
J.A. Wiid, M C Cant
R540 R494 Discovery Miles 4 940 Save R46 (9%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

This fourth edition of Strategic Marketing has been revised and updated to include the latest trends and examples in business. This edition provides a concise and thorough look at the strategic business issues todays managers must cope with.

The focus is on how organisations need to adapt and cope with the demands from the global and local business environment, and in the process better understand their responsibilities their own organisations needs and their own products and other offerings.

Over the years and with all the new developments in the world and technological advances, the four key questions all organisations must answer still remain as follows:

  • Where are we now?
  • Where do we want to be?
  • How will we get there?
  • Did we get there?

These questions sound easy and straight forward but it is not as simple as it sounds. It requires a thorough understanding of the organisation and all the elements in the business environment that can and will impact on the business. This edition addresses these questions in an easy to understand and practical manner and covers a range of topics including an analysis of the external business environment, a detailed analysis of customers and competitors, market analysis, analysing the internal environment. There after the focus moves to marketing strategy and metrics which is applicable to organisations and the importance thereof, and added to this is the management of customer experiences and market strategies, and a global view of strategic marketing from the organisation’s perspective.

Dolos (Afrikaans, Paperback): Jaco Wolmarans Dolos (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Jaco Wolmarans
R350 R328 Discovery Miles 3 280 Save R22 (6%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Tex Texeira se wittebrood in die Caprivi word wreed onderbreek.

’n Agent van ’n geheime Mosambiekse ondersoekeenheid het die gevreesde Mecau-dwelmkartel geïnfiltreer en inligting ontdek wat só sensitief is dat hy niemand anders as Tex daarmee sal vertrou nie. Die rede: dit betrek ’n hooggeplaaste Suid-Afrikaner.

Die agent moet dringend bereik word . . . solank Tex die aandag van Islamitiese ekstremiste kan vermy. En die kruishaar van ’n sluipskutter wat die Mecau-luitenante meedoënloos uitwis.

Die Laaste Kanariegeel Notaboek (Afrikaans, Paperback): Anchien Troskie Die Laaste Kanariegeel Notaboek (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Anchien Troskie
R340 R319 Discovery Miles 3 190 Save R21 (6%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Mia Steyn is nog bloedjonk wanneer haar broer haar een laatmiddag by ’n losieshuis in Bloemfontein, aflaai. Dis toe sy ’n stowwerige boekwinkel instap dat Mia besef dis waar sy wil werk. Kort voor lank vind sy haar voete, én verloor sy haar hart.

Die laaste kanariegeel notaboek is die jongste roman uit die pen van blitsverkoperskrywer Anchien Troskie. Niks is ooit soos dit lyk op die oppervlak nie, besef ’n mens weer met die lees van hierdie aangrypende storie binne 'n storie.

Eyes In The Night - An Untold Zulu Story (Paperback): Nomavenda Mathiane Eyes In The Night - An Untold Zulu Story (Paperback)
Nomavenda Mathiane 4
R290 R268 Discovery Miles 2 680 Save R22 (8%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Nomavenda Mathiane stumbled upon her grandmother’s story well over a century after the gruelling events of the Battle of Isandlwana that formed her life. Astounded to hear how her grandmother had survived the 1879 Anglo-Zulu War between the British and Zulu nations as a young girl, Mathiane spent hours with her elder sisters reconstructing the extraordinary life of their grandmother. The result is a sweeping epic of both personal and political battles.

Eyes In The Night is a young Zulu woman’s story of drama, regret, guilt and, ultimately, triumph – set against the backdrop of a Zululand changed beyond recognition.

A true story almost lost, but for a chance remark at a family gathering.

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