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Books > Business & Economics > Business & management > Ownership & organization of enterprises > Privatization
This title was first published in 2000: This volume is based on papers presented at the sixth International Research Seminar on "Issues in Social Security", held by FISS on 12-15 June 1999 in Sigtuna, Sweden. The book relates to the discussion about the merits of improving the incentive structure of social security programmes by privatization. The first part contains two important chapters - the first looks at the interaction between programmes and how they make one of them to serve the purposes of the other. This mechanism is termed "domain linkage". The second chapter deals with welfare state programmes that contain behavioural risks, like health insurance, sickness benefits, unemployment and disability insurance - where moral hazard is a potential problem. The second part of the book groups a number of international comparative studies. The first three deal with retirement issues, and the fourth looks at the development of poverty and income distribution.
Privatisation and Social Policy follows this format while addressing one of the key issues of recent years, namely the covert but undeniable impact of growing privatisation on the development and implementation of social policy. As the text demonstrates, there is no area of policy which privatisation has not affected, resulting in the gradual transfer of responsibility from the public to the private sphere in areas such as education, housing, health, social security and social services.
Following up on his 1995 study of the initial transition period in formerly communist economies, Adam Zwass carries the analysis into the second phase of reform. He devotes focused attention to the pivotal role of privatization strategies, contrasting the outcomes of the voucher plans with outright sale of state assets (including to foreign investors). Taking advantage of his incomparable experience as a financial expert first in the CMEA and later with the Austrian National Bank, Zwass considers the record of newly emerging banking and financial systems and the challenges of entry into the regional and global financial and trading systems.
Privatization has captivated governments, policy makers and bureaucrats of both developed and developing countries in the latter decades of the 20th-century. It has led to the shifting of billions of dollars worth of assets from public to private ownership, the restructuring of industries, and the loss of thousands of jobs. Has it all been worth it and who has benefited? This edited collection examines the impact of privatization and the lessons to be learnt from it for the purpose of regulatory reform. The contributors analyze the benefits and losses of privatization in a variety of countries from economic, legal and consumer perspectives and address fundamental questions such as whether private ownership necessarily leads to better incentives for management and productivity. The book contains illustrative case studies of the Australian telecommunications industry, the deregulation of the Swedish taxi and postal industries, Californian telecommunications industries as well as discussing consumer responses to the privatization of key utilities in the UK. The impact of privatization in developing nations is also addressed, with particular reference to India and Malaysia.
This book studies the effects of incorporating market incentives into the public goods arena. Carol Graham examines the effects of market-based strategies on the performance of public institutions, the political sustainability of market reforms, and equity. In so doing, she examines a variety of reform experiences in the realms of education, health, social security, and state- owned enterprises and across a range of country and income contexts, with case studies drawn from Latin America, Africa, and Eastern Europe. The studies show that the incorporation of new market incentives, such as vouchers in education and private social security systems, can have positive effects on the performance of public institutions. The effects on equity are less clear, however, and in many cases efficiency gains entail short-term equity losses. The poorest sectors are usually least equipped to take advantage of new incentives and may be marginalized from the reforms and lose access to essential services. Yet in the long-term, negative equity effects are usually counter-balanced by the benefits of enhancing the performance of public institutions. As this book makes clear, the issues explored have relevance for advanced industrial societies as well as for developing economies.
Economic pressures and technological change are causing governments across Europe to reassess the role of the state in the economy. Privatization and market liberalization have been embraced by some European Union governments as a way of shaking up sleepy state monopolies, while providing useful government funding at a time when governments need to reduce budget deficits to meet the Maastricht fiscal criteria for a common currency in Europe. This volume discusses privatization in the major European economies. It considers the different perspectives on privatization theory and policy in Europe and thereby identifies different national characteristics in terms of the motivation to privatize, the scale of privatization and its consequences. In the opening chapters there is a detailed overview of the theoretical economic issues involved in privatization and an assessment of privatization across the EU. The remaining ten chapters contain national case studies of EU countries which review the history of state ownership and privatization in each of these countries and evaluate the extent of privatization.
This volume collects Professor Michael Beesley's most important work in the area of privatization. He advised the government on forthcoming legislation on telecoms, buses, and water, as well as advising new regulators. Now in its second edition, the book includes the experience of privatization in Australia, and the lessons we can learn from them. Throughout, the author remains critical of the policies adopted, but always with corresponding suggestions for improvement. This insider view should be a valuable guide for all those interested in current developments in privatization.
This volume collects Professor Michael Beesley's most important work in the area of privatization. He advised the government on forthcoming legislation on telecoms, buses, and water, as well as advising new regulators. Now in its second edition, the book includes the experience of privatization in Australia, and the lessons we can learn from them. Throughout, the author remains critical of the policies adopted, but always with corresponding suggestions for improvement. This insider view should be a valuable guide for all those interested in current developments in privatization.
Are resources allocated more efficiently through private ownership than through the public sector? The experiences of eleven newly privatised companies are examined to evaluate this hypothesis. With the Government's pro-privatization policies in place for over a decade, this is a prime time to evaluate theory versus reality.
This title was first published in 2000: This volume is based on papers presented at the sixth International Research Seminar on "Issues in Social Security", held by FISS on 12-15 June 1999 in Sigtuna, Sweden. The book relates to the discussion about the merits of improving the incentive structure of social security programmes by privatization. The first part contains two important chapters - the first looks at the interaction between programmes and how they make one of them to serve the purposes of the other. This mechanism is termed "domain linkage". The second chapter deals with welfare state programmes that contain behavioural risks, like health insurance, sickness benefits, unemployment and disability insurance - where moral hazard is a potential problem. The second part of the book groups a number of international comparative studies. The first three deal with retirement issues, and the fourth looks at the development of poverty and income distribution.
Privatization creates gainers and losers. Increasingly, governments, particularly those in developing countries, are coming to realize that privatization can have a very severe economic impact and raises problems of equity. Yet remedial actions are often inadequate and unsystematic. In "Privatization and Equity", the authors look at some of the problems brought about by the change to private ownership. They identify factors which can lead to greater inequality, including changes in market structure, foreign ownership and operating policies. They also highlight the consequences of ignoring considerations of equity. In the short term these can discredit privatization programmes, and in the long term might even see them reversed.
Privatization and After discusses the need to monitor privatization. The authors argue that monitoring will show whether or not the process is fulfilling its objectives and contributing to improved economic performance. The book also assesses the need for, and techniques of, regulating privatized enterprises in situations of continuing monopoly or significant market control. This is supported by an in-depth analysis of regulation in the UK and its implications for developing countries. Further illustrative material is drawn from a range of developed, developing and former socialist countries.
On the 14th June 2017, a fire engulfed a tower block in West London, seventy-two people lost their lives and hundreds of others were left displaced and traumatised. The Grenfell Tower fire is the epicentre of a long history of violence enacted by government and corporations. On its second anniversary activists, artists and academics come together to respond, remember and recover the disaster. The Grenfell Tower fire illustrates Britain's symbolic order; the continued logic of colonialism, the disposability of working class lives, the marketisation of social provision and global austerity politics, and the negligence and malfeasance of multinational contractors. Exploring these topics and more, the contributors construct critical analysis from legal, cultural, media, community and government responses to the fire, asking whether, without remedy for multifaceted power and violence, we will ever really be 'after' Grenfell? With poetry by Ben Okri and Tony Walsh, and photographs by Parveen Ali, Sam Boal and Yolanthe Fawehinmi. With contributions from Phil Scraton, Daniel Renwick, Nadine El-Enany, Sarah Keenan, Gracie Mae Bradley and The Radical Housing Network.
This work discusses a transformation of health care delivery that was launched by coalitions of business leaders during the early 1970s. It argues for a single-payer system and considers how public regulation offers the possibility of democratic participation in setting health care policies.
This work discusses a transformation of health care delivery that was launched by coalitions of business leaders during the early 1970s. It argues for a single-payer system and considers how public regulation offers the possibility of democratic participation in setting health care policies.
One of the most enduring legacies of the 1980s has been the programme of privatizations that the Thatcher government set in train in the first half of the decade. Whole sectors of the UK economy which were formerly part of the public sector were sold off to the private sector. Some were bought out by their employees; others were bought by the public at large. Some public services were contracted out to the private sector; others were placed on a more commercial footing. The UK privatization programme had an influence on economic policy throughout the world. Programmes were also initiated in Asia, South America, Africa, Europe, North America, and, most recently, East and Central Europe. The purpose of this book, a companion volume to The Regulatory Challenge by the same editors, is to stand back and examine what has been learnt from the extensive programme of privatization that the UK government has completed, and to consider what aspects of privatization remain to be done. It attempts to evaluate systematically the privatizations that have been undertaken in different sectors of the UK economy over the last ten years. It examines what has happened and why, where the successes and failures have been, what lessons can be learnt for the design of privatization programmes elsewhere, and what the UK government can still usefully do in this area.
Privatization has been the spearhead of the moves towards de-regulation that have characterized economic policy in the last decade. "Privatisation - A Global Perspective" documents the developments in privatization in 25 country studies. It presents a comprehensive and detailed survey of the privatization phenomena and focuses on specifics. The main features of each country's privatization programme are outlined and then particular successes and problems are highlighted. Material from developed, developing and formerly socialist countries is included in a comparable format, and the distinguishing features of comparison and contrast, as well as broad conclusions, are presented in the concluding review by the editor. The authors include professors, ministers, public enterprise executives, practising accountants and other specialists.
First published in 1989. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
First Published in 1987. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) have constituted a perennial feature of the security landscape. Yet, it is their involvement in and conduct during the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that have transformed the outsourcing of security services into such a pressing public policy and world-order issue. The PMSCs' ubiquitous presence in armed conflict situations, as well as in post-conflict reconstruction, their diverse list of clients (governments in the developed and developing world, non-state armed groups, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, and international corporations) and, in the context of armed conflict situations, involvement in instances of gross misconduct, have raised serious accountability issues. The prominence of PMSCs in conflict zones has generated critical questions concerning the very concept of security and the role of private force, a rethinking of "essential governmental functions," a rearticulation of the distinction between public/private and global/local in the context of the creation of new forms of "security governance," and a consideration of the relevance, as well as limitations, of existing regulatory frameworks that include domestic and international law (in particular international human rights law and international humanitarian law). This book critically examines the growing role of PMSCs in conflict and post-conflict situations, as part of a broader trend towards the outsourcing of security functions. Particular emphasis is placed on key moral, legal, and political considerations involved in the privatization of such functions, on the impact of outsourcing on security governance, and on the main challenges confronting efforts to hold PMSCs accountable through a combination of formal and informal, domestic as well as international, regulatory mechanisms and processes. It will be of interest to scholars, policymakers, practitioners and advocates for a more transparent and humane security order. This book was published as a special issue of Criminal Justice Ethics.
The Brand-Driven CEO demonstrates how senior leadership can use their brand to align and guide the behaviors, decisions, and operations of their entire organization in order to drive value. David Kincaid delivers practical assessments and game plans for senior executives and managers across functional areas, clarifying the confusion between brand and marketing management. He introduces the "New 4Ps" of brand management: People, Process, Intellectual Property, and Partnerships. This paradigm shift equips business leaders with a new approach to managing growth, profitability, risk, and sustainable value. Using real-life, current case studies from today's fastest growing and most valuable brands - including Starbucks, Apple, and BMW - this book reveals the critical importance of managing big businesses as integrated business systems. The Brand-Driven CEO includes criteria to conduct your own brand self-assessment and a stepby-step roadmap that can be applied to help transform your brand and its management.
How do we provide effective public services in a deeply neoliberal world? In the wake of the widespread failure of privatisation efforts, societies in the global south are increasingly seeking progressive ways of recreating the public sector. With contributors ranging from cutting-edge scholars to activists working in health, water, and energy provision, and with case studies covering a broad spectrum of localities and actors, Making Public in a Privatized World uncovers the radically different ways in which public services are being reshaped from the grassroots up. From communities holding the state accountable for public health in rural Guatemala, to waste pickers in India and decentralized solar electricity initiatives in Africa, the essays in this collection offer probing insights into the complex ways in which people are building genuine alternatives to privatization, while also illustrating the challenges which communities face in creating public services which are not subordinated to the logic of the market, or to the monolithic state entities of the past.
The transformation of state-owned enterprises into privately owned ones is commonly referred to as 'privatization'. Just as important as this process, though sometimes not given the attention it deserves and requires, is the establishment and expansion of new private firms. This book analyzes new entrepreneurial firms that emerge and occasionally flourish after a period of state communism has come to an end. The authors rightly focus on the aftermath of the end of communism by looking first at the inevitable output decline, followed by an overview of new entrepreneurial firms. Specific East European examples are examined and the lessons which can be learned from these will interest academics and policy-makers alike. Committed and knowledgeable authors in this book treat the sometimes emotive issue of transition-developing economies maturely and expertly. The result is a volume which will interest scholars with an interest in transition economics and politics, as well as those who actively work in transition economies.
The transformation of state-owned enterprises into privately owned
ones is commonly referred to as 'privatization'. Just as important
as this process, though sometimes not given the attention it
deserves and requires, is the establishment and expansion of new
private firms.
The public debate is rife with polarized views of how to deliver essential services such as education, health, and security. While some tout privatization as a way to supplant bad governments, others warn that private firms maximize profits at the expense of socially oriented service attributes. In reality, all forms of service delivery-public, private and hybrid public private-collaborations-have merits and flaws. This book scrutinizes the menu of delivery forms in public services and the conditions that should make them work. It argues that privatization benefits from capable government units committing to well-defined policy objectives, mobilizing critical resources, and incentivizing effective and inclusive delivery. Societies counting on capable governments can also reject single solutions and experiment with plural paths of improvement, where public and private organizations co-exist and learn from each other. This book will appeal to students, academics, managers and policy makers interested in examining the public-private boundary and the many ramifications of this focal issue. |
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