Books > Money & Finance > Property & real estate
Noch vor wenigen Jahren dachte der Mensch, Wasser sei ein
A1/4berall und in jeder Menge verfA1/4gbares Gut. Inzwischen sind
wir klA1/4ger und wissen, daA der Lebensstoff Wasser kostbar ist
und geschA1/4tzt werden muA. Aber wie stellen sich die Probleme
konkret und was muA getan werden, um zu einer nachhaltigen
Wasserwirtschaft zu kommen? Dieser Band in der Taschenbuchreihe
"Fakten" beleuchtet das Thema aus unterschiedlicher, teilweise
kontrArer Sichtweise. Die Autoren aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft,
Politik und Kultur geben auf der Grundlage solider Informationen
eine Aoebersicht und diskutieren Handlungsperspektiven.
Raising the Roof addresses one of the key issues of our era - the
UK's housing crisis. Housing costs in the United Kingdom are among
the highest on the planet, with London virtually the most expensive
major city in the world for renting or buying a home. At the core
of this is one of the most centralised planning systems in the
democratic world - a system that plainly doesn't work. A system
that has resulted in too few houses, which are too small, which
people do not like and which are in the wrong places, a system that
stifles movement and breeds Nimbyism. The IEA's 2018 Richard Koch
Breakthrough Prize, with a first prize of GBP50,000, sought
free-market solutions to this complex and divisive problem. Here,
Breakthrough Prize judge Jacob Rees-Mogg and IEA Senior Research
Analyst Radomir Tylecote critique a complex system of planning and
taxation that has signally failed to provide homes, preserve an
attractive environment and enhance our cities. They then draw from
the winning entries to the Breakthrough Prize, and previous IEA
research, to put forward a series of radical and innovative
measures - from releasing vast swathes of government-owned land to
relaxing the suffocating grip of the green belt. Together with
cutting and devolving tax, and reforms to allow cities to both
densify and beautify, this would create many more homes and help
restore property-owning democracy in the UK.