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Books > Professional & Technical > Environmental engineering & technology > Sanitary & municipal engineering

The Worth of Water - Technical Briefs on Health, Water and Sanitation (Paperback): John Pickford The Worth of Water - Technical Briefs on Health, Water and Sanitation (Paperback)
John Pickford
R581 Discovery Miles 5 810 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Intended for professionals, administrators or engineers, project managers or policymakers and trainers or workers in the field of health, water and sanitation, this book brings together a series of short and illustrated introductions to the main technologies and processes in the field of village and community level water and sanitation. Developed and tested over the years, the 32 "appropriate technologies" described here range from household water storage to public standposts, from making soap to eye and skin diseases.;Each short brief concludes with an indication of where to go for more information, and Professor John Pickford sets the scene for the programme and project workers who will find this "ideas tank" invaluable.;Originally published individually in "Waterlines", a magazine devoted to low-cost water and sanitation, this consolidated publication brings together a body of practical information and guidance which appropriately marks the end of the "Water Decade" and the start of the "Health for All by 2000" campaign.

Factors Affecting the Performance of Primary Treatment in Onsite Systems (Paperback): Victor A. D'Amato Factors Affecting the Performance of Primary Treatment in Onsite Systems (Paperback)
Victor A. D'Amato
R3,376 Discovery Miles 33 760 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Approximately 23 percent of the estimated 115 million occupied homes in the United States are served by onsite wastewater systems. The vast majority of onsite wastewater treatment systems include a septic tank, grease trap, or both for primary treatment. These units are efficient, simple, low-energy treatment units whose performance is critically important to the overall functioning of onsite wastewater systems. Regulations, industry standards, guidance materials and engineering texts vary widely and are often incomplete in their consideration of the factors that may influence primary unit performance in onsite systems. The objective of this research was therefore to identify, compile, analyze, and report on the existing body of work addressing the performance of primary treatment units in onsite wastewater systems and the factors impacting performance. Design, construction/installation, and maintenance issues were considered, with a goal of establishing what is known, what is not known and what future research is needed in this area. Over 700 sources of information were collected, with most reviewed and presented in this document - the white paper. A bibliographic database, which can continue to be updated into the future, was developed as a companion piece to the white paper, as a tool for researchers and practitioners.

Evaluation of Bacterial Pathogen and Indicator Densities After Dewatering of Anaerobical Digested Biosolids Phase II and III... Evaluation of Bacterial Pathogen and Indicator Densities After Dewatering of Anaerobical Digested Biosolids Phase II and III (Paperback)
Matthew J. Higgins
R3,385 Discovery Miles 33 850 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The sudden increase in indicator bacteria, including fecal coliforms (FCs) and E. coli, was evaluated at several full-scale facilities, in addition to the increase measured during cake storage. The results showed that the sudden increase was a statistically verifiable occurrence at some facilities, but not all, as was the additional increases measured during cake storage. The sudden increase and growth were much more prevalent in processes that utilized centrifuge dewatering compared to belt filter press dewatering. The sudden increase appears to be a result of the reactivation of indicator bacteria that become reversibly non-culturable (RNC) during digestion. Although other hypotheses, such as contamination and presence of inhibitors, cannot be ruled out in all cases. Only one plant that was sampled with high solids centrifugation did not show reactivation and/or regrowth and this plant was different from others in that it utilized thermophilic reactors in series. The results showed a good correlation between the digestion temperature and the reactivation potential and amount of reactivation measured after dewatering. As temperature of digestion increased, the amount of reactivation increased (for plants with reactivation). Similarly, this was generally true, on average for the extent of regrowth. The digestion SRT and VS reduction did not correlate well with reactivation or regrowth.

Minimization of Odors and Corrosion in Collection Systems (Paperback): Jay Witherspoon Minimization of Odors and Corrosion in Collection Systems (Paperback)
Jay Witherspoon; Edited by Dirk Apgar
R3,396 Discovery Miles 33 960 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Wastewater collection system odors and corrosion issues continue to grow in importance to the community and to system owners and operators. Odor and corrosion prevention in collection systems has historically been as much art as science. Common control methods are selected based on practical experience as opposed to a fundamental understanding of why and when methods will be successful. Although much is known regarding the cause of odorous gases in the collection system, the underlying science and mechanisms of odor generation, sewer ventilation, odor characterization and monitoring, and corrosion mechanisms need further research. This WERF research activity helps odor-control specialists transition from "odor artists" to scientists and engineers, while also providing a useful tool both for designers to successfully prevent odor and corrosion events through proper design and for operators to mitigate and prevent odor excursions and corrosion impacts. This project transfers state-of-the-art technology and information gained from the literature survey to the collection system owner and designer on odor and corrosion assessment, measurement, characterization, monitoring, and prevention. The field studies identified in this Phase 1 effort will fill high-ranked knowledge needs. The resultant database and team-developed, web-based application tool will identify the best practices for the entire collection system and its associated facilities, infrastructure, equipment, and pipes. A plain-English guide providing a useful and easily understandable overview about odor and corrosion in collection systems including how odor and corrosion compounds are formed and what to do to control them is provided as an introduction to this document. This Phase 1 report then summarizes the state of the art in knowledge related to odor and corrosion in collection systems. This highlights the latest knowledge reported in the literature. These efforts to compile the literature database have included information-sharing partnerships with municipal utilities, the academic community, and the profession, all on a global basis. Our team included leading odor and corrosion control researchers in the academic, utility management, and consulting communities, and part of their role was to provide exhaustive literature research efforts through catalogue reference, gray literature review, and Internet search mechanisms. In this way we have accessed a broad spectrum of global resources tapping into the knowledge and experience of both WERF member and nonmember utilities.

The Adaptiveness of IWRM (Paperback, New): Jos G Timmerman, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Jorn Moltgen The Adaptiveness of IWRM (Paperback, New)
Jos G Timmerman, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Jorn Moltgen
R3,036 Discovery Miles 30 360 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The Adaptiveness of IWRM provides new insights and knowledge on the challenges and solutions that current water management faces in a situation of complexity and uncertainty. Drawing on the available results from a wide range of European research projects under several framework programmes, the book provides an overview of the state of the art in European research on Integrated Water Resources Management on the topics of Participation, Transboundary regimes, Economics, Vulnerability, Climate change, Advanced monitoring, Spatial planning, and the Social dimensions of water management. The achievements of EU research projects are considered in view of the extent to which IWRM responds to the current complexity and uncertainty water management is facing. These achievements are positioned in a wider context of worldwide developments in the respective topics which account for the future challenges. From this, the book concludes with the required focus of European research in the near future and promotes the concept of Adaptive Water Management as the preferred direction for the development of IWRM. The book presents the achievements of European IWRM research on a range of water management topics and offers conclusions and recommendations for research foci that will be invaluable to water managers, policy-makers and academic researchers working in the field of IWRM.

Advances in Hazardous Industrial Waste Treatment (Hardcover, New): Lawrence K. Wang, Nazih K. Shammas, Yung-Tse Hung Advances in Hazardous Industrial Waste Treatment (Hardcover, New)
Lawrence K. Wang, Nazih K. Shammas, Yung-Tse Hung
R4,862 Discovery Miles 48 620 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

As the global nature of pollution becomes increasingly obvious, successful hazardous waste treatment programs must take a total environmental control approach that encompasses all areas of pollution control. With its focus on new developments in innovative and alternative environmental technology, design criteria, effluent standards, managerial decision methodology, and regional and global environmental conservation, Advance in Hazardous Industrial Waste Treatment provides the widest possible coverage drawn from the full spectrum of experts in the field

The volume covers environmental pollution sources, waste characteristics, control technologies, management strategies, facility innovations, process alternatives, costs, case histories, and effluent standards in industry. It delineates methods, technologies, and the regional and global effects of important pollution control practices. Chapters highlight innovative and alternative technologies, design criteria, managerial decision making, and regional and global environmental conservation specific to industrial hazardous wastes. They feature examples of major industrial hazardous pollutants that have significant effects on the environment, as well as extensive bibliographies for each industrial waste treatment practice that point to sources of further information.

Since the field of industrial hazardous waste treatment is very broad, no one can claim to be an expert in all industries. Therefore, editors Wang, Shammas, and Hung draw on collective contributions that reflect the depth and breadth of the field, making the resulting handbook the best available reference on chemical and environmental engineering for industrial hazardous waste treatment. They provide technical and economical information on the development of the most feasible total environmental control programs that can benefit industries and local municipalities.

DayWater - An Adaptive Decision Support System for Urban Stormwater Management (Paperback): Daniel R Thevenot DayWater - An Adaptive Decision Support System for Urban Stormwater Management (Paperback)
Daniel R Thevenot
R3,650 Discovery Miles 36 500 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The European DayWater project has developed a prototype of an Adaptive Decision Support System (ADSS) related to urban stormwater pollution source control. The DayWater ADSS greatly facilitates decision-making for stormwater source control, which is currently impeded by the large number of stakeholders involved and by the necessary multidisciplinary knowledge. This book presents the results of this project, providing new insights into both technical and management issues. The main objectives of its technical chapters are pollution source control modelling, risk and impact assessment, and evaluation and comparison of best management practices. It also covers management aspects, such as the analysis of the decision-making processes in stormwater source control, at a European scale, and stormwater management strategies in general. The combination of scientific-technical and socio-managerial knowledge, with the strong cooperation of numerous end-users, reflects the innovative character of this book which includes actual applications of the ADSS prototype in significant case studies. DayWater: an Adaptive Decision Support System for Urban Stormwater Management contains 26 chapters collectively prepared by DayWater scientific partners and end-users associated with this European Research and Development project. It includes: A general presentation of the DayWater Adaptive Decision Support System (ADSS) structure and operation modes, A detailed description of the major components of this ADSS prototype, The assessment of its components in significant case studies in France, Germany and Sweden, The proceedings of the International Conference on Decision Support Systems for Integrated Urban Water Management, held in Paris on 3-4 November 2005. The book presents the ADSS prototype including a combination of freely accessible on-line databases, guidance documents, road maps and modelling or multi-criteria analysis tools. As demonstrated in several significant case studies the challenge for stormwater managers is to make the benefits of urban stormwater management visible to society, resulting in active co-operation of a diversity of stakeholders. Only then, will sustainable management succeed. DayWater: an Adaptive Decision Support System for Urban Stormwater Management advances this cause of sustainable urban management through Urban stormwater management, and makes achievable (by means of risk and vulnerability tools which are included) the goal of integrated urban water management (IUWM).

Performance Assessment of Urban Infrastructure Services (Hardcover, Illustrated Ed): Enrique Cabrera, Miguel Angel Pardo Performance Assessment of Urban Infrastructure Services (Hardcover, Illustrated Ed)
Enrique Cabrera, Miguel Angel Pardo
R3,662 Discovery Miles 36 620 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

These proceedings of the International Water Association conference held in Valencia, Spain in March 2008 reflect the performance indicators developed in the final stage of the COST C18 Action in the EU. Here over 30 papers cover performance indicators, metric and process benchmarking, asset management and regulation and a selection of case studies. Paper topics include cross-linked performance indicators for sustainability evaluations, performance assessment as a management tool for water facilities governance in developing countries, web-based applications, activity-based costing and benchmarking, proactive crisis management, technical performance indicators in urban areas, optimal utility incentives in local settings, and benchmarking the process of customer meter reading and meter replacement. Case studies come from projects developed in such locations as the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Jakarta, South Africa, Austria, Portugal, and Greece. Each paper includes its own references.

Biovalorisation of Liquid and Gaseous Effluents of Oil Refinery and Petrochemical Industry (Paperback): Samayita Chakraborty Biovalorisation of Liquid and Gaseous Effluents of Oil Refinery and Petrochemical Industry (Paperback)
Samayita Chakraborty
R2,472 Discovery Miles 24 720 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

A bidirectional approach of detoxifying the liquid and gaseous effluents of oil refineries is elucidated in this thesis. Liquid effluents of oil refineries contain selenium oxyanions and phenol, while gaseous effluents contain CO/syngas. To remove the phenol and simultaneously reduce the selenite oxyanions, a fungal-bacterial co-culture of Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Delftia lacustris was developed. Two modes of co-cultures of the fungus and the bacterium were developed. Both cultures were investigated for phenol degradation and selenite reduction. In order to valorize the CO/syngas by bioconversion techniques. an anaerobic methanogenic sludge was acclimatized to use CO as the sole carbon substrate to produce acetic acid, butyric acid, and hexanoic acid. Later, the acids were metabolized at lower pH, producing alcohols ethanol, butanol and hexanol, confirming the successful enrichment strategy. The next experiment focused on the absence of the trace element tungsten, and consecutively selenium on the previously CO acclimatized sludge under the same operating conditions. An in-situ synthesized co-polymeric gel of N-ter-butyl-acrylamide and acrylic acid was used to recover ethanol, propanol and butanol from a synthetic fermentation broth. The scope of repeated use of the gel for alcohol recovery was investigated and 98% alcohol was recovered.

An Underground Guide to Sewers - or: Down, Through and Out in Paris, London, New York, &c. (Hardcover): Stephen Halliday An Underground Guide to Sewers - or: Down, Through and Out in Paris, London, New York, &c. (Hardcover)
Stephen Halliday; Foreword by Peter Bazalgette
R718 R518 Discovery Miles 5 180 Save R200 (28%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Lose yourself in the vast sewer networks that lie beneath the world's great cities - past and present. Let detailed archival plans, maps and photographs guide you through these subterranean labyrinths - previously accessible only to their builders, engineers and, perhaps, the odd rogue explorer. This execrable exploration traces the evolution of waste management from the ingenious infra-structures of the ancient world to the seeping cesspits and festering open sewers of the medieval period. It investigates and celebrates the work of the civil engineers whose pioneering integrated sewer systems brought to a close the devastating cholera epidemics of the mid-19th century and continue to serve a vastly increased population today. And let's not forget those giant fatbergs clogging our underground arteries, or the storm-surge super-structures of tomorrow.

A Peer Review of the City of Lincoln Nebraska Salt Creek Site-Specific Ammonia Water Quality Criteria (Paperback, Illustrated... A Peer Review of the City of Lincoln Nebraska Salt Creek Site-Specific Ammonia Water Quality Criteria (Paperback, Illustrated Ed)
Michael Bastian, Lyle Christensen, Bret Linenfelser, Cynthia Paulson, William Rue, …
R3,376 Discovery Miles 33 760 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This report is the summary of a portion of a larger-scale project titled Salt Creek Water Quality Studies (SCWQS) performed by the City of Lincoln, Nebraska, for an approximate seven year period from 1994 through 2000, to address proposed ammonia effluent limits for the Cityi 's two wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The project focused on characterizing Salt Creek by quantifying the existing biological community, evaluating existing water quality, physical and hydrologic conditions, and evaluating the impact of ammonia discharges from the WWTPs to the biological community compared to other stressors. The portion of the project that is the primary focus of this report is the in situ toxicity study performed in Salt Creek that modeled typical laboratory tests that introduce a species of fish to known levels of ammonia to determine a dose-response relationship. The in situ toxicity study results would be the basis for developing a site-specific chronic ammonia water quality criterion for Segment LP2-20000 of Salt Creek.The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) provided peer review for this project, which resulted in credible research results that were used to develop alternative ammonia discharge limits for the City's WWTPs.Substantial support was also provided by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality and the Region VII Environmental Protection Agency.

Integrated Water Management in Canada - The Experience of Watershed Agencies (Paperback): Dan Shrubsole, Dan Walters, Barbara... Integrated Water Management in Canada - The Experience of Watershed Agencies (Paperback)
Dan Shrubsole, Dan Walters, Barbara Veale, Bruce Mitchell
R1,272 Discovery Miles 12 720 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This volume provides readers with an opportunity to learn from front line water managers of watershed-based agencies across Canada about integrated water management (or integrated water resource management). In common with practice in much of the world, the responsibility for implementing integrated watershed management in Canada is fragmented. Each province and territory in Canada has developed unique approaches or governance models to guide decision making in that regard. Thus, this edited volume enables readers from around the world to gain insight on the best practices in Canada for achieving success and addressing barriers to implement IWM. Although there remains non consensus about how to "best" approach river basin management, some of the main observations include: There is a need to balance a focus on "the big picture", with scoping the scale and scope of planning activities in order that feasible and effective solutions can be implemented Three types of integration are popular among the agencies included in the book: (i) among environment, economy and society, (ii) interactions between people and the environment and (iii) integration (or coordination) of administrative activities. Much more attention is required to achieving effective engagement from Indigenous communities The chapters were originally published in a special issue of the International Journal of Water Resources Development.

Water Scarcity, Land Degradation and Desertification in the Mediterranean Region - Environmental and Security Aspects... Water Scarcity, Land Degradation and Desertification in the Mediterranean Region - Environmental and Security Aspects (Hardcover, 2009 ed.)
Jose Rubio, Uriel Safriel, Raul Daussa, Winfried Blum, Fausto Pedrazzini
R5,704 R4,501 Discovery Miles 45 010 Save R1,203 (21%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Based on the suggestions made by the speakers of Plenary Session IV "Ch- lenges to the management of water resources and to countering deserti cation in the Mediterranean region" during the 15th Economic and Environmental Forum, the OCEEA proposed to organize a workshop on "Water Scarcity, Land Degra- tion and Deserti cation in the Mediterranean region - Environment and Security Aspects." In order to build on common synergies, OSCE sought co-operation with c- leagues from NATO, in particular from the Science for Peace and Security P- gramme. NATO has a longstanding expertise on the issue and had organised in Valencia, in December 2003, a NATO scienti c workshop on "Deserti cation and Security in the Mediterranean Region." The objective of the new proposed wo- shop would be to broaden its focus from the scienti c community to include also policy makers. 1 The workshop, aimed at government of cials from the Mediterranean Region, gathered representatives of Water management, Land degradation and Desert- cation Departments of Ministries of Environment and representatives from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs. In addition, policy makers, scientists and experts were also invited. The aim was to discuss how the OSCE, NATO and other c- petent organizations like the UNCCD, UNEP, MAP, and the EU could play a role in ensuring that environment and security linkages in terms of water scarcity, land degradation and deserti cation are addressed in the Mediterranean Region.

Water Reuse for Irrigation - Agriculture, Landscapes, and Turf Grass (Hardcover, New): Derek Kompare Water Reuse for Irrigation - Agriculture, Landscapes, and Turf Grass (Hardcover, New)
Derek Kompare
R7,318 Discovery Miles 73 180 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

With contributions from an international team of experts, this book offers planners, engineers, and designers guidelines for using recycled water in landscape and agricultural applications. The book thoroughly covers all of the relevant technical, economic, financial, agronomic, health, environmental, regulatory, and social issues. It covers how to develop, implement, and operate wastewater reuse systems based on rigorous, best management practices that maximize efficiency, reliability, and economy while minimizing the potential for adverse effects to the environment and human health. Comprehensive tables, charts, figures, photographs, and case-studies make the information easy to find. Lazarova; Valentina Suez Environment Services Locaux, CIRSEE, Le Pecq, France,Akissa; Bahri INRGREE, Ariana, Tunisia

Fire Protection - Systems and Response (Hardcover): Robert Burke Fire Protection - Systems and Response (Hardcover)
Robert Burke
R4,972 Discovery Miles 49 720 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The modern definition of firefighter no longer means "putting the wet stuff on the red stuff." Emergency responders answer incidents ranging from fire alarm activations to elevator rescues and medical emergencies more often than full-blown fires. Consequently, responders increasingly interface with a wide array of building systems. Underscoring the changing role of firefighters, Fire Protection: Systems and Response presents the basic knowledge of the inner workings of fire safety/fire protection systems and related equipment in buildings.

The author provides a straightforward overview of the functions and benefits of these systems and how they can assist with fire suppression, code enforcement, alarm response, and elevator rescue. The book's comprehensive discussion of elevators, fire command centers, emergency generators and lighting, and HVAC systems sets it apart from other fire protection books currently available. The topics covered prepare emergency response personnel for the challenges they face working with fire protection systems, fire alarm systems, and elevators.

Logically organized, clearly written, and covering all systems in a single text, this presentation of information streamlines fire service interaction with building features and fire protection systems. Providing an understanding of how systems are designed and installed, the book is also a reference for troubleshooting fire protection problems in the field. The information not only gives responders an appreciationknowledge of how the systems work, but helps them use this knowledge to perform their job better.

Community Water Development (Paperback): Charles Kerr Community Water Development (Paperback)
Charles Kerr
R780 Discovery Miles 7 800 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The UN Water Decade has been the catalyst for much research and development in water-related fields, and one result of the Decade has been improved dissemination of the water technologies being developed. Community Water Development presents some of the best material from leading researchers and practitioners in rural water supply in developing countries. The book sets out the original concepts and field experience for the development of appropriate technologies for water supply, and illustrates the changes in thinking which have taken place over the Decade. The various sections, originally published over seven years as articles in Waterlines and Appropriate Technology magazines, cover sources of supply, pumping methods, transport and storage as well as education and training, and questions of planning and management. People remain at the heart of every contributor's concerns, and overall the sixty articles will provide and invaluable tool for anyone concerned with community-sensitive approaches to water-supply problems, whether they are teachers, students or engineers.

Water Quality Modelling (Paperback): Roger A. Falconer Water Quality Modelling (Paperback)
Roger A. Falconer
R1,066 Discovery Miles 10 660 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Published in 1992, this book concentrates on recent developments, applications and aspects relating to numerical hydraulic models for predicting flow and water quality parameters in coastal, estuarine and river waters and river systems. The various chapters cover a range of different types of models and discuss the role of such numerical models for environmental impact assessment studies. The book is based on papers presented by leading experts in the field at a symposium held on 13 November 1991, organized by the Tyne and Humber Branch of the Institution of Water and Environmental Management. It covers the latest developments in modelling techniques and approaches and also the concepts of water quality modelling as required and seen from the viewpoints of regulatory agencies such as the NRA, consulting engineers and specialist modelling laboratories such as HR Wallingford and WRc. As well as an up-to-date review, it provides an understanding of the problems relating to water quality modelling, and the scope and requirements for using water quality models in the water industry. Readership includes practising engineers and scientists in the water industry, including consulting engineers, water companies and the NRA and other government departments, university and polytechnic libraries, staff and students and all other members of the water engineering profession._

Post-Project Monitoring of BMPs/SUDS to Determine Performance and Whole-Life Costs (Phase 2) (Paperback, illustrated edition):... Post-Project Monitoring of BMPs/SUDS to Determine Performance and Whole-Life Costs (Phase 2) (Paperback, illustrated edition)
L. K. Lampe
R6,508 Discovery Miles 65 080 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The objectives of this project are to document the performance and whole-life costs of Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS). These two terms refer to stormwater practices implemented in the U.S. and UK to reduce the impact of urbanization. The study was undertaken for a number of reasons, including: The lack of data on operational performance (in connection with both water quantity and quality management) A need to better understand future financial liabilities associated with the widespread adoption of these facilities The need to improve confidence in BMPs/SUDS techniques to facilitate appropriate regulation and adoption. The BMPs/SUDS selected for evaluation in this study include retention ponds, extended detention basins, vegetated swales, bioretention, porous pavements, and various infiltration practices. A whole-life cost model was developed in a spreadsheet framework to allow calculation of the expected cost of a facility based on drainage area, maintenance expectations, and other factors. Separate models were developed for five of the selected systems. The default values for many model parameters were extracted from the information gained in the survey of systems in the U.S. and UK.

Calculated Risks - Highly Radioactive Waste and Homeland Security (Hardcover, New Ed): Kenneth A. Rogers, Marvin G. Kingsley Calculated Risks - Highly Radioactive Waste and Homeland Security (Hardcover, New Ed)
Kenneth A. Rogers, Marvin G. Kingsley
R4,369 Discovery Miles 43 690 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This well-documented study examines one of the increasingly pressing problems for US homeland security: the storage and management of radioactive waste. Despite pressing homeland security and energy security concerns associated with highly radioactive waste, political considerations have prevented policy makers from adopting adequate long-term solutions to the problem. This book explores nuclear waste problems through the broader lens of federal, state and local government and the resultant constraints on policy that emerge within the American political system. Presenting specific case studies to highlight the deficiencies in current policy and planning as well as the possibility of terrorist activity, it is highly suited to courses on security studies and environmental politics.

Application of Nanotechnology in Membranes for Water Treatment (Paperback): Alberto Figoli, Jan Hoinkis, Sacide Alsoy... Application of Nanotechnology in Membranes for Water Treatment (Paperback)
Alberto Figoli, Jan Hoinkis, Sacide Alsoy Altinkaya, Jochen Bundschuh
R1,554 Discovery Miles 15 540 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The book focuses on Application of Nanotechnology in Membranes for Water Treatment but not only provides a series of innovative solutions for water reclamation through advanced membrane technology but also serves as a medium to promote international cooperation and networking for the development of advanced membrane technology for Universal well-being and to achieve the common goal of supplying economically, environmentally and societally sustainable freshwater and better sanitation systems. This book is unique because the chapters were authored by established researchers all around the globe based on their recent research findings. In addition, this book provides a holistic coverage of membrane development for water treatment, from the membrane preparation and characterizations to the performance for specific processes and applications. Since that water scarcity has become a global risk and one of the most serious challenges for the scientific community in this century, the publication of this book is therefore significant as it will serve as a medium for a good reference of an alternative solution in water reclamation. This book will provide the readers with a thorough understanding of the different available approaches for manufacturing membranes both with innovative polymeric systems and inorganic nano-materials which could give enhanced functionalities, catalytic and antimicrobial activities to improve the performance of the existing membranes. It will be useful for leading decision and policy makers, water sector representatives and administrators, policy makers from the governments, business leaders, business houses in water treatment, and engineers/ scientists from both industrialized and developing countries as well.

Handbook of Pollution and Hazardous Materials Compliance - A Sourcebook for Environmental Managers (Paperback): Nicholas P.... Handbook of Pollution and Hazardous Materials Compliance - A Sourcebook for Environmental Managers (Paperback)
Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff, Madelyn Graffia
R1,545 Discovery Miles 15 450 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Offers a guide to current environmental health and safety statutes--providing a working knowledge of the major legislations and regulations and demonstrating the steps necessary for compliance. Illustrates overall health and safety management skills for multimedia facilities.

Introduction to Chemical Exposure and Risk Assessment (Paperback): W.Brock Neely Introduction to Chemical Exposure and Risk Assessment (Paperback)
W.Brock Neely
R1,560 Discovery Miles 15 600 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Introduction to Chemical Exposure and Risk Assessment focuses on the principles involved in assessing the risks from chemical exposure. These principles include the perception of risk, an understanding of how numbers are handled, and how chemicals affect health. The book briefly describes the major sinks, such as water and air, where chemicals are introduced. This is followed by a discussion on how concentrations are estimated and risk assessments are made. A discussion of risk benefit analysis and a presentation of several case studies using the principles for assessing risks are also included.

Water, Creativity and Meaning - Multidisciplinary Understandings of Human-Water Relationships (Paperback): Liz Roberts,... Water, Creativity and Meaning - Multidisciplinary Understandings of Human-Water Relationships (Paperback)
Liz Roberts, Katherine Phillips
R1,279 Discovery Miles 12 790 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

At a time of great turmoil and crisis, environmentally, socially and politically, water has emerged as a topic of huge global concern. Moreover, many argue that what is needed in order to change our relationship with the environment is a cultural paradigm shift. To this end, this volume brings together diverse approaches to exploring human relationships with the watery world and the other living things that rely upon it. Through exploring multiple creative ways of engaging with water and people, the volume adds to the current zeitgeist of writing about water by expanding the discussion about this vital substance and how, as humans, we relate to it. Chapters focus on creative explorations and explorations of creativity in relation to developing these understandings, including concepts such as hydrocitizenship and responses to drought and flooding. Drawing on the in-depth research and experience of arts practitioners including participatory artists, as well as academics from a variety of fields including geography, anthropology, health studies and environmental humanities, the book provides a rich and multidisciplinary perspective on water and creative ways of engaging and understanding human-water relationships. It represents a valuable source and inspiration for academics, arts practitioners and those involved in environmental policy and governance.

Ultra-Clean Technology Handbook - Volume 1: Ultra-Pure Water (Paperback): Tadahiro Ohmi Ultra-Clean Technology Handbook - Volume 1: Ultra-Pure Water (Paperback)
Tadahiro Ohmi
R1,929 Discovery Miles 19 290 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Evaluating the effectiveness of conventional wet processes for cleaning silicon wafers in semiconductor production, this reference reveals concrete measures to improve ultrapure water quality reviewing the structure and physical characteristics of ultrapure water molecules.

Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21st Century (Paperback): Ryan Vogwill Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21st Century (Paperback)
Ryan Vogwill
R1,520 Discovery Miles 15 200 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Groundwater is integral to many human and environmental systems but there are significant challenges in dealing with the impact of anthropogenic activities on groundwater systems. These challenges need innovative solutions. This book contains a wide range of content, from a discussion of the Australian regulatory framework for unconventional hydrocarbons, the extraction of which have the potential to significantly impact groundwater systems, to the best way to apply numerical models to help solve complex, real world problems. The impact of urbanisation on groundwater systems in the developing world is also discussed, at both a local scale in Nigeria and at a world scale. The use of innovative tools such as managed aquifer recharge, a critical tool in solving the groundwater challenges of the 21st century, is also discussed. The framework used to manage the legacy of agricultural contamination in Denmark, covering investigation to regulation and remediation, is also presented, focussing on how the many challenges in implantation were solved. This book is targeted at professional hydrogeologists, experts in governance, law and policy as well as other professionals that need to incorporate an understanding of groundwater. The book will also appeal to politicians, resource managers, regulators and others interested in sustainable water supply.

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