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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Engineering skills & trades > Tool making
The book offers a snapshot of the state-of-art in the field of model-based mechatronic system design. It covers topics including machine design and optimization, predictive systems in manufacturing networks, and the development of software for modeling and simulation of processes, which are supplemented by practical case studies. The book is a collection of fifteen selected contributions presented during the Workshop on Mechatronic Systems, held on March 17-19, 2014, in Mahdia, Tunisia. The workshop was jointly organized by the Laboratory of Mechanics Modeling and Production (LA2MP) of the National School of Engineers Sfax, Tunisia, and the Laboratory for Mechanical Systems and Materials Engineering (LISMMA) of Higher Institute of Mechanics (SUPMECA), Paris, France.
This bookprovidesknowledge onthe finishing of substrateswith a functionalising coating, emphasizing on technical textiles. Thespectrum of topics covers different substrates and coating materials, process engineering and equipment components as well as complex machinery. The reader is presented with an overview of the technical capabilities ofsubstrate coating, enabling the practitioner to design and implement new products. Furthermore the author goes into detail onvarious air pollution control procedures and economic issues of asset valuation."
As today s spark-ignition and diesel engines have to fulfil constantly increasing demands with regard to CO2 reduction, emissions, weight and lifetime, detailed knowledge of the components of an internal combustion engine is absolutely essential. Automotive engineers can no longer survive without such expertise, regardless of whether they are involved in design, development, testing or maintenance. This text book provides answers to questions relating to the design, production and machining of cylinder components in a comprehensive technical analysis.
The machining of complex sculptured surfaces is a global technological topic in modern manufacturing with relevance in both industrialized and emerging in countries particularly within the moulds and dies sector whose applications include highly technological industries such as the automotive and aircraft industry. "Machining of Complex Sculptured Surfaces" considers new approaches to the manufacture of moulds and dies within these industries. The traditional technology employed in the manufacture of moulds and dies combined conventional milling and electro-discharge machining (EDM) but this has been replaced with high-speed milling (HSM) which has been applied in roughing, semi-finishing and finishing of moulds and dies with great success. "Machining of Complex Sculptured Surfaces" provides recent information on machining of complex sculptured surfaces including modern CAM systems and process planning for three and five axis machining as well as explanations of the advantages of HSM over traditional methods ranging from work piece precision and roughness to manual polishing following machining operations. Whilst primarily intended for engineering students and post graduates (particularly in the fields of mechanical, manufacturing or materials), "Machining of Complex Sculptured Surfaces" provides clear instructions on modern manufacturing; serving as a practical resource for all academics, researchers, engineers and industry professionals with interest in the machining of complex sculptured surfaces."
This volume contains the invited papers presented at the IUTAM Symposium on Multibody Dynamics and Interaction Control in Virtual and Real Environments held in Budapest, Hungary, June 7 11 2010. The symposium aimed to bring together specialists in the fields of multibody system modeling, contact/collision mechanics and control of mechanical systems. The offered topics included modeling aspects, mechanical and mathematical models, the question of neglections and simplifications, reduction of large systems, interaction with environment like air, water and obstacles, contact of all types, control concepts, control stability and optimization. Discussions between experts in these fields made it possible to exchange ideas about the recent advances in multibody system modeling and interaction control, as well as about the possible future trends. The presentations of recent scientific results may facilitate the interaction between scientific areas like system/control engineering and mechanical engineering. Papers on dynamics modeling and interaction control were selected to cover the main areas: mathematical modeling, dynamic analysis, friction modeling, solid and thermomechanical aspects, and applications. A significant outcome of the meeting was the opening towards applications that are of key importance to the future of nonlinear dynamics. "
This book presents a detailed discussion of the models that were developed to simulate the collapse and post-collapse behavior of steel pipes. The finite element method offers to engineers the possibility of developing models to simulate the collapse behavior of casings inside oil wells and the collapse behavior of deepwater pipelines. However, if technological decisions are going to be reached from these model results, with implications for the economic success of industrial operations, for the occupational safety and health and for the environment, the engineering models need to be highly reliable. Using these models engineers can quantify the effect of manufacturing tolerances, wear, corrosion, etc. This book describes in great details the experimental programs that are developed to validate the numerical results.
first industrial application of MPC was in 1973. A key motivation was to provide better performance than could be obtained with the widely-used PID controller whilst making it easy to replace the PID controller unit or module with his new algorithm. It was the advent of digital control technology and the use of software control algorithms that made this replacement easier and more acceptable to process engineers. A decade of industrial practice with PFC was reported in the archival literature by Jacques Richalet et al. in 1978 in an important seminal Automatica paper. Around this time, Cutler and Ramaker published the dynamic matrix control algorithm that also used knowledge of future reference signals to determine a sequence of control signal adjustment. Thus, the theoretical and practical development of predictive control methods was underway and subsequent developments included those of generalized predictive control, and the whole armoury of MPC methods. Jacques Richalet's approach to PFC was to seek an algorithm that was: * easy to understand; * easy to install; * easy to tune and optimise. He sought a new modular control algorithm that could be readily used by the control-technician engineer or the control-instrument engineer. It goes without saying that this objective also forms a good market strategy.
Dans ce volume III sont decrits des entites liees aux techniques de production comme les machines-outils, les systemes de fabrication, les elements de machines et leurs proprietes, ainsi que les differents postes de travail. D'autres concepts concernant la commande des fabrications avec leur preparation, la metrologie des procedes et leur surveillance, les systemes informatiques, les CAO/FAO et les enregistrements de donnees, ainsi que la planification de la production et les etudes de fabrication, le flux des materiaux et la logistique, le stockage, les machines de manutention et de transport, le calcul des couts et l'assurance qualite."
One of the greatest challenges facing package manufacturers is to develop reliable fine pitch thin packages with high leadcounts, capable of dissipating heat, and deliver them in volume to the market in a very short space of time. How can this be done? Firstly, package structures, materials, and manufacturing processes must be optimised. Secondly, it is necessary to predict the likely failures and behaviour of parts before manufacture, whilst minimising the amount of time and money invested in undertaking costly experimental trials. In a high volume production environment, any design improvement that increases yield and reliability can be of immense benefit to the manufacturer. Components and systems need to be packaged to protect the IC from its environment. Encapsulating devices in plastic is very cheap and has the advantage of allowing them to be produced in high volume on an assembly line. Currently 95% of all ICs are encapsulated in plastic. Plastic packages are robust, light weight, and suitable for automated assembly onto printed circuit boards. They have developed from low pincount (14-28 pins) dual-in-line (DIP) packages in the 1970s, to fine pitch PQFPs (plastic quad flat pack) and TQFPs (thin quad flat pack) in the 1980s-1990s, with leadcounts as high as 256. The demand for PQFPs in 1997 was estimated to be 15 billion and this figure is expected to grow to 20 billion by the year 2000.
Die internationale Forschungsgemeinschaft fur mechanische Produktionste- nik C. I. R. P. mit dem Sitz in Paris hat von 1962 bis 1984 ein dreisprachiges W- terbuch der Fertigungstechnik in Deutsch, Englisch und Franzosisch mit den folgenden Teilen herausgegeben: Vol. 1 Schmieden - Freiformschmieden, Gesenkschmieden Vol. 2 Schleifen, Oberflachenrauheit Vol. 3 Blechbearbeitung Vol. 4 Grundbegriffe des Spanens Vol. 5 Kaltfliesspressen und Kaltstauchen Vol. 6 Hobeln, Stossen, Raumen, Drehen Vol. 7 Bohren, Senken, Reiben, Gewindefertigen Vol. 8 Frasen, Sagen, Verzahnen Vol. 9 Elektrochemisches, elektroerosives, elektronisches, photonisches (- ser) und chemisches Abtragen Da in den drei Sprachen und daruber hinaus in den jeweiligen Sprachraumen mitunter unterschiedliche Begriffsinhalte fur einzelne Begriffe auftreten, sind, im Unterschied zu anderen Worterbuchern, in grossem Umfang Definitionen und, soweit erforderlich, erlauternde bildliche Darstellungen enthalten. Hi- durch wird das Anliegen von C. I. R. P. verwirklicht, sachlich einwandfreie Ub- setzungen zunachst in den drei genannten Sprachen zu ermoglichen. Band 1 wurde auf Danisch, Norwegisch, Schwedisch, Finnisch (Band 1N) und Ital- nisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch (Band 1R) erweitert. Band 1 bis 9 wurden inz- schen auf die chinesische Sprache ausgedehnt. Die schnell fortschreitende Entwicklung der Fertigungs- und Produk- onstechnik mit rasch zunehmender Internationalisierung, Einfuhrung der - formationstechnik und Organisationstechnik bringt unter anderem auch eine deutliche Ausweitung des Begriffsvolumens, verbunden mit teilweiser Ver- derung von Begriffsinhalten, mit sich. C. I. R. P. tragt dieser Entwicklung durch Erarbeitung einer 2. Auflage in deutscher, englischer und franzosischer Sp- che Rechnung.
The Practice of Quality Management presents the results of eleven ground-breaking research projects in quality management. It is the first collection of research papers by academics in this area. The projects are empirical studies on total quality management that suggest new ways to think about quality. The objective of the research found in this book is to develop theory and to assist practice. Thus, this volume is of interest to both academic researchers and practising managers. The chapters fall into four categories: `Performance', `Understanding TQM', `Organizations', and `Using TQM'. All of the chapters show that there are many different applications and research issues associated with quality. The chapters on `Understanding TQM' suggest that it is possible to develop and test theories of quality. The chapters on `Performance' demonstrate that studies of the operational and financial effect of quality can yield positive results. Many thinkers on quality consider that organizational impacts of quality are the most important drivers of the quality process. The chapters on `Organizations' present evidence on how quality programs affect human resource management, and organizational structure. Finally, the chapters on `Using TQM' present several studies of applications of quality management.
Geometry of Single-Point Turning Tools and Drills outlines clear objectives of cutting tool geometry selection and optimization, using multiple examples to provide a thorough explanation. It addresses several urgent problems that many present-day tool manufacturers, tool application specialists, and tool users, are facing. It is both a practical guide, offering useful, practical suggestions for the solution of common problems, and a useful reference on the most important aspects of cutting tool design, application, and troubleshooting practices. Covering emerging trends in cutting tool design, cutting tool geometry, machining regimes, and optimization of machining operations, Geometry of Single-Point Turning Tools and Drills is an indispensable source of information for tool designers, manufacturing engineers, research workers, and students.
The word "robot" does not originate from a science or engineering vocabulary. It was rst used in the Czech drama R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) written by Karel Capek and was rst played in Prague in 1921 (the word itself was invented by his brother Josef). In the drama the "robot" is an arti cial human being which is a brilliant worker, deprived of all unnecessary qualities: feelings, creativity and capacity for feeling pain. In the prologue of the drama the following "de nition" of robots is given: Robots are not people (Roboti nejsou lide). They are mecha- cally more perfect than we are, they have an astounding intellectual capacity, but they have no soul. The creation of an engineer is technically more re ned than the product of nature. The textbook "Robotics" evolved through more than 10 years of teaching robotics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The way of presenting the rather demanding subject was successfully tested with several generations of undergraduatestudents."
This volume consists of papers selected from the proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon from 9 to 12 July, 1990. Relative to previous meetings in the Lisbon series the scope of this symposium was broadened by expanding the topical coverage to include all laser techniques used in fluid mechanics. This change recognized the trend amongst experimental fluid dynamicists to employ laser techniques for the mea surement of many different quantities, including concentration, temperature, particle size, and velocity, and the need for researchers to have a forum in which to communicate their work and share their common interests. The Fifth Symposium contained twenty-three sessions of formal presentations and a lively Open Forum ses sion. In addition, Dr. H. J. Pfeiffer organized a special Workshop on the Use of Computers in Flow Mea surements which contained five sessions on frequency domain processors, correIa tors, special detectors, and biasing."
Presented here are 88 refereed papers given at the 35th MATADOR Conference held at the National University of Taiwan in Taipei, Taiwan in July 2007. The MATADOR series of conferences covers the topics of Manufacturing Automation and Systems Technology, Applications, Design, Organisation and Management, and Research. The proceedings of this conference contains original papers contributed by researchers from many countries on different continents. The papers cover the principles, techniques and applications associated with: manufacturing processes; technology; system design and integration; and computer applications and management. The papers in this volume reflect: the importance of manufacturing in international wealth creation; the emerging fields of micro- and nano-manufacture; the increasing trend towards the fabrication of parts using additive processes; the growing demand for precision engineering and part inspection techniques; measurement techniques and equipment."
This is the second volume of three designed to give an insight into the current state of CNC technology with a focus on practical applications. Following a brief historical introduction to cutting tool development, chapters 1 and 2 explain why CNC requires a change in cutting tool technology from conventional methods. A presentation is given of the working knowledge of cutting tools and cutt ing fluids which is needed to make optimal use of the productive capacity of CNC machines. Since an important consideration for any machine tool is how one can locate and restrain the workpiece in the correct orientation and with the minimum of set-u p time, chapter 3 is concerned with workholding technology. The author draws on his extensive experience as a practitioner and teacher. The text is thoroughly practical in character and generously illustrated with diagrams and photographs.
The first part of Volume I outlines the origins and development of CNC machine tools. It explains the construction of the equipment and also discusses the various elements necessary to ensure high quality of production. The second part considers how a company justifies the purchase of either cells or systems and illustrates why simulation exercises are essential prior to a full implementation. Communication protocols as well as networking topologies are examined. Finally, the important high-speed machining developments and the drive towards ultra-high precision are mentioned. Following a brief historical introduction to cutting tool development, chapters 1 and 2 of Volume II explain why CNC requires a change in cutting tool technology from conventional methods. A presentation is given of the working knowledge of cutting tools and cutting fluids which is needed to make optimal use of the productive capacity of CNC machines. Since an important consideration for any machine tool is how one can locate and restrain the workpiece in the correct orientation and with the minimum of set-up time, chapter 3 is concerned with workholding technology. Volume III deals with CNC programming. It has been written in conjunction with a major European supplier of controllers in order to give the reader a more consistent and in-depth understanding of the logic used to program such machines. It explains how why and where to program specific features of a part and how to build them up into complete programs. Thus, the reader will learn about the main aspects of the logical structure and compilation of a program. Finally, there is a brief review of so me of the typical controllers currently available from both universal and proprietary builders.
Written by three experienced educators and practitioners, Machine Tool Technology Basics is sure to be a useful tool for anyone needing to learn about today's machine tool trade. Logically organized in three sections, it begins with basic metal-removal operations of conventional machines, progresses to CNC machines, and finishes with CAD/CAM. Easy to understand and use, this practical reference keeps operations brief and highlights related information that is not part of the operation. What's more, you will find practical examples on basic operations and discussions on CNC programming and CAD/CAM designing in an easy-to-follow point form. Beginning machine trades students, industrial machine tool training, and practitioners who wish to review topics that they have not used for some time will come to rely on this information-packed guide. Begins each section with a new Section opener collage and includes an introduction, learning objectives, key terms summary, and knowledge review questions. Highlights safety precautions throughout, making them stand out from the text and more visible. Covers 14 key operations, in various sections, using Visutext format where each major step of an operation is illustrated, labeled and explained with minimum text. Includes the latest direct ironmaking and direct steelmaking processes and mini mills. Contains five Modern Technology overviews for some sections that give a brief history of the topic and a look at advanced and future developments. Introduces conventional/programmable lathes, vertical mills, and surface grinders, making the reader aware of the step between conventional and CNC machines. Lists at the start of each programming exercise any codes being used for the first time and their function. Contains a comprehensive machine tool glossary. Offers an overview of Virtual Reality NC. Shows students--in a careers section--the many exciting and rewarding opportunities available in metalworking and manufacturing.
From the bestselling author of Purple Cow and This is Marketing comes an elegant little book that will inspire artists, writers, and entrepreneurs to stretch and commit to putting their best work out into the world. Creative work doesn't come with a guarantee. But there is a pattern to who succeeds and who doesn't. And engaging in the consistent practice of its pursuit is the best way forward. Based on the breakthrough Akimbo workshop pioneered by legendary author Seth Godin, The Practice will help you get unstuck and find the courage to make and share creative work. Godin insists that writer's block is a myth, that consistency is far more important than authenticity, and that experiencing the imposter syndrome is a sign that you're a well-adjusted human. Most of all, he shows you what it takes to turn your passion from a private distraction to a productive contribution, the one you've been seeking to share all along. With this book as your guide, you'll learn to dance with your fear. To take the risks worth taking. And to embrace the empathy required to make work that contributes with authenticity and joy.
Jet cutting techniques have been successfully applied for many years, and are no longer a new technology. However, with the range of applications expanding, there are a number of important issues emerging, which are addressed in this volume. The contents of "Jet Cutting Technology" cover the traditional aspects of both water and fluid jets, including fluid mechanics, cutting and drilling, abrasive jets, pulse jets, jet maniuplation, jet/target interaction, nozzle systems, pumps and intensifiers, surface treatment, and cleaning. These techniques have a wide application in a number of different areas, including aerospace, civil engineering, manufacturing, mining, and medicine, amongst others. However, of equal importance are thenew issues which are now coming to the fore, including application opportunities, user requirements, Codes of Practice, legislation, safety, and many others. "Jet Cutting Technology" can be wholeheartedly recommended to engineers with any interest in, or requirement for, this important and established technology.
This book offers recommendations on the milling processes for the carbon fiber reinforced plastic CFRP/Al2024. Due to the anisotropic and non-homogeneous structure of CFRP and the ductile nature of aluminum, the machining of this material is very challenging and causes various types of damage, such as matrix cracking and thermal alterations, fiber pullout and fuzzing during drilling and trimming, which affect the quality of machined surface. The book studies and models the machined surface quality of CFRP/Al2024 using a two-level full factorial design experiment. It describes the processes of trimming using down milling, and statistically and graphically analyzes the influence and interaction of cutting parameters. Lastly, the book presents the optimization of the cutting parameters in order to create a surface texture quality of CFRP/Al2024 to less than 1 m.
This book presents computational and statistical methods used by intelligent systems within the concept of Industry 4.0. The methods include among others evolution-based and swarm intelligence-based methods. Each method is explained in its fundamental aspects, while some notable bibliography is provided for further reading. This book describes each methods' principles and compares them. It is intended for researchers who are new in computational and statistical methods but also to experienced users.
As part of the TAVO-project in the Petra area conducted by H.G. Gebel in 1984, the Natufian site of Sunakh is here presented with a technological analysis of a number of attributes on the debitage including the core reduction technique, as well as a typological analysis of the tool types.
This publication is a survey of European hand tools, from various woodworking and other trades, dating from the 16th century to the 19th century. The tools that are illustrated and analysed were either made decoratively or received surface decoration, often incorporating ancient symbols, dates and owners initials. Although all the tools featured were made to be primarily functional, the focus of the book is on the aesthetic qualities that transform such tools into examples of genuine folk art. Planes, braces, axes, compasses, saws and chisels, etc, are featured, including many that have not been previously recorded or published. The tools presented, via photographs, drawings and paintings have been sourced from various national museums across Europe and from private collections too.
Grinding is one of the most important operations employed in production engineering to remove unwanted material and to introduce desired geometry and surface properties. The approach to grinding taken here is to consider the basic processes in fundamental terms rather than to attempt to present a large mass of empirical data. This better enables engineers to find solutions to new and unusual problems encountered. |
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