Volume I
Section 1: John A. Hobson: Life and Times
1. G. D. Cole, 'J. A. Hobson, 1858-1940', Economic Journal, 50, 1940, pp.351-360.
2. C. E. M. Joad, 'On J. A. Hobson', Monthly Record of the South Place Ethical Society, May 1940, pp.5-6.
3. J. M. Clark, 'John A. Hobson: Heretic and Pioneer (1858-1940)', Journal of Social Philosophy, 5, July 1940, pp.356-359.
4. Nicholas Merkowich, 'The Economics of John A. Hobson', Indian Journal of Economics, 23, 1942, pp.175-185.
5. H. N. Brailsford, The Life Work of J. A. Hobson, (London: Oxford University Press, 1948), pp.3-29.
6. S. K. Ratcliffe and K. M. Ratcliffe, 'John A. Hobson, 1858-1940', Monthly Record, 63, 1958, pp.6-7.
7. Harvey Mitchell, 'Hobson Revisited', Journal of the History of Ideas, 26, 1965, pp.397-416.
8. Michael Freeden, 'J. A. Hobson as a New Liberal Theorist: Some Aspects of His Social Thought Until 1914', Journal of the History of Ideas, 34, 3, 1973, pp.421-443.
9. W. H. Richmond, 'John A. Hobson: Economic Heretic', American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 37, 3, July 1978, pp.283-294.
10. P. J. Cain, 'International Trade and Economic Development in the Work of J. A. Hobson before 1914', History of Political Economy, II, 3, 1979, pp.406-424.
11. Anver Offer, 'Empire and Social Reform: British Overseas Investment and Domestic Politics, 1908-1914', The Historical Journal, 26, 1, 1983, pp.119-138.
12. Peter F. Clarke, 'Hobson, John Atkinson (1858-1940)', in John Eatwell, Murray Milgate and Peter Newman, eds., The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, (London: Macmillan, 1987), pp.664-666.
13. Jules Townshend, 'J.A. Hobson: Philosopher of Liberal Socialism', Modern History Review, 3, 3, 1992, pp.26-28.
14. Peter Cain, 'Introduction to J. A. Hobson's Work and Wealth: A Human Valuation (1914)', in J. A. Hobson: A Collection of Economic Works, Volume 5, (London, Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1992), pp.v-xiv.
15. Roger Backhouse, 'Introduction to J. A. Hobson's Writings on Distribution and Welfare Economics (1890-1937)', in J. A. Hobson: A Collection of Economic Works, Volume 3, (London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1992), pp.v-xv.
16. Peter Cain, 'Introduction to J. A. Hobson's The Industrial System (1910)', in J. A. Hobson, A Collection of Economic Works, Volume 4, (London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1992), pp.v-x.
17. Peter Cain, 'Introduction to J. A. Hobson's Writings on Imperialism and Internationalism (1891-1930)', in J. A. Hobson, A Collection of Economic Works, Volume 6, (London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1992), pp.v-xiii.
18. Roger Backhouse, 'Introduction to J. A. Hobson's The Physiology of Industry (1889)', in J. A. Hobson, A Collection of Economic Works, Volume 1, (London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1992), pp.v-xiii.
Volume II
Section 2: Hobson's Imperialism
19. T. Veblen, 'Review of J.A. Hobson's Imperialism', Journal of Political Economy, 12, 1903, pp.311-314.
20. William L. Langer, 'A Critique of Imperialism', Foreign Affairs, 14, 1935, pp.102-119.
21. Hans Kohn, 'Review of Hobson's Imperialism: A Study', American Sociological Review, 4, 1939, pp.434-435.
22. Richard Koebner, 'The Concept of Economic Imperialism', The Economic History Review, 2nd series, II, 1, 1949, pp.1-29.
23. Daniel H. Kruger, 'Hobson, Lenin and Schumpeter on Imperialism', Journal of the History of Ideas, 16, 1955, pp.252-259.
24. L. G. Churchward, 'Towards the Understanding of Lenin's Imperialism', Australian Journal of Politics and History, V, 1, May 1959, pp.76-83.
25. Mark Blaug, 'Economic Imperialism Revisited', Yale Review, 1961, pp.335-349.
26. D. K. Fieldhouse, 'Imperialism: An Historiographical Revision', The Economic History Review, 2nd series, XIV, 2, 1961, pp.187-209.
27. David S. Landes, 'Some Thoughts on the Nature of Economic Imperialism', The Journal of Economic History, XXI, 1961, pp.496-512.
28. Gordon Tulloch, 'Hobson's Imperialism', Modern Age, 7, 1963, pp.157-161.
29. S. A. Shah, 'Review of Hobson's Imperialism: A Study', Science and Society, 32, 1968, pp.100-104.
30. Eric Stokes, 'Late Nineteenth Century Colonial Expansion and the Attack on the Theory of Economic Imperialism: A Case of Mistaken Identity?', The Historical Journal, XII, 2, 1969, pp.285-301.
31. Gaston G. Leduc, 'The Economic Balance Sheet of Colonialism', Contemporary History, 1969, pp.37-50.
32. Trevor A. Lloyd, 'Africa and Hobson's Imperialism', Past and Present, 55, 1972, pp.130-153.
33. P. J. Cain, 'J. A. Hobson, Cobdenism, and the Radical Theory of Economic Imperialism, 1898-1914', Economic History Review, 31, 1978, pp.565-584.
34. P. F. Clarke, 'Hobson, Free Trade, and Imperialism', Economic History Review, 34, 1981, pp.308-312.
35. P. J. Cain, 'Hobson's Developing Theory of Imperialism', Economic History Review, 34, 1981, pp.313-316.
36. Norman Etherington, 'Reconsidering Theories of Imperialism', History and Theory, 21, 1, 1982, pp.1-36.
37. Norman Etherington, 'The Capitalist Theory of Capitalist Imperialism', History of Political Economy, 15, 1, 1983, pp.38-62.
38. Eileen P. Sullivan, 'Liberalism and Imperialism: J. S. Mill's Defense of the British Empire', Journal of the History of Ideas, 44, 4, 1983, pp.599-617.
39. John Cunninham Wood, 'J. A. Hobson and British Imperialism', American Journal of Economies and Sociology, 42, 4, Oct 1983, pp.483-500.
40. Peter Cain, 'J. A. Hobson, Financial Capitalism and Imperialism in Late Victorian and Edwardian England', Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 13, 3, 1985, pp.1-27.
41. Peter J. Cain, 'Hobson, Wilshire, and the Capitalist Theory of Capitalist Imperialism', History of Political Economy, 17, 3, 1985, pp.455-460.
42. Robert Vicat Turrell, ' Finance . . . The Governor of the Imperial Engine': Hobson and the Case of Rothschild and Rhodes', Journal of South Africa Studies, 13, 3, 1987, pp.417-442.
43. D. K. Fieldhouse, ' Imperialism'. An Historiographical Revision, South African Journal of Economic History, 7, 1, 1992, pp.45-72.
44. Stephen Edgell and Jules Townshend, 'John Hobson, Thorstein Veblen and the Phenomenon of Imperialism: Finance Capital, Patriotism and War', American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 51, 4, Oct 1992, pp.401-420.
45. Paul Crook, 'Historical Monkey Business: The Myth of a Darwinized British Imperial Discourse', History, 84, 276, 1999, pp.633-657.
Volume III
Section 3: Hobson's Economic, Social and Political Thought
46. J. L. Laughlin, 'Hobson's Theory of Distribution', Journal of Political Economy, 12, 1904, pp.305-326.
47. D. J. Coppock, 'A Reconsideration of Hobson's Theory of Unemployment', The Manchester School, XXI, 1953, pp.1-21.
48. David Hamilton, 'Hobson with a Keynesian Twist', The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 1953/1954, pp.271-282.
49. Horace B. Davis, 'Hobson and Human Welfare', Science and Society, 21, 1957, pp.291-318.
50. W. B. Michinton, 'Hobson, Veblen and America', Bulletin of the British Association for American Studies, 8, 1959, pp.29-34.
51. W. P. Culbertson, Jr and R. B. Ekelund, Jr, 'John A. Hobson and the Theory of Discriminating Monopoly', History of Political Economy, 9, 2, 1977, pp.273-282.
52. Claire Hirshfield, The British Left and the 'Jewish Conspiracy' : A Case Study of Modern Antisemitism', Jewish Social Studies, 43, 2, 1981, pp.95-112.
53. John Allet, New Liberalism, Old Prejudices: J. A. Hobson and the 'Jewish Question', Jewish Social Studies, 49, 2, 1987, pp.99-114.
54. Stephen Edgell and Rick Tilman, 'The Intellectual Antecedents of Thorstein Veblen: A Reappraisal', Journal of Economic Issues, XXIII, 4, Dec 1989, pp.1003-1026.
55. J. Meadowcroft and M. W. Taylor, 'Liberalism and the Referendum in British Political Thought', Twentieth Century British History, 1, 1, 1990, pp.35-57.
56. David Long, 'J. A. Hobson and Idealism in International Relations', Review of International Studies, 17, 3, 1991, pp.285-304.
57. Jim Rossman, Hobson's 'surplus income' and its Distribution', Journal of Economic Issues, 25, 1991, pp.199-207.
58. Noel Thompson, 'Hobson and the Fabians: Two Roads to Socialism in the 1920's', History of Political Economy, 26, 2, 1994, pp.203-220.
59. Ray Petridis, 'Brassey's Law and the Economy of High Wages in Nineteenth-Century Economics', History of Political Economy, 28, 1996, pp.583-606.
60. Sandra Den Otter, ' Thinking in Communities' : Late Nineteenth-Century Liberals, Idealists and the Retrieval of Community, Parliamentary History, 16, 1, 1997, pp.67-84.
Section 4: Review of Hobson's Books
61. H. L. Smith, 'Review of Hobson's Problem of Poverty: An Inquiry into the Industrial Condition of the Poor', Economic Journal, 1, 1891, pp.583-586.
62. George Gunton, 'Review of Hobson's The Evolution of Modern Capitalism', Political Science Quarterly, 10, 1895, pp.324-8.
63. Edwin Cannan, 'Review of J. A. Hobson's The Problem of the Unemployed: An Enquiry and an Economic Policy', Economic Journal, 7, 1897, pp.87-89.
64. John Graham Brooks, 'Review of Hobson's John Ruskin, Social Reformer', Political Science Quarterly, 14, 1899, pp.553-4.
65. A. W. Flux, 'Review of Hobson's The Economics of Distribution', Economic Journal, 10, 1900, pp.380-385.
66. John R. Commons, 'Review of Hobson's The Economics of Distribution', Annals of the American Academy, 16, 1900, pp.133-137.
67. N. B. Hammond, 'Review of Hobson's The Economics of Distribution', Gunton's Magazine, 20, 1900, pp.279-282.
68. J. H. Bridges, 'Review of Hobson's The Social Problem', Positivist Review, 1901, pp.213-216.
69. T. N. Carver, 'Review of Hobson's The Social Problem: Life and Work', Political Science Quarterly, 16, 1901, pp.731-733.
70. S. H. Swinny, 'Review of Hobson's The Psychology of Jingoism', Positivist Review, May 1901, pp.106-108.
71. S. H. Swinny, 'An Indictment of Imperialism Positivist Review, Dec 1902, pp.234-238.
72. C. F. Bastable, 'Review of Hobson's International Trade', Economic Journal, 14, 1904, pp.609-612.
73. T. N. Carver, 'Review of Hobson's The Industrial System', The Economic Bulletin, 2, 1909, pp.349-350.
74. Alvin S. Johnson, 'Review of Hobson's The Industrial System', Journal of Political Economy, 17, 1990, pp.644-647.
75. E. J. Urwick, 'Review of Hobson's The Industrial System', Economic Journal, 19, 1909, pp.441-4.
76. W. A. C., 'Review of Hobson's The International Revolution: An Inquiry into Earned and Unearned Income', Fabian News, Dec 1909, pp.92.
77. E. R. P., 'Review of Hobson's The Crisis of Liberalism: New Issues of Democracy', Fabian News, May 1910, pp.47.
78. C. A. Beard, 'Review of Hobson's The Crisis of Liberalism', Political Science Quarterly, 25, 1910, pp.529-531.
79. Alvin S. Johnson, 'Review of Hobson's The Science of Wealth', American Economic Review, 2, 1912, pp.605-606.
80. J. M. Keynes, 'Review of Hobson's Gold, Prices, and Wages', Economic Journal, 23, 1913, pp.393-398.
81. D. H. Macgregor, 'Review of Hobson's Work and Wealth: A Human Valuation', Economic Journal, 24, 1914, pp.560-563.
82. J. M. Clark, 'Review of Hobson's Work and Wealth', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 29, 1, Nov 1914, pp.177-180.
83. Max Sylvius Handiman, 'Review of Hobson's Work and Wealth. A Human Valuation', American Economic Review, 5, 1915, pp.314-315.
84. Hugh Dalton, 'Review of Hobson's Work and Wealth: A Human Valuation', International Journal of Ethics, 25, 1915, pp.265-268.
85. R. Newman, 'A Human Valuation of Economies (A Review of Hobson's Work and Wealth)', Positivist Review, 1 March 1915, pp.67-71.
86. Edwin Cannan, 'Review of Hobson's The New Protectionism', Economic Journal, 26, 1916, pp.365-368.
87. S. Webb, 'Review of Hobson's The New Protectionism', Fabian News, Nov 1916, p.48.
88. John Bruce McPherson, 'Review of Hobson's The New Protectionism', American Economic Review, 7, 1917, pp.885-888.
89. E. M. Patterson, 'Review of Hobson's Democracy After the War', Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 77, 1918, pp.188-189.
90. Edwin Cannan, 'Review of Hobson's Democracy After the War', Economic Journal, 28, 1918, pp.92-94.
91. Bruno Lasker, 'Review of Hobson's Democracy After the War', The Survey, 39, Feb 1918, p.574.
92. W. Paul, 'Mr Hobson on Socialism: A Review of Democracy After the War', The Plebs Magazine, 10, March 1918, pp.25-30.
93. C. Delisle Burns, 'Review of Hobson's Democracy after the War', Hibbert Journal, 17, 1919, pp.336-338.
94. H. G. Moulton, 'A Review of Democracy After the War', American Economic Review, 9, 1919, pp.91-93.
95. J. R. Macdonald, 'Richard Cobden: A Review of Mr. J. A. Hobson's Book', The Labour Leader, 20 February, 1919, p.8.
96. Sir George Paish, 'The Problem of Future Taxation: Review of Hobson's Taxation in the New State', International Review, Oct 1919, pp.183-185.
97. Clyde I. King, 'Review of Hobson's Taxation in the New State', Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 90, 1920, pp.172-173.
98. R. I. Schuyler, 'Review of Hobson's Richard Cobden, The International Man', Political Science Quarterly, 34, 1920, pp.323-325.
99. C. Lowes Dickinson, 'Review of J.A. Hobson's Problems of a New World', The Sociological Review, 13, 1921, pp.111-112.
100. William Orion, 'Review of Hobson's Incentives in the New Industrial Order', American Economic Review, 13, 1923, pp.289.
101. Rudolph M. Binder, 'Will Equalized Incomes End Unemployment?: Review of Hobson's The Economics of Unemployment', Management and Administration, 6, 1923, p.241.
102. John R. Commons, 'Hobson's Economics of Unemployment', American Economic Review, 13, 1923, pp.638-647.
103. V. I. Lenin, 'Review of Hobson's The Evolution of Modern Capitalism', Economica, 5, 1925, pp.362-364.
104. G. E. G. Catlin, 'Review of Hobson's Free Thought in the Social Sciences', Political Science Quarterly, 41, 1926, pp.619-622.
105. P. Geddes, 'Review of Hobson's Free Thought in the Social Sciences', Sociological Review, 18, 1926, pp.256-257.
106. D. H. Robertson, 'Review of Hobson's Free Thought in the Social Sciences', Economic Journal, 36, pp.451-455.
107. H. J. Laski, 'Review of Hobson's Free Thought in the Social Sciences', in Saturday Review of Literature, Volume 2, September 1926, pp.645-646.
108. A. D. Lindsay, 'Review of Hobson's Free Thought in the Social Sciences', Journal of Philosophical Studies, 2, 1927, pp.259-61.
109. H. Sanderson Furness, 'Review of Hobson's The Conditions of Industrial Peace', Economic Journal, 37, 1927, pp.625-6.
110. Henry W. Macrosty, 'Review of Hobson's Wealth and Life: A Study in Values', Economic Journal, 40, 1930, pp.275-278.
111. T. V. Smith, 'Review of Hobson's Economics and Ethics', American Journal of Sociology, 35, 1930, pp.849.
112. R. H. Tawney, 'Review of Hobson's Wealth and Life', Political Quarterly, 1, 1930, pp.276-278.
113. Henry Raymond Mussey, 'Review of Hobson's Economics and Ethics', The Nation, 130, 5, March 1930, pp.273-274.
114. A. B. Wolfe, 'On the Context of Welfare: (Review of Hobson's Economics and Ethics: A Study in Social Values)', The American Economic Review, 21, June 1931, pp.207-221.
115. Miles H. Krumbine, 'Review of Hobson's God and Mammon', Journal of Religion, 12, 1931, pp.304-306.
116. John Laird, 'Review of Hobson's Wealth and Life: A Study in Values', Wiltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 33, 1931, pp.186-188.
117. Allan G. B. Fisher, 'Review of Hobson's Wealth and Life: A Study in Values', Economic Record, 7, 1931, pp.134-136.
118. Beatrice Edgell, 'Review of Hobson's L.T. Hobhouse, His Life and Work', Journal of Philosophical Studies, 6, 1931, pp.512-515.
119. K. E. Barlow, 'Review of Hobson's Life and Wealth', Sociological Review, 23, 1931, pp.47-48.
120. Lord Sanderson, 'Review of Hobson's L.T. Hobhouse, His Life and Work, with Selected Essays and Articles', Economic Journal, 42, 1932, pp 297-299.
121. L. Susan Stebbing, 'Review of Hobson's L.T. Hobhouse: His Life and Work', The Hibbert Journal, 30, 1932, pp.693-696.
122. Gustavus Tuckerman, 'Review of Hobson's Veblen', American Economic Review, 27, 1937, pp.773-775.
123. A. Löwe, 'Review of Hobson's Veblen', Sociological Review, 30, 1938, pp.95-97.
124. Hugh Gaitskell, 'Review of Hobson's Confessions of an Economic Heretic', New Statesman and Nation, 15, 1938, pp.792-793.
125. C.D.B., 'Review of Confessions of an Economic Heretic', Ethics, 48, 1938, pp.566.
126. G .D.H. Cole, 'Review of Hobson's Confessions of an Economic Heretic', Political Quarterly, 9, 1938, pp.439-441.
127. John R. Commons, 'Review of Hobson's Confessions of an Economic Heretic', American Economic Journal, 38, 1938, pp.756-758.
128. T. S. Ashton, 'Mr. J. A. Hobson's Development (Review of Hobson's Confessions of an Economic Heretic)', Manchester Guardian, 5 April 1938, p.7.
129. Henry Hazlitt, 'The Varied Heresies of J. A. Hobson (Review of Hobson's Confessions of an Economic Heretic)', New York Times Book Review, 24 July 1938, p.4 & p.19.
130. Paul M. Sweezy, 'J. A. Hobson's Heresies: Review of Hobson's Confessions of an Economic Heretic', The Nation, 23 August 1938, pp.209-210.
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