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LESLIE J. JARDINE Lmvrence Livermore National LaboratOlY Livermore,
CA 94551 U. S. A. The Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) on Nuc1ear
Materials Safety held lune 8-10, 1998, in St. Petersburg, Russia,
was attended by 27 Russian experts from 14 different Russian
organizations, seven European experts from six different
organizations, and 14 V. S. experts from seven different
organizations. The ARW was conducted at the State Education Center
(SEC), a former Minatom nuc1ear training center in St. Petersburg.
Thirty-three technical presentations were made using simultaneous
translations. These presentations are reprinted in this volume as a
formal ARW Proceedings in the NATO Science Series. The
representative technical papers contained here cover nuc1ear
material safety topics on the storage and disposition of excess
plutonium and high enriched uranium (HEU) fissile materials,
inc1uding vitrification, mixed oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication,
plutonium ceramics, reprocessing, geologic disposal,
transportation, and Russian regulatory processes. This AR W
completed discussions by experts of the nuc1ear materials safety
topics that were not covered in the previous, companion ARW on
Nuc1ear Materials Safety held in Amarillo, Texas, in March 1997.
These two workshops, when viewed together as a set, have addressed
most nuc1ear material aspects of the storage and disposition
operations required for excess HEV and plutonium (see Fig. 1,
Opening Remarks).
With the end of the Cold War, new opportunities for interaction
have opened up between the United States and the countries of the
Former Soviet Union. Many of these important initiatives involve
the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the Ministry of the Russian
Federation for Atomic Energy (MINA TOM). Currently, collaboration
is under way which involves reactor safety, the disposition of
fissile materials from the weapons program, radioactive waste
disposal, and the safety of nuclear warheads. Another fruitful area
of interchange resulted from the radiochemical storage tank
accident at the site of the Siberian Chemical Compound at Tomsk-7
in 1993. DOE and MINATOM agreed to meet and exchange information
about the accident for the purposes of improving safety. A meeting
on the Tomsk tank accident was held in Hanford, Washington in 1993,
followed by a second meeting in st. Petersburg, Russia in 1994 in
which the agenda expanded to include radiochemical processing
safety. A third exchange took place in 1995 in Los Alamos, New
Mexico, and additional papers were presented on nonreactor nuclear
safety. Following a planning session in 1996 in Seattle,
Washington, it was decided to hold a fourth technical exchange on
the broader subject of nuclear materials safety management. Through
a grant from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Disarmament Programme, the meeting took place on March 17- 21,
1997, in Amarillo, Texas as a NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW)
through grant no. DISRM 961315.
With the end of the Cold War, new opportunities for interaction
have opened up between the United States and the countries of the
Former Soviet Union. Many of these important initiatives involve
the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the Ministry of the Russian
Federation for Atomic Energy (MINA TOM). Currently, collaboration
is under way which involves reactor safety, the disposition of
fissile materials from the weapons program, radioactive waste
disposal, and the safety of nuclear warheads. Another fruitful area
of interchange resulted from the radiochemical storage tank
accident at the site of the Siberian Chemical Compound at Tomsk-7
in 1993. DOE and MINATOM agreed to meet and exchange information
about the accident for the purposes of improving safety. A meeting
on the Tomsk tank accident was held in Hanford, Washington in 1993,
followed by a second meeting in st. Petersburg, Russia in 1994 in
which the agenda expanded to include radiochemical processing
safety. A third exchange took place in 1995 in Los Alamos, New
Mexico, and additional papers were presented on nonreactor nuclear
safety. Following a planning session in 1996 in Seattle,
Washington, it was decided to hold a fourth technical exchange on
the broader subject of nuclear materials safety management. Through
a grant from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Disarmament Programme, the meeting took place on March 17- 21,
1997, in Amarillo, Texas as a NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW)
through grant no. DISRM 961315.
LESLIE J. JARDINE Lmvrence Livermore National LaboratOlY Livermore,
CA 94551 U. S. A. The Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) on Nuc1ear
Materials Safety held lune 8-10, 1998, in St. Petersburg, Russia,
was attended by 27 Russian experts from 14 different Russian
organizations, seven European experts from six different
organizations, and 14 V. S. experts from seven different
organizations. The ARW was conducted at the State Education Center
(SEC), a former Minatom nuc1ear training center in St. Petersburg.
Thirty-three technical presentations were made using simultaneous
translations. These presentations are reprinted in this volume as a
formal ARW Proceedings in the NATO Science Series. The
representative technical papers contained here cover nuc1ear
material safety topics on the storage and disposition of excess
plutonium and high enriched uranium (HEU) fissile materials,
inc1uding vitrification, mixed oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication,
plutonium ceramics, reprocessing, geologic disposal,
transportation, and Russian regulatory processes. This AR W
completed discussions by experts of the nuc1ear materials safety
topics that were not covered in the previous, companion ARW on
Nuc1ear Materials Safety held in Amarillo, Texas, in March 1997.
These two workshops, when viewed together as a set, have addressed
most nuc1ear material aspects of the storage and disposition
operations required for excess HEV and plutonium (see Fig. 1,
Opening Remarks).