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Biological homogenization is the dominant process shaping the
future global biosphere. As global transportation becomes faster
and more frequent, it is inevitable that biotic intermixing will
increase. Unique local biotas will become extinct only to be
replaced by already widespread biotas that can tolerate human
activities. This process is affecting all aspects of our world:
language, economies, and ecosystems alike. The ultimate outcome is
the loss of uniqueness and the growth of uniformity. In this way,
fast food restaurants exist in Moscow and Java Sparrows breed on
Hawaii. Biological homogenization qualifies as a global
environmental catastrophe. The Earth has never witnessed such a
broad and complete reorganization of species distributions.
... an adult poet is simply an individual in a state of arrested
development-in brief, a sort of moron. Just as all of us, in utero,
pass through a stage in which we are tadpoles, ... so all of us
pass through a state, in our nonage, when we are poets. A youth of
seventeen who is not a poet is simply a donkey: his development has
been arrested even anterior to that of the tadpole. But a man of
fifty who still writes poetry is either an unfortunate who has
never developed, intellectually, beyond his teens, or a conscious
buffoon who pretends to be something he isn't-something far younger
and juicier than he actually is. -H. 1. Mencken, High and Ghostly
Matters, Prejudices: Fourth Series (1924) Where would evolution be,
Without this thing, heterochrony? -M. L. McKinney (1987) One of the
joys of working in a renascent field is that it is actually
possible to keep up with the literature. So it is with mixed
emotions that we heterochronists (even larval forms like myself)
view the recent "veritable explosion of interest in heterochrony"
(in Gould's words in this volume). On the positive side, it is ob
viously necessary and desirable to extend and expand the inquiry;
but one regrets that already we are beginning to talk past, lose
track of, and even ignore each other as we carve out individual
... an adult poet is simply an individual in a state of arrested
development-in brief, a sort of moron. Just as all of us, in utero,
pass through a stage in which we are tadpoles, ... so all of us
pass through a state, in our nonage, when we are poets. A youth of
seventeen who is not a poet is simply a donkey: his development has
been arrested even anterior to that of the tadpole. But a man of
fifty who still writes poetry is either an unfortunate who has
never developed, intellectually, beyond his teens, or a conscious
buffoon who pretends to be something he isn't-something far younger
and juicier than he actually is. -H. 1. Mencken, High and Ghostly
Matters, Prejudices: Fourth Series (1924) Where would evolution be,
Without this thing, heterochrony? -M. L. McKinney (1987) One of the
joys of working in a renascent field is that it is actually
possible to keep up with the literature. So it is with mixed
emotions that we heterochronists (even larval forms like myself)
view the recent "veritable explosion of interest in heterochrony"
(in Gould's words in this volume). On the positive side, it is ob
viously necessary and desirable to extend and expand the inquiry;
but one regrets that already we are beginning to talk past, lose
track of, and even ignore each other as we carve out individual
What is the "big picture" in environmental science? Our authors
know and effectively communicate it in Environmental Science:
Systems and Solutions, Sixth Edition. Whether you view the subject
through a scientific, social, political, or historical lens, you'll
find the concrete foundations here that work for courses in both
environmental science and environmental studies. A systems approach
is the connective fabric that makes sense of the wealth of topics
and data, which demonstrates how aspects of the natural environment
interconnect with each other and with human society. A section on
Resource Use and Management introduces the concept of
sustainability, and another on Dealing with Environmental
Degradation discusses threats to the environment and mitigation
strategies. A bonus section available online on Social Solutions to
Environmental Concerns, discusses the complex issues impacting the
environment and the scientific, technologic, and human behavioral
ways to address them. Throughout the text you will find the hard
data necessary for a scientific study of the environment and the
measured analysis ideal for our time. Combining evidence-based,
contemporary information and data with relevant case studies,
practical applications, numerous calculations, and modern
references, Environmental Science: Systems and Solutions teaches
and engages.
Biological homogenization is the dominant process shaping the
future global biosphere. As global transportation becomes faster
and more frequent, it is inevitable that biotic intermixing will
increase. Unique local biotas will become extinct only to be
replaced by already widespread biotas that can tolerate human
activities. This process is affecting all aspects of our world:
language, economies, and ecosystems alike. The ultimate outcome is
the loss of uniqueness and the growth of uniformity. In this way,
fast food restaurants exist in Moscow and Java Sparrows breed on
Hawaii. Biological homogenization qualifies as a global
environmental catastrophe. The Earth has never witnessed such a
broad and complete reorganization of species distributions.
How will patterns of human interaction with the earth's eco-system
impact on biodiversity loss over the long term--not in the next ten
or even fifty years, but on the vast temporal scale be dealt with
by earth scientists? This volume brings together data from
population biology, community ecology, comparative biology, and
paleontology to answer this question.
Roy L. McKinney reflects on his early life growing up on the family
farm in the Young Cove near Bakersville, North Carolina. His
charming stories include memories of farm chores, life outdoors,
church, neighbors, and of course his family.
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