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One of the fundamental hermeneutical tenets of New Covenant
Theology is that we should learn how to approach the Old Testament
from Jesus and the Apostles. This basic principle needs to be
worked out and demonstrated by examining text after text. This
little book is offered to that end. It examines the promises given
to Abraham in light of the book of Galatians. I hope and pray it is
illuminating and points the reader to the marvelous work Jesus
Christ has accomplished.
A Theological Interpretation of John's First Letter
Blake White first shows how North America is a mission field then
examines several biblical-theological images of the church to show
that she is a "sent" community, called to proclaim the gospel
wherever she finds herself.
What is Christian Ethics? Christian ethics is about "life under the
lordship of Christ." In Luke 6:46, Jesus said, "Why do you call me
'Lord, Lord, ' and not do what I tell you?" Ethics is about kingdom
living. Why Study Christian Ethics? The first reason, as with the
reason for all we do, is to glorify God. First Corinthians 10:31
famously says, "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,
do all to the glory of God." Second, we should study Christian
ethics to be biblical. The Bible is full of moral teaching A third
reason is to help us live distinctly Christian lives in a fallen
world. We are the people of the living God. We should be different.
A fourth reason the study of ethics is important is because of the
nature of saving faith. A fifth reason to study ethics is to
develop a moral imagination. A sixth and final reason to study
ethics is mission. More reasons could be listed for why ethics is
worth studying, but if you are reading this book you probably don't
need any more
New Covenant Theology is a developing system of theol-ogy that
seeks to let the Bible inform our theology. This sounds basic, and
almost all systems of theology claim that their system is based
upon the Bible. As I hope to show you, New Covenant Theology is the
system of theology that al-lows the Bible to have the "final say"
most consistently. Whereas Dispensationalism stands on
presuppositions pro-vided by its beloved Scofield Bible and
Covenant Theology stands on presuppositions provided by its
cherished West-minster Confession, New Covenant Theology does not
have any outside document that must be imposed on the text of
Scripture. It strives to let the Sacred Text speak on its own
To be "in Christ" means everything To be a Christian is to be in
Christ. This is why Paul could say in 2 Corinthians 12:2 that he
knew a man "in Christ." He could have said, "I know a Christian."
In Romans 16:7, Paul says that Andronicus and Junia were "in
Christ" before he was. In other words, they were Christians before
he was. Christians are those who are "in the Messiah."
"What are Christians to obey? The Bible is the simple answer of
course, but upon further investigation, things are not quite that
simple. For example, I am sure we have all heard a Christian
condemning and calling homosexuality an abomination based upon
Leviticus 18:22 or 20:13. However, if one looks on the next page at
Leviticus 19:27, should we not also conclude that we should not get
haircuts or shave? Why is one normative, but not the other?"
"Christianity, after all, is not simply a code of ethics. It is not
just a moral system. Being a Christian is not simply trying to 'do
what Jesus did.' No, the foundation of the Christian life is the
gospel of Jesus Christ. All else flows from the good news of Christ
crucified for sinners. As Michael Horton writes, 'It is the Good
News that yields good works. Salvation is not the prize for our
obedience but the source.'" "The law of Christ cannot be reduced to
a list of do's and don'ts. It certainly involves specific things
that can be 'listed' as right or wrong, but it is far more than a
list like the ten words written on stone. The law of Christ is
love, but it is also the example of Christ. Everything Christ
taught is part of his law, but so is everything his apostles taught
a vital part of his law. Christ himself is his law personified. The
whole of Scripture, as interpreted through the lens of Christ as
the new covenant prophet, priest, and king, is a part of the law of
Christ." May the Sovereign Lord be pleased to bless you, as you
read and contemplate the glory of the new covenant in Christ, to
see Christ more fully and more gloriously, as the full and final
authoritative Word by whom God has spoken in these last days.
La Teologia de Nuevo Pacto es un sistema en desarrollo de teologia
que busca que la Biblia informe su teologia. Esto suena basico y
casi todos los sistemas de teologia dicen que su sistema es basado
en la Biblia. Como espero mostrarle, la Teologia del Nuevo Pacto es
el sistema de teologia que permite que la Biblia de la "ultima
palabra" mas consistentemente. Mientras que el Dispensacionalismo
mantiene presuposiciones proveidas por la Biblia de referencia
Scofield y la Teologia del Pacto mantiene presuposiciones proveidas
por la confesion de fe de Westminster, la Teologia del Nuevo Pacto
no tiene ningun documento exterior que debe ser impuesto en el
texto de la Escritura. Intenta permitir al texto sagrado hablar en
sus propios terminos. Hablando generalmente la Teologia del Pacto
enfatiza continuidad en medio de los pactos aunque haya
discontinuidad. Por el otro lado, el Dispensacionalismo enfatiza
discontinuidad a expensas de que hay continuidad. La Teologia del
Nuevo Pacto acomoda tanto la discontinuidad como la continuidad,
sostiene que el Nuevo Pacto esta conectado con lo que hubo antes,
pero es nuevo. La Teologia del Nuevo Pacto es sostenida por
aquellos de la tradicion de "la iglesia de creyentes" aquellas
iglesias que enfatizan el bautismo de creyentes y creen que la
comunidad del Nuevo Pacto consiste de creyentes. La etiqueta
"Teologia del Nuevo Pacto" es relativamente nueva, pero no es un
nuevo metodo de interpretacion. En este libro quiero mostrar las
nociones principales de la Teologia del Nuevo Pacto. Habra puntos
donde sonare como un teologo del pacto y puntos en los que sonare
mas como un Dispensacionalista, pero unidas estas nociones son
unicamente Teologia del Nuevo Pacto. Hay muchas mas cosas que me
gustaria decir, pero mi objetivo es hacer disponibles las nociones
esenciales de la Teologia del Nuevo Pacto de una forma accesible
para los miembros de la iglesia. Entonces, Por que es la Teologia
del Nuevo Pacto importante? Por que es necesaria? Por que es un
asunto primordial? Jesus es el asunto primordial Colosenses 1:16
dice que todas las cosas fueron creadas para Jesus. El es el centro
del universo y el centro de la Biblia. Cristo es el pinaculo de la
revelacion. El es el Rey Esto tiene implicaciones para sus
Palabras. Debemos tomar sus Palabras con absoluta seriedad,
interpretamos y aplicamos cada pasaje de la Escritura a la luz de
El. Como 2 Corintios 1:20 dice "Pues tantas como sean las promesas
de Dios, en El todas son si; por eso tambien por medio de El, Amen,
para la gloria de Dios por medio de nosotros." Esto tiene
implicaciones teologicas inevitables y me parece que la Teologia
del Nuevo Pacto es el unico sistema que hace justicia a la
autoridad y centralidad de Jesus, espero mostrar por que en las
siguientes paginas. Solo piense cuantas veces la relacion entre
judios y gentiles es tratada en el Nuevo Testamento, subrayando
esos conflictos relacionales es el asunto de como interpretar y
aplicar el Antiguo Testamento a la luz de la venida de Jesucristo.
Finalmente, quiero enfatizar que esta es una discusion "de la
casa." A fin de cuentas somos hermanos y hermanas unidos en Cristo.
La ultima cosa que necesitamos en la iglesia es arrogancia y
auto-justicia. Estamos de acuerdo con las "grandes," las doctrinas
fundamentales de la fe. Debemos ser apropiadamente balanceados y
dejar las "cosas principales" las cosas principales. Donde te
sujetes en este asunto no es una prueba de ortodoxia. Habiendo
dicho eso, yo si creo que la Teologia del Nuevo Pacto es el sistema
de teologia que es mas consistente con el principio protestante de
sola Scriptura (solo la Escritura) y estoy seguro esta es una
discusion de la que todos los cristianos se beneficiaran.