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Volume therapy or infusion therapy is used worldwide for the
treatment of hypovolemia caused by surgical blood and plasma
losses, trauma, burns, or infections. Interestingly, significant
differences exist between countries regarding the use of plasma
substitutes. In the United States, crystalloids and albumin are
more popular, whereas in Europe artificial colloids such as
hydroxyethyl starch are preferred. From an international
perspective, it is notable that volume therapy using hydroxyethyl
starch is an established therapy for the treatment of cerebral,
retinal, otogenic, and peripheral circulation disorders in Germany.
In other countries, crys talloids are mostly used to treat
dehydration or hypovolemia, for example in brain stroke. In recent
years, new data made it possible to overcome national differences
and agree on an evidence-based, international con sensus. The
efficacy of different plasma substitutes for a volume therapy last
ing several days has not been sufficiently studied in the past.
Long-term volume therapy of patients with cerebral perfusion
disorders is an excel lent model for studying the effects of
artificial colloids in detail, because of the high doses of
colloids that are administered. Through a compari son of commonly
used plasma substitutes, we were able to show that sig nificant
differences exist between different colloids, for example in their
effect on coagulation. After repeated infusion, hydroxyethyl
starches that are difficult to degrade lead to an accumulation of
large molecules that are difficult to eliminate. These large
molecules impair factor VIII/von Willebrand factor."
Hemodilution (Paperback)
B. Angelkort; Edited by J. Koscielny, H. Kiesewetter; Contributions by R. Bach, G. Berg; Edited by …
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H. KIESEWETTER, J. KosciELNY, and F. JuNG Tbe byperoncotic
colloid-osmotic pressure of tbe 10% Haes solution causes an
increased intravascular volume because free tissue water flows into
the vascular system [206]. Witb a volume expansion effect of about
50% an increase in intravascular volume of 750 ml (500 mi Haes and
250 mi tissue water) is expected immediately after hypervolemic
hemodilution, after isovolemic bemodilution only an in crease of
250 mi ( only tissue water due to a pblebotomy of 500 mi). The
blood is diluted by overloading the vascular system [245]. After
isovolemic bemodilution tbe dilution effect is more marked due to
the pblebotomy. Estimated by means of the total protcin
concentration (Fig. 67) the dilution of plasma was 22% 1 h after
isovolemic hemodilution but only 14% after bypervolemic
bemodilution. Tbe plasma dilutions were almost confirmed by the
concentration changes of albumin (Fig. 68). Therefore, the mixing
ratio is 4. 1 to 1 (plasma to bydroxyetbyl starcb) for bypervolemic
infusion of 500 ml Haes-sterillO% (200/0. 5) and 3. 7 to 1 for
isovolemic dilution. Consequently, the hydroxyethyl starch
concentration after isovolemic hemodilution was signifi- cantly
bigher at all measuring times tban after hypervolemic hemodilution
(Fig. 61). If tbe infusion was performed quickly so that no renal
output of the Haes solution could ensue, a mean bydroxyetbyl starch
concentration of 10. 3 g per liter plasma would be expected
immediately after isovolemic hemodilution for tbe above mixing
ratio, and one of 9. 0 g after hypervolemic bemodilution.
Das Buch Hamodilution stellt die konservative Therapie bei
Durchblutungsstorungen und den Volumenersatz mit Hydroxyathylstarke
vor. Die Informationen basieren auf langjahrigen klinischen
Erfahrungen. Insbesondere die Themen Kontraindikationen, mogliche
Nebenwirkungen und Vorsichtsmassnahmen werden behandelt und
diskutiert. Desweiteren werden die Pharmakokinetik und die
biologischen Wirkungen vorgestellt. Die eingesetzten Messmethoden
sowie Schwankungsbreite und Referenzbereiche der einzelnen
Messmethoden sind im Anhang genannt. Das Ziel ist, dem Kliniker und
Praktiker bei der Anwendung der Hamodilution, unter besonderer
Berucksichtigung der Therapiesicherheit, kompakte Information
bereitzustellen, die in kurzester Zeit nachgeschlagen werden kann.
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