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The Clinician's Guide to Swallowing Fluoroscopy is a comprehensive
resource for all dysphagia clinicians. This beautifully-illustrated
text is intended for SLP, ENT, radiology, GI, and rehabilitation
specialists interested in swallowing and addresses the need for an
up-to-date, all-inclusive reference. Topics covered include
radiation safety and protection, fluoroscopic oral, pharygeal, and
esophageal phase protocols and abnormalities, and objective
measures of timing and displacement.
What is "Chinese" about China's modern state? This book proposes
that the state we see today has developed over the past two
centuries largely as a response to internal challenges emerging
from the late empire. Well before the Opium War, Chinese confronted
such constitutional questions as: How does the scope of political
participation affect state power? How is the state to secure a
share of society's wealth? In response to the changing demands of
the age, this agenda has been expressed in changing language. Yet,
because the underlying pattern remains recognizable, the
modernization of the state in response to foreign aggression can be
studied in longer perspective.
The author offers three concrete studies to illustrate the
constitutional agenda in action: how the early nineteenth-century
scholar-activist Wei Yuan confronted the relation between broadened
political participation and authoritarian state power; how the
reformist proposals of the influential scholar Feng Guifen were
received by mainstream bureaucrats during the 1898 reform movement;
and how fiscal problems of the late empire formed a backdrop to
agricultural collectivization in the 1950s. In each case, the
author presents the "modern" constitutional solution as only the
most recent answer to old Chinese questions. The book concludes by
describing the transformation of the constitutional agenda over the
course of the modern period.
The Clinician's Guide to Swallowing Fluoroscopy is a comprehensive
resource for all dysphagia clinicians. This beautifully-illustrated
text is intended for SLP, ENT, radiology, GI, and rehabilitation
specialists interested in swallowing and addresses the need for an
up-to-date, all-inclusive reference. Topics covered include
radiation safety and protection, fluoroscopic oral, pharygeal, and
esophageal phase protocols and abnormalities, and objective
measures of timing and displacement.
Orientierung der Tiere / Animal Orientation - Symposium in Garmisch-Partenkirchen 17.-21. 9. 1962 (English, German, French, Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1963)
Hansjochem Autrum, Erwin Bunning, Karl V Frisch, E Hadorn, A. Kuhn, …
Discovery Miles 14 780
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Yom 17. bis 21. September 1962 fand in der Vogelwarte Garmiseh-
Partenkirehen ein Symposium fiber die Fragen der Orientierung der
Tiere statt. Die Anregung zu diesem Treffen ging von Professor
HENRI PIERON, Paris, aus. Die Analyse der Orientierung der Tiere im
Raum und in der Zeit beginnt mit der - keineswegs aueh nur
annahernd vollstandige- phanomenologisehen Bestandsaufnahme. Allein
diese Bestandsaufnahme staBt auf erhebliehe Sehwierigkeiten, die
nur mit kritisehen experimen- tellen und einwandfreien
statistisehen Methoden fiberwunden werden konnen. Ein weiterer
Sehritt ist die Bestimmung der sinnesphysio- logisehen Leistungen,
die an den Orientierungsvorgangen beteiligt sind. Die Kenntnis der
Phanomene und der reeeptorischen V oraussetzungen der Orientierung
stellen aber erst den Anfang dar. In erster Linie sind es
zentralnervose Vorgange, die eine Orientierung ermogliehen. Hier
spielt die zentrale Verreehnung der sinnesphysiologisehen Daten,
hier spielen Regelvorgange und es spielen - bisher kaum bekannt,
noeh weniger analysiert - autonome zentralnervose Prozesse eine
ent- seheidende Rolle. Daher sind Sinnesphysiologie,
Verhaltensforsehung, Neurophysiologie, Kybernetik, Biophysik und
mathematisehe Statistik in gleieher Weise an der Erforsehung der
Orientierungsleistungen be- teiligt. Diese Arbeitsriehtungen
zusammenzubringen und Anregungen auszutausehen, war eine der
Hauptaufgaben des Symposiums. Die Phanomene und Probleme der
Orientierung in der Zeit wurden ausgeklammert. Sie sind Gegenstand
eines Cold Spring Harbor-Sym- posiums im Jahre 1960 gewesen. Ihre
Behandlung hatte den Rahmen gesprengt und die fUr eine fruehtbare
Diskussion notwendigerweise kleine Teilnehmerzahl allzu stark
1. 1. Probleme funktioneller Strukturanalyse der Organoide bei der
Amobe; wahrscheinliche Strukturbilder Die beiden bekannten
Haupttypen von groBen Amoben [so AN- DRESEN (1956) J, die
einkernige A moeba proteus (oder Chaos diffluens; SCHAEFFER) und
die vielkernige Art Chaos chaos (SCHAEFFER) werden z. Z. in der
experimentellen Biologie fur die Losung verschiedener grund-
legender Fragen herangezogen. Transplantationen des Zellkerns
dienen der Analyse genetischer (DANIELL! u. Mitarb. ) oder
stoffwechsel- physiologischer Fragen. Der Fermentgehalt der
Mitochondrien und des Cytoplasmas sowie die Pinocytose werden z. B.
eingehend von der Arbeitsgruppe des Carlsberg-Laboratoriums
untersucht (H. HOLTER u. Mitarb. ). Die Gesamtheit dieser
physiologischen Studien! ruft nach einer genauen Erfassung der
strukturellen Grundlagen des physiolo- gischen Geschehens.
Neuerdings hat ANDRESEN (1956) eine sehr ein- HiBliche Monographie
uber die Cytologie von Chaos chaos veroffentlicht. Er hat hier
wesentliche Beziehungen zwischen lichtmikroskopischen Befunden, die
z. T. auch quantitativer Art sind, und einigen funktione11en
Phanomenen hergestellt. Doch liegt es im Auflosungsvermogen des
Lichtmikroskopes begrundet, daB die Aussagen uber die einzelnen
Organoide, wie Plasmalemma, Mitochondrien, Hyaloplasma, nicht sehr
bestimmt sein konnen. In diesem Fa11e drangt sich eine elektronen-
mikroskopische Strukturanalyse geradezu auf. Aber es liegt
ebenfa11s auf der Hand, daB die bis heute vorliegenden
submikroskopischen Be- funde nicht als abschlieBend gelten konnen,
da die Elektronenmikro- skopie als Forschungsrichtung vie 1 zu jung
ist. Immerhin existieren heute schon fUr einzelne Organoide der
Amobe gut umrissene Resultate, so daB es gerechtfertigt erscheint,
eine erste vorliiufige Sichtung und Ein- ordnung der Befunde
Midway through the reign of the Ch'ien-lung emperor, Hungli, in the
most prosperous period of China's last imperial dynasty, mass
hysteria broke out among the common people. It was feared that
sorcerers were roaming the land, clipping off the ends of men's
queues (the braids worn by royal decree), and chanting magical
incantations over them in order to steal the souls of their owners.
In a fascinating chronicle of this epidemic of fear and the
official prosecution of soulstealers that ensued, Philip Kuhn
provides an intimate glimpse into the world of eighteenth-century
Kuhn weaves his exploration of the sorcery cases with a survey
of the social and economic history of the era. Drawing on a rich
repository of documents found in the imperial archives, he presents
in detail the harrowing interrogations of the accused--a ragtag
assortment of vagabonds, beggars, and roving clergy--conducted
under torture by provincial magistrates. In tracing the panic's
spread from peasant hut to imperial court, Kuhn unmasks the
political menace lurking behind the queue-clipping scare as well as
the complex of folk beliefs that lay beneath popular fears of
Kuhn shows how the campaign against sorcery provides insight
into the period's social structure and ethnic tensions, the
relationship between monarch and bureaucrat, and the inner workings
of the state. Whatever its intended purposes, the author argues,
the campaign offered Hungli a splendid chance to force his
provincial chiefs to crack down on local officials, to reinforce
his personal supremacy over top bureaucrats, and to restate the
norms of official behavior.
This wide-ranging narrative depicts life in imperial Chinaas it
was actually lived, often in the participants' own words.
"Soulstealers" offers a compelling portrait of the Chinese
people--from peasant to emperor--and of the human condition.
This engaging collection of verse captures the history and
experience of the Mounties from the 1800s to the present day.
Ranging from humorous to poignant, these poems reflect the moods
and adventures of Arctic survivors, plains horsemen, vulnerable
trainees and witty veterans. Collectively, they will entertain
anyone who has ever been or known a Mountie. "The long and storied
history of Canada's national police force is full of folklore,
mythology and good humour, but also, all too often, sadness and
tragedy. Ed Kuhn's anthology captures all of those
elements."--J.P.R. (Phil) Murray, Commissioner (Rtd.)
Gestutzt auf die Theorie der dynamischen Optimierung wird ein
Konzept zur Messung der Flexibilitat beliebiger betrieblicher
Systeme vorgestellt. Die Flexibilitat eines Systems, mit der man
dessen Fahigkeit zur Bewaltigung von Unsicherheit und Dynamik
verbindet, ist eng korreliert mit der Fahigkeit des Systems, zu
uberleben. Das vorgestellte Flexibilitatsmass kann deshalb zur
Unterstutzung strategischer Auswahlentscheidungen uber
Systemlayouts eingesetzt werden. Daruber hinaus werden in diesem
Buch Probleme der Planung und Steuerung flexibler Potentiale
untersucht, die das Verstandnis flexibilitatsorientierter Planung
vertiefen. Fur konkrete logistische Fragestellungen aus den
Bereichen Materialwirtschaft und Kapazitatsplanung werden
hierarchisch strukturierte Entscheidungsmodelle entwickelt, die
beispielsweise bezuglich der Optimierung des kombinierten Einsatzes
von Routine- und Eilbestellungen bei der Lagerdisposition zu vollig
neuen und fur die Praxis wichtigen Ergebnissen fuhren.
The Second Edition of this pocket guide presents the essentials of
herbal therapy and nutritional supplements, combining the
traditional and scientific worlds. Dr. Kuhn has a PhD in physiology
and is author of two pharmacology textbooks; Mr. Winston is a
traditional herbalist in practice with a native American heritage.
The book covers 115 herbs that are commonly available in the United
States and Canada and 15 nutritional supplements. Coverage of each
herb includes traditional and current uses, dangers and toxicities,
and a bibliography. This edition includes 15 new herbs and drawings
of herbs.
Street Smart Disciplines by John A. Kuhn and Mark K. Mullins These
are the Disciplines that can change everything Street Smart
Disciplines gives you access to decades of successful real world,
street smart business experience and best practices mined from
successful people and businesses encapsulated into 7 easy to
understand and executable action plans for Breakout Success. The
authors identified the 7 essential and vital disciplines that
people must incorporate into their playbook to reach the pinnacle
of business success. Kuhn and Mullins speak from experience. One of
their first businesses was started for less than $1,000; built it
into a multimillion-dollar success and sold debt-free to a Fortune
500 company using these very same disciplines. They continue to use
these disciplines to achieve ongoing success and personal
fulfillment. The eye-opening insights and practical wisdom will
inspire and guide go-getters who want to climb the corporate
ladder, aspiring entrepreneurs looking to launch new businesses and
established business owners who want to take their organizations to
the next level. These indispensable disciplines are drawn from real
people, real experiences, real successes, real problems, and real
solutions. They are tried and true, time tested, and proven on the
street by the authors, successful companies, and successful
people-from Wall Street to Main Street-and include a compilation of
advice, tips, tactics, techniques, and strategies that work. This
is the first book that explains the how and why of Disciplines.
Street Smart Disciplines captures the essence of good business
practices and distills them into simple, straight- talking, and
no-nonsense language. Kuhn and Mullins demystify the process of
achieving Breakout Success. You can immediately start applying this
vast storehouse of knowledge that combines the winning perspectives
of successful entrepreneurial, corporate and academic experts.
Learn how to: Develop a Dynamic Plan for Break-Out Success Maximize
Yourself and Your Ideas Duplicate Winning Strategies of Successful
People Manage Change and Complexity Master the Mental Game of Doing
Business Establish Bulletproof Financial Systems and Controls
Create Powerful and Compelling Presentations Seek out Role Models,
Mentors and Smart People Optimize your Resources ...and much more.
Integrate the disciplines one by one into your life and business
and achieve more success and personal fulfillment in your life than
you ever thought possible "Straight talk The only book that shows
what it should really take takes to succeed in business. One of
most honest books I've read." Michael Kenny, Founder, Agoda.com
(subsidiary of Priceline.com)"
Die Sagenforscher und Philologen Adalbert Kuhn und Wilhelm Schwartz
stellen im vorliegenden Band eine umfangreiche Sammlung
norddeutscher Marchen, Sagen und Gebrauche aus den
unterschiedlichsten Gegenden zusammen. Vom Schweriner Petermannchen
bis zu den Bergmannchen von Iburg, von alten Fastnachts- bis zu
Hochzeitsbrauchen enthalt das Werk mehr als 800 bekannte und
vergessene Erzahlungen und Beschreibungen aus dem Volksmund.
Sorgfaltig uberarbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem
Jahr 1848.
In this book, distinguished historian Philip A. Kuhn tells the
remarkable five-century story of Chinese emigration as an integral
part of China's modern history. Although emigration has a much
longer past, its "modern" phase dates from the sixteenth century,
when European colonialists began to collaborate with Chinese
emigrants to develop a worldwide trading system. The author
explores both internal and external migration, complementary parts
of a far-reaching process of adaptation that enabled Chinese
families to deal with their changing social environments. Skills
and institutions developed in the course of internal migration were
creatively modified to serve the needs of emigrants in foreign
lands. As emigrants, Chinese inevitably found themselves "among
others." The various human ecologies in which they lived have faced
Chinese settlers with a diversity of challenges and opportunities
in the colonial and postcolonial states of Southeast Asia, in the
settler societies of the Americas and Australasia, and in Europe.
Kuhn traces their experiences worldwide alongside those of the
"others" among whom they settled: the colonial elites, indigenous
peoples, and rival immigrant groups that have profited from their
Chinese minorities but also have envied, feared, and sometimes
persecuted them. A rich selection of primary sources allows these
protagonists a personal voice to express their hopes, sorrows, and
worldviews. The post-Mao era offers emigrants new opportunities to
leverage their expatriate status to do business with a Chinese
nation eager for their investments, donations, and technologies.
The resulting "new migration," the author argues, is but the latest
phase of a centuries-old process by which Chinese have sought
livelihoods away from home.
What is "Chinese" about China's modern state? This book proposes
that the state we see today has developed over the past two
centuries largely as a response to internal challenges emerging
from the late empire. Well before the Opium War, Chinese confronted
such constitutional questions as: How does the scope of political
participation affect state power? How is the state to secure a
share of society's wealth? In response to the changing demands of
the age, this agenda has been expressed in changing language. Yet,
because the underlying pattern remains recognizable, the
modernization of the state in response to foreign aggression can be
studied in longer perspective.
The author offers three concrete studies to illustrate the
constitutional agenda in action: how the early nineteenth-century
scholar-activist Wei Yuan confronted the relation between broadened
political participation and authoritarian state power; how the
reformist proposals of the influential scholar Feng Guifen were
received by mainstream bureaucrats during the 1898 reform movement;
and how fiscal problems of the late empire formed a backdrop to
agricultural collectivization in the 1950s. In each case, the
author presents the "modern" constitutional solution as only the
most recent answer to old Chinese questions. The book concludes by
describing the transformation of the constitutional agenda over the
course of the modern period.
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