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This book is dedicated to Aristid Lindenmayer on the occasion of
his 60th birthday on November 17, 1985. Contributions range from
mathematics and theoretical computer science to biology. Aristid
Lindenmayer introduced language-theoretic models for developmental
biology in 1968. Since then the models have been cus tomarily
referred to as L systems. Lindenmayer's invention turned out to be
one of the most beautiful examples of interdisciplinary science:
work in one area (developmental biology) induces most fruitful
ideas in other areas (theory of formal languages and automata, and
formal power series). As evident from the articles and references
in this book, the in terest in L systems is continuously growing.
For newcomers the first contact with L systems usually happens via
the most basic class of L systems, namely, DOL systems. Here "0"
stands for zero context between developing cells. It has been a
major typographical problem that printers are unable to distinguish
between 0 (zero) and 0 (oh). Thus, DOL was almost always printed
with "oh" rather than "zero," and also pronounced that way.
However, this misunderstanding turned out to be very fortunate. The
wrong spelling "DOL" of "DOL" could be read in the suggestive way:
DO L Indeed, hundreds of researchers have followed this suggestion.
Some of them appear as contributors to this book. Of the many who
could not contribute, we in particular regret the absence of A.
Ehrenfeucht, G. Herman and H.A. Maurer whose influence in the
theory of L systems has been most significant."
Automata theory is the oldest among the disciplines constituting
the subject matter of this Monograph Series: theoretical computer
science. Indeed, automata theory and the closely related theory of
formal languages form nowadays such a highly developed and
diversified body of knowledge that even an exposition of
"reasonably important" results is not possible within one volume.
The purpose of this book is to develop the theory of automata and
formal languages, starting from ideas based on linear algebra. By
what was said above, it should be obvious that we do not intend to
be encyclopedic. However, this book contains the basics of regular
and context-free languages (including some new results), as well as
a rather complete theory of pushdown automata and variations (e. g.
counter automata). The wellknown AFL theory is extended to power
series ("AFP theory"). Additional new results include, for
instance, a grammatical characterization of the cones and the
principal cones of context-free languages, as well as new
decidability results.
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