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This book provides a comprehensive, step-by-step plan that
simplifies the myriad complexities surrounding the formation and
incorporation of branch offices and subsidiary companies within
such havens as the Bahamas, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Greece,
Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Panama, Puerto Rico
and Switzerland. In addition, it presents detailed information on
each tax haven's economic, legal, political, cultural and
geographical aspects, which must be considered if such an
enterprise is to operate successfully.;In this compact and
informative volume, Adam Starchild reveals the secrets of tax haven
business planning for the corporate executive. He details the
theory and practice of haven dealings and the incorporation of
holding and operating companies. He spells out the advantages and
disadvantages of the multitude of haven uses that are available to
all companies having any international facets to their business -
whether it be manufacturing, importing components, exporting, or
If you arenot a citizen or resident of the United States (U.S.) and
you are contemplating either making or expanding an investment in
the U .S., either for yourself as an individual or for a business,
you arenot alone. The U.S. is the country of first choice for many
foreign investors. This is due to the fact that the U.S. offers
foreign investors many advantages, some ofwhich are in short supply
in today's world. The primary advantage that the U.S. affords
foreign investorsisthat it endorses the economic concept of free
enterprise. While it is true that the Federal and state governments
have interfered with the private economy to some extent, the
prevailing economic philosophy in the U .S. remains laissez faire.
History has taught the U.S. that the market place allocates the
finite resources of a country betterthan the government, and the
advantagesoftbis philosophy have not been overlooked by foreign
investors. Another attractive feature of the U .S. as an investment
site is its political stability. The present form of constitutional
government has presided for over 200 years, and this history
provides foreign investors with a measure of security which is
absent elsewhere."
Tax Havens for International Business is a special management
report that shows how the establishment of a tax haven operation,
in any of many locations worldwide, can save more money than any
internal tax-shelter programme. This volume provides a
comprehensive, step-by-step plan that simplifies the myriad
complexities surrounding the formation and incorporation of branch
offices and subsidiary companies within such tax havens as the
Bahamas, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Greece, Hong Kong,
Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Panama, Puerto Rico, and
Switzerland. In addition, it presents detailed information on each
tax haven's economic, legal, political, cultural and geographical
aspects, which must be considered if such an enterprise is to
operate successfully.
Contents: Introduction, Challenge and Benefits of Becoming a Travel
Agent, Setting Up Your Home-based Travel Agency, Marketing Your
Travel Services, Managing Your Travel Agency, Providing Travel
Services, Booking Travel Services, Providing Travel Services for
Groups, Opportunities in Commercial Travel, Using Your Travel
Agency as a Stepping Stone to Global Entrepreneuring, About the
CONTENTS Chairman's Message -- Alfred C. Mascy Preface -- Joseph F.
Vittek, Jr. Exhortation Where Do We Go From Here?-- Charles E.
Rosendahl Economic and Market Analysis Basic Relationships for LTA
Economic Analysis -- Preliminary Estimates of Operating Costs for
Lighter Than Air Transports -- Comparative Airship Economics --
Effect of Present Technology on Airship Capabilities -- Airship
Economics -- Some Economic Tables for Airships -- A Study of Design
Trade-Offs Using a Computer Model -- An Economic Comparison of
Three Heavy Lift Airborne Systems -- An Approach to Market Analysis
for Lighter Than Air Transportation of Freight -- Market Assessment
in Connection with Lighter Than Air Technical and Design
Considerations Bask Relationships for LTA Technical Analysis -- The
Effects of Selected Modern Technological Concepts on the
Performance and Handling Characteristics of LTA Vehicles --
Boundary Layer Control for Airships -- Airship Stresses Due to
Vertical Velocity Gradients and Atmospheric Turbulence -- An
Aerodynamic Load Criterion for Airships -- The Planar Dynamics of
Airships -- Floating vs. Flying, A Propulsion Energy Comparison --
Long Fluid Filled Bags Suspended by Line Forces -- Computer Aided
Flexible Envelope Designs -- LTA Application of a Long Trailing
Wire High Speed/Low Weight Reeling System Materials, Manufacturing
and Operations LTA Structures and Materials Technology -- Potential
Contribution of High Strength, High Modulus Aramid Fibers to the
Commercial Feasibility of Lighter Than Air Craft -- Airship
Construction -- Operational Considerations for the Airship in
Short-Haul Transportation -- Design Aspects of Zeppelin Operations
from Case Histories -- Lighter Than Air: A Look at the Past, A Look
at the Possibilities -- Mooring and Ground Handling Rigid Airships
-- A New Concept for Airship Mooring and Ground Handling Modern
Airship Design Concepts The Slate All Metal Airship -- State of the
Art of Metalclad Airships -- The Aerospace Developments Concept --
Method for Transporting Impellent Gases -- The Design and
Construction of the CAD-1 Airship -- A LTA Flight Research Vehicle
-- The Airfloat Heavy Lift Project Hybrid Airship Design Concepts
The Basic Characteristics of Hybrid Aircraft -- A Semibuoyant
Vehicle for General Transportation Missions -- The Dynairship --
Some Aspects of Hybrid-Zeppelins -- Ultra-Heavy Vertical Lift
Systems-"The Heli-Stat" -- The Variable Density Aircraft Concept
Airship Applications Roles for Airships in Economic Development --
The Application of the Airship to Regions Lacking in Transport
Infrastructure -- Military Applications of Rigid Airships --
Potential ASW Missions for Lighter Than Air Ships -- Antisubmarine
Warfare (ASW)-A Specific Naval Mission for the Airship (Abstract
Only) -- The Surveillance Airship (Abstract Only) -- Airship
Logistics? The LTA Vehicle: A Total Cargo System - The Transport of
Nuclear Power Plant Components -- Airships for Transporting Highly
Volatile Commodities -- Using Lighter Than Air Vehicles
(Dirigibles) in Housing Construction -- Environic Implications of
Lighter Than Air Transportation Unmanned and Tethered Systems and
Applications Aerocrane-A Hybrid LTA Aircraft for Aerial Crane
Applications -- Unmanned Powered Balloons -- Special Problems and
Capabilities of High Altitude Lighter Than Air Vehicles -- A
Practical Concept for Powered or Tethered Weight-Lifting LTA
Vehicles -- A Revolutionary and Operational Tethered Aerostat
System Illustrating New LTA Technology -- Technology
Update-Tethered Aerostat Structural Design and Material
Developments -- Two Lighter Than Air Systems in Opposing Flight
Regimes-An Unmanned Short Haul, Heavy Load Transport Balloon and a
Manned, Light Payload Airship -- Balloon Logging with the Inverted
Skyline -- "LOTS" of LTA Applications -- Remotely Piloted LTA
Vehicle for Surveillance Appendices LTA Bibliography -- Authors
Contents: Introduction, Worldwide Opportunities in Travel and
Tourism, Why You Should Establish a Travel Agency, Assessing the
Right Investment Opportunities, Financial Resources and Raising
Capital, Building Your Investment through Marketing, About the
When people think of Ireland, few think of the country as a place
to start a business, make investments, emigrate to in search of a
better life, or retire to in hopes of spending golden years in
delightful activities and pursuits. These people don't realize that
Ireland possesses an exceptionally high quality of life, low living
costs, low crime, and low stress. Without question, Ireland has
evolved into Europe's most important offshore financial center,
leading to a host of significant advantages to investors. People
seeking a superior land for retirement often find Ireland an
excellent choice. Along with Ireland's fine investment climate,
retirees enjoy free hospitalization, free transportation on buses
and trains, and, in some cases, even free fuel and energy. Retirees
also find the price of land and housing in Ireland to be most
reasonable, and they genuinely appreciate Ireland's low rate of
crime. Many people moving to Ireland feel safer in their new homes
than just about anywhere else they lived. For those wishing to stay
in Ireland at least part of the year, or who would like to obtain
residency, Ireland is relatively easy to enter. This is
particularly true if you have an Irish ancestor, and in many cases
you need not have descended from this individual in a direct line.
Ireland has changed remarkably in the last several years, achieving
a style of living that is both comfortable and rewarding, but it is
likely that the nation's future will be even brighter. During the
last two decades the Irish government has invested in
infrastructure and telecommunications in an effort to position the
country to take part in the grand global economy. The success of
this policy is obvious inIreland's steady economic gains.
Furthermore, Ireland is poised to benefit from the investment of
overseas companies even as its own economy continues to expand.
Strong, consistent growth is expected well into the future. All
this makes Ireland an extremely attractive place for relocation,
retirement, and investment. Ireland, clearly, has much to offer
just about everyone. Over the past 25 years, Adam Starchild has
been the author of over two dozen books, and hundreds of magazine
articles, primarily on business and finance. His articles have
appeared in a wide range of publications around the world-including
Business Credit, Euromoney, Finance, The Financial Planner,
International Living, Offshore Financial Review, Reason, Tax
Planning International, The Bull & Bear, Trust & Estates,
and many more. Now semi-retired, he was the president of an
international consulting group specializing in banking, finance and
the development of new businesses, and director of a trust company.
Although this formidable testimony to expertise in his field, plus
his current preoccupation with other books-in-progress, would not
seem to leave time for a well-rounded existence, Starchild has won
two Presidential Sports Awards and written several cookbooks, and
is currently involved in a number of personal charitable projects.
His website is at http: //www.adamstarchild.com/
CONTENTS The Federal Reserve Wire Transfer Network An Overview of
the Operations of The Options Clearing Corporation Clearing and
Settlement Through the Board of Trade Clearing Corporation The
Chicago Mercantile Exchange A Study of Large-Dollar Payment Flows
Through CHIPS and Fedwire Securities Lending CHAPS: The Clearing
House Automated Payment System CHIPS: The Clearing House Interbank
Payments System Trading of Foreign Currency Options and Futures in
Philadelphia The International Money Markets in London and First
Chicago's Role In Clearing and Settling for Dollar Instruments
Exchanges and Clearing Houses For Financial Futures and Options in
The United Kingdom Clearing and Settling the Euro-Securities
Market: Euro-Clear and Cedel
This book will acquaint you with the near magical possibilities of
a tax-saving, income-producing legal device known as a "charitable
remainder trust" or "CRT." Although "CRT" is the currently popular
term, these trusts are also known as "life income" and "wealth
accumulation" trusts. Both descriptions are accurate - and therein
lies the money magic. A CRT is just the thing for a person who
wants to avoid capital gains taxes on appreciated property, in
pursuit of increased retirement income or seeking estate tax
relief. But this trust is also the perfect vehicle to achieve your
personal philanthropic goals, while also helping yourself and your
family. In fact, while tax savings and income enhancement are
central attractions of the CRT, the chief motivation should be the
settlor/ donor's charitable intentions. After all, when the final
distribution of trust assets is made - and they can have
considerable value - the charity of your choice will be the major
beneficiary. In the meantime, there is no reason why the objects of
your generosity cannot reward their benefactor with a seat on your
church board of trustees, or your alma mater's establishment of a
scholarship bearing your name. Here is what the creation of a CRT
can accomplish for you. Properly drafted, formulated and managed, a
charitable remainder trust is an excellent "transfer tax" avoidance
instrumentality that can: . avoid completely any capital gains tax
payment on your appreciated property, regardless of the original
cost basis; . convert your low-yield property into a high income
investment guaranteed to provide you and your spouse the financial
security of lifetime income, immediate or deferred, with greatly
reduced income tax consequences; . serve as a vehicle to receive
the "roll over" of your qualified pension plan or Individual
Retirement Account (IRA), increasing both retirement income and tax
savings; . provide you with an immediate substantial charitable
income tax deduction against your taxes for the year in which the
CRT is created; . diminish estate and inheritance taxes on the
donated property - and avoid the probate mess as well; and . for
your heirs, provide a greatly increased inheritance, financed by
the tax savings and increased income your CRT will provide. Sounds
too good to be true - or to be legal in present day, tax oppressed
America? Believe us, it is true.
Taxes are a compulsory contribution individuals and/or businesses
must make to the government. The primary purpose of a tax is to
fund governmental activity, however, the purposes of governmental
activities may be broadly defined. Along with funding the
necessities of government, the purpose of taxation frequently
expands to include economic and social objectives. Taxes may be
used as a method for developing a strong, vibrant economy by
fostering or limiting certain businesses, or they may be used as a
means of redistributing wealth and encouraging social reform. Taxes
have been a part of society from the time the first governments
developed. Payment of animal skins to a chief, who could use the
animal skins to buy weapons which he would use to supply warriors
who would defend the village, was a type of primitive tax. Taxes
have been used by governments to pay for public works, fund wars,
control economies through tariffs on imports and exports, and,
sadly, fill the coffers of rulers at the expense of the ruled. Some
of the oldest records of civilization tell of taxes. The following
examples are by no means complete but indicate how long taxes have
been a part of people's economic lives: 2000 BC, clay records
discovered in Iraq tell of onerous taxes. 1400 BC, Egyptian records
detail subjects paying taxes to their Pharaoh. 600 BC, the first
graduated income tax was in use in Greece. 300 BC, the Ptolemy
dynasty of Egypt instituted various taxes, including tariffs on
imports, poll taxes on salt, legal documents, sales and rental of
goods, fees for grazing cattle on state land, and a tax on produce.
125 BC, tax collection in the Roman Empire is a well established
system. 1050 AD, the storyof Lady Godiva highlights a tax protest
in England. 1427, income and property taxes are instituted in
Florence, Italy. 1450, in Mexico taxes could be paid to the Aztec
government in the form of exotic feathers. 1643, a faculty tax is
adopted in New Plymouth, Massachusetts. A precursor of income
taxes, a faculty tax was applied to a person's "faculties," his or
her ability to earn income from property, trade, or a skill. In
time most of the colonies were to establish faculty taxes. 1793,
the first general income tax is established in France.
CONTENTS: Introduction Banana Appetizers Bananas in Soups Banana
Entrees Seafood Meats Banana Desserts Banana Cookies Banana
Preserves Banana Breads, Batters, Snacks Banana Beverages
This book gives all the information needed to understand the
chemical, biochemical and sanitary principles underlying the
preparation of fishery products. The sequences of operations and
processing conditions are described in detail together with the
technological equipment concerned. Standard yields are adduced, and
the principles and methods of technological calculations explained.
The authors defined the standards set for the quality of finished
products, and describe the methods adopted for testing and quality
control. The present volume is intended as a textbook for students
of higher technological colleges of the food and fishery
industries, but may also be used as a handbook by the engineering
and technological staffs of fishery undertakings.
Start Your Own Construction and Land Development Business provides
a basic guide to successful business management for the prospective
entrepreneur. This book provides essential information for you to
consider before investing your time and money.
Canada is generally thought of as a high-tax country, and for
Canadians the taxes are high. But tax haven expert Adam Starchild
walks the reader through a step-by-step program under which a
foreign immigrant can live in Canada tax-free while becoming a
Canadian citizen -- then use that citizenship to live tax-free in
any of dozens of other countries. As these incentives were
deliberately legislated to encourage wealthy immigrants to move to
Canada, they are unlikely to be removed in the near future.
My Airships (Paperback)
Alberto Santos-Dumont; Afterword by Adam Starchild
Discovery Miles 5 980
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Brazilian born, French educated, Alberto Santos-Dumont was probably
one of only a few aviation pioneers who could claim significant
accomplishments in both lighter-than-air and heavier-than-air
flying machines. He was the first man to succeed, not once but time
after time, in leaving the ground, flying through the air to a
place of his own choosing, and landing safely. Around the turn of
the century he was the most prominent of all the early aviators,
and his balloons, dirigibles and (later in his career)
heavier-than-air craft were frequently to be seen in the air around
his beloved city of Paris. His early experiments were in dirigible
airships of his own design. After many failures, he built a
dirigible that in 1901 won the Deutsch Prize, as well as a prize
from the Brazilian government, for being the first to fly in a
given time from Saint-Cloud to the Eiffel Tower and return. He
wrote My Airships when he was 30 years old, in 1904. In it he tells
of his childhood in Brazil, his early fascination with machinery
and passion for the novels of Jules Verne, his early success in
France as an enthusiastic automobilist, his first balloon ascent in
1893, his famous balloon Brazil, and the joys and trials of his
first ten dirigibles (1898-1904). Referring to himself as
"inventor, patron, manufacturer, amateur, mechanician and airship
captain all united," he describes numerous hair-raising scrapes
with death while navigating the air. Santos' reputation as an
airplane designer was solidified by a machine he produced in 1909.
The famous "Demoiselle" or "Grasshopper" monoplane, was the
forerunner of the modern light plane. Santos eventually returned to
Brazil where, depressed over the use of aircraft in war, he
committed suicide.
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