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The extant generalizations about the grammar of space rely heavily
on the analyses of declarative sentences. There is a need to check
whether these generalizations also hold in the domain of
interrogation. To this end this book analyzes data from some 450
languages (including non-standard varieties). The focus is on
paradigms of spatial interrogatives such as English where, whither
and whence and their internal organization. These paradigms are
checked for recurrent patterns of morphological mismatches (such as
syncretism) and different degrees of complexity (e.g. the number of
segments). The data-base consists of a large parallel literary
corpus (Le petit prince and translations thereof) which is
complemented by further sources of information such as descriptive
grammars. The data are analyzed from a synchronic perspective.
However, diachronic issues are addressed unsystematically, too. It
is shown that the distribution of phenomena which characterize
paradigms of spatial interrogatives are subject to areal-linguistic
factors. This is the first typological study of spatial
interrogatives. It provides new insights for students of the
grammar of space, morphological paradigms, and language typology.
Total reduplication is a widely common phenomenon in human
languages. Nevertheless, it has not gained sufficient attention
among linguists. This monograph demonstrates that the comparative
study of total reduplication challenges the traditional notion of
linguistic universal. Contrary to the belief that total
reduplication is almost completely unknown in the linguistic
landscape of Europe, it is shown that a sizable group of European
languages make ample use of total reduplication (not only for
lexical but also for grammatical purposes). This means that the
areal-typological map of the Old Continent has to be modified
considerably. With special focus on the situation in Europe, the
functional and formal aspects which determine the systematic
character of total reduplication are presented according to
quantitative and qualitative principles. Their importance for
general linguistic theory is elaborated upon. The results are
evaluated cartographically. The data are drawn from several hundred
languages (standard and nonstandard varieties) world-wide.
Methodologically, the study relies on a huge parallel literary
corpus. Totale Reduplikation ist ein zu Unrecht in der
typologischen Sprachforschung wenig beachtetes Phanomen. In dieser
Monographie wird nachgewiesen, dass die sprachvergleichende
Erforschung von totaler Reduplikation Konsequenzen fur das
allgemeine Verstandnis von sprachlichen Universalien hat. Auch in
Europa kann entgegen gangiger Auffassungen totale Reduplikation
nachgewiesen werden, wodurch das Bild vom sprachlichen Areal Europa
revidiert werden muss. Die funktionale und formale Systematik der
totalen Reduplikation wird in qualitativer und quantitativer
Hinsicht mit Schwerpunkt auf die europaische Situation detailliert
dargestellt und fur die allgemeine Theoriebildung fruchtbar
gemacht. Die Ergebnisse werden sprachgeographisch mit Hilfe von
Isoglossen ausgewertet. Die Daten stammen aus mehreren Hundert
Varietaten weltweit."
This is the first book-length functional-typologically inspired
crosslinguistic study of comitatives and related categories such as
the instrumental. On the basis of data drawn from 400 languages
world-wide (covering all major phyla and areas), the authors test
and revise a variety of general linguistic hypotheses about the
grammar and cognitive foundations of comitatives. Three types of
languages are identified according to the morphological treatment
of the comitative and its syncretistic association with other
concepts. It is shown that the structural behaviour of comitatives
is areally biassed and that the languages of Europe tend to diverge
from the majority of the world's languages. This has important
repercussions for a language-independent definition of the
comitative. The supposed conceptual closeness of comitative and
instrumental is discussed in some detail and a semantic map of the
comitative is put forward. Markedness is the crucial concept for
the evaluation of the relation that ties comitatives and
instrumentals to each other. In a separate chapter, the diachrony
of comitatives is looked into from the perspective of
grammaticalisation research. Throughout the book, the argumentation
is richly documented by empirical data. The book contains three
case-studies of the comitative in Icelandic, Latvian and Maltese -
each of which represents one of the three language types identified
earlier in the text. For the purpose of comparing the languages of
Europe, a chapter is devoted to the analysis of a large parallel
literary corpus (covering 64 languages) which reveals that the
parameters of genetic affiliation, areal location and typological
classification interact in intricate ways when it comes to
predicting whether or not two languages of the sample behave
similarly as to the use to which they put their comitative
morphemes. With a view to determining the degree of similarity
between the languages of the European sub-sample, methods of
quantitative typology are employed. General linguists with an
interest in case, functional typologists, grammaticalisation
researchers and experts of markedness issues will value this book
as an important contribution to their respective fields of
interest. We regret that, due to a PDF problem, the figure on page
111 is partly shown in black. Please find the correct table here.
Irregularitat als sprachwissenschaftliches Konzept ist bisher nur
unzureichend erforscht. Die Aufsatze widmen sich der Irregularitat
in der Flexions-, Derivations- und Kompositionsmorphologie und
leisten damit einen Beitrag zum besseren Verstandnis von
Irregularitat. Untersucht wird, wo Regelhaftigkeit in der
Irregularitat liegt, wie regelhafter Lautwandel Irregularitat
erzeugt, wie Paradigmen funktionieren (speziell in Bezug auf
Suppletivismus und "Overabundance") und wie die irregulare
Morphologie mit Syntax und Pragmatik zusammenspielt. Irregularitat
wird sowohl aus diachroner als auch aus synchroner Sicht
beleuchtet. Einige Studien wahlen eine psycholinguistische
Herangehensweise. Untersuchungssprachen reichen von Latein und
seinen Tochtersprachen Franzosisch, Katalanisch und Italienisch
uber Englisch, Deutsch, Griechisch, Russisch und Turkisch bis hin
zu Thompson Salish und einigen irokesischen Sprachen. Die im
Sammelband diskutierten Theorien reichen von der kanonischen
Typologie uber die Distributed Morphology, die Whole Word
Morphology und die Minimalistische Morphologie bis hin zu
prozeduralen und deklarativen Modellen."
As "reduplication" is a continuously discussed topic in the field
of linguistic typology and morphology there is still the need to
reach a deeper understanding of reduplicative processes. This
volume aims to explore the boundaries of reduplication proper from
an outside angle, i.e. by looking into non-prototypical cases which
challenge the formal and functional criteria for reduplication
proper. The articles selected cover various linguistic areals from
Southeast Asia, Africa and Europe. Abbi explores echo formations
and reduplicative expressives in Southeast Asia. Anderson presents
an in-depth study on various reduplication phenomena in the Munda
language family. Nintemann addresses a formal problem of
reduplication proper in Bantu languages. Finkbeiner discusses a
case of triplication in German, contrasting it with the framework
of reduplication. Kallergi & Konstantinidou provide an detailed
insight into several kinds of echo formations in Modern Greek,
including diachronic aspects. Rozhanskiy's focus is on unexpected
reduplicative patterns found in the formation of Komi ideophones.
Stolz delivers a thorough crosslinguistic investigation on
reduplicative phenomena, favouring the canonical approach over the
prototype method.
This collection of articles takes up the issue of Contact
Morphology raised by David Wilkins in 1996. In the majority of
contact-related studies, morphology is at best a marginal topic.
According to the extant borrowing hierarchies, bound morphology is
copied only rarely, if at all, because morphological copies
presuppose long-term intensive contact with prior massive borrowing
of content words and function words. On the other hand, especially
in studies of morphological change, contact is often identified as
the decisive factor which triggers the disintegration of
morphological systems. However, it remains to be seen whether these
two standard treatments of morphology in contact situations exhaust
the phenomenology of Contact Morphology. The 14 papers of the
present volume shed new light on the behavior of morphology under
the conditions of language contact. Fresh empirical data from 40
languages world-wide are presented and new theory-based concepts
are discussed. Morphologies in Contact is a first in the history of
both morphology and language contact studies. It is meant to mark
the beginning of an international research program which explores
the entire range of aspects connected to morphologies in contact
and thus, paves the way for a full-blown Contact Morphology qua
linguistic discipline. Dieser Sammelband greift den Begriff der
Kontaktmorphologie (Contact Morphology) auf, der 1996 von David
Wilkins gepragt wurde. Bisher gehen die meisten
Sprachkontaktstudien davon aus, dass morphologische Strukturen
selten entlehnt werden, da eine Kopie morphologischer Strukturen
einen intensiven und langandauernden Sprachkontakt mit
vorausgehender massiver Entlehnung von Lexemen und Funktionswortern
voraussetzt. Arbeiten zu morphologischen Veranderungen sehen
Sprachkontakt dagegen haufig als entscheidende Ursache fur die
Auflosung des morphologischen Systems an. Im vorliegenden Band wird
untersucht, inwieweit diese Herangehensweisen der Phanomenologie
der Kontaktmorphologie gerecht werden konnen. Die 14 Artikel geben
Aufschluss uber die Veranderung morphologischer Strukturen unter
Sprachkontaktbedingungen. Es werden empirische Daten aus 40
Sprachen weltweit prasentiert und neue theoretische Konzepte
diskutiert. Der Band markiert den Beginn eines internationalen
Forschungsprogramms, das Morphologie im Sprachkontakt unter den
unterschiedlichsten Blickwinkeln untersucht und so den Weg ebnet
fur die Etablierung von Kontaktmorphologie als eigenstandige
wissenschaftliche Disziplin."
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