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Dr Akiva Gamliel tackles difficult subjects and confusing doctrines
head on throughout Mysterious SIGNS Of The Torah Revealed In
Leviticus. Religions outside of Observant Judaism teach different
flavors of pseudo doctrines about Offerings, Sacrifices, Tributes
and Tefilliah / Prayer. They have confused there followers with
these teachings. This results in serious misunderstandings. Reading
this book helps the People of Israel to understand the background
behind why other religions believe and think the way they do. For
those in these religions outside of Judaism Dr Akiva Gamliel
clarifies the roots and reasons for these misunderstandings from a
sound Biblical position. He Teaches one should live a righteous
life. Yet, if they fail how to repent and receive forgiveness.
Early in the book Dr Akiva Gamliel discusses the separation of The
High Priest, The Priests and The People of Israel and the
Observances that are intended to separate The People of Israel from
everyone else. The purpose for offering these discussions is to
help those who are Jewish to realize the great importance of their
responsibilities to The Lord God and to humanity. The purpose is to
also educate non-Jews to the why it is absolutely necessary for The
People of Israel to follow the Observances of Ha Torah. Dr Akiva
Gamliel explains in this book the very huge impact that would
result if all The People of Israel all of the sudden stopped
Observing the 613 Mitzvot of Ha Torah. I like the way in which Dr
Akiva Gamliel reaches out to the non-observant People of Israel as
well as to those who are not Jewish. His purpose is to encourage
all The People of Israel regardless of where they are at to Observe
Ha Torah. His purpose is to deliver a message to those who are
discomforted with where they presently are. He specifically reaches
out to those desiring to be Jewish. Dr Akiva Gamliel discusses why
they may feel this restlessness in their souls.
What do Jews believe? There are many ideas about what Jews believe.
And there is a load of disinformation about what Jews believe.
Teachers, Spiritual Leaders, Pastors, Priests and over 700
different religions all have ideas about what Jews believe. With
all this speculation, how is one going to know what Jews believe?
Who do you think would be best qualified to share what Jews
believe? Dr. Akiva Gamliel translates a few words in this book that
could change your life, make the foundation of your beliefs tremble
and perhaps collapse or validate what you thought was true. Dr.
Akiva Gamliel sheds light on the issues of Salvation, Sin,
Repentance and many other issues. If you are a seeker of Truth this
book will be a light on your path dispelling myths and untruths.
Gematria Azer is the compilation of each weeks Parshat study for
Bereisheit / Genesis for 2013. We dig deep into some subjects like
What is The Creator's Revealed Light?, What is it Like to be
Perfect? Is Prayer Important?, Who is my SoulMate?, What makes a
man the perfect husband? and What are actions of love? There are
relevant Gematrias that answer these questions. We discuss and
explore them. A brief video based on the center question of each
Chapter / Parshat is also available. This an easy to read book
especially for those who are interested in learning a little Hebrew
along with a few Gematrias. My hearts desire is that this book will
be an inspiration for the reader to Love The Lord God and their
fellow man.
My wife, Revi and I were traveling up the interstate when all of
the sudden we came upon this huge sign. We were informed that we
could not get off our normal place of exit. It was closed for
repairs. Now we would be forced to follow this detour that went on
for miles. We eventually reconnected with the road we would have
exited at. Oh relief, no more detour. Road Closed signs and detours
can be very frustrating. Many readers of Would You Like To Be
Jewish know what it feels like to be placed on this endless road of
detours towards their goal of converting to Judaism. Some of you
visited with a Rabbi who may have said, something like this, 'Why
do you want to convert? Why do you want to be Jewish? We don't do
conversions in Judaism.' You ended up walking away disappointed,
angered, exasperated, annoyed and very dissatisfied. Eventually you
find a rabbi that agrees to do the conversion. Then you find out he
charges thousands of dollars to do conversions and the conversation
will take several years. Now you are steaming. You think, how can
this be? All these detours keep popping up Some of the detours or
road closed signs are the result of what we perceive Judaism to
believe and to teach. In this book we bring clarity. We close the
gaps and fill in blank pages. I explain why we have issues with
Jesus. We carefully review a few of these issues. When the reader
understands our issues then our issues will be come the reader's
issues. You will understand and identify. We study inspiration and
revelation. We discuss and compare the Hebrew Scriptures and the
Christian Writings. Have you ever read the NIV Bible's Introduction
to each Book in the Christian Writings? Read Author and Date. Take
away the speculation, the theories, the conjectures and the guesses
and so much of what is left is blank. We go behind the scenes to
learn how the Bible was written and copied. What precautions were
followed to eliminate errors etc. When one sees how this comes
together road closed signs are removed. Individual objections...
beliefs... doctrines that have held one back from their heart's
desire to convert to Judaism diminish to a size where we can deal
with them. Dear Reader if you are supposed to return to Judaism or
to convert to Judaism my book will help you. If your soul stood at
Mount Sinai to receive the Observances then this book will be
helpful. Even if you don't want to be Jewish but want to learn
about Judaism my book will be helpful. May the Creator of the
Universe help each of us be the people we are supposed to be. Each
book in this series will reveal greater detail as we study along
together. I share a number of stories and insights.
What is Gematria? The word Gematria is a Greek word that comes from
geometry which is a branch of mathematics. Watch a Video about
Gematria: https: //www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10201804737095628
The world thinks of Hebrew Letters and numbers like they think of
letters and numbers of their own language. The world views Gematria
through the eyes of geometry. This makes sense to the world. And
those of us who are Jewish can see how and why the world views
Gematria from this position. HOWEVER, and I MUST emphasize,
Gematria is not the correct term for understanding The Letters, and
Numbers of Hebrew. The correct term is Oht meaning, 'A Sign, A
marvel, A Symbol. Yet even Oht does not express the entire meaning.
Hebrew Letters and Numbers are also a Mystical form of revelation.
Hebrew Letters and Numbers provide us with Spiritual revelation.
Hebrew Letters and Numbers have the power of opening avenues that
are new to us. When I use the term Gematria, this term does not
explain or reveal the true meaning or intent of the Spiritual
Revelations hidden in Hebrew Letters and Numbers. Hebrew is the
original language of the universe. The Lord God Created the
Universe with ten utterances spoken from the Hebrew language.
Hebrew is separated from all other languages of the world. We call
It Loshon Kodesh, the Holy Language. Within the pages of this book
are Spiritual Revelations that can help us. This Mystical Phenomena
is exclusive to The Words of Ha Torah. Our Creator Instructed Moshe
to place The Letter Tav in front of certain HEBREW WORDS that He
Desired to change the Numerical Calculation on and to Give the
reader a Sign. The purpose for Giving a Sign is to indicate that
this is a good place to spend time studying. There is a hidden
Revelation here. Geometry and mathematical calculations and
translations do not reveal what is in Loshon Kodesh Only
experienced individuals who have walked these paths look for these
special Mystical signs in the Hebrew Text of The Hebrew Scriptures.
This is only one example of the many signs within Loshon Kodesh.
Lets say for example that the Word emphasized in Hebrew in The
Torah by The Letter Tav was Law Mohd meaning 'to learn'. When the
Letter Tav is placed in front of Law Mohd the meaning of the Word
does not change. It still means to learn. The Gematria relationship
changes from being 74 to 474. There is NO WAY for other languages
to reflect the Mysticism in the translation. Hebrew Letters and
Numbers are a Sign and contain many revelations. Gematria is only a
small portion of what is hidden in the Letters, Numbers, Words,
Phrases, etc., of The Hebrew Language. Hebrew Letters and Numbers
are NOT numerology Hebrew Letters and Numbers are NOT geometry
Please do not be fooled by all the discussions trying to broaden
the boundaries of what The Lord God ONLY Established just among The
Hebrew Letters and Numbers There are untold thousands upon
thousands of Revelations hidden within the Letters and Numbers of
Hebrew that translators are entirely oblivious too. I try to share
a few of these Revelations in this book. This is why they are call
Mysterious signs or Mystical revelations... They are NOT magical
The Revelations are Holy and Spiritual. The Hidden Revelations have
great potential not understood by the human mind...
Dear Ones, There are many revelations that flow out of the Hebrew
Text and onto the pages of Dr. Akiva Gamliel's book, Mysterious
SIGNS Of The Torah Revealed In EXODUS. This is the second in a
series of Five Books, God Willing. The reader will be introduced to
truths not discussed among the religions of the world. The cost of
this book is a small investment for what the reader will learn. The
Gematria in my husband's book is deep and intense, inspiring and
extremely interesting. Dr. Akiva Gamliel has provided a Gematria
Chart in the beginning of the book plus a glossary in the back to
assist those who are not acquainted with Gematria / Biblical
numbers. Mysterious SIGNS Of The Torah Revealed In EXODUS is more
than just a book. It's an exploration of Biblical truths organized
into the Weekly Parshat study of the Bible. The reader will not
want to put Dr. Akiva Gamliel book down. In addition Dr. Akiva
Gamliel shares additional information on B'nai Noach Torah
Institute's learning Blog specifically about this book. Readers are
invited to join in with comments and questions. Hebrew in the Bible
unveils answers to many mysteries. The entire Bible is founded upon
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The truths
that flow out of these five books of the Bible and into other Books
of the Bible is amazing. The conundrum is different than within the
rest of the Bible. Why? There is a system of Hebrew Letters which
each have a numerical value that have the power to reveal many new
things to us. The numerical values can reveal many interesting and
mystifying relationships within the Hebrew Letters, Words, Phrases
etc. of the First Five Books. Over decades of study and research
Dr. Akiva Gamliel has recorded many signs written in this book. He
has gathered, compiled and organized years of discovery into this
mystical book for us to learn, enjoy and share. Many years can pass
between one discovery to another which forms a bridge between two
discoveries. Revelations are the product of many bridges. Enclosed
in this book are some of these special relationships. There is a
special sweetness in sharing a Torah Gematria / Sign during a
wonderful warm Friday evening Shabbat meal or on another occasion.
[email protected] May our Creator Bless each of us... Blessings, Love,
Health, Prosperity, Kindness and Peace, Brachah Rivkah Belk
The Gospel Writers each offer a different perspective of Jesus last
six days on Earth. They differ some. It can be quite interesting
and very challenging. Each goes to great measure sharing about
Jesus last six days on earth. About 30 percent of Matthew, 33
percent of Mark, 30% of Luke and 40% of John share their individual
views of the history of Jesus last six days of Jesus Life on Earth.
The reader will learn a great deal of what happened from mornng to
evening during the last six days of Jesus life on earth.
Dear Ones, There are many revelations that flow out of the Hebrew
Text and onto the pages of Dr. Akiva Gamliel's book, Mysterious
SIGNS Of The Torah Revealed In GENESIS. This is the first in a
series of Five Books, God Willing. The reader will be introduced to
truths not discussed among the religions of the world. The cost of
this book is a small investment for what the reader will learn. The
Gematria in my husband's book is deep and intense, inspiring and
extremely interesting. Dr. Akiva Gamliel has provided a Gematria
Chart in the beginning of the book plus a glossary in the back to
assist those who are not acquainted with Gematria / Biblical
numbers. Mysterious SIGNS Of The Torah Revealed In GENESIS is more
than just a book. It's an exploration of Biblical truths organized
into the Weekly Parshat study of the Bible. The reader will not
want to put Dr. Akiva Gamliel book down. In addition Dr. Akiva
Gamliel shares additional information on B'nai Noach Torah
Institute's learning Blog specifically about this book. Readers are
invited to join in with comments and questions. Hebrew in the Bible
unveils answers to many mysteries. The entire Bible is founded upon
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The truths
that flow out of these five books of the Bible and into other Books
of the Bible is amazing. The conundrum is different than within the
rest of the Bible. Why? There is a system of Hebrew Letters which
each have a numerical value that have the power to reveal many new
things to us. The numerical values can reveal many interesting and
mystifying relationships within the Hebrew Letters, Words, Phrases
etc. of the First Five Books. Over decades of study and research
Dr. Akiva Gamliel has recorded many signs written in this book. He
has gathered, compiled and organized years of discovery into this
mystical book for us to learn, enjoy and share. Many years can pass
between one discovery to another which forms a bridge between two
discoveries. Revelations are the product of many bridges. Enclosed
in this book are some of these special relationships. There is a
special sweetness in sharing a Torah Gematria / Sign during a
wonderful warm Friday evening Shabbat meal or on another occasion.
Dr. Akiva Gamliel welcomes your study of this book at: http:
If you have any questions please contact a staff member at:
[email protected] May our Creator Bless each of us... Blessings, Love,
Health, Prosperity, Kindness and Peace, Brachah Rivkah Belk
Dear Ones, There are many revelations that flow out of the Hebrew
Text and onto the pages of Dr. Akiva Gamliel's book, Gematria And
Mysticism In GENESIS. The reader will be introduced to truths not
discussed among the religions of the world. I invite you to watch
this short video of Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk discussing Gematria.
https: //www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10201804737095628 The cost of
this book is a small investment for what the reader will learn. The
Gematria in my husband's book is deep and intense, inspiring and
extremely interesting. Dr. Akiva Gamliel has provided a Gematria
Chart in the beginning of the book plus a glossary in the back to
assist those who are not acquainted with Gematria / Biblical
numbers. Gematria And Mysticism In GENESIS is more than just a
book. It's an exploration of Biblical truths. The reader will not
want to put Dr. Akiva Gamliel book down. In addition Dr. Akiva
Gamliel shares additional information on B'nai Noach Torah
Institute's learning Blog specifically about this book. Readers are
invited to join in with comments and questions. Hebrew in the Bible
unveils answers to many mysteries. The entire Bible is founded upon
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The truths
that flow out of these five books of the Bible and into other Books
of the Bible is amazing. The conundrum is different than within the
rest of the Bible. Why? There is a system of Hebrew Letters which
each have a numerical value that have the power to reveal many new
things to us. The numerical values can reveal many interesting and
mystifying relationships within the Hebrew Letters, Words, Phrases
etc. of the First Five Books. Over decades of study and research
Dr. Akiva Gamliel has recorded many signs written in this book. He
has gathered, compiled and organized years of discovery into this
mystical book for us to learn, enjoy and share. Many years can pass
between one discovery to another which forms a bridge between two
discoveries. Revelations are the product of many bridges. Enclosed
in this book are some of these special relationships. There is a
special sweetness in sharing a Torah Gematria / Sign during a
wonderful warm Friday evening Shabbat meal or on another occasion.
Dr. Akiva Gamliel welcomes your study of this book at: http:
If you have any questions please contact a staff member at:
[email protected] May our Creator Bless each of us... Blessings, Love,
Health, Prosperity, Kindness and Peace, Revi Belk