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Neo-Modern philosophy at the forefront of psychology and the
cutting edge of sociology all within the field of memetics.
Modernity, Technology and Social Development with Nuclear Fusion
and Hydrogen Fuel Cell social energy base and social
superstructures. The self and social evolution. Art, Introspection,
culture and the origin and communication of idea through memes. The
ego, art and the sublime and social consciousness. The state,
ideology, genealogy, civil rights, propaganda, the 'underclass'
gated communities, Poverty, intelligence, higher education and
human flourishing. Social consciousness, memetic and genetic
humanism. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars, global solidity, autonomy
and free-will. The aids virus in Africa and technology patents, the
unification and modernization of the second and third world. Dawn
of the Neo-Modern is new philosophy for a new millennium.
Written by experts on the forefront of investigations of brain
function, vision, and perception, the material presented is of an
unparalleled scientific quality, and shows that analyses of
enormous breadth and sophistication are required to probe the
structure and function of brain regions. The articles are highly
persuasive in showing what can be achieved by carrying out careful
and imaginative experiments. The Cat Primary Visual Cortex should
emerge as essential reading for all those interested in cerebral
cortical processing of visual signals or researching or working in
any field of vision.
Key Features
* Comprehensive account of cat primary visual cortex
* Generous use of illustrations including color
* Covers research from structure to connections to functions
* Chapters by leaders in the field
* Topics presneted on multiple, compatible levels
This volume of Cerebral Cortex is dedicated to Sir John Eccles, who
was an active member of the advisory board for the series until his
death in May 1997. His input as to what topics should be covered in
future volumes of this series will be sorely missed. The present
volume is concerned with neurodegenerative disorders and age
related changes in the structure and function of the cerebral
cortex, a topic that has attracted increasing interest as longevity
and the number of aged individuals in the population increase.
Although much of the research on the neurodegenerative effects of
aging has been centered on Alzheimer's disease, most of the aging
popu lation will not be afflicted by this disease. They will,
however, be affected by the consequences of normal aging, so the
first few chapters of this volume are con cerned with that topic.
Chapter 1, by Marilyn S. Albert and Mark B. Moss, gives an account
of the cognitive changes that accompany normal human aging. Chapter
2, by Mark B."
The cerebral cortex, especially that part customarily designated
"neocortex," is one of the hallmarks of mammalian evolution and
reaches its greatest size, relatively speaking, and its widest
structural diversity in the human brain. The evolution of this
structure, as remarkable for the huge numbers of neurons that it
contains as for the range of behaviors that it controls, has been
of abiding interest to many generations of neuroscientists. Yet few
theories of cortical evo lution have been proposed and none has
stood the test of time. In particular, no theory has been
successful in bridging the evolutionary gap that appears to exist
between the pallium of nonmammalian vertebrates and the neocortex
of mam mals. Undoubtedly this stems in large part from the rapid
divergence of non mammalian and mammalian forms and the lack of
contemporary species whose telencephalic wall can be seen as having
transitional characteristics. The mono treme cortex, for example,
is unquestionably mammalian in organization and that of no living
reptile comes close to resembling it. Yet anatomists such as Ramon
y Cajal, on examining the finer details of cortical structure, were
struck by the similarities in neuronal form, particularly of the
pyramidal cells, and their predisposition to laminar alignment
shared by representatives of all vertebrate classes."
This volume deals with some of the association areas of the
cerebral cortex and with the auditory cortex. In the first chapter,
by Deepak Pandya and Edward Yeterian, the general architectural
features and connections of cortical associ ation areas are
considered; as these authors point out, in primates the association
areas take up a considerable portion of the total cortical surface.
Indeed, it is the development of the association areas that
accounts for the greatest differ ences between the brains of
primate and non primate species, and these areas have long been
viewed as crucial in the formation of higher cognitive and be
havioral functions. In the following chapter, Irving Diamond, David
Fitzpatrick, and James Sprague consider the question of whether the
functions of the as sociation areas depend on projections from the
sensory areas of the cortex. They use the visual cortex to examine
this question and show that there is a great deal of difference
between species in the amount of dependence, the differences being
paralleled by variations in the manner in which the geniculate and
pulvinar nuclei of the thalamus project to the striate and extra
striate cortical areas. One of the more interesting and perhaps
least understood of the association areas is the cingulate cortex,
discussed by Brent Vogt. Cingulate cortex has been linked with
emotion and with affective responses to pain, and in his chapter
Vogt gives an account of its cytoarchitecture, connections, and
Over the last twenty-five years, there has been an extensive
effort, still growing for that matter, to explore and understand
the organization of extrastriate cor tex in primates. We now
recognize that most of caudal neocortex is visual in some sense and
that this large visual region includes many distinct areas. Some of
these areas have been well defined, and connections, neural
properties, and the functional consequences of deactivations have
been studied. More recently, non invasive imaging of cortical
activity patterns during visual tasks has led to an expanding
stream of papers on extrastriate visual cortex of humans, and
results have been related to theories of visual cortex organization
that have emerged from research on monkeys. Against this backdrop,
the time seems ripe for a review of progress and a glance at the
future. One caveat important to emphasize at the very onset is that
the reader may be puzzled or confused by the use of different
terminologies. Individual investi gators commonly tend to favor
different terminologies, but in general some prove more
advantageous than others. As discussed by Rowe and Stone (1977) as
well as by others, there is an unfortunate tendency for
role-indicating names to lead to fixed ideas about function, in
contrast to those that are more neutral and adaptable to new
Volume 10 is a direct continuation and extension of Volume 3 in
this series, Visual Cortex. Given the impressive proliferation of
papers on visual cortex over the intervening eight years, Volume 10
has specifically targeted visual cortex in primates and, even so,
it has not been possible to survey all of the major or relevant
developments in this area. Some research areas are experiencing
rapid change and can best be treated more comprehensively in a
subsequent volume; for example, elaboration of color vision;
patterns and subdivisions of functional columns. One major goal of
this volume has been to provide an overview of the intrinsic
structural and functional aspects of area 17 itself. Considerable
pro gress has been made since 1985 in unraveling the modular and
laminar organi zation of area 17; and this aspect is directly
addressed in the chapters by Peters, Lund et al., Wong-Riley, and
Casagrande and Kaas. A recurring leitmotif here is the evidence for
precise and exquisite order in the interlaminar and tangential
connectivity of elements. At the same time, however, as detailed by
Lund et al. and Casagrande and Kaas, the very richness of the
connectivity implies a multi plicity of processing routes. This
reinforces evidence that parallel pathways may not be strictly
segregated. Further connectional complexity is contributed by the
various sets of inhibitory neurons, as reviewed by Lund et al. and
Jones et al."
The use of more robust, affordable, and efficient techniques and
technologies in the application of medicine is presently a subject
of huge interest and demand. Technology and Medical Sciences
solidifies knowledge in the fields of technology and medical
sciences and to define their key stakeholders. The book is designed
for academics in engineering, mathematics, medicine, biomechanics,
computation sciences, hardware development and manufacturing,
electronics and instrumentation, and materials science.
The use of more robust, affordable and efficient techniques and
technologies in the application of medicine is presently a subject
of huge interest and demand. The main purposes of Technology and
Medical Sciences is to solidify knowledge in the fields of
Technology and Medical Sciences and to define their key
stakeholders. The book is of interest to academics in Engineering,
Mathematics, Medicine, Biomechanics, Computation Sciences, Hardware
Developers and Manufactures, Electronic and Instrumentation and
Materials Science.
Over the last twenty-five years, there has been an extensive
effort, still growing for that matter, to explore and understand
the organization of extrastriate cor tex in primates. We now
recognize that most of caudal neocortex is visual in some sense and
that this large visual region includes many distinct areas. Some of
these areas have been well defined, and connections, neural
properties, and the functional consequences of deactivations have
been studied. More recently, non invasive imaging of cortical
activity patterns during visual tasks has led to an expanding
stream of papers on extrastriate visual cortex of humans, and
results have been related to theories of visual cortex organization
that have emerged from research on monkeys. Against this backdrop,
the time seems ripe for a review of progress and a glance at the
future. One caveat important to emphasize at the very onset is that
the reader may be puzzled or confused by the use of different
terminologies. Individual investi gators commonly tend to favor
different terminologies, but in general some prove more
advantageous than others. As discussed by Rowe and Stone (1977) as
well as by others, there is an unfortunate tendency for
role-indicating names to lead to fixed ideas about function, in
contrast to those that are more neutral and adaptable to new
This volume deals with some of the association areas of the
cerebral cortex and with the auditory cortex. In the first chapter,
by Deepak Pandya and Edward Yeterian, the general architectural
features and connections of cortical associ ation areas are
considered; as these authors point out, in primates the association
areas take up a considerable portion of the total cortical surface.
Indeed, it is the development of the association areas that
accounts for the greatest differ ences between the brains of
primate and non primate species, and these areas have long been
viewed as crucial in the formation of higher cognitive and be
havioral functions. In the following chapter, Irving Diamond, David
Fitzpatrick, and James Sprague consider the question of whether the
functions of the as sociation areas depend on projections from the
sensory areas of the cortex. They use the visual cortex to examine
this question and show that there is a great deal of difference
between species in the amount of dependence, the differences being
paralleled by variations in the manner in which the geniculate and
pulvinar nuclei of the thalamus project to the striate and extra
striate cortical areas. One of the more interesting and perhaps
least understood of the association areas is the cingulate cortex,
discussed by Brent Vogt. Cingulate cortex has been linked with
emotion and with affective responses to pain, and in his chapter
Vogt gives an account of its cytoarchitecture, connections, and
Volume 10 is a direct continuation and extension of Volume 3 in
this series, Visual Cortex. Given the impressive proliferation of
papers on visual cortex over the intervening eight years, Volume 10
has specifically targeted visual cortex in primates and, even so,
it has not been possible to survey all of the major or relevant
developments in this area. Some research areas are experiencing
rapid change and can best be treated more comprehensively in a
subsequent volume; for example, elaboration of color vision;
patterns and subdivisions of functional columns. One major goal of
this volume has been to provide an overview of the intrinsic
structural and functional aspects of area 17 itself. Considerable
pro gress has been made since 1985 in unraveling the modular and
laminar organi zation of area 17; and this aspect is directly
addressed in the chapters by Peters, Lund et al., Wong-Riley, and
Casagrande and Kaas. A recurring leitmotif here is the evidence for
precise and exquisite order in the interlaminar and tangential
connectivity of elements. At the same time, however, as detailed by
Lund et al. and Casagrande and Kaas, the very richness of the
connectivity implies a multi plicity of processing routes. This
reinforces evidence that parallel pathways may not be strictly
segregated. Further connectional complexity is contributed by the
various sets of inhibitory neurons, as reviewed by Lund et al. and
Jones et al.
The cerebral cortex, especially that part customarily designated
"neocortex," is one of the hallmarks of mammalian evolution and
reaches its greatest size, relatively speaking, and its widest
structural diversity in the human brain. The evolution of this
structure, as remarkable for the huge numbers of neurons that it
contains as for the range of behaviors that it controls, has been
of abiding interest to many generations of neuroscientists. Yet few
theories of cortical evo lution have been proposed and none has
stood the test of time. In particular, no theory has been
successful in bridging the evolutionary gap that appears to exist
between the pallium of nonmammalian vertebrates and the neocortex
of mam mals. Undoubtedly this stems in large part from the rapid
divergence of non mammalian and mammalian forms and the lack of
contemporary species whose telencephalic wall can be seen as having
transitional characteristics. The mono treme cortex, for example,
is unquestionably mammalian in organization and that of no living
reptile comes close to resembling it. Yet anatomists such as Ramon
y Cajal, on examining the finer details of cortical structure, were
struck by the similarities in neuronal form, particularly of the
pyramidal cells, and their predisposition to laminar alignment
shared by representatives of all vertebrate classes."
The cerebral cortex, especially that part customarily designated
"neocortex," is one of the hallmarks of mammalian evolution and
reaches its greatest size, relatively speaking, and its widest
structural diversity in the human brain. The evolution of this
structure, as remarkable for the huge numbers of neurons that it
contains as for the range of behaviors that it controls, has been
of abiding interest to many generations of neuroscientists. Yet few
theories of cortical evo lution have been proposed and none has
stood the test of time. In particular, no theory has been
successful in bridging the evolutionary gap that appears to exist
between the pallium of non mammalian vertebrates and the neocortex
of mam mals. Undoubtedly this stems in large part from the rapid
divergence of non mammalian and mammalian forms and the lack of
contemporary species whose telencephalic wall can be seen as having
transitional characteristics. The mono treme cortex, for example,
is unquestionably mammalian in organization and that of no living
reptile comes close to resembling it. Yet anatomists such as Ramon
y Cajal, on examining the finer details of cortical structure, were
struck by the similarities in neuronal form, particularly of the
pyramidal cells, and their predisposition to laminar alignment
shared by representatives of all vertebrate classes.
This volume of Cerebral Cortex is dedicated to Sir John Eccles, who
was an active member of the advisory board for the series until his
death in May 1997. His input as to what topics should be covered in
future volumes of this series will be sorely missed. The present
volume is concerned with neurodegenerative disorders and age
related changes in the structure and function of the cerebral
cortex, a topic that has attracted increasing interest as longevity
and the number of aged individuals in the population increase.
Although much of the research on the neurodegenerative effects of
aging has been centered on Alzheimer's disease, most of the aging
popu lation will not be afflicted by this disease. They will,
however, be affected by the consequences of normal aging, so the
first few chapters of this volume are con cerned with that topic.
Chapter 1, by Marilyn S. Albert and Mark B. Moss, gives an account
of the cognitive changes that accompany normal human aging. Chapter
2, by Mark B."
Volume 2 of Cerebral Cortex continues our policy of dealing with
the individual elements of the cerebral cortex before moving on in
subsequent volumes to a consideration of the details of the various
functional areas. Volume 1 of the treatise dealt with the
morphology of cortical neurons, and Volume 2 continues this theme
to some extent by including chapters devoted to the morphology of
cortical neuroglial cells, of immunocytochemically labeled neurons,
and of in tracellularly i ected neurons. However, the major
emphasis of this volume and of Volume 3, which will follow it, is
on the functional characteristics of cortical neurons and
neuroglial cells, particularly those of transmitter and receptor
iden tity and of electrophysiological uniqueness. Volume 2
emphasizes these char acteristics in relation to the intrinsic
cortical elements; Volume 3 will continue this and add chapters on
the afferent and efferent systems of the cortex. Together, Volumes
2 and 3 will cover all of the transmitters, receptors, and related
compounds that have so far been discovered in the cerebral cortex.
It is the interrelations among the neuronal elements expressing
these materials that determine the functional operations of the
cerebral cortex, and the necessity for understanding how the
appropriate cooperation between the neuronal ele ments is achieved
is highlighted by Sir John C. Eccles's introductory chapter on "The
Cerebral Neocortex: A Theory of Its Operation."
The previous volumes in this series have dealt with the mature
cerebral cortex. In those volumes many of the structurally and
physiologically distinct areas of the cerebral cortex, their
connections, the various types of neurons and neuroglial cells they
contain, and the functions of those cells have been considered. In
the present volume the contributions focus on the development of
the neocortex and hippocampus. Chapters in this volume describe how
the neurons migrate in the cortex to attain their ultimate
positions, and emphasize the role played by the preexisting pallium
or primordial plexiform layer of the cerebral vesicle in the
development of the cerebral cortex. The primordial plexiform layer
becomes split by the invasion of neurons that will form the
cortical plate, and mutants in which the neuronal migration is
abnormal provide valuable information about the role of the radial
glial cells in this migration. It is also made clear that although
the mechanics of development in the hippocampus are similar to
those in the neocortex, the development of the hippocampus involves
some unique features. For example, neuronal proliferation in the
dentate gyrus continues well into postnatal life.
Volume 6 of Cerebral Cortex is in some respects a continuation of
Volume 2, which dealt with the functional aspects of cortical
neurons from the physiological and pharmacological points of view.
In the current volume, chapters are devoted to the catecholamines,
which for a number of reasons were not represented in the earlier
volume, and to acetylcholine and the neuropeptides, about which
much new information has recently appeared. Volume 6 deals in part
with the structure and function of cholinergic and
catecholaminergic neuronal systems in the cerebral cortex and with
new aspects of the cortical peptidergic neurons, notably the almost
universal propensity of the known cortical peptides for being
colocalized with classical transmitters and with one another. It
thus completes our coverage of the major cortical neuro transmitter
and neuromodulatory systems. Other chapters in this volume deal
with data pertaining to the proportions of different types of cells
and synapses in the neocortex and the physiology of the cortical
neuroglial cells. These latter are topics that rarely receive
separate treatment and the current chapters serve again to continue
discussions of subjects that were introduced in Volume 2. The
previous volumes have all been devoted to the neocortex but the
present one introduces the subject of the archicortex. To this end,
separate chapters are devoted to the physiology and anatomy of the
hippocampal formation."
This volume of the series on "Cerebral Cortex" deals with a variety
of topics that need to be considered in our overall understanding
of the functions of the cerebral hemispheres. Chapters in the first
part of this volume deal with normal functions that were not
covered in earlier volumes, while chapters in the latter part deal
with the functioning of the cortex in various altered states. The
first chapter is by Eberhard Fetz, Keisuke Toyama, and Wade Smith,
and it considers the interactions that can be demonstrated to exist
between cortical neurons by using the technique of
cross-correlation. The second chapter is by Brent Vogt who examines
the connections and functions of layer I of the cerebral cortex, a
layer that has been largely ignored in the past, and he proposes
that this layer probably plays an important role in learning and
memory acquisi tion. This is followed by a chapter in which Oswald
Steward presents a review of what is currently known about synaptic
replacement following denervation of cortical neurons, and
especially those in the hippocampus.
Volume 5 of Cerebral Cortex completes the sequence of three volumes
on the individual functional areas of the cerebral cortex by
covering the somatosensory and motor areas. However, the chapters
on these areas lead naturally to a series of others on patterns of
connectivity in the cortex, intracortical and subcortical, so that
the volume as a whole achieves a much broader viewpoint. The
individual chapters on the sensory-motor areas reflect the
considerable diversity of interest within the field, for each of
the authors has given his or her chapter a different emphasis,
reflecting in part topical interest and in part the body of data
resulting from work in a particular species. In considering the
functional organization of the somatosensory cortex, Robert Dykes
and Andre Ruest have chosen to concentrate on the nature of the
mapping process and its significance. Harold Burton, in his chapter
on the somatosensory fields buried in the sylvian fissure, shows
how critical is an understanding of this mapping process in the
functional subdivision of the cortex. A frequently overlooked
subdivision of the cortex, the vestibular region, is given the
emphasis it deserves in a chapter by John Fredrickson and Allan
Rubin. The further functional subdivisions that occur within the
first somatosensory area are given an anatom ical basis in the
review by Edward Jones of connectivity in the primate sensory motor
Devoted to design principles, influences, appreciation, and
application, this fully illustrated manual presents a thoroughly
unique approach to becoming a professional furniture maker and
designer. Examples of work suitable for both batch production and
one-off commission work are discussed, as well as the tools and
machinery required for a variety of working situations. Business
efficiency methods are also explored, including the available
professional help such as accountants and solicitors who may ease
the paperwork side of running a business, in addition to the
promotional aspects--exhibitions, press coverage, gallery display,
and photography--that are so essential to growth. This handbook is
indispensable to any self-employed craftsman, student, or
woodworker looking to start a business.
Volume 5 of Cerebral Cortex completes the sequence of three volumes
on the individual functional areas of the cerebral cortex by
covering the somatosensory and motor areas. However, the chapters
on these areas lead naturally to a series of others on patterns of
connectivity in the cortex, intracortical and subcortical, so that
the volume as a whole achieves a much broader viewpoint. The
individual chapters on the sensory-motor areas reflect the
considerable diversity of interest within the field, for each of
the authors has given his or her chapter a different emphasis,
reflecting in part topical interest and in part the body of data
resulting from work in a particular species. In considering the
functional organization of the somatosensory cortex, Robert Dykes
and Andre Ruest have chosen to concentrate on the nature of the
mapping process and its significance. Harold Burton, in his chapter
on the somatosensory fields buried in the sylvian fissure, shows
how critical is an understanding of this mapping process in the
functional subdivision of the cortex. A frequently overlooked
subdivision of the cortex, the vestibular region, is given the
emphasis it deserves in a chapter by John Fredrickson and Allan
Rubin. The further functional subdivisions that occur within the
first somatosensory area are given an anatom ical basis in the
review by Edward Jones of connectivity in the primate sensory motor