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Hegels Theorie des ausseren Staatsrechts in seinen "Grundlinien der
Philosophie des Rechts" weist ausdrucklich Kants Idee eines
Volkerbundes in der Schrift "Zum ewigen Frieden" als unrealistisch
zuruck; es gebe "keinen Prator, hochstens Schiedsrichter und
Vermittler zwischen Staaten, und auch diese nur zufalligerweise."
Beide Konzepte die Unausweichlichkeit auch gewaltsamer
Konfrontationen der Staaten bei Hegel, die Moglichkeit ihrer
rechtlichen Integration bei Kant bilden den Gegenstand dieses
Buchs. In den Beitragen des Bandes geht es nicht nur um die
Rekonstruktion der Theorien Hegels und Kants, sondern auch um ihr
Weiterdenken unter den heutigen Bedingungen der Globalisierung und
asymmetrischer Kriege. Mit Beitragen von: Samir Arnautovic, Andreas
Arndt, Werner Becker, Hans-Georg Bensch, Paul Cruysberghs, Kazimir
Drilo, Walter Jaeschke, Jean-Francois Kervegan, Heinz Kimmerle,
Igor Mikecin, Vladimir Milisavljevic, Zvonko Posavec, Vahidin
Preljevic, Andrzej Przylebski, Davor Rodin, Leo e erko und Jure
Als Philosoph steht Schleiermacher noch immer im Schatten seiner
Zeitgenossen. Das Buch will seinen eigenstandigen Beitrag zur
Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie sichtbar machen. Gefragt wird,
worin das philosophische Gravitationszentrum der einschlagigen
Texte, Entwurfe und Vorlesungen Schleiermachers besteht, mit
welchen theoretischen Mitteln er dabei operiert und welche Stellung
er in der philosophischen Bewegung seiner Zeit einnimmt."
At the heart of Hegel s Aesthetics is the idea of the beautiful as
unity. This unity turns fragile once the mind's self-awareness
becomes conceptual and extends beyond sensory illusion. Focusing
the philosophy of art on the idea of the beautiful raises a set of
systematic problems, which are discussed in this volume with regard
to Hegel s Aesthetics, its historical contexts, and its reception."
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768 - 1834) was, in Berlin,
an eminent preacher, professor, and member of the academy. He
displayed an influential theological and philosophical position
between enlightenment, German idealism, and romanticism. The
historical-critical edition of Schleiermacher's complete works, his
unpublished writings and correspondence, published since 1980, has
been divided into the following five sections: I. Writings and
Drafts II. Lectures III. Sermons IV. Translations V. Correspondence
and Biographical Documents The first editorial section, Writings
and Drafts, includes all of Schleiermacher's writings which were
printed during his lifetime except those which belong to the
editorial sections III and IV. It also includes manuscripts either
relating to these printed works or to drafts which do not belong to
other editorial sections. In 2003, the final two text volumes
(vols. 13 and 14) appeared. In 2005, the index volume with some
addenda was published. The second editorial section, Lectures,
contains all the material regarding Schleiermacher's extentsive
lecturing both in Theological and Philosophical Faculties.
Additional material is also drawn from notes made in his lecture by
his students. (The Berlin Research Centre has been carrying out the
editorial work on this section since 1989.) The third section,
Sermons, includes all of Schleiermacher's published sermons
authorised by himself, as well as his own handwritten drafts and
records by listeners where the original text has not been
preserved. (The Kiel Research Centre has been working on this
section between 2003 and 2017.) This edition of Schleiermacher's
sermons consist of a total of 14 volumes of approximately 600 pages
each, plus an index volume. The forth section, Translations, has
two main components. Schleiermacher translated Hugh Blair's and
Joseph Fawcett's sermons (as well as parts of Mungo Park's Travels
in the Interior Districts of Africa) from English into German
(volumes 1 and 2). Further this sections will contain
Schleiermacher's translation of Platon from Greek into German
(beginning with volume 3). Section V. includes the letters from and
to Schleiermacher, as well as bibliographical documents. The work
on this section started in 1979 in the Schleiermacher Research
Center Berlin. So far (May 2020), 13 volumes have been published,
documenting letters until December 1816.
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768 - 1834) was, in Berlin,
an eminent preacher, professor, and member of the academy. He
displayed an influential theological and philosophical position
between enlightenment, German idealism, and romanticism. The
historical-critical edition of Schleiermacher's complete works, his
unpublished writings and correspondence, published since 1980, has
been divided into the following five sections: I. Writings and
Drafts II. Lectures III. Sermons IV. Translations V. Correspondence
and Biographical Documents The first editorial section, Writings
and Drafts, includes all of Schleiermacher's writings which were
printed during his lifetime except those which belong to the
editorial sections III and IV. It also includes manuscripts either
relating to these printed works or to drafts which do not belong to
other editorial sections. In 2003, the final two text volumes
(vols. 13 and 14) appeared. In 2005, the index volume with some
addenda was published. The second editorial section, Lectures,
contains all the material regarding Schleiermacher's extentsive
lecturing both in Theological and Philosophical Faculties.
Additional material is also drawn from notes made in his lecture by
his students. (The Berlin Research Centre has been carrying out the
editorial work on this section since 1989.) The third section,
Sermons, includes all of Schleiermacher's published sermons
authorised by himself, as well as his own handwritten drafts and
records by listeners where the original text has not been
preserved. (The Kiel Research Centre has been working on this
section between 2003 and 2017.) This edition of Schleiermacher's
sermons consist of a total of 14 volumes of approximately 600 pages
each, plus an index volume. The forth section, Translations, has
two main components. Schleiermacher translated Hugh Blair's and
Joseph Fawcett's sermons (as well as parts of Mungo Park's Travels
in the Interior Districts of Africa) from English into German
(volumes 1 and 2). Further this sections will contain
Schleiermacher's translation of Platon from Greek into German
(beginning with volume 3). Section V. includes the letters from and
to Schleiermacher, as well as bibliographical documents. The work
on this section started in 1979 in the Schleiermacher Research
Center Berlin. So far (May 2020), 13 volumes have been published,
documenting letters until December 1816.
The volume contains the papers presented to the Schleiermacher
Congress held in Berlin from 26thto 29th March 2006. The theme of
the congress wasa ^a oeChristianity a " State a " Culturea , and it
was organized by the International Schleiermacher Society in
association with the Berlin Humboldt University Faculty of Theology
and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The
appendix contains the first edition of a reconstruction of the
confirmation instruction given by Schleiermacher in 1831/32.
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768 - 1834) was, in Berlin,
an eminent preacher, professor, and member of the academy. He
displayed an influential theological and philosophical position
between enlightenment, German idealism, and romanticism. The
historical-critical edition of Schleiermacher's complete works, his
unpublished writings and correspondence, published since 1980, has
been divided into the following five sections: I. Writings and
Drafts II. Lectures III. Sermons IV. Translations V. Correspondence
and Biographical Documents The first editorial section, Writings
and Drafts, includes all of Schleiermacher's writings which were
printed during his lifetime except those which belong to the
editorial sections III and IV. It also includes manuscripts either
relating to these printed works or to drafts which do not belong to
other editorial sections. In 2003, the final two text volumes
(vols. 13 and 14) appeared. In 2005, the index volume with some
addenda was published. The second editorial section, Lectures,
contains all the material regarding Schleiermacher's extentsive
lecturing both in Theological and Philosophical Faculties.
Additional material is also drawn from notes made in his lecture by
his students. (The Berlin Research Centre has been carrying out the
editorial work on this section since 1989.) The third section,
Sermons, includes all of Schleiermacher's published sermons
authorised by himself, as well as his own handwritten drafts and
records by listeners where the original text has not been
preserved. (The Kiel Research Centre has been working on this
section between 2003 and 2017.) This edition of Schleiermacher's
sermons consist of a total of 14 volumes of approximately 600 pages
each, plus an index volume. The forth section, Translations, has
two main components. Schleiermacher translated Hugh Blair's and
Joseph Fawcett's sermons (as well as parts of Mungo Park's Travels
in the Interior Districts of Africa) from English into German
(volumes 1 and 2). Further this sections will contain
Schleiermacher's translation of Platon from Greek into German
(beginning with volume 3). Section V. includes the letters from and
to Schleiermacher, as well as bibliographical documents. The work
on this section started in 1979 in the Schleiermacher Research
Center Berlin. So far (May 2020), 13 volumes have been published,
documenting letters until December 1816.
Die Beitrage des Bandes unterziehen Hegels "Phanomenologie des
Geistes" nicht vorrangig einer erneuten historischen und
philologisch-hermeneutischen Interpretation. Sie lesen Hegels
Fruhwerk vielmehr primar kritisch aus der Erfahrung seiner
Nachgeschichte und systematisch aus der Perspektive gegenwartiger
Philosophien. Das von den Autoren behandelte Spektrum reicht von
der Anthropologie seit Ludwig Feuerbach uber den
symbolphilosophischen Ansatz Ernst Cassirers bis zu an Michel
Foucault und Jacques Lacan orientierten Lesarten des
Herr-Knecht-Kapitels. Mit Beitragen von: Andreas Arndt, Wolfgang
Bergande, Harald Bluhm, Brady Bowman, Veit Friemert, Christian
Iber, Walter Jaeschke, Reinhard Mehring, Christian Mockel, Patience
Moll, Ernst Muller, Erzsebet Rozsa, Christine Weckwerth u.a."
Staat und Kultur treten erst zu Hegels Lebzeiten in ein Verhaltnis,
das spater mit dem Begriff Kulturstaat bezeichnet werden wird. Auch
gebraucht Hegel den Terminus Kultur, den Herder gerade erst im
modernen Sinne gepragt hatte, so gut wie nicht. Dennoch gehort
Hegel zweifellos zu denjenigen Denkern, die das Verhaltnis von
Staat und Kultur der Sache nach verhandelt und neu bestimmt haben.
Grundlage hierfur ist sein Begriff des Geistes, der alle Merkmale
des modernen Kulturbegriffs in sich schliesst: die Umformung der
Natur, die Gesellschaftlichkeit und die Geschichtlichkeit. Der
Staat ist zentrales Element des geistigen Prozesses und daher
selbst Bestandteil von Kultur, aber nach Hegel auch deren
elementare Voraussetzung. Hierdurch ist das Verhaltnis von Staat
und Kultur bei Hegel hoch komplex gestaltet und mitunter im
Einzelnen auch schwer zu bestimmen und spannungsreich."
Fur Hegel findet der durch die Konfessionsspaltung zerrissene
moderne Staat, indem er Religion und Politik trennt, sein
Gravitationszentrum in sich selbst. Erst durch die Trennung von
einer bestimmten Religion konne der Staat auch weltlichen und
religiosen Geist versohnen, sofern sich die Religion dem sittlichen
politischen Gemeinwesen einordnet, sich der Sittlichkeit des
Staates unterordnet. Diese Sittlichkeit wird jedoch gleichermassen
vom politischen wie religiosen Fanatismus bedroht. Das Verhaltnis
des modernen Staates zur Religion ist bis heute spannungsreich
geblieben. Wahrend christliche und islamische Fundamentalisten das
Prinzip der Moderne umfassend revidieren und den Staat der Religion
unterordnen wollen, gibt es auch unterhalb solcher Fundamentalismen
Versuche, mit religios motivierten Vorstellungen Einfluss auf den
Staat zu nehmen. Umgekehrt garantiert der moderne Staat die
Freiheit der Religionsausubung, was es notwendig macht, politische
Vorstellungen ungeachtet ihrer Motive rein rechtlich zu bewerten.
Hegels Theorie, dass der Staat nur dadurch, dass er sich von einer
bestimmten Religion trennt, Religionen und Staat miteinander
versohnen konne, ist angesichts jungster Konflikte und
Konfliktpotentiale von grosster Aktualitat. Die vorliegende Band
stellt sich zur Aufgabe, Hegels Theorie unter Einbeziehung aller
einschlagigen Texte zu rekonstruieren sowie ihre Bedeutung in den
damaligen und heutigen Kontexten zu erortern. Mit Beitragen von
Samir Arnautovic, Andreas Arndt, Stefanie Ertz, Christian Iber,
Walter Jaeschke, Otto Kallscheuer, Jindrich Karasek, Gunter Kruck,
Friedrike Schick, Lu De Vos und Mirko Wischke."
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768 - 1834) was, in Berlin,
an eminent preacher, professor, and member of the academy. He
displayed an influential theological and philosophical position
between enlightenment, German idealism, and romanticism. The
historical-critical edition of Schleiermacher's complete works, his
unpublished writings and correspondence, published since 1980, has
been divided into the following five sections: I. Writings and
Drafts II. Lectures III. Sermons IV. Translations V. Correspondence
and Biographical Documents The first editorial section, Writings
and Drafts, includes all of Schleiermacher's writings which were
printed during his lifetime except those which belong to the
editorial sections III and IV. It also includes manuscripts either
relating to these printed works or to drafts which do not belong to
other editorial sections. In 2003, the final two text volumes
(vols. 13 and 14) appeared. In 2005, the index volume with some
addenda was published. The second editorial section, Lectures,
contains all the material regarding Schleiermacher's extentsive
lecturing both in Theological and Philosophical Faculties.
Additional material is also drawn from notes made in his lecture by
his students. (The Berlin Research Centre has been carrying out the
editorial work on this section since 1989.) The third section,
Sermons, includes all of Schleiermacher's published sermons
authorised by himself, as well as his own handwritten drafts and
records by listeners where the original text has not been
preserved. (The Kiel Research Centre has been working on this
section between 2003 and 2017.) This edition of Schleiermacher's
sermons consist of a total of 14 volumes of approximately 600 pages
each, plus an index volume. The forth section, Translations, has
two main components. Schleiermacher translated Hugh Blair's and
Joseph Fawcett's sermons (as well as parts of Mungo Park's Travels
in the Interior Districts of Africa) from English into German
(volumes 1 and 2). Further this sections will contain
Schleiermacher's translation of Platon from Greek into German
(beginning with volume 3). Section V. includes the letters from and
to Schleiermacher, as well as bibliographical documents. The work
on this section started in 1979 in the Schleiermacher Research
Center Berlin. So far (May 2020), 13 volumes have been published,
documenting letters until December 1816.
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768 - 1834) was, in Berlin,
an eminent preacher, professor, and member of the academy. He
displayed an influential theological and philosophical position
between enlightenment, German idealism, and romanticism. The
historical-critical edition of Schleiermacher's complete works, his
unpublished writings and correspondence, published since 1980, has
been divided into the following five sections: I. Writings and
Drafts II. Lectures III. Sermons IV. Translations V. Correspondence
and Biographical Documents The first editorial section, Writings
and Drafts, includes all of Schleiermacher's writings which were
printed during his lifetime except those which belong to the
editorial sections III and IV. It also includes manuscripts either
relating to these printed works or to drafts which do not belong to
other editorial sections. In 2003, the final two text volumes
(vols. 13 and 14) appeared. In 2005, the index volume with some
addenda was published. The second editorial section, Lectures,
contains all the material regarding Schleiermacher's extentsive
lecturing both in Theological and Philosophical Faculties.
Additional material is also drawn from notes made in his lecture by
his students. (The Berlin Research Centre has been carrying out the
editorial work on this section since 1989.) The third section,
Sermons, includes all of Schleiermacher's published sermons
authorised by himself, as well as his own handwritten drafts and
records by listeners where the original text has not been
preserved. (The Kiel Research Centre has been working on this
section between 2003 and 2017.) This edition of Schleiermacher's
sermons consist of a total of 14 volumes of approximately 600 pages
each, plus an index volume. The forth section, Translations, has
two main components. Schleiermacher translated Hugh Blair's and
Joseph Fawcett's sermons (as well as parts of Mungo Park's Travels
in the Interior Districts of Africa) from English into German
(volumes 1 and 2). Further this sections will contain
Schleiermacher's translation of Platon from Greek into German
(beginning with volume 3). Section V. includes the letters from and
to Schleiermacher, as well as bibliographical documents. The work
on this section started in 1979 in the Schleiermacher Research
Center Berlin. So far (May 2020), 13 volumes have been published,
documenting letters until December 1816.
Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768 - 1834) was, in Berlin,
an eminent preacher, professor, and member of the academy. He
displayed an influential theological and philosophical position
between enlightenment, German idealism, and romanticism. The
historical-critical edition of Schleiermacher's complete works, his
unpublished writings and correspondence, published since 1980, has
been divided into the following five sections: I. Writings and
Drafts II. Lectures III. Sermons IV. Translations V. Correspondence
and Biographical Documents The first editorial section, Writings
and Drafts, includes all of Schleiermacher's writings which were
printed during his lifetime except those which belong to the
editorial sections III and IV. It also includes manuscripts either
relating to these printed works or to drafts which do not belong to
other editorial sections. In 2003, the final two text volumes
(vols. 13 and 14) appeared. In 2005, the index volume with some
addenda was published. The second editorial section, Lectures,
contains all the material regarding Schleiermacher's extentsive
lecturing both in Theological and Philosophical Faculties.
Additional material is also drawn from notes made in his lecture by
his students. (The Berlin Research Centre has been carrying out the
editorial work on this section since 1989.) The third section,
Sermons, includes all of Schleiermacher's published sermons
authorised by himself, as well as his own handwritten drafts and
records by listeners where the original text has not been
preserved. (The Kiel Research Centre has been working on this
section between 2003 and 2017.) This edition of Schleiermacher's
sermons consist of a total of 14 volumes of approximately 600 pages
each, plus an index volume. The forth section, Translations, has
two main components. Schleiermacher translated Hugh Blair's and
Joseph Fawcett's sermons (as well as parts of Mungo Park's Travels
in the Interior Districts of Africa) from English into German
(volumes 1 and 2). Further this sections will contain
Schleiermacher's translation of Platon from Greek into German
(beginning with volume 3). Section V. includes the letters from and
to Schleiermacher, as well as bibliographical documents. The work
on this section started in 1979 in the Schleiermacher Research
Center Berlin. So far (May 2020), 13 volumes have been published,
documenting letters until December 1816.
In seiner Lehre vom Begriff, Urteil und Schluss behandelt Hegel die
Gegenstande der traditionellen formalen Logik. In der
Hegel-Forschung hat dieser Abschnitt der Wissenschaft der Logik
vergleichsweise wenig Aufmerksamkeit gefunden. Der hier angezeigte
Band erschliesst jenen Abschnitt vor dem Hintergrund der gesamten
Wissenschaft der Logik und problematisiert Hegels Ausfuhrungen
sowohl hinsichtlich der immanenten Nachvollziehbarkeit des
Gedankens als auch unter aktuellen systematischen Gesichtspunkten.
Der Band vereinigt, der Gliederung des Hegelschen Textes folgend,
dreizehn thematisch abgestimmte Beitrage zu einem kooperativen
Kommentar, der durch eine Auswahlbibliographie erganzt wird."
Gegenstand des Buches ist die Marxsche Theorie in ihrer Gesamtheit.
1985 zuerst erschienen und seit vielen Jahren vergriffen, gilt es
inzwischen als Standardwerk. Es zieht eine Zwischenbilanz der
damaligen Interpretation und Edition im Blick auf den Zusammenhang
der Marxschen Theorie in ihrer Entwicklung und Systematik.
Besondere Aufmerksamkeit finden die Philosophie betreffenden
Probleme, wobei die Untersuchung sich jedoch nicht von einem
restringierten Philosophieverstandnis leiten lasst, sondern das
Verhaltnis von Philosophie und Wissenschaften bei Marx selbst
erkundet. Ein Nachwort zur zweiten Auflage verweist auf neuere
Literatur und aktuelle Probleme einer Darstellung des Zusammenhangs
der Marxschen Theorie."
Der Band enthalt Beitrage zu allen drei Abschnitten der Lehre vom
Sein in Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik (Qualitat, Quantitat und
Mass). Die Interpretationen vereinigen das Bemuhen um eine textnahe
Erschliessung des Hegelschen Gedankens mit einer Klarung seiner
historischen Voraussetzungen und einer Diskussion seiner
systematischen Perspektiven. Damit soll nicht nur die Seinslogik
ihrer systematischen Bedeutung entsprechend starker in das
Blickfeld der Auseinandersetzung mit Hegel geruckt, sondern es
sollen auch Anstosse zu weiteren Forschungen und Diskussionen
gegeben werden, die sich weder im blossen Buchstabieren noch in
einem gangigen Vorwissen daruber, was den Kern des Hegelschen
Denkens ausmachte, erschopfen."
It was in Halle, Germany, that Schleiermacher laid the groundwork
for his theological and philosophical system, which was permanently
politicized in the wake of the Prussian defeat of 1806. This study
uses the most up-to-date research to offer for the first time a
succinct overview of Schleiermacher s Halle period, and also
includes an evaluation of unpublished lecture transcripts from the
ongoing editorial work on his Philosophical Ethics."
This book explores the importance of Schleiermacher and his place
in the history of the church, religion and Christianity. Was he a
reformer of Christianity or merely a catalyst who stimulated a
change in how the Church appeared and was perceived?
Schleiermacher's importance for philosophy is also discussed. Were
his views on preserving religion and the practice of faith in the
Christian Church merely apologetic in nature, or did they have a
reasonable - in other words - scientific, philosophical basis?
These were central questions at a symposium which was organized by
the Schleiermacher Research Center of the Berlin Brandenburg
Academy of Sciences in May 2009. The papers collected in this
volume deal with these questions from the perspective of various
With his appointment as Preacher at the CharitA(c) (1796) Friedrich
Schleiermacher enters the cultural life of Berlin. For him, an
important role is played by sociability, which he theorises with
the anonymously published text Versuch einer Theorie des geselligen
Betragens (1799) [a ~Toward a theory of sociable conducta (TM)].
The other pole of Schleiermachera (TM)s life in Berlin is provided
by science and scholarship a " from the a oeSymphilosophya of his
circle of early Romantic friends via participation, for example, in
lectures on experimental chemistry, through to theological
reflection on his work at the CharitA(c). The volume is the product
of a symposium held by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences,
and it presents a picture of this life between scholarship and
sociability based on sources newly made available through the
Critical Edition of Schleiermachera (TM)s Complete Works.
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