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This introductory book directs the reader to a selection of useful elementary numerical algorithms on a reasonably sound theoretical basis, built up within the text. The primary aim is to develop algorithmic thinking -- emphasizing long living computational concepts over fast changing software issues. The guiding principle is to explain modern numerical analysis concepts applicable in complex scientific computing at much simpler model problems. For example, the two adaptive techniques in numerical quadrature elaborated here carry the germs for either extrapolation methods or multigrid methods in differential equations, which are not treated here. The presentation draws on geometrical intuition wherever appropriate, supported by a large number of illustrations. Numerous exercises are included for further practice and improved understanding. This text will appeal to undergraduate and graduate students as well as researchers in mathematics, computer science, science, and engineering. At the same time it is addressed to practical computational scientists who, via self-study, wish to become acquainted with modern concepts of numerical analysis and scientific computing on an elementary level. Sole prerequisite is undergraduate knowledge in Linear Algebra and Calculus.
This book introduces the main topics of modern numerical
analysis: sequence of linear equations, error analysis, least
squares, nonlinear systems, symmetric eigenvalue problems,
three-term recursions, interpolation and approximation, large
systems and numerical integrations. The presentation draws on
geometrical intuition wherever appropriate and is supported by a
large number of illustrations, exercises, and examples.
Seminar paper from the year 2003 in the subject English Language
and Literature Studies - Literature, grade: 2, University of Kassel
(Anglistik), course: W. Shakespeare - The Taming of the Shrew, 11
entries in the bibliography, language: English, comment:
Investigates the educational methods of Petruccio in taming Kate -
the shrew, abstract: Shakespeare explores the theme of comic sexual
warfare between men and women in The Taming of the Shrew, says
Francois Laroque (1997, p. 64). Shakespeare's play consists of a
frame tale which introduces two interlinked plots. The frame story
deals with a poor tinker, Christopher Sly, who is found drunkenly
by a nobleman. This nobleman enjoys to play a joke on the poor
tinker's expense making him believe he is a nobleman with all the
luxury of servants, a wife, fine food and drink at his command. In
this way, Christopher Sly comes into the joy of watching a troupe
of players enact a "comedy of courtship and marriage involving two
lines of action" on the order of the true nobleman. The first line
of action is concerned with Katherine, the elder sister of the
Minola siblings, who "is 'tamed' by a strong-willed,
fortune-seeking suitor named Petruchio" (Howard, J.E., 1997, p.
133). The second, however, deals with Bianca Minola, the younger
daughter of Baptista Minola, the father of the two. She is wooed by
three different adoring suitors at a time and "eventually elopes
with one of them without her father's knowledge or consent."
(Ibid). Catherine Bates (2002, p. 108), however, regards The Taming
of the Shrew as being a brisk comedy which is laid on to entertain
the drunken Christopher Sly. Edward Berry (2002, pp. 123-138),
nevertheless, sees Katherine being the shrew who is "mocked,
abused, and tormented into submission by Petruchio (Ibid, p. 124).
Edward Berry also states that "the play in which Katherine is tamed
is a play within a play, performed at the request of a hunting
lord, who uses it to show the beggar, Christopher
Hausarbeit aus dem Jahr 2002 im Fachbereich Anglistik - Anderes,
einseitig bedruckt, Note: 2, Universitat Kassel (Anglistik),
Veranstaltung: The Interaction of Interest and Strategies in EFL
Reading, 34 Eintragungen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch,
Abstract: When learning a language, reading is one of the most
important skills students need to acquire. In order to screen this
importance, this research paper focuses on reading comprehension
dealing with it as a process, with the relation of motivation as
well as interest and reading comprehension, and lastly, with
learning techniques and strategies concerning reading
comprehension. After having given an overview of the theory of
reading comprehension, this paper wants to transfer the essential
key thoughts into language teaching and learning in school.
Examensarbeit aus dem Jahr 2003 im Fachbereich Sport -
Sportpsychologie, Note: Sehr gut, Universitat Kassel (Institut fur
Sport und Sportwissenschaft), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract:
Klettersport ist in seiner grundlegendsten Form Natursport. Viele
Klettersportler bewegen sich somit ofters in der freien Natur an
exponierten Felsen, deren Pflanzen- und Tierwelt oft ebenso
aussergewohnlich sind wie ihre Felsstruktur selbst. Diese Arbeit
beleuchtet zunachst das Klettern an sich als Sport, um somit
Einblicke in die Welt der Kletternden zu bekommen. Anschliessend
werden die Begriffe Umweltbewusstsein und Umweltverhalten naher
untersucht, um schliesslich das kletterspezifische
Umweltbewusstsein und -verhalten von Kletternden anhand einer
empirischen Studie genauer zu betracht
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