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This book investigates the EU's regional growth dynamics and, in
particular, the reasons why peripheral and socio-economically
disadvantaged areas have persistently failed to catch up with the
rest of the Union. It shows that the capability of the
knowledge-based growth model to deliver its expected benefits to
these areas crucially depends on tackling a specific set of
socio-institutional factors which prevents innovation from being
effectively translated into economic growth. The book takes an
eclectic approach to the territorial genesis of innovation and
regional growth by combining different theoretical strands into one
model of empirical analysis covering the whole EU-25. An in-depth
comparative analysis with the United States is also included,
providing significant insights into the distinctive features of the
European process of innovation and its territorial determinants.
The evidence produced in the book is extensively applied to the
analysis of EU development policies.
Actors and institutions in localities and regions across the world
are seeking prosperity and well-being amidst tumultuous and
disruptive shifts and transitions generated by: an increasingly
globalised, knowledge-intensive capitalism; global financial
instability, volatility and crisis; concerns about economic, social
and ecological sustainability, climate change and resource
shortages; new multi-actor and multi-level systems of government
and governance and a re-ordering of the international political
economy; state austerity and retrenchment; and, new and reformed
approaches to intervention, policy and institutions for local and
regional development. Local and Regional Development provides an
accessible, critical and integrated examination of local and
regional development theory, institutions and policy in this
changing context. Amidst its rising importance, the book addresses
the fundamental issues of 'what kind of local and regional
development and for whom?', its purposes, principles and values,
frameworks of understanding, approaches and interventions, and
integrated approaches to local and regional development throughout
the world. The approach provides a theoretically informed, critical
analysis of contemporary local and regional development in an
international and multi-disciplinary context, grounded in concrete
empirical analysis from experiences in the global North and South.
It concludes by identifying what might constitute holistic,
inclusive, progressive and sustainable local and regional
development, and reflecting upon its limits and political renewal.
In a period of deep economic, social, and political transformation,
regional disparities seem to be particularly resistant to change.
The emergence of a global economy, the shift in production methods,
and the greater mobility of capital, labour, and raw materials have
not brought about a radical reshuffling of the prevailing regional
disparities. There is a greater concentration of economic activity
in core areas and very few peripheral regions are taking advantage
of the process of global restructuring. The Dynamics of Regional
Growth in Europe looks for the reasons behind this persistence in
the social, political, and institutional arrangements of a large
set of European regions, by trying to relate two scientific
approaches concerned with regional economic performance, which
share very little in common: the literature on socio-economic
restructuring and structural change, and neoclassical and
The Handbook of Local and Regional Development provides a
comprehensive statement and reference point for local and regional
development. The scope of this Handbook’s coverage and
contributions engages with and reflects upon the politics and
policy of how we think about and practise local and regional
development, encouraging dialogue across the disciplinary barriers
between notions of ‘local and regional development’ in the
Global North and ‘development studies’ in the Global South.
This Handbook is organized into seven inter-related sections, with
an introductory chapter setting out the rationale, aims and
structure of the Handbook. Section one situates local and regional
development in its global context. Section two establishes the key
issues in understanding the principles and values that help us
define what is meant by local and regional development. Section
three critically reviews the current diversity and variety of
conceptual and theoretical approaches to local and regional
development. Section four address questions of government and
governance. Section five connects critically with the array of
contemporary approaches to local and regional development policy.
Section six is an explicitly global review of perspectives on local
and regional development from Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin
America and North America. Section seven provides reflection and
discussion of the futures for local and regional development in an
international and multidisciplinary context. With over forty
contributions from leading international scholars in the field,
this Handbook provides critical reviews and appraisals of current
state-of-the-art conceptual and theoretical approaches and future
developments in local and regional development.
The 4th International Conference on Selenium in the Environment and
Human Health was held 18-21 October 2015 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This
conference provided an effective scientific communication platform
for researchers in different disciplines worldwide to elucidate and
better understand those complex roles of Se as both essential
nutrient and environmental contaminant. This proceedings volume
includes 98 peer-reviewed extended abstracts prepared by Se
researchers from 28 countries. These most recent Se research
studies address inter-relationships between the geological and
atmospheric environment, agricultural food and
selenium-biofortified food crops, human and animal health impacts,
and genetic, biochemical, and cell and molecular activities. This
book presents a unique myriad of Se research to further our
international understanding of the role of Se in the context of
biochemistry, food chain transfer, and health-related issues.
The centre may hold, but borders can fray. Frontier Fieldwork
explores the work of social scientists, agriculturists,
photographers, and missionaries who took to the field in China's
southwest at a time when foreign political powers were contesting
China's claims over its frontiers. In the early twentieth century,
when the threat of imperialism loomed large in the Sino-Tibetan
borderlands, these fieldworkers undertook a nation-building
exercise to unite a disparate, multi-ethnic population. Andres
Rodriguez exposes the transformative power of the fieldworkers'
efforts, which placed China's margins at the centre of its
nation-making process and race to modernity.
Industrial and technology parks are commonly regarded as a policy
panacea. They tend to be considered as the ideal instrument to
alleviate an assortment of institutional, political, economic,
social and ultimately, technological weaknesses and often form the
centrepiece of development strategies. Yet, the real impact of
industrial and technology parks, especially in emerging countries
is still poorly understood. Focusing on examples from Latin
America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, the book represents a
first approach to understand the potential and reality of
industrial and technology parks in emerging countries. It is argued
that although some parks have been successful in addressing a range
of key problems, including underdevelopment, unemployment and a
lack of investment, the majority have failed to deliver, rendering
the promise of many parks little more than a pipedream.
This book investigates the EU's regional growth dynamics and, in
particular, the reasons why peripheral and socio-economically
disadvantaged areas have persistently failed to catch up with the
rest of the Union. It shows that the capability of the
knowledge-based growth model to deliver its expected benefits to
these areas crucially depends on tackling a specific set of
socio-institutional factors which prevents innovation from being
effectively translated into economic growth. The book takes an
eclectic approach to the territorial genesis of innovation and
regional growth by combining different theoretical strands into one
model of empirical analysis covering the whole EU-25. An in-depth
comparative analysis with the United States is also included,
providing significant insights into the distinctive features of the
European process of innovation and its territorial determinants.
The evidence produced in the book is extensively applied to the
analysis of EU development policies.
In the global economy, regional development and innovation are
increasingly an imperative to increase the competitive edge of EU
economies. While European regions are different in many ways, the
innovation capacity of regions, clusters and firms is what makes
them capable of building up new and diversified pathways for
sustainable growth. For this reason, Innovation Drivers and
Regional Innovation Strategies looks to analyze different knowledge
drivers (e.g. entrepreneurial or policy-orientation; scientific and
practice-based knowledge modes; institutional innovation support)
that influence the innovative and competitive capacity of regions,
clusters and firms in Europe. The aim of this volume is to develop
an in-depth understanding of these drivers and their implications
for the way in which regional and cluster growth may be upgraded.
Innovation Drivers and Regional Innovation Strategies examines the
construction of new innovation pathways for regions and clusters in
different geographical contexts. The main themes are cluster
evolution, regional innovation systems and business innovation
modes and capabilities. The objectives are centred on exploring the
logic and mechanisms that can be activated as a means to promote
innovation and competitiveness within regions and, within these,
across and within firms. Aimed at researchers and academics in the
field, this is a thoughtful and innovative new volume that helps
define the academic debate.
In the global economy, regional development and innovation are
increasingly an imperative to increase the competitive edge of EU
economies. While European regions are different in many ways, the
innovation capacity of regions, clusters and firms is what makes
them capable of building up new and diversified pathways for
sustainable growth. For this reason, Innovation Drivers and
Regional Innovation Strategies looks to analyze different knowledge
drivers (e.g. entrepreneurial or policy-orientation; scientific and
practice-based knowledge modes; institutional innovation support)
that influence the innovative and competitive capacity of regions,
clusters and firms in Europe. The aim of this volume is to develop
an in-depth understanding of these drivers and their implications
for the way in which regional and cluster growth may be upgraded.
Innovation Drivers and Regional Innovation Strategies examines the
construction of new innovation pathways for regions and clusters in
different geographical contexts. The main themes are cluster
evolution, regional innovation systems and business innovation
modes and capabilities. The objectives are centred on exploring the
logic and mechanisms that can be activated as a means to promote
innovation and competitiveness within regions and, within these,
across and within firms. Aimed at researchers and academics in the
field, this is a thoughtful and innovative new volume that helps
define the academic debate.
The Handbook of Local and Regional Development provides a
comprehensive statement and reference point for local and regional
development. The scope of this Handbook's coverage and
contributions engages with and reflects upon the politics and
policy of how we think about and practise local and regional
development, encouraging dialogue across the disciplinary barriers
between notions of 'local and regional development' in the Global
North and 'development studies' in the Global South. This Handbook
is organized into seven inter-related sections, with an
introductory chapter setting out the rationale, aims and structure
of the Handbook. Section one situates local and regional
development in its global context. Section two establishes the key
issues in understanding the principles and values that help us
define what is meant by local and regional development. Section
three critically reviews the current diversity and variety of
conceptual and theoretical approaches to local and regional
development. Section four address questions of government and
governance. Section five connects critically with the array of
contemporary approaches to local and regional development policy.
Section six is an explicitly global review of perspectives on local
and regional development from Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin
America and North America. Section seven provides reflection and
discussion of the futures for local and regional development in an
international and multidisciplinary context. With over forty
contributions from leading international scholars in the field,
this Handbook provides critical reviews and appraisals of current
state-of-the-art conceptual and theoretical approaches and future
developments in local and regional development.
This book describes deep learning systems: the algorithms,
compilers, and processor components to efficiently train and deploy
deep learning models for commercial applications. The exponential
growth in computational power is slowing at a time when the amount
of compute consumed by state-of-the-art deep learning (DL)
workloads is rapidly growing. Model size, serving latency, and
power constraints are a significant challenge in the deployment of
DL models for many applications. Therefore, it is imperative to
codesign algorithms, compilers, and hardware to accelerate advances
in this field with holistic system-level and algorithm solutions
that improve performance, power, and efficiency. Advancing DL
systems generally involves three types of engineers: (1) data
scientists that utilize and develop DL algorithms in partnership
with domain experts, such as medical, economic, or climate
scientists; (2) hardware designers that develop specialized
hardware to accelerate the components in the DL models; and (3)
performance and compiler engineers that optimize software to run
more efficiently on a given hardware. Hardware engineers should be
aware of the characteristics and components of production and
academic models likely to be adopted by industry to guide design
decisions impacting future hardware. Data scientists should be
aware of deployment platform constraints when designing models.
Performance engineers should support optimizations across diverse
models, libraries, and hardware targets. The purpose of this book
is to provide a solid understanding of (1) the design, training,
and applications of DL algorithms in industry; (2) the compiler
techniques to map deep learning code to hardware targets; and (3)
the critical hardware features that accelerate DL systems. This
book aims to facilitate co-innovation for the advancement of DL
systems. It is written for engineers working in one or more of
these areas who seek to understand the entire system stack in order
to better collaborate with engineers working in other parts of the
system stack. The book details advancements and adoption of DL
models in industry, explains the training and deployment process,
describes the essential hardware architectural features needed for
today's and future models, and details advances in DL compilers to
efficiently execute algorithms across various hardware targets.
Unique in this book is the holistic exposition of the entire DL
system stack, the emphasis on commercial applications, and the
practical techniques to design models and accelerate their
performance. The author is fortunate to work with hardware,
software, data scientist, and research teams across many
high-technology companies with hyperscale data centers. These
companies employ many of the examples and methods provided
throughout the book.
Actors and institutions in localities and regions across the world
are seeking prosperity and well-being amidst tumultuous and
disruptive shifts and transitions generated by: an increasingly
globalised, knowledge-intensive capitalism; global financial
instability, volatility and crisis; concerns about economic, social
and ecological sustainability, climate change and resource
shortages; new multi-actor and multi-level systems of government
and governance and a re-ordering of the international political
economy; state austerity and retrenchment; and, new and reformed
approaches to intervention, policy and institutions for local and
regional development. Local and Regional Development provides an
accessible, critical and integrated examination of local and
regional development theory, institutions and policy in this
changing context. Amidst its rising importance, the book addresses
the fundamental issues of 'what kind of local and regional
development and for whom?', its purposes, principles and values,
frameworks of understanding, approaches and interventions, and
integrated approaches to local and regional development throughout
the world. The approach provides a theoretically informed, critical
analysis of contemporary local and regional development in an
international and multi-disciplinary context, grounded in concrete
empirical analysis from experiences in the global North and South.
It concludes by identifying what might constitute holistic,
inclusive, progressive and sustainable local and regional
development, and reflecting upon its limits and political renewal.
A truly Christian perspective on global economic inequality from a
prominent Cardinal and close ally of Pope Francis In this treatise,
author Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga offers a clear analysis of the
expansion of economic inequality and its root causes, followed by a
review of suggested solutions, and a hopeful outlook based on new
model of economic and human growth. Maradiaga is one of the most
outspoken members of the Catholic hierarchy when it comes to the
growing inequality around the world. As one of the church's most
informed experts on social issues, Maradiaga holds that it is
imperative for any Christian community to look at the dire state of
social justice in the world, and to work for positive change.
However, to do so requires a clear understanding of the issues at
hand, and a comprehensive practice based on the laws of ethics. The
Challenge of Inequality is perfect for anyone who is ready to study
the urgent issue of social disparity, and is willing to work for a
better world.
Array Of Light: Through Tribulation is a collection of poems that
capture all the regret and realizations we come to make. From the
struggle of lost love, anger, depression, self-fulfillment, success
and newly found courage, Array Of Light: Through Tribulation tells
the secrets of a mind and the feelings of a heavy heart that has
opened up to none but pen, paper and a single person.
So you have this great business idea but your're not sure how to
get started. You may be a little afraid to venture out and try
something new. Don't worry. You are not the only one. However, the
most successful people are those who venture out, take chances and
go for their dreams. This is your small business handbook. After
reading this handbook, you will have all the information needed to
start and succeed in your small business. Although starting a
business is work, you will see how easy it is start your own
business and how to maintain it. You will learn how to plan,
organize and market your business with the practical tools outlined
in this book. So let's get that business started. Don't hesitate;
the world is waiting for you!
The centre may hold, but borders can fray. Frontier Fieldwork
explores the work of social scientists, agriculturists,
photographers, and missionaries who took to the field in China’s
southwest at a time when foreign political powers were contesting
China’s claims over its frontiers. In the early twentieth
century, when the threat of imperialism loomed large in the
Sino-Tibetan borderlands, these fieldworkers undertook a
nation-building exercise to unite a disparate, multi-ethnic
population. Andres Rodriguez exposes the transformative power of
the fieldworkers’ efforts, which placed China’s margins at the
centre of its nation-making process and race to modernity.