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Anne Herrmann, a dual citizen born in New York to Swiss parents,
offers in Coming Out Swiss a witty, profound, and ultimately
universal exploration of identity and community. "Swissness"-even
on its native soil a loose confederacy, divided by multiple
languages, nationalities, religion, and alpen geography-becomes in
the diaspora both nowhere (except in the minds of immigrants and
their children) and everywhere, reflected in pervasive cliches. In
a work that is part memoir, part history and travelogue, Herrmann
explores all our Swiss cliches (chocolate, secret bank accounts,
Heidi, Nazi gold, neutrality, mountains, Swiss Family Robinson) and
also scrutinizes topics that may surprise (the "invention" of the
Alps, the English Colony in Davos, Switzerland's role during World
War II, women students at the University of Zurich in the 1870s).
She ponders, as well, marks of Swissness that have lost their
identity in the diaspora (Sutter Home, Helvetica, Dadaism) and the
enduring Swiss American community of New Glarus, Wisconsin. Coming
Out Swiss will appeal not just to the Swiss diaspora but also to
those drawn to multi-genre writing that blurs boundaries between
the personal and the historical.
updated with new applications and practical tools to better use
your brain in business If you think your business can't get any
better, think again. Thanks to the power of Whole Brain (R)
Thinking, you can apply what we know about thinking and the brain
to transform your organization at every level. Whether you're
struggling to keep up with a changing market, stuck with a tired
business model, or challenged by difficult colleagues, the proven
methods in this updated guide will help you to: IDENTIFY how you
and others prefer to thinkIMPROVE your communication skillsINSPIRE
creative thinking in yourself and othersINNOVATE faster and work
more efficientlyIMPLEMENT changes throughout your
organizationINCREASE productivity and beat the competition Every
business runs on thinking. This book gives you practical tools to
assess others' mindsets and get more intentional about how you use
your thinking-and how to best engage the thinking of those around
you. Filled with essential charts, engaging examples, exercises,
and action steps, The Whole Brain Business Book shows you how to
rethink your business, prepare for the future,realign your goals,
and reinvigorate your team-by putting your whole brain to work.
This revised and expanded edition features the latest brain
research, updated real-world examples, and more actionable content
than ever before. In addition to new stories, data and
"mind-hacks", you'll find Herrmann's timeless tips for getting
unstuck, identifying the four thinking preferences, and applying
research-based techniques that have been proven to work in any
business environment around the world. By building and
strengthening your thinking agility, you'll be able to work more
effectively with others-and leverage the best thinking around-so
you can avoid costly delays, missed opportunities, and other
business risks. Using the book's point-by-point action steps,
insightful case studies, and emerging thought trends, you can
really put your mind to work-and get brilliant results. The Whole
Brain Business Book will help optimize your management approach,
align your organization and strategy, and fully engage your own
brain as well as the brains of others to work smarter, faster, and
better than you ever thought possible. Ned Herrmann pioneered the
Whole Brain Thinking approach and is renowned for his bestselling
books and research on thinking and its role in creativity,
learning, and business. Ann Herrmann-Nehdi is CEO of Herrmann
International and an internationally recognized speaker, author,
and thought leader on applying what we know about the brain to
improve business performance.
This juxtaposition of Virginia Woolf and Christa Wolf, writers of
two distinct cultures, countries and generations, focuses on the
strategies the two authors share in creating their female
characters. Hermann looks at each author within the social and
historical conditions that produced them, employ
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2003 im Fachbereich Psychologie -
Forensische Psychologie, Strafvollzug, Note: 2, Technische
Universitat Chemnitz (Philosophische Fakultat), Veranstaltung:
Abweichendes Verhalten, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Um feststellen
zu konnen ob und welche Storung der Personlichkeit bei einem
Menschen vorliegt, muss geklart werden wie eine Personlichkeit bzw.
ein Charakter entsteht. Zum naheren Verstandnis soll hier die
Personlichkeitstheorie in Sigmund Freuds Psychoanalyse herangezogen
werden. Freud geht in seinem allgemeinen Menschenbild davon aus,
dass alle menschlichen Aktivitaten durch die Verarbeitung von
Energie hervorgerufen werden. Diese Energie entsteht durch
korperliche Spannungszustande, den Trieben. Er spricht von drei
psychischen Instanzen, welche die Verarbeitung von Energie regeln.
Er nennt sie das ES, das ICH und das UBER-ICH. Bei der Geburt ist
nur das ES vorhanden. Es ist dem Lustprinzip" unterworfen, d.h. Es
strebt an sofort Energie zu entladen. Es sucht Lust und vermeidet
den Schmerz. Durch Kontakt mit der Aussenwelt bildet sich im Laufe
der Entwicklung aus einigen Teilen des Es das Ich heraus. Das Ich
vermittelt zwischen dem Es und der Aussenwelt. Einerseits versucht
es den Einfluss der Aussenwelt zu andern durch bestimmte
Verhaltensweisen, wie z.B. Flucht, Anpassung, andererseits versucht
das Ich die Triebanspruche des Es einzudammen. (Asendorpf, 1996)
Das Uber-Ich ist entstanden durch die Werthaltung und den sozialen
Normen, die durch die Eltern oder Vorbildern vermittelt wurden.
Diese vermittelten Normen wurden verinnerlicht und fuhrten zu einer
Eigendynamik im Ich. Das Uber-Ich beobachtet das Ich und suche es
anstelle der Eltern und Vorbilder zu kontrollieren." (Asendorpf
1996, S.16) Kurz gesagt, bedeutet das fur das Ich, es muss zwischen
dem ES, der Aussenwelt und dem Uber-Ich vermitteln. Dieses von
Freud bezeichnete Seelenleben findet auf drei Bewusstseinsebenen
statt. Die bewusste Ebene beinhaltet Inhalte des momentane
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