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What role does linguistic diversity play in European democratic and
legal processes? Is it an obstacle to deliberative democracy and a
hindrance to legal certainty, or a cultural and economic asset and
a prerequisite for the free movement of citizens? This book
examines the tensions and contradictions of European language laws
and policy from a multi-disciplinary perspective. With
contributions from leading researchers in EU law and legal theory,
political science, sociology, sociolinguistic and cognitive
linguistics, it combines mutually exclusive and competing
perspectives of linguistic diversity. The work will be a valuable
resource for academics and researchers in the areas of European
law, legal theory and linguistics.
Focusing on paradoxes and tensions of European legal integration,
this book investigates four complex and inherently contradictory
processes - constitutionalization and democratization,
institution-building and market-making, cross-cultural
communication and European discourse, and cultural exceptionalism
and normalization - to offer a new framework for understanding
contemporary European integration. The volume features
contributions from some of the biggest names in European legal
philosophy, to include Neil MacCormick, Yves Dezalay and Bryant
Garth, Pierre Legrand, Heikki Mattila and David Nelken. It presents
a timely, interdisciplinary approach to an important and topical
area and will be of interest to those concerned with the place of
socio-legal processes, language and culture in the continuous
advancement of the EU project.
What role does linguistic diversity play in European democratic and
legal processes? Is it an obstacle to deliberative democracy and a
hindrance to legal certainty, or a cultural and economic asset and
a prerequisite for the free movement of citizens? This book
examines the tensions and contradictions of European language laws
and policy from a multi-disciplinary perspective. With
contributions from leading researchers in EU law and legal theory,
political science, sociology, sociolinguistic and cognitive
linguistics, it combines mutually exclusive and competing
perspectives of linguistic diversity. The work will be a valuable
resource for academics and researchers in the areas of European
law, legal theory and linguistics.
Focusing on paradoxes and tensions of European legal integration,
this book investigates four complex and inherently contradictory
processes - constitutionalization and democratization,
institution-building and market-making, cross-cultural
communication and European discourse, and cultural exceptionalism
and normalization - to offer a new framework for understanding
contemporary European integration. The volume features
contributions from some of the biggest names in European legal
philosophy, to include Neil MacCormick, Yves Dezalay and Bryant
Garth, Pierre Legrand, Heikki Mattila and David Nelken. It presents
a timely, interdisciplinary approach to an important and topical
area and will be of interest to those concerned with the place of
socio-legal processes, language and culture in the continuous
advancement of the EU project.
Kontrastive Lexikologie ist als Grundlagenwissenschaft der
zweisprachigen Lexikographie fA1/4r metatheoretische Zwecke und
praktische WArterbucharbeit unentbehrlich. Dabei scheint sie ein
etwas vernachlAssigter Bereich der Linguistik zu sein. Der
Sammelband enthAlt die BeitrAge des diesem Thema gewidmeten
WerkstattgesprAchs, das vom 29.-31. Oktober 1994 in Kopenhagen
unter der Leitung von Hans-Peder Kromann (+ 1995) abgehalten wurde.
Die BeitrAge behandeln grundlegende Fragen des Kontrastierens
(lohnen sich Wortschatzvergleiche A1/4berhaupt oder sind sie wegen
der Anisomorphie der am Vergleich beteiligten Sprachen und Kulturen
letztendlich unmAglich?) sowie die Methodik des Kontrastierens (zur
GA1/4ltigkeit lexikologischer Untersuchungen, von der 'Optik' und
'Mikroskopie' des Sprachvergleichs). AuAerdem werden die Ergebnisse
durchgefA1/4hrter kontrastiver Untersuchungen vorgelegt.
International law is usually communicated in more than one language
and reflects common norms that lawyers and adjudicators across
national legal cultures agree on and develop together. As a result,
the negotiation of the wording and meaning of international
legislative texts is an integral part of legal interpretation in
international law. This book sheds light on that essential
interpretation process. Language and Legal Interpretation in
International Law treats the subject from the perspective of recent
legal and linguistic theories of meaning. Anne Lise Kjaer and
Joanna Lam bring together internationally renowned experts to
provide strong theoretical and practical foundations for the study
of legal interpretation in such fields as human rights law,
international trade, investment and commercial law, EU law, and
international criminal law. The volume explains how the positivist
tradition-in which interpretation is understood as an automatic
process by which judges simply apply the text of legislative
instruments to specific fact situations-cannot be upheld in an era
of pragmatic and cognitive meaning theories. Those theories instead
focus on the context of interpretation and on the interpreter as a
co-producer of meaning. Through a collection of thoroughly
researched and timely essays, this book explores the linguistically
and culturally diversified world of meaning-making in international
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