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This is the Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on
Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM) held from
July 25 to 27, 2014 at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon,
Portugal and organized by International Society of Management
Science and Engineering Management (ISMSEM), Sichuan University
(Chengdu, China) and Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Lisbon,
Portugal). The goals of the conference are to foster international
research collaborations in Management Science and Engineering
Management as well as to provide a forum to present current
findings. A total number of 138 papers from 14 countries are
selected for the proceedings by the conference scientific committee
through rigorous referee review. The selected papers in the first
volume are focused on Intelligent System and Management Science
covering areas of Intelligent Systems, Decision Support Systems,
Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management.
This is the Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on
Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM) held from
July 25 to 27, 2014 at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon,
Portugal and organized by International Society of Management
Science and Engineering Management (ISMSEM), Sichuan University
(Chengdu, China) and Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Lisbon,
Portugal). The goals of the conference are to foster international
research collaborations in Management Science and Engineering
Management as well as to provide a forum to present current
findings. A total number of 138 papers from 14 countries are
selected for the proceedings by the conference scientific committee
through rigorous referee review. The selected papers in the second
volume are focused on Computing and Engineering Management covering
areas of Computing Methodology, Project Management, Industrial
Engineering and Information Technology.
Mark Platts is responsible for the first systematic presentation of
truth-conditional semantics and for turning a generation of
philosophers on to the Davidsonian program. He is also a pioneer in
discussions of moral realism, and has made important contributions
to bioethics, the philosophy of human rights and moral
responsibility. This book is a tribute to Platts's pioneering work
in these areas, featuring contributions from number of leading
scholars of his work from the US, UK and Mexico. It features
replies to the individual essays from Platts, as well as a
concluding chapter reflecting on his philosophical career from
Oxford to Mexico City. Mind, Language and Morality will be of
interest to philosophers across a wide range of areas, including
ethics, moral psychology, philosophy of law, and philosophy of
With advancing technology, students are getting accustomed to
evermore portable resources on their phones - pocketbook texts are
therefore required to compete with this shift in approach. Where
easy layouts assist with faster clinical reasoning, or ambulatory
practice provides poor signal, printed text still out-competes
digital technologies. Affordable and concise, this visually
engaging concise textbook is easy to use as a revision aid and take
on placement (veterinary EMS - Extra-mural studies). The
spiralbound format allows it to lay flat when referred to in
practice, adding another level of practical use. The emphasis will
be on those things regularly available to general practitioners
with minimal information of advanced techniques. Similar to the
popular MiniVet guide, but for Equine: fills a gap for a concise,
quick and easy practical reference for students in Equine practice.
Thereâs a clear market for books that focus on best practices,
protocols, and treatment management for equine pathologies and thus
provide a direct clinical approach to cases and clinical reasoning.
The book is clearly divided into sub-sections, i.e., etiology,
differential diagnosis etc. This makes it simple to follow and
useful to apply to cases. The high quantity of pictures and
diagrams help understanding of each different condition.
International readership Can be bought as a single text or as a
package with other books in the Equine ConciseTextbook series
Distills key information from 'Equine Clinical Medicine, Surgery
and Reproduction 2E' which has previously been out of the student
price range.
With advancing technology, students are getting accustomed to
evermore portable resources on their phones - pocketbook texts are
therefore required to compete with this shift in approach. Where
easy layouts assist with faster clinical reasoning, or ambulatory
practice provides poor signal, printed text still out-competes
digital technologies. Affordable and concise, this visually
engaging concise textbook is easy to use as a revision aid and take
on placement (veterinary EMS - Extra-mural studies). The
spiralbound format allows it to lay flat when referred to in
practice, adding another level of practical use. The emphasis will
be on those things regularly available to general practitioners
with minimal information of advanced techniques. Similar to the
popular MiniVet guide, but for Equine: fills a gap for a concise,
quick and easy practical reference for students in Equine practice.
Thereâs a clear market for books that focus on best practices,
protocols, and treatment management for equine pathologies and thus
provide a direct clinical approach to cases and clinical reasoning.
The book is clearly divided into sub-sections, i.e., etiology,
differential diagnosis etc. This makes it simple to follow and
useful to apply to cases. The high quantity of pictures and
diagrams help understanding of each different condition.
International readership Can be bought as a single text or as a
package with other books in the Equine ConciseTextbook series
Distills key information from 'Equine Clinical Medicine, Surgery
and Reproduction 2E' which has previously been out of the student
price range.
This concise, practical text covers the essential information
veterinary students need to succeed in Equine medicine and surgery,
focusing on skin, urinary, liver and endocrine diseases. Written
for an international readership, the book includes a glossary of
terms and conveys the core information in an easily digestible,
precise form with extensive use of bullet-points, tables,
flow-charts, diagrams, lists, protocols and extensive illustration.
Part of a five-book series that extracts and updates key
information from Munroeâs Equine Surgery, Reproduction and
Medicine, Second Edition, the book distils best practice in a
logical straightforward clinical-based approach. It details
clinical anatomy, physical clinical examination techniques,
diagnostic techniques and normal parameters, emphasising the things
regularly available to general practitioners with minimal
information of advanced techniques. The liver section is divided
into clinical evaluation, diagnostic tests, possible causes and
treatment. The diagnostic approach to endocrine disease is followed
by specific diseases of the thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary gland,
equine metabolic syndrome and other miscellaneous disorders. The
approach to urinary tract problems includes information on
diagnostic tests and imaging, renal diseases, and diseases of the
ureters, bladder and urethra. The approach to skin disease is
discussed in detail, including relevant diagnostic tests. Following
this, individual skin diseases are covered under the headings of
genetic, infectious, immune-mediated, nutritional, endocrine,
idiopathic, traumatic and neoplastic causes. Finally, skin wounds,
burns, and infections of synovial structures are discussed. Ideal
for veterinary students and nurses on clinical placements with
horses as well as practitioners needing a quick reference âon the
groundâ. The spiralbound format allows the book to lie open
during practice.
Mark Platts is responsible for the first systematic presentation of
truth-conditional semantics and for turning a generation of
philosophers on to the Davidsonian program. He is also a pioneer in
discussions of moral realism, and has made important contributions
to bioethics, the philosophy of human rights and moral
responsibility. This book is a tribute to Platts's pioneering work
in these areas, featuring contributions from number of leading
scholars of his work from the US, UK and Mexico. It features
replies to the individual essays from Platts, as well as a
concluding chapter reflecting on his philosophical career from
Oxford to Mexico City. Mind, Language and Morality will be of
interest to philosophers across a wide range of areas, including
ethics, moral psychology, philosophy of law, and philosophy of
La bioetica es la etica aplicada a la biologia, el respeto a la
vida humana, el derecho a vivir y a morir, a clonar seres humanos y
a llegar con el ser humano hasta donde los limites de la ciencia
nos permitan. No obstante... Es licito aplicar a la vida humana
todo aquello que cientificamente es posible hacer? El futuro que
proponen la biologia y la medicina modernas es altamente
esperanzador; pero tambien es verdad que algunos nubarrones
preocupantes se han empezado a elevar sobre el horizonte del
respeto y de la dignidad humana. La actualidad del tema hace que
pastores y lideres cristianos, acosados constantemente, en
conferencias e intervenciones de radio y television, con preguntas
sobre cual es nuestra posicion al respecto, se vean en la necesidad
de afrontarlo. Pero el tema es complejo y las respuestas no son
faciles. En este libro encontraran un fuente de informacion erudita
y documentada, a la vez que asequible y comprensible, de la mano de
una autoridad en ambas materias involucradas: biologia y teologia.
Asi, este libro trata temas tan interesantes como: el aborto, el
control de natalidad, la eutanasia, la manipulacion de genes y el
proyecto del genoma humano, entre otros muchos mas. Todo ello, bajo
una perspectiva cristiana."
En el Nuevo Ateismo se habla del movimiento intelectual que
prolifera hoy en los ambientes universitarios, en el que se cambia
erroneamente la Fe en Dios por la fe en la materia. Este libro es
una respuesta desde la ciencia, la razon y la fe que analiza un
importante tema actual desde el punto de vista de la biologia, la
teologia y la fe. El autor Antonio Cruz (pastor, biologo,
catedratico, con multiples publicaciones cientificas y teologicas
prolificas) examina las diferencias y la relacion que existe entre
la teologia y la ciencia. El expone como ante el espiritu
cientifico del hombre, Dios sigue presentandose como respuesta a la
pregunta humana acerca la complejidad de la vida y de su origen,
entendiendose la vida como una estructura biologica con un diseno
real y perfecto. Incluye: Contenido teologico y cientifico por un
experto en ambas materias. Tematica controversial y compleja. Orden
y secuencia. Tipografia adecuada para una lectura agradable. New
Atheism In New Atheism the writer shares about this intellectual
movement that proliferates today in university environments, in
which Faith in God is erroneously exchanged for faith in things.
This book is an answer elaborated from science, reason, and faith
that analyzes an important current topic from the point of view of
biology, theology, and faith. The author Antonio Cruz (pastor,
biologist, professor, with multiple prolific scientific and
theological publications) examines the differences and the
relationship that exists between theology and science. He exposes
how in view of the scientific spirit of man, God continues to
appear as an answer to the human question about the complexity of
life and its origin, understanding life as a biological structure
with a real and perfect design. It includes: Theological and
scientific content by an expert in both subjects. Addresses a
controversial and complex subject. Order and sequence. Suitable
typography for a pleasant reading.
A lo largo del siglo XX, la ciencia ha hecho descubrimientos
espectaculares. Y todos ellos confluyen en un punto: la necesidad
de recurrir a la idea de un designio inteligente para explicar la
creciente complejidad del universo. La fisica ha demostrado que el
cosmos tuvo un comienzo, que el universo es mucho mayor, mas
complejo y mas maravilloso de lo que en principio se intuia. La
biologia, desentranando los misterios del gen y los mecanismos
irreductiblemente complejos, ha puesto en tela de juicio el
desarrollo evolutivo a traves de mutaciones aleatorias. El origen
de la vida sigue siendo inexplicable sin recurrir a un designio
inteligente. La neurologia, al investigar el comportamiento del
cerebro humano en relacion a la espiritualidad, esta descubriendo
que las conclusiones de Sigmund Freud, al afirmar que La religion
es un espejismo, eran precipitadas y reduccionistas. El cerebro,
visto como una simple computadora desligada de todo elemento
trascendente, no encaja a la hora de explicar la complejidad y la
peculiaridad de la conciencia humana. Las cosas han cambiado tanto
que se ha invertido el proceso. Antano eran los apologistas
cristianos los que tenian que esforzarse en argumentar la
existencia de un Creador, hoy son algunos cientificos ateos los que
investigan febrilmente tratando de apartarle de la escena. Hace
unos anos, creer en Dios requeria un salto de fe, ahora cada vez
hace falta mas fe para seguir negando su existencia. El cientifico
cristiano Antonio Cruz, biologo y pastor, en un lenguaje asequible
pero sin perder por ello su valor cientifico, con la ayuda de
imagenes esquemas y diagramas, explica en estas paginas los mas
recientes descubrimientos de la nueva ciencia que apuntan hacia la
realidad de Dios. Con ello, abre un nuevo horizonte en el campo de
la apologetica cristiana para el siglo XXI."
En los ultimos anos hemos sido testigos de grandes cambios sociales
y culturales en Occidente, cambios originados por la busqueda
continua del hombre de un fundamento. Ayer habia esperanza en la
razon, la fe y la ciencia. Hoy existe el desaliento, la muerte de
las ideas y los valores, el surgimiento de la verdad relativa y el
individualismo. Esta nueva manera de pensar que difiere de las
ideas tradicionales y estilos de vida que llamabamos ayer
modernidad, hoy se denomina postmodernidad. Tanto ayer como hoy, el
evangelio es la respuesta a esa busqueda del hombre. Como
cristianos, estamos llamados a conocer y ser sensibles a esa
necesidad del hombre para saber como darle una respuesta y
esperanza. Postmodernidad del Dr. Cruz analiza esta nueva filosofia
de vida y, ademas, plantea al cristiano las pautas a seguir para
alcanzar a ese hombre necesitado de hoy con el poder del
Sermones actuales sobre las parabolas de Jesus es un libro de gran
utilidad para aquellos que quieran examinar el verdadero mensaje de
las ensenanzas de Jesus y conocer sus aplicaciones actuales. A
diferencia de las clasificaciones clasicas en esta obra se analizan
las parabolas no por tema sino por orden de aparicion en los
evangelios sinopticos. El proposito principal del libro es servir
de referencia como base y ayudar al predicador, pastor, o lider
cristiano en el importante ministerio de llevar el mensaje de
Jesucristo al hombre de hoy. Sermones actuales sobre las parabolas
de Jesus aborda 43 relatos que constituyen las parabolas
sinopticas, precedidos por el titulo que les da la version
Reina-Valera y uno menos ortodoxo dado por el autor. Incluye: Citas
con puntos de vista de diversos especialistas con su
correspondiente bibliografia. Parabolas sinopticas con su
introduccion, contexto original. Facilita ideas actuales y
sugerentes para crear nuevas predicaciones con una aplicacion a
nuestros dias. Current Sermons on the Parables of Jesus Current
Sermons on the Parables of Jesus is a particularly useful book for
those who want to examine the true message of the teachings of
Jesus and how to apply them nowadays. Unlike the classical
classifications, in this work the parables are analyzed not by
theme but by order of appearance in the synoptic gospels. The
purpose of the book is to serve as a base reference and assist the
Christian preacher, pastor, or leader in the important ministry of
carrying the message of Jesus Christ to mankind today. UpToDate
sermons on the parables of Jesus considering 43 stories that make
up the synoptic parables, preceded by the title given by the
Reina-Valera Spanish version and a less orthodox one given by the
author. It includes: Citations with the opinion of various
specialists and their corresponding bibliography. Synoptic parables
with their introduction, original context. Provides current and
suggestive ideas to create new sermons with an application to our
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
A veces, en este mundo mareado con tantas ideas, nos parece como
cristianos que estamos nadando en contra de la corriente. Las ideas
postmodernas en la television, las peliculas y las canciones
facilmente nos influyen, sin que nos demos cuenta. Tambien ejercen
un dominio fuerte sobre nuestros hijos y seres queridos. Para no
ser arrastrados por esta corriente, y para dar la mano a otros que
estan ahogandose en busca de respuestas apropiadas, es
imprescindible conocer las raices del pensamiento actual, y buscar
respuestas correctas centradas en la Biblia. El Dr. Cruz hace un
analisis profundo y acertado de algunos de los pensadores mas
destacados de los ultimos siglos, explicando su filosofia, y
comparando sus ideas con las ensenanzas biblicas. Este libro es
dinamita para la 'destruccion de fortalezas, derribando argumentos
y toda altivez que se levanta contra el conocimiento de Dios, y
llevando cautivo todo pensamiento a la obediencia a Cristo' (2
Corintios 10:4-5)"
At last there is a book available on scientific apologetics,
originally written in Spanish, to counter the effects of
evolutionary philosophy. Discussing each of the relevant themes in
the debate over evolution vs. creation, the author debunks many of
the weak, pseudo-scientific myths prevalent today. *Debate between
evolution and creation *Species change, but not that much
*Classifications contradict evolution *In search of the missing
link *Human evolution?: The genes say no *The nightmare of the eye
and other discussions that will help you witness about your faith.
Al empezar un nuevo siglo, y un nuevo milenio, es conveniente que
los cristianos le demos una mirada al futuro que nos espera, que
pasemos revista a las nuevas interrogantes que se empiezan a
vislumbrar en el mundo, asi como a los retos que tales senales
pueden suponer para el cristianismo. Durante las dos ultimas
decadas ha tenido lugar en nuestro planeta toda una serie de
acontecimientos que han contribuido a cambiar las relaciones
humanas y a crear un nuevo tipo de sociedad a escala global. Cual
debe ser la actitud cristiana frente al actual proceso de
globalizacion? Como tiene que comportarse el cristiano con el
extranjero segun la Palabra de Dios? Seremos capaces durante este
tercer milenio de no destruirnos mediante la energia nuclear o la
guerra bacteriologica? Como se configura la nueva familia
globalizada? Como es posible incultural hoy el mensaje cristiano en
medio de una sociedad tan variada y plural?"