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The French version of this book, Theorie du champ de la conscience
(1957), appeared under the auspices of the International
Phenomenological Society. This present version appears through the
collaboration of the staff of the Duquesne Studies, Psychological
Series. In writing this book, I wanted to make it a
phenomenological study, not a book about phenomenology. The
intention was to advance c- tain phenomenological problems rather
than to present a survey of or a report on phenomenology. My point
of view is that of the pheno- nologist at work, not of an observer
of a methodology from without. While it appeared desirable to
expound in a detailed manner some of Husserl's notions and theories
which have importance for phenomen- ogy as a whole, I have con?ned
my treatment to those which have direct and immediate reference to
the problems treated in this study. The manuscript of this book was
completed in 1953 before the appe- ance of several volumes of
Husserliana among which vol. VI, Die Krisis der Europaischen
Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phanomenologie (1954), and
vol. IX, Phanomenologische Psychologie (1962), have particular
bearing upon the problems dealt with in this book. Also the most
recent presentation of Gestalt theory by W. Metzger, Psychologie
(1st ed. 1940, 2nd ed. 1954) did not come to my attention before
the completion of the manuscript."
The articles collected in the present volume were written during a
period of more than 30 years, the ?rst having been published in
1929, the last in 1961. They are arranged here in a systematic, not
a chronological, order, starting from a few articles mainly
concerned with psychological m- ters and then passing on to
phenomenology in the proper sense. Within the latter group, the
sequence is from articles dealing with more g- eral questions of
principle to those in which rather special questions are discussed.
The articles are reprinted or translated unchanged except for
"phenomenology of Thematics and of the Pure Ego," in which a
certain number of pages have been omitted because the author has
long since come to consider them erroneous. Almost all of the
articles are in the service of Husserlian phenomen- ogy, which they
are intended to advance and to develop further rather than merely
expound. When the author made his ?rst acquaintance with Husserl's
philosophy about 40 years ago, he was overwhelmed by the spirit of
uncompromising integrity and radical philosophical respon- bility,
by the total devotedness which made the man disappear behind his
work. Soon the young beginner came to realize the fruitfulness both
of what Husserl had actually accomplished and of what he had
initiated, the promise of further fruitful work.
Alfred Schutz devoted his life to a clarification of the foun
dations of the social sciences. His first formulation of the perti
nent problems is contained in DER SINNHAFTE AUFBAU DER SOZIALEN
in a second unrevised German edition with an English translation in
preparation. Since I932, the date of this work, Alfred Schutz
pursued painstaking and detailed investigations of issues which
arose in connection with his early endeavors. These investigations
were originally published as a series of essays and monographs over
a period of about twenty years and are now assembled in the
COLLECTED PAPERS of which this is the third and final volume. They
form a unitary whole insofar as a common core of problems and
theoretical ideas is presented from varying perspectives. Together
LECTED PAPERS set forth a comprehensive and consistent theory of
the world of everyday life as the reality with which the social
sciences are essentially concerned. Alfred Schutz was preparing a
systematic presentation of his theory and of the results of his
investigations into the struc tures of the world of everyday life
when death overtook him. The manuscript containing the final
statement of his philosophical and sociological thinking was not
completely ready for publi cation at the time of his death. It is
now being brought into book form by Professor Thomas Luckmann, one
of his former students."
1 The present volume is rich in essential phenomenological
descriptions 2 and insightful historico-critical analyses, some of
which cannot be fully appreciated, however, except by close
examination on the part of the reader. Accordingly, such a task
ought to be left to the consideration and judgment of the latter,
save where such discussions are directly relevant to the topics I
will be dwelling upon. I prefer, then, to approach the matters and
questions contained here otherwise, namely, archeologically. In
this I 3 follow Jose Huertas-Jourda, the editor of the
corresponding French vol- 4 ume, in his felicitous terminological
choice, although I adopt it here for my purposes in an etymological
sense, i. e. , as signifying a return to prin- 5 ciples or origins.
This, after all, is consistent not only with the spirit and
practice of phenomenology, as acknowledged by Aron Gurwitsch often
enough, but as well with what he has actually said, to wit: it is a
qu- tion of 1 Cf. , e. g. , infra,in An Outline of Constitutive
Phenomenology, Chapter 4, pp. 185 ff. (Henceforth I shall refer to
this book as Outline. ) This essay will be devoted to the study of
selected parts of the contents of this volume, although, when
necessary, use will be made here of other works by various authors,
including Gurwitsch. 2 Cf. , e. g. , ibid. , Chapter 3, pp. 107 ff.
Kurt Goldstein starb am 19. September 1965. Bis kurz vor seinem
Tode arbeitete er an dem Plan, eine Auswahl seiner wichtigsten
ktir- zeren Sehriften zu ver6ffentliehen; ein verbindender Text
sollte die ungebrochene Entwieklung seiner Ideen von ihren
anfangIiehen Keimen bis zur spateren vollen Entfaltung darlegen.
Der Plan kam nieht mehr zur Vollendung; aber die vorliegende
Zusammenstellung der flir Kurt Goldstein's Lebenswerk bedeutsamsten
Aufsatze mag dessen innere Einheit erhellen. Seine posthum
ver6ffentliehte Auto- biographie (s. unten S. 1 ff.) gibt eine
knappe Zusammenfassung seiner grundlegenden wissenschaftlichen
Ziele und Ergebnisse. Auskunft tiber seine hinterlassenen
wissenschaftlichen Papiere ist durch mich erhaltlieh. Herm
Professor Aron Gurwitsch, dem langjahrigen Freunde Kurt Goldstein's
und intimen Kenner seiner Ideen, der die Einleitung zu diesem Band
gesehrieben und an seiner Vorbereitung intensiv tei!- genommen hat,
spreehe ich aueh hier meine Dankbarkeit aus. DesgIeichen danke ich
den Verlagshausem, mit deren Erlaubnis die hier enthaltenen
Sehriften Kurt Goldstein's wieder abgedruekt werden konnten. ELSE
M. GOLDSTEIN HAUDEK 1080 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10028
EINLEITUNG Die Aufnahme in die Serie Phaenomenoiogica der im
vorgelegten Bande vereinigten Arbeiten rechtfertigt sich voIIauf
durch die philo. sophische Bedeutsamkeit sowohl dieser Aufsatze wie
des gesamten Werkes von Kurt Goldstein - ungeachtet ihres
weitgehend neuro* logischen InhaIts und ihrer urspriinglichen
Herkunft aus neurolo* gischer Forschung und Praxis. Genauer
genommen besteht diese phi.
The French version of this book, Theorie du champ de la conscience
(1957), appeared under the auspices of the International
Phenomenological Society. This present version appears through the
collaboration of the staff of the Duquesne Studies, Psychological
Series. In writing this book, I wanted to make it a
phenomenological study, not a book about phenomenology. The
intention was to advance c- tain phenomenological problems rather
than to present a survey of or a report on phenomenology. My point
of view is that of the pheno- nologist at work, not of an observer
of a methodology from without. While it appeared desirable to
expound in a detailed manner some of Husserl's notions and theories
which have importance for phenomen- ogy as a whole, I have con?ned
my treatment to those which have direct and immediate reference to
the problems treated in this study. The manuscript of this book was
completed in 1953 before the appe- ance of several volumes of
Husserliana among which vol. VI, Die Krisis der Europaischen
Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phanomenologie (1954), and
vol. IX, Phanomenologische Psychologie (1962), have particular
bearing upon the problems dealt with in this book. Also the most
recent presentation of Gestalt theory by W. Metzger, Psychologie
(1st ed. 1940, 2nd ed. 1954) did not come to my attention before
the completion of the manuscript."
1 The present volume is rich in essential phenomenological
descriptions 2 and insightful historico-critical analyses, some of
which cannot be fully appreciated, however, except by close
examination on the part of the reader. Accordingly, such a task
ought to be left to the consideration and judgment of the latter,
save where such discussions are directly relevant to the topics I
will be dwelling upon. I prefer, then, to approach the matters and
questions contained here otherwise, namely, archeologically. In
this I 3 follow Jose Huertas-Jourda, the editor of the
corresponding French vol- 4 ume, in his felicitous terminological
choice, although I adopt it here for my purposes in an etymological
sense, i. e. , as signifying a return to prin- 5 ciples or origins.
This, after all, is consistent not only with the spirit and
practice of phenomenology, as acknowledged by Aron Gurwitsch often
enough, but as well with what he has actually said, to wit: it is a
qu- tion of 1 Cf. , e. g. , infra,in An Outline of Constitutive
Phenomenology, Chapter 4, pp. 185 ff. (Henceforth I shall refer to
this book as Outline. ) This essay will be devoted to the study of
selected parts of the contents of this volume, although, when
necessary, use will be made here of other works by various authors,
including Gurwitsch. 2 Cf. , e. g. , ibid. , Chapter 3, pp. 107 ff.
The articles collected in the present volume were written during a
period of more than 30 years, the ?rst having been published in
1929, the last in 1961. They are arranged here in a systematic, not
a chronological, order, starting from a few articles mainly
concerned with psychological m- ters and then passing on to
phenomenology in the proper sense. Within the latter group, the
sequence is from articles dealing with more g- eral questions of
principle to those in which rather special questions are discussed.
The articles are reprinted or translated unchanged except for
"phenomenology of Thematics and of the Pure Ego," in which a
certain number of pages have been omitted because the author has
long since come to consider them erroneous. Almost all of the
articles are in the service of Husserlian phenomen- ogy, which they
are intended to advance and to develop further rather than merely
expound. When the author made his ?rst acquaintance with Husserl's
philosophy about 40 years ago, he was overwhelmed by the spirit of
uncompromising integrity and radical philosophical respon- bility,
by the total devotedness which made the man disappear behind his
work. Soon the young beginner came to realize the fruitfulness both
of what Husserl had actually accomplished and of what he had
initiated, the promise of further fruitful work.
Alfred Schutz devoted his life to a clarification of the foun
dations of the social sciences. His first formulation of the perti
nent problems is contained in DER SINNHAFTE AUFBAU DER SOZIALEN
in a second unrevised German edition with an English translation in
preparation. Since I932, the date of this work, Alfred Schutz
pursued painstaking and detailed investigations of issues which
arose in connection with his early endeavors. These investigations
were originally published as a series of essays and monographs over
a period of about twenty years and are now assembled in the
COLLECTED PAPERS of which this is the third and final volume. They
form a unitary whole insofar as a common core of problems and
theoretical ideas is presented from varying perspectives. Together
LECTED PAPERS set forth a comprehensive and consistent theory of
the world of everyday life as the reality with which the social
sciences are essentially concerned. Alfred Schutz was preparing a
systematic presentation of his theory and of the results of his
investigations into the struc tures of the world of everyday life
when death overtook him. The manuscript containing the final
statement of his philosophical and sociological thinking was not
completely ready for publi cation at the time of his death. It is
now being brought into book form by Professor Thomas Luckmann, one
of his former students.
Kurt Goldstein starb am 19. September 1965. Bis kurz vor seinem
Tode arbeitete er an dem Plan, eine Auswahl seiner wichtigsten
ktir- zeren Sehriften zu ver6ffentliehen; ein verbindender Text
sollte die ungebrochene Entwieklung seiner Ideen von ihren
anfangIiehen Keimen bis zur spateren vollen Entfaltung darlegen.
Der Plan kam nieht mehr zur Vollendung; aber die vorliegende
Zusammenstellung der flir Kurt Goldstein's Lebenswerk bedeutsamsten
Aufsatze mag dessen innere Einheit erhellen. Seine posthum
ver6ffentliehte Auto- biographie (s. unten S. 1 ff.) gibt eine
knappe Zusammenfassung seiner grundlegenden wissenschaftlichen
Ziele und Ergebnisse. Auskunft tiber seine hinterlassenen
wissenschaftlichen Papiere ist durch mich erhaltlieh. Herm
Professor Aron Gurwitsch, dem langjahrigen Freunde Kurt Goldstein's
und intimen Kenner seiner Ideen, der die Einleitung zu diesem Band
gesehrieben und an seiner Vorbereitung intensiv tei!- genommen hat,
spreehe ich aueh hier meine Dankbarkeit aus. DesgIeichen danke ich
den Verlagshausem, mit deren Erlaubnis die hier enthaltenen
Sehriften Kurt Goldstein's wieder abgedruekt werden konnten. ELSE
M. GOLDSTEIN HAUDEK 1080 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10028
EINLEITUNG Die Aufnahme in die Serie Phaenomenoiogica der im
vorgelegten Bande vereinigten Arbeiten rechtfertigt sich voIIauf
durch die philo. sophische Bedeutsamkeit sowohl dieser Aufsatze wie
des gesamten Werkes von Kurt Goldstein - ungeachtet ihres
weitgehend neuro* logischen InhaIts und ihrer urspriinglichen
Herkunft aus neurolo* gischer Forschung und Praxis. Genauer
genommen besteht diese phi.
Im vorliegenden Band ist eine Reihe von Aufsatzen zusam-
mengefasst, in denen Alfred Schutz sich bei der Behandlung ver-
schiedener Fragen immer wieder einem der wichtigsten philoso-
phischen Probleme zuwendet: dem Problem der Sozialitat. Der
Grossteil dieser Aufsatze ist bereits anderenorts erschienen: doch
sind sie weit verstreut und oft schwer zuganglich. Alfred Schutz
hatte Maurice Natanson, seinen Schuler und Freund, als Heraus-
geber der zahlreichen Schriften, die seit seiner Ankunft in den
Vereinigten Staaten Anfang des 2. Weltkriegs entstanden sind,
vorgesehen. Er konnte die Verwirklichung dieses Vorhabens nicht
mehr miterleben. Die Herausgabe seiner Schriften, die wir mit
diesem Band in getreuer Befolgung seiner Anweisungen beginnen, soll
einen Denker, dem wir freundschaftlich verbunden waren, in
angemessener Weise ehren und dazu beitragen, seine hervor- ragende
Bedeutung fur die Phanomenologie herauszustellen - eine Bedeutung,
die auf Grund der dramatischen Umstande seines Lebens und wegen
seiner grossen Bescheidenheit zu seinen Lebzeiten nicht hinreichend
gewurdigt wurde. Ich mochte hier von Schutz als Menschen sprechen
und die Feinsinnigkeit seines Geistes darstellen, seine
durchdringende Ironie, die Gelassenheit und seinen Mut in der
Emigration, den weiten Bereich seiner Interessen, seine jugendhafte
Begeisterung und das Einfuhlungsvermogen, das ihn befahigte, sich
noch im Alter von 40 Jahren in eine neue Kulturwelt einzuleben -
und sich in ihr auszuzeichnen. In der Befurchtung, nicht alles
sagen zu konnen, was zu sagen ware, bezw.
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