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G. Piekarski appears not to have been brought home to at Forty years have passed since Trussent pub- least some clinicians. Of special importance in lished an important book in the English lan- this connection are T. vaginalis and Pentatri- guage on Trichomonas vaginalis Donne and uro- chomonas hominis (Davaine), the intestinal tri- genital trichomoniasis. During the intervening chomonads of many mammalian species, in- four decades, much information has been accu- cluding humans. Some practitioners still tell mulated on trichomonads parasitic in humans their patients about the possibility of an intesti- and on the diseases they cause. In light of this, nal origin of trichomonal infection of the uro- many parasitologists and clinicians believe that the time has come for a complete review, in genital tract. book form, of various aspects of these parasites Trichomonas vaginalis infection of new- and of the trichomonad parasitemias. This need borns, infants, and young children constitutes has been further reinforced by the finding that, an interesting, although not extensively pur- despite the use of effective anti trichomonal sued, area of investigation. For hitherto incom- drugs during the past years, the prevalence of pletely understood reasons, the period of preg- human urogenital trichomoniasis, the world's nancy appears to favor the increase of most common sexually transmitted disease, has symptomatic trichomoniasis; there is, there- been increasing significantly. As might have fore, little doubt that infants can be infected been expected, therefore, discussion of various during birth.
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