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The trends and progress attained in computational kinematics over a
broad class of problems are grouped into six parts describing the
main themes: kinematics algorithms, discussing kinematics problems
in light of their solution algorithms; kinematics of mechanisms,
studying problems related to specific mechanisms; singularities;
workspace, discussing the determination of the workspace of given
mechanisms; parallel manipulators; and motion and grasp planning,
touching on computational geometry. The volume contains a
representative sample of the most modern techniques available for
kinetics problems, including techniques based on advances in
algebraic geometry. Researchers, graduate students and practising
engineers in work relating to kinematics, robotics, machine design
and computer science should find this work useful.
Recently, research in robot kinematics has attracted researchers
with different theoretical profiles and backgrounds, such as
mechanical and electrica! engineering, computer science, and
mathematics. It includes topics and problems that are typical for
this area and cannot easily be met elsewhere. As a result, a
specialised scientific community has developed concentrating its
interest in a broad class of problems in this area and representing
a conglomeration of disciplines including mechanics, theory of
systems, algebra, and others. Usually, kinematics is referred to as
the branch of mechanics which treats motion of a body without
regard to the forces and moments that cause it. In robotics,
kinematics studies the motion of robots for programming, control
and design purposes. It deals with the spatial positions,
orientations, velocities and accelerations of the robotic
mechanisms and objects to be manipulated in a robot workspace. The
objective is to find the most effective mathematical forms for
mapping between various types of coordinate systems, methods to
minimise the numerical complexity of algorithms for real-time
control schemes, and to discover and visualise analytical tools for
understanding and evaluation of motion properties ofvarious
mechanisms used in a robotic system.
The aim of this book is to provide an account of the state of the
art in Com putational Kinematics. We understand here under this
term that branch of kinematics research involving intensive
computations not only of the nu merical type, but also of symbolic
as well as geometric nature. Research in kinematics over the last
decade has been remarkably ori ented towards the computational
aspects of kinematics problems. In fact, this work has been
prompted by the need to answer fundamental questions such as the
number of solutions, whether real or complex, that a given problem
can admit as well as computational algorithms to support geo metric
analysis. Problems of the first kind occur frequently in the
analysis and synthesis of kinematic chains, when fine displacements
are considered. The associated models, that are derived from
kinematic relations known as closure equations, lead to systems of
nonlinear algebraic equations in the variables or parameters
sought. The algebraic equations at hand can take the form of
multivariate polynomials or may involve trigonometric functions of
unknown angles.
This book contains 26 papers presented at the NATO Advanced
Research Workshop on "CAD Based Programming for Sensory Robots,"
held in IL CIOCCa, Italy, July 4-6, 1988. CAD based robot
programming is considered to be the process where CAD (Computer
Based) models are used to develop robot programs. If the program is
generated, at least partially, by a programmer interacting, for
example, with a computer graph i c d sp i 1 ay of the robot and its
workce 11 env ironment, the process is referred to as graphical
off-line programming. On the other hand, if the robot program is
generated automatically, for example, by a computer, then the
process is referred to as automatic robot programmi ng. The key
element here is the use of CAD models both for interact i ve and
automat i c generat i on of robot programs. CAD based programmi ng,
therefore, bri ngs together computer based model i ng and robot
programmi ng and as such cuts across several discipl ines including
geometric model ing, robot programming, kinematic and dynamic
modeling, artificial intelligence, sensory monitoring and so-on.
Recently, research in robot kinematics has attracted researchers
with different theoretical profiles and backgrounds, such as
mechanical and electrica! engineering, computer science, and
mathematics. It includes topics and problems that are typical for
this area and cannot easily be met elsewhere. As a result, a
specialised scientific community has developed concentrating its
interest in a broad class of problems in this area and representing
a conglomeration of disciplines including mechanics, theory of
systems, algebra, and others. Usually, kinematics is referred to as
the branch of mechanics which treats motion of a body without
regard to the forces and moments that cause it. In robotics,
kinematics studies the motion of robots for programming, control
and design purposes. It deals with the spatial positions,
orientations, velocities and accelerations of the robotic
mechanisms and objects to be manipulated in a robot workspace. The
objective is to find the most effective mathematical forms for
mapping between various types of coordinate systems, methods to
minimise the numerical complexity of algorithms for real-time
control schemes, and to discover and visualise analytical tools for
understanding and evaluation of motion properties ofvarious
mechanisms used in a robotic system.