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At the end of 2012 the Baltic Sea Region Programme initiated the
cluster "Innovation in SMEs," starting with ten projects that
focused their work on this important topic. During 2013 three
additional projects joined the initiative. Most projects are
flagship projects within the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region,
namely in Priority SME Networks, Innovation and Education.
Maintaining a high level of innovative thinking and
entrepreneurship is crucial for SMEs to stay competitive and allow
growth in the region. This publication gives an short overview of
the 13 projects that were implemented between 2010 and 2014. The
projects participated in workshops and surveys to increase the
mutual learning and share experience. The findings are summarized.
In 2013 a survey was conducted to learn more about the status quo
of "Innovation in SMEs" in the Baltic Sea Region and learn more
about the relevant topics for the future. More than 600
stakeholders participated in the survey. The publication shows the
most relevant questions and answers and draws the conclusions from
the survey.
At the 9th Hanseatic Conference 2014 in Hamburg, representatives
from business organisations, academic institutions and policy
makers from all countries around the Baltic Sea exchanged their
experiences. This book contains the presented papers and a summary
of the discussion of the participants. The elimination of
discrimination by gender and age in working life is an important
social concern, regardless of economic needs. But increased labour
force participations of women and older people are also essential
for economic reasons in the light of demopgraphic developments and
changed conditions. Currently high and ever growing shortage of
entrepreneurs, managers and professionals are the factors that
increasingly limit economic development. There is an urgent need to
make better use of local labour potential, particularly via higher
labour force participation of women and older people in general.
Global competition requires high innovation and strong increases in
productivity of the entire Baltic Sea region, and especially in the
countries to the south of the Sea. The innovations and productivity
of companies benefit from increased proportion of women. The
greatest innovation and productivity reserves lie in the staff and
organisational development, including education; improvements in
this respect stipulate equal opportunities and strengthen
competitiveness. This publication was developed as part of the
flagship project of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
"Innovative SMEs by Gender and Age (QUICK-IGA)."
Analysis of macroeconomic data carried out by the authors indicated
that the employment rate among women and older people in
Scandinavian countries such as Denmark, Sweden, Norway is much
higher than in other EU countries Eurostat, 2012]. Thus the idea
was born to identify and transfer of best practices from the
Northern European countries to selected countries of the Baltic Sea
Region (Poland Germany, Lithuania and Latvia). The first part of
the book is devoted to the description of the criteria that helped
the authors select best practices and make characteristics of
chosen practices. The second part of the book deals with conditions
of the best practices transfer. In the last part of book the
transfers of best practices to the four BSR countries are
presented. The authors from the Gdańsk University of Technology
focused on the one hand on the complex, and on the other hand, on a
practical approach to analyse the problem of low activity of women
and older people on EU labour market.
A sound promotion of innovation is essential for the future of the
Baltic Sea Region, in particular to support the small- and medium
sized enterprises. For this purposes stakeholders from medium-sized
businesses, science, politics, and administration met at the
seventh Hanseatic Conference in May 2012 in Hamburg. For two days
the participants discussed about "Innovation and innovative
strategies in the regional policy around the mare balticum" to
further strengthen the region. It became evident, that a
sustainable promotion of innovation demands a closer cooperation
within the regions, on a transnational level but also between
administrations and especially between companies and R&D
institutions. The Baltic Sea area will only be one of the most
innovative and strong regions in the world, if the bordering
countries build a unit. This publication included the presented
papers and summarizes the discussion of the participants.
The topic that is disclosed in the scientific publication "Building
the socially responsible employment policy in Baltic states" is
certainly relevant to the context of national economy and social
policy. Experience shows that socially responsible employment
policy measures are especially widely used in the old EU member
states. Relevance of socially responsible employment policy is not
decreasing because unfavourable economic conditions aggravate the
employment of certain groups of people (especially the long-term
unemployed, low-skilled, having low marketable professions and
other persons). The content of the scientific articles by the
authors of this publication allows to answer reasonably to
questions about the development of socially responsible employment
policy in the Baltic states. The results of accomplished analysis
are relevant to the fact that they allow to reveal the problems
that are encountered in the development of socially responsible
employment policy. A special focus is given to the employment of
females and elderly employees to boost the innovation performance
of companies.
This publication relates to the subject of shaping and maintaining
high competitiveness and innovation by businesses, with particular
emphasis on the SME sector in the Baltic Sea Region. It is divided
into three parts. The first part includes the discussion of women's
economic activity and their participation in the creation and
strengthening of the competitive position of companies. The second
part is devoted to problems related to the ageing of population in
the Baltic Sea Region countries and the potential socio-economic
impact of this fast growing process. The deliberations contained in
the second part refer also to the possibilities and conditions for
realizing the potential of seniors in the development of
competitiveness and innovation of enterprises. The third part is a
fragmentary overview of achievements related to the factors of
competitiveness and innovation of modern enterprises. The papers,
that were presented at a international conference 2013 at the
Gdansk University of Technology, are printed in English.
Vol. 10 of the BSA - Series "Shareholder value," the old,
egocentric mantra of business is obsolete. Modern entrepreneurs
care about society and the environment - simply because employees
as well as more and more customers appreciate fair and sustainable
business conduct. Enterprises try to meet this demand by
implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a strategic
tool to engage with important stakeholders, build trust and enhance
long-term competitiveness. SMEs are predestined for such close
relations to customers and communities. But still SMEs hesitate to
fully engage in CSR, mostly for their tight time resources and
budgets. The authors of this book demonstrate that for SMEs in the
Baltic Sea region CSR is a key to future success, that does not
need to be overly sophisticated or costly. Women are still
underrepresented as entrepreneurs in the Baltic Sea Region. In the
second part of this book the authors look into the barriers that
hinder women from starting their own business and develop
strategies to change this in order to tap two of the great
resources of the Baltic Sea Region - the knowledge and creativity
of half its workforce. The texts in the book are printed in German
or English.
According to European and national schedules the Baltic Sea Region
must cut its energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions
dramatically within the next few decades. Substantial growth of
renewable energy sources will be needed as well as a boost in
energy efficiency. In this process small and medium sized
enterprises (SME) play a key factor. The authors of this book -
scientists, entrepreneurs and journalists - discuss how SMEs can
make the best investment decisions to reduce their own energy
consumption. Additionally the articles analyse new market
opportunities opening up for SMEs, as implementing energy
efficiency will happen mostly on a local level and on a rather
small scale. For being able to seize these opportunities training
and education of SMEs' staff are essential. The included texts are
printed either in German or English.
Objectives and strategies for education policies in the Baltic Sea
Region The Baltic Sea Region is often considered the most
innovative and economically strongest region of Europe. However,
these strong developments and dynamics are at risk to face their
limits. A rather high unemployment rate exists in many countries in
the region, while at the same time, a lack of skilled work force is
growing - which might indicate, that the existing qualifications
are not in line with the actual demands. A strong commitment is
needed from all countries around the Baltic Sea Region, in
particular with respect to the most important pillar of any
well-working system, the education policy. The whole region is
clearly characterised by small- and medium sized enterprises
(SMEs). To stay competitive on a global scale, these companies need
employees with the best possible qualifications. The text included
has been discussed and adopted by the Hanse Parlament, an umbrella
organization of 50 Chambers of Crafts and/or Commerce, and the
Baltic Sea Academy, a network of 16 academic institutions that
closely cooperate for the benefit of SMEs in the region.This
publication summarizes the opportunities and challenges to then
provide concrete recommendations, from early childhood education,
general education, vocational training and higher education. The
book includes the identical text in English, German, Polish and
Russian language. Bildungspolitische Ziele und Strategien f r den
Ostseeraum Cele i strategie polityki edukacyjnej dla regionu Morza
Bałtyckiego Цели и стратегии образовательной политики для
балтийского регион
The 5th Volume of the Baltic Sea Academy book series takes a look
at three sectors that are of particular importance for small and
medium sized enterprises in the Baltic Sea Area: - The University
of Lund and the Gdansk University of Technology take a look at the
potential for innovation from the development of personnel and
organisation in companies - The Chamber of Crafts Lublin gives an
overview for the fields of Energy, Climate and Environmental
protection - The Technical University Vilnius compiled a report on
a potential cluster for construction technologies in the Baltic Sea
This publication gives an overview of the current state and
development potential of the Baltic Sea Region and proposes a
concrete strategy programme for innovation in regional policies.
One prerequisites is a strong cooperation between the regions and
states, but also the promotion of regional competition while
preserving and strengthening the specific regional cultures around
the Mare Balticum. For a competitive Baltic Sea Region, it is also
essential that the regional policy supports the innovation in the
small- and medium sized enterprises, since 99,8 % of all companies
are SMEs and thus the economic and social backbone. A creation of
real knowledge-alliances between universities, public
administrations and businesses is highly recommended. These
political strategies are the result of intensive discussions and
experiences of a three year running project with 40 partners from
11 countries around the Baltic Sea Region, called BSR QUICK. They
are adopted and recommended by the 47 Members of the Hanse
Parlament and 16 Members of the Baltic Sea Academy. The book
contains the identical text of approx. 55 pages in English, German
and Polish. The book concentrates on - Cooperation and integration
- Regional competition and fiscal equalization - Equivalent living
conditions and functional division of labor - Independent cultures
and regional self-esteem - Endogenous potentials and smart
specialization - Regional economic cycles and intense range
development - Small and medium-sized enterprises and networks -
Innovation and knowledge partnerships Decentralization and autonomy
Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen haben einen gro en Anteil an der
Gesamtwirtschaft und Besch ftigung in Europa. 99 % aller Betriebe
in der Europ ischen Union sind kleine und mittlere Unternehmen; sie
stellen etwa zwei Drittel aller Arbeitspl tze der privaten
Wirtschaft in Europa. Im Ostseeraum sind diese Anteile noch ausgepr
gter.Als stabiler Gegentrend zur Globalisierung bilden sich immer
st rker Regionalisierungen und Dezentralisierungen heraus. Davon
kann der Ostseeraum als gro e Wirtschaftsregion mit den
unterschiedlichen Kulturen, St rken und Potenzialen seiner
Teilregionen in besonderem Ma e profitieren.Das Buch gibt einen
berblick ber die Situation der mittelst ndischen Wirtschaft im
Ostseeraum und bietet strategische Empfehlungen f r die Zukunft.
Der Text ist nacheinander auf Englisch, Deutsch, Polnisch und
Russisch enthalten.
Bildungspolitische Strategien heute und morgen rund um das Mare
Balticum.Wissen und Bildung sind die Schl sselfaktoren f r eine
erfolgreiche Zukunft unserer Gesellschaft. Dies gilt besonders f r
die rohstoffarme Ostseeregion und ihre mittelst ndischen
Unternehmen: Ohne herausragend qualifizierte Mitarbeiter und F
hrungskr fte werden sie im globalen Wettbewerb kaum bestehen k
nnen. Die Autoren dieses Buches " Wissenschaftler, Unternehmer und
Journalisten " untersuchen die wichtigsten Probleme unserer
Bildungssysteme, ausgehend von den allgemeinbildenden Schulen ber
die Berufsbildung bis zu den Hochschulen. Sie belassen es nicht blo
bei Analysen, sondern sie entwickeln Strategien, um die
Herausforderungen unserer Zeit erfolgreich zu meistern.Das Buch
geht auf eine internationale Tagung im Herbst 2010 zur ck und enth
lt sowohl deutsche als auch englische Beitr ge.
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