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It has been noted within the sacred scriptures that there is
"nothing too hard for "God" to do, except to fail " God asked the
Prophet Jeremiah a significant question according to Jeremiah;
which is found in Jeremiah- 32:27 (KJV) and this is what God asked:
"Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there "anything"
too hard for me?" The Prophet Jeremiah answered with these words
according to Jeremiah-32:17; which state: "Ah Lord God Behold, thou
hath made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and streched
out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee (KJV): " The
majority of the Christian world would answer the same way; that
indeed, "there is nothing, too hard, for Almighty God " To a
certain degree, this answer is correctly stated as it is written in
scripture; however, this answer is not complete as you my friend,
will find out in this work (Book) "Five Things That "GOD" Cannot Do
" It is simply "IMPOSSIBLE" for God to even "attempt" to do these
five things My dear friends, this work (Book) inspired of God will
in all truth reveal these five things that are simply impossible
for Almighty God to do; and the "Reason" why, Almighty God, as
awesome as he is; cannot do Get this inspired work (Book) into your
hands today and be blessed
Living in our modern materialistic world void of God, and all
things pertaining to spiritual things: most are trapped in the
delusional mindset of their "Material Possessions" and thereby are
deceived by the thought "within themselves" that these material
possessions will continue forever The mindset of those "of this
present evil world" appear to be that they will live forever and
not see death: this is total delusional and a wile of the devil
(the god of this world) Those in this mental state of delusion seem
to believe the lie of the ancient old serpant in the garden in Eden
which is "ye will not surely die " Therefore likeminded folk live
continually with the thought that "they shall live forever and not
see death Therefore they labor continually to obtain material
possessions, through physical labor without ceasing; mentally
within the chambers of their minds thinking of every deceitful and
evil means possible to accomplish it including mistreating others
The wisest man in the world "King Solomon" with all of his wisdom
given him by God upon his request as a young man; realized in his
old years in life as he thought back through the scope of time,
that all he had labored to aquire "under the sun" proved to be vain
He concluded after careful consideration of the matter that "all
that is done under the sun is in the end of life nothing but vainty
and chasing after the wind He realized that apart from God's divine
purpose for mankind, all else is useless: therefore in his old age
Solomon hated life as everything in life brought him only sorrow
and vexation of spirit. He had all this world could ever offer any
human being; yet none of it brought happiness into his life that
would last: it was all temporary, and in the end is a great
deception to those who set their hearts (minds) on "material
possessions" laying them up for themselves for years to come as
they know not what a day will bring, nor the day of one's death The
thought of his facing "life's inevitable end" caused him great
sorrow of heart (mind) as he faced the ultimate truth "You Can't
Take Them With You" It depressed his spirit greatly when he thought
of the fact he as all else who ever lived would have to die, and
leave all of his "material possessions" to someone else who had not
labored to obtain them: this Solomon felt was a great injustice by
Almighty God: alone with his many women of verious nationalities
whom turned Solomon's heart from following after God in his old age
as God had warned him It is vital that man separate his heart
(mind) from "material possessions" and from the false delusion that
he should live forever and not see death For as surely as man have
lived in this world; he will die and leave out of this world: just
as man entered so shall he leave; with nothing he can take with him
in his hand for naked man enterd and naked shall man depart This
book remind us all, including myself; that man need to get his
priorities straight and his house in order, for man will surely die
and not live as God told King Hezekiah while on his death bed
Nothing in life now will matter at one's death except what has been
done for God The "god of this world" and the decietfulness of
riches and the lust man have for them will rob man of what really
matter in life, that being, the salvation of the soul. Lay not up
your treasures on earth where thieves break in and steal and the
moth corrupt but lay your treasures up in heaven where thieves
cannot break in and steal nor moth can corrupt: for "Where your
treasures are, Jesus said, 'There your heart (mind) will be also"
What will you profit if you should gain the whole world and in the
end lose your own soul? This book will remove the blindness from
the eyes of those whom the devil have blinded lest they should
believe and "be saved " God Almighty have blessed us with "Material
Possessions" for a divine purpose: you my friend will find that
purpose in the pages of this powerful, inspirational boo
The human mind is deceitful above every other part of the human
anatomy Someone said that it is deceitful above all things and
desperately wicked; who can know it? Most people think that when
the Bible speaks of the heart of men: it is speaking of the
physical heart organ which pomps blood throughout the human body
This is a misconception of the meaning of the word However, there
is one place within the scriptures where it does refer to the
physical heart organ and that is where Jesus was talking with his
disciples concerning the signs of the end times: he told them that
one of the signs would be that men's hearts (physical organ -
muscle) would fail them because of the evils that was coming upon
the earth In this book however, I focus on the mind of humans;
which in scripture the heart is symbolic to the mind This fact need
to be understood today as many do not comprehend this fact Just as
Jesus explained to his disciples the fact that what a man eat or
take within his body cannot defile him as it do not enter his mind:
likewise, what comes out of the man, that is his mind: does not
come from within his physical heart muscle but from within his
mind, his intellect, his innermost being; thus defiling the man We
have been led to believe, that our thoughts and emotions lie within
the physical heart muscle but this simply isn't true The purpose of
the physical heart muscle is only to circulate the lifeblood of
humans and animals throughout the body as the life of all flesh is
the blood thereof This is why God forbid the eating of meat with
the blood still in it While the opposite is true of Satanist, who
drink the blood humans and animals as they know that therein is the
life of all flesh The human mind is so awesome that even science
cannot comprehend it they have studied, dissected, reasoned
together with the so called most brillant minds in the world but
yet science cannot understand the human mind God alone knows the
human mind for it is he who designed it The human mind is at enmity
aginst God; it is hostile towards God nor can it know the things of
God for they are of a spiritual nature Jesus told a man once that
came to him by night: that the human mind must be converted to know
the things of God. Humans must be in essence born-again by the
Spirit of God. The human mind must be renewed by the word of God
that one might find that good, and perfect will of God Jesus said
that from out of the mind of humans proceed every wicked and evil
attitude which defile the human God destroyed the world by water in
Noah's lifetime because of the "Wickedness within The Human Heart "
The earth is defiled by the inhabitants thereof, in other words,
because of the wickedness of the hearts of humans, which result to
wicked acts, which cause violence within the world It was the cause
in the generations of Noah; and likewise it is the cause in our
generation If you pick up any newspaper in any country in the world
today, it will be filled with violence and bloodshed: nation
fighting against nation, kingdom against kingdom. Wickedness and
evil has once again filled this earth with violence because of the
heart (mind) of humans Jesus said that when he returned to this
earth the second time that the world would be in the same identical
state it was in the days of Noah, before the flood; then he said
that the flood came upon the people of that time, suddenly and
unexpectedly and took them all away. Only Noah, and his family and
two of every clean and unclean beast of the earth, fowl of the air
was saved alive, and that, to preseve seed to repopulate the world
that we now dwell in God destroyed the world that then was by water
but this time: this present evil world, will be destroyed by fire
It is all because of the evil and wickedness that is within the
human heart God promises all who come to him by faith in Jesus
Christ: a new heart, and a new spirit The human heart must be
converted or one will suffer eternal damnation
The world is horrorfied due to the predictions that have been made
by some; that on December 21, 2012 this world will come to an end
These have predicted the date but they cannot predict how this will
come about Their predictions are based on an ancient calender and
ancient men that claimed to be prophets of God; not on the word of
God It is clearly stated by the Lord Jesus Christ in the word of
God that "No man know the day nor the hour" of the Son of Man's
coming and of the end of the world One must understand that the
coming of Christ and the end of the world conincide with one
another as the second coming of Jesus Christ will bring to an end
this present evil world This book will enlighten you by the
inspiritation of God to the truth of this false prediction of
December 21, 2012 being the end of the world Jesus gave his
disciples signs that would lead up to his second coming and of the
end of the age Jesus told them to not allow their hearts to be
troubled or afraid at the things which are to come upon this earth;
as men's hearts will begain to fail them from fear of those things
as heart failure is itself, one of the signs The day and hour which
only God the Father knows was fixed by God in eternity and will be
executed exactly by providence in time as God fixed it in eternity.
This is why no man, angel or Jesus himself can know it Jesus said
that it will come like a thief in the night comparing it to the
days of Noah and the flood Jesus instructed his disciples to be
ready always for they know not when that day will come We according
to the Bible are now living in dangerous times as is evident by
just looking in the daily news paper or watching the evening news
on television This book will also reveal to you the significance of
the pharse "Be ye ready " this pharse certainly need to be
comprehended by every Christian fully We are now in what Jesus
described as "the beginning of sorrows or bith pains " These will
culminate into the return of Christ and the end of the world as we
now know it This book is filled with knowledge and power under the
anointing of the Holy Spirit and will lead and guide you into all
truth as Jesus promised us that the Holy Spirit would do I do not
believe that December 21, 2012 will be the return of Jesus Christ
and therefore it cannot be the end of the world Any Christian that
is watching the signs and praying and being ready as Jesus
instructed will know that "The End Is Not Yet " Jesus told his
disciples that these things that are coming on the earth "MUST BE"
but the end isn't yet Find out what I predicted in this book and
why I predicted it regarding December 21, 2012
As I stood outside looking over a lake close to where I reside; the
Spirit of God moved within my spirit and spoke softly to me, these
words: "Barry, you are one of my many "Living Epistles (Letters)"
written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in
tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the heart (mind)." As I
meditated on those words I was inspired to write this book "God's
Living Epistles." This is very significant to everyone that claim
the name of Christ It is vital to remember each day, that we
represent Christ, and that our representation is shown, in our
daily lifestyle Once we have professed to the church, and to the
world, that we have become a Christian; from that moment on, we are
watched not only those, in the church; but especially those,
outside of the church Men read our lives as one would read a
letter. The contents in a letter reveal what the letter is about;
likewise the way that we live our daily lives, reveal what we are
about We become living letters sent by God, to dead souls and dying
bodies, in a dead world God uses our profession of faith, combined
with our lifestyles, to bring to the cross of Christ Jesus, these
souls It is of the utmost importance that our lifestyle coincide
with our profession of faith. Although imperfect as we are, in and
of ourselves; we are perfect in Christ Jesus and therefore we must
strive continually for perfection Let us all that profess the name
of Christ Jesus, strive to live a life worthy of the call God has
on our Lives; that the name and doctrine of Christ Jesus (God) be
not "Blasphemed " And above all, let's keep in mind these words:
"It is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good
pleasure (Philippians-2:13 KJV)." As we are truly "God's Living
Epistles "
It is written in the sacred scriptures that death is the fate of
all mankind. Most people live life daily in fear of dying "The Fear
Of Death" hold them in bondage their entire lifetime. Fearful of
what awaits beyond the dissolution of the body, keep mankind in
fear of dying, while they live Mankind is seeking desparately to
find the truth that lie in death. There have been many books
written, and many movies created attempting to provide that truth.
These all assume that what they present to mankind is the truth of
what result after death I have found through my studies on this
vital subject, that the most common "assumption," is the "Immortal
Soul Doctrine " From a child in a Baptist church, I was taught to
believe in this doctrine; but it never agreed with my spirit With
much prayer and guidance by the Holy Spirit, God took me through a
intense study of the sacred scriptures; emptying my mind of what I
had been taught and replacing it with what the sacred scriptures
teach. I came to realize why this doctrine of the immortal soul
never sat right in my spirit; and it is because it is not taught
anywhere in the Holy Bible It is merely the "assumption," of those
that fear dying God have given me the key that removes "The Fear Of
death," and the truth on which that doctrine is based Through much
study in many commantaries, books and the Bible; I have come to the
conclusion that the "Immortal Soul Doctrine" is the cloak of
darkness that covers the ancient old lie of the ancient old serpent
in the Garden In Eden, that is, the devil. This lie was first told
to Adam and Eve by the serpent; "Ye will not surely die " You know
the story how God instructed them not to eat from the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil or even touch it God said: "In the day
thou eat of it, ye will surely die " The devil told them that God
was a "lie " He said it then and he is still saying it today;
cloaked in the immortal soul doctrine This concept of the supposed
soul's immortality originated not from God but ancient Babylon and
ancient Egypt. The doctrine that man's soul continue to exist after
the body dies is "speculation," not Bible fact It is not found in
the sacred scriptures It teaches that immediately at death of the
body, the soul goes directly to "heaven" or "hell" for eternity and
is based on if that soul was "saved" or "lost." Let me inject here,
that heaven is certainly a reality; the Bible speak of three
heavens and hell also is a reality; the Bible describes it as "the
lake of fire " The modern concept of hell, is a mixture of Bible
truth, human imagination and pagan ideaology originating from the
mind of a Poet named "Dante Alighieri," created in his work "Divine
Comedy" in the 14th century. The concept of the immortal soul came
to the Jews from their contact with Greek thought and mainly taught
by a Philosopher named "Plato." He was led to this belief through
Orphic and Eleusinian mysteries in which the Egyptians and the
Babylonians views were strangely combined this work,"The Fear Of
Death" reveal truth by the sacred scriptures and inspiration of
God, exactly what happens after death; as outlined in your Bible
You will find no other book like it; It will remove the fear of
dying and of death from your life, build you up in faith of God's
word and will give you complete confidence in the face of death My
friends, order your copy of "The Fear Of Death," today It will
reveal to you another vital reason that Jesus came apart from
saving us from sin and eternal damnation. The knowledge found
within the pages of this book will help you to overcome living in
fear of dying God through Christ want to "remove" that fear from
your life today, while the blood still run warm in your viens and
the breath of life still remain in your nostrials My friends, order
your copy today and be set free from living in fear of dying
There are many people in our modern times who are searching the
world over via internet, mediums, physics (necromancers) etc., to
try and acquire knowledge of their future. Confused within the
spirit of their minds, they search day and night for answers
weighing heavily within the chambers of their hearts Life is
tossing them as a ship being tossed by the waves of the sea in a
terrible storm. One day they are joyful, but the next three their
sad. They try every sort of entertaiment to keep their hearts
cheerful with little success. Marriages are falling apart
throughout the world. Trouble is within the walls of most homes
unknowingly why Many walk around every day with a smile on their
face but tears falling deep within their heart. Fighting back the
tears, attempting to restrain the pain, most drag on day after day
Most are lost in the world because of the game follow the leader.
Necromancers are filling their bank accounts by giving false hopes
to lost souls being tossed to and fro like a ship in a storm in the
midst of a troubled sea: the ship cannot be controlled because the
troubled sea have over powered it most in the world today are
contemplating, searching, for the answer to how to make their lives
better and happier. The problem is they're searching in the wrong
places, following the wrong leaders resulting in the blind leading
the blind ultimately both end up in a ditch The answers to every
aspect of life lay within the scope of the Bible, free of charge to
anyone who dare to open it God send rain upon the earth at times of
his appointing: although to many people the rain is irritable and
inconvenient, and their souls become downcast within them When God
send rain upon the earth, it is needful as the Bible declare that
God is blessing the earth. Although to most it is a hindrance, it
is neccessary and vital to the earth for without the rain the seed
planted in the ground by farmers would be planted in vain. If God
with held the rain from the earth all human life would perish when
the sun is shinning upon the earth it brings great joy to the heart
of men. People are motivated, constantly on the move, smiles
everywhere you turn but let it rain: all smiles fade, the
population slows almost to a stand still and most are demotivated I
am not one of those individuals who are troubled by the rain as I
know God's purpose in sending it. Likewise God send rain into our
lives in the form of adversity When God send the rain (adversity)
into most people's life, the rain dominate their life. There is
purpose in God's sending rain (adversity) into our lives; and just
as rain blesses the earth it in the form of adversity is a blessing
to one's life when one understand its purpose The sun is not going
to shine everyday on the earth, neither will it shine everyday
within our lives, there will come times, more ofetn than none that
all that will fall is rain (adversity) We need to know what to do
when facing adversity in our lives: we must learn to listen to the
rain for God's still soft voice, yet, God himself is not in the
rain One must face the fact in life that Into Each Life Some Rain
Must Fall Today may be my day but Tomorrow it might be yours When
God send rain-adversity into our lives, it is a sure sign that
something is wrong in our life: something is angering God about our
life and that something is sin-disobedience to God. God is trying
to reposition us in order to bless us as he so desires to do.
Rain-adversity might come in the form of a marital separation, or
worse, it might come in the form of a sentencing to jail or prison
it might come in an eviction notice the deception of a confidant
through the disrespectful child: yes, even sickness or death.
Whenever and by whatever means that God Almighty send it into our
lives its purpose is to be a blessing in disguise God also
determines the intensity of the rain (adversity) Find out God's
purpose of the rain in your life and the only to face it
"FOREVER" reads like a movie script perhaps because I worked in the
movie/television industry for 50 years. The people I met and
situations I found myself caught up in working on such projects as
"Arthur" "Incredible Shrinking Woman" "Captain and the Kings"
"Masada" "Harvest Home" and many other movie and television
productions formed my style of writing. 'FOREVER' Their emotional
and physical bodies felt like a tornado had ripped them apart
everytime they met. A thousand years ago their souls had touched -
and nothing but the reconnecting of their souls could rekindle that
perfect love that had been missing from their lives ever since. Was
this incarnation their last chance or had fate decreed otherwise?
One young man - - Three young women - - was theirs a chance meeting
? or was it fated? Fascinating and interesting people, situations
fraught with suspense, people who live glamerous lives all
searching for that one perfect person -will they succeed? - - Delve
into the mystery of whose love withstood the challenge of time.