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Showing 1 - 25 of 37 matches in All Departments
This book provides an overview of recent developments of complexity theory within the realm of social sciences. At a time when global and local social, political, cultural, and economic affairs are engulfed in chaos, this book sheds light on the mechanisms of uncertainties, offering new visions and frameworks for analyzing the nonlinear interactions between individuals, societies, and the environment. From exploring the foundational elements that shape our understanding of humanity, such as worldviews, justice, and trust, to applying complexity theory in the realms of politics, economics, management, strategies, and wars, this monograph provides a comprehensive examination of its far-reaching implications. By examining historical bifurcations and structural changes in American history and China's modern development, it emphasizes how complexity theory can serve as a bridge for intellectual and cultural communication between Western (Newtonian) and East Asian (yin-yang-based) civilizations. Moreover, the book elucidates that nonlinear phenomena, including bifurcations, catastrophes, structural changes, emergence of structures, and chaos, are integral aspects of human evolution. It unveils the positive potential within chaos, demonstrating that a comprehensive understanding of catastrophic mechanisms enables humanity to prevent global disasters by leading systems to chaotic attractors without destructive consequences. Through an exploration of the intricate interdependencies among individuals, societies, and the environment, this book offers a unique and comprehensive introduction to the application of complexity theory to the realm of humanity.
What do economic chaos and uncertainties mean in rational or irrational economic theories? How do simple deterministic interactions among a few variables lead to unpredictable complex phenomena? Why is complexity of economies causing so many conflicts and confusions worldwide?This book provides a comprehensive introduction to recent developments of complexity theory in economics. It presents different models based on well-accepted economic mechanisms such as the Solow model, Ramsey model, and Lucas model. It is focused on presenting complex behaviors, such as business cycles, aperiodic motion, bifurcations, catastrophes, chaos, and hidden attractors, in basic economic models with nonlinear behavior. It shows how complex nonlinear phenomena are identified from various economic mechanisms and theories. These models demonstrate that the traditional or dominant economic views on evolution of, for instance, capitalism market, free competition, or Keynesian economics, are not generally valid. Markets are unpredictable and nobody knows with certainty the consequences of policies or other external factors in economic systems with simple interactions.
This book examines the butterfly effect in China's modern economic development during the period of 1978-2018. In chaos theory, the butterfly effect refers to a phenomenon that a butterfly flaps its wings in Okinawa, and subsequently a storm may ravage New York. Deng applied a trivial idea, called the market mechanism, to China's countryside in 1978. The idea has subsequently caused economic structural changes and fast growth in the economy with the largest population in human history. China's per capita GDP jumped from $100 in 1978 to over US$8,000 in 2018. Eight hundred million people have made a great escape from poverty. By 2018, China was the world's second-largest economy from its 10th position in 1978 with its 9 per cent average annual growth rate of GDP in the previous four decades. This illuminating book will be of value to economists, scholars of China, and historians.
This book explores China's low-carbon consumption in the context of residential behaviour, corporate practices and policy Implication. It first calculates the carbon and ecological footprints of residential consumption, including both direct and indirect emissions, before discussing Chinese residential behavioural aspects and determinants of electricity saving, low-carbon transportation, low-carbon product purchasing, and e-waste recycling. The authors then investigate the relationship between industrial growth and carbon emissions, using the example of the iron and steel industry to examine the motivation for energy intensive industries to reduce carbon emissions. They also consider energy efficiency and inter-company collaboration on carbon emission reduction. Lastly, the book describes the major low-carbon policies in China and their impact, economic cost and public acceptance.
This book is a unique blend of difference equations theory and its exciting applications to economics. It deals with not only theory of linear (and linearized) difference equations, but also nonlinear dynamical systems which have been widely applied to economic analysis in recent years. It studies most important concepts and theorems in difference equations theory in a way that can be understood by anyone who has basic knowledge of calculus and linear algebra. It contains well-known applications and many recent developments in different fields of economics. The book also simulates many models to illustrate paths of economic dynamics.
.A unique book concentrated on theory of discrete dynamical
systems and its traditional as well as advanced applications to
economics. .A unique book concentrated on theory of discrete dynamical
systems and its traditional as well as advanced applications to
This book employs a qualitative analysis of China's publicly financed construction sector, taking the system design as its point of departure and applying comprehensive evaluation techniques to create an index system for this type of construction - which in turn serves as a basis for quantitatively evaluating China's publicly financed construction sector. Given the fact that China's publicly financed construction sector is a very complex field of systems engineering involving multiple subsystems, as an important indicator of China's fiscal innovations since its reform and opening, publicly financed construction is now shifting from theory to practice, demonstrating that China has entered an era of fully publicly financed construction.
This book tries to integrate the different arrangements devised in the MTS for small and large NMEs into one analytical framework and explores two sets of rules (GATT/WTO-minus and GATT/WTO-plus) along three historical stages (shaping, weakening and strengthening). The focal point of this book is to uncover the composition and structure of the NME treatment in the MTS, its evolving logic and process, and the nature and trend of the political-economic relations between NMEs and the MTS.
This book is on the iterative learning control (ILC) with focus on the design and implementation. We approach the ILC design based on the frequency domain analysis and address the ILC implementation based on the sampled data methods. This is the first book of ILC from frequency domain and sampled data methodologies. The frequency domain design methods offer ILC users insights to the convergence performance which is of practical benefits. This book presents a comprehensive framework with various methodologies to ensure the learnable bandwidth in the ILC system to be set with a balance between learning performance and learning stability. The sampled data implementation ensures effective execution of ILC in practical dynamic systems. The presented sampled data ILC methods also ensure the balance of performance and stability of learning process. Furthermore, the presented theories and methodologies are tested with an ILC controlled robotic system. The experimental results show that the machines can work in much higher accuracy than a feedback control alone can offer. With the proposed ILC algorithms, it is possible that machines can work to their hardware design limits set by sensors and actuators. The target audience for this book includes scientists, engineers and practitioners involved in any systems with repetitive operations.
This book constructs an economic theory which may be studied like the I Ching: it contains multiple patterns within a grand whole; it consists of multiple parts and each part represents itself as a consistent unity. The book is the key part of my economic theory with endogenous popUlation, capital, knowledge, preferences, sexual division of labor and consumption, institutions, economic structures and exchange values over time and space (Zhang, I 996a). It has taken me a long laborious process to systematize the ideas represented in this book: formulating the grand vision in Schumpeter's sense, searching for or creating many ideas, of which only a few have 'survived', and now completing this book to make a tell. I remember Schumpeter's attitude: new ideas, unless carefully elaborated, panistakingly defended, and 'pushed', simply will not tell (Schumpeter, 1934), Keynes' observation: the difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones, which ramifY . . . . into every comer of our minds (Keynes, 1936), as well as Confucius' recognition of the importance oftiming: If my p'rinciples are to advance, it is so ordered. If they are to fall to the ground, it is so ordereo. (Confucius, 1992). Acknowledgements I completed this book at the Swedish Institute for Futures Studies. I am grateful to the pleasant and effective environment. produced by the staff of the Institute. I acknowledge my deep appreciation to Professor Ake E. Andersson, my supervisor of Ph. D."
This book presents a post-COVID glimpse at how top Chinese policymakers and intellectuals understand China's future in global international relations, reviewing the global economy, China's economy, society and diplomacy, and the international situation. Ten researchers review China's diplomacy and give their outlooks in the book. Topics discussed include: the new round of technological revolution and Industrial Revolution, the role of WTO in developing countries, the ups and downs of the Sino-US and Sino-American rivalry, the functioning of the UN General Assembly from a Chinese perspective, China's role in restoring the world after COVID-19 pandemic, and the Beijing-led Belt and Road Initiative. This book will be of interest to development economists, scholars of politics and international relations, and scholars of comparative politics.
This book develops a general economic theory that integrates various economic theories and ideas and establishes important relationships between economic variables that are not formally recognized in the economic literature. The author demonstrates how the basic model is integrated with neoclassical growth theory, Walrasian general equilibrium theory, and Ricardian distribution theory, and how these theories can be incorporated through a single set of equations with a microeconomic basis. The book offers new insights into income and wealth distribution between heterogeneous households, racial and national differences in growth and development, interdependence between different stock variables with portfolio choices among different markets. It will appeal to scholars of economists interested in an integrative theoretical approach to this discipline.
This book answers some challenging questions in monetary growth theory within a compact theoretical framework. The author succeeds in integrating the theory of money, the theory of value and the theory of growth. The book re-examines many important ideas in modern monetary economics within a single analytical framework. It is concerned not only with traditional one-sector growth models of a homogeneous population with endogenous capital and knowledge, but also with multi-sector models, economies with heterogeneous households, and economies with urban structures, interregional interactions and international trade. Zhang's book will appeal to those studying monetary economics, neoclassical growth theory, development economics and international economics. It is also useful more generally, for researchers in social sciences with an interest in the role of money in modern societies.
This book develops a new theoretical framework to examine the issues of economic growth and development. Providing analysis of economic dynamics in a competitive economy under government intervention in infrastructure and income distribution, the book develops a unique analytical framework under the influence of traditional neoclassical growth theory. However, in a departure from neoclassical growth theory it examines both the Solow-Swan and the Ramsey growth models, introducing a utility function which treats consumer choices in ways critically different to previous approaches. Using practical examples and models the book demonstrates how this new direction can effectively analyze the key issues of economic growth, in a compact and comprehensive manner.
The development of international trade theory has created a wide array of different theories, concepts and results. Nevertheless, trade theory has been split between partial and conflicting representations of international e- nomic interactions. Diverse trade models have co-existed but not in a structured relationship with each other. Economic students are introduced to international economic interactions with severally incompatible theories in the same course. In order to overcome incoherence among multiple theories, we need a general theoretical framework in a unified manner to draw together all of the disparate branches of trade theory into a single - ganized system of knowledge. This book provides a powerful - but easy to operate - engine of analysis that sheds light not only on trade theory per se, but on many other dim- sions that interact with trade, including inequality, saving propensities, education, research policy, and knowledge. Building and analyzing various tractable and flexible models within a compact whole, the book helps the reader to visualize economic life as an endless succession of physical ca- tal accumulation, human capital accumulation, innovation wrought by competition, monopoly and government intervention. The book starts with the traditional static trade theories. Then, it develops dynamic models with capital and knowledge under perfect competition and/or monopolistic competition. The uniqueness of the book is about modeling trade dyn- ics.
This book develops a new theoretical framework to examine the issues of economic growth and development. Providing analysis of economic dynamics in a competitive economy under government intervention in infrastructure and income distribution, the book develops a unique analytical framework under the influence of traditional neoclassical growth theory. However, in a departure from neoclassical growth theory it examines both the Solow-Swan and the Ramsey growth models, introducing a utility function which treats consumer choices in ways critically different to previous approaches. Using practical examples and models the book demonstrates how this new direction can effectively analyze the key issues of economic growth, in a compact and comprehensive manner.
Since the publication of the benchmark first edition of this book, chemical library and combinatorial chemistry methods have developed into mature technologies. There have also been significant shifts in emphasis in combinatorial synthesis. Reflecting the growth in the field and the heightened focus on select areas, Analytical Methods in Combinatorial Chemistry, Second Edition updates a classic text and captures the current state of these technologies. Written by leaders in the field, this second edition includes several enhancements. A chapter on high-throughput analytical methods and informatics reflects the demand for quality control of library members. A new chapter focuses on high-throughput purification methods. All chapters have been updated with new data. Topics discussed in this second edition include: Properties of solid-phase samples, analytical studies targeted to understand these properties, and resin swelling Fourier Transform Infrared techniques On-support mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance methods used in the reaction optimization stage Combinatorial library analysis using spectrophotometric, fluorometric, and other methods Quality control of combinatorial libraries High-throughput purification methods Future directions and analytical challenges The coming decade is sure to usher in a new wave of progress in this critical field. This volume provides not only an analysis of the recent developments in analytical methods, technologies and applications; it also provides a window on future possibilities.
This book examines the butterfly effect in China's modern economic development during the period of 1978-2018. In chaos theory, the butterfly effect refers to a phenomenon that a butterfly flaps its wings in Okinawa, and subsequently a storm may ravage New York. Deng applied a trivial idea, called the market mechanism, to China's countryside in 1978. The idea has subsequently caused economic structural changes and fast growth in the economy with the largest population in human history. China's per capita GDP jumped from $100 in 1978 to over US$8,000 in 2018. Eight hundred million people have made a great escape from poverty. By 2018, China was the world's second-largest economy from its 10th position in 1978 with its 9 per cent average annual growth rate of GDP in the previous four decades. This illuminating book will be of value to economists, scholars of China, and historians.
This book develops a general economic theory that integrates various economic theories and ideas and establishes important relationships between economic variables that are not formally recognized in the economic literature. The author demonstrates how the basic model is integrated with neoclassical growth theory, Walrasian general equilibrium theory, and Ricardian distribution theory, and how these theories can be incorporated through a single set of equations with a microeconomic basis. The book offers new insights into income and wealth distribution between heterogeneous households, racial and national differences in growth and development, interdependence between different stock variables with portfolio choices among different markets. It will appeal to scholars of economists interested in an integrative theoretical approach to this discipline.
This book explores China's low-carbon consumption in the context of residential behaviour, corporate practices and policy Implication. It first calculates the carbon and ecological footprints of residential consumption, including both direct and indirect emissions, before discussing Chinese residential behavioural aspects and determinants of electricity saving, low-carbon transportation, low-carbon product purchasing, and e-waste recycling. The authors then investigate the relationship between industrial growth and carbon emissions, using the example of the iron and steel industry to examine the motivation for energy intensive industries to reduce carbon emissions. They also consider energy efficiency and inter-company collaboration on carbon emission reduction. Lastly, the book describes the major low-carbon policies in China and their impact, economic cost and public acceptance.
This book tries to integrate the different arrangements devised in the MTS for small and large NMEs into one analytical framework and explores two sets of rules (GATT/WTO-minus and GATT/WTO-plus) along three historical stages (shaping, weakening and strengthening). The focal point of this book is to uncover the composition and structure of the NME treatment in the MTS, its evolving logic and process, and the nature and trend of the political-economic relations between NMEs and the MTS.
This book employs a qualitative analysis of China's publicly financed construction sector, taking the system design as its point of departure and applying comprehensive evaluation techniques to create an index system for this type of construction - which in turn serves as a basis for quantitatively evaluating China's publicly financed construction sector. Given the fact that China's publicly financed construction sector is a very complex field of systems engineering involving multiple subsystems, as an important indicator of China's fiscal innovations since its reform and opening, publicly financed construction is now shifting from theory to practice, demonstrating that China has entered an era of fully publicly financed construction.
This book is on the iterative learning control (ILC) with focus on the design and implementation. We approach the ILC design based on the frequency domain analysis and address the ILC implementation based on the sampled data methods. This is the first book of ILC from frequency domain and sampled data methodologies. The frequency domain design methods offer ILC users insights to the convergence performance which is of practical benefits. This book presents a comprehensive framework with various methodologies to ensure the learnable bandwidth in the ILC system to be set with a balance between learning performance and learning stability. The sampled data implementation ensures effective execution of ILC in practical dynamic systems. The presented sampled data ILC methods also ensure the balance of performance and stability of learning process. Furthermore, the presented theories and methodologies are tested with an ILC controlled robotic system. The experimental results show that the machines can work in much higher accuracy than a feedback control alone can offer. With the proposed ILC algorithms, it is possible that machines can work to their hardware design limits set by sensors and actuators. The target audience for this book includes scientists, engineers and practitioners involved in any systems with repetitive operations.
A general economic theory to analyze how different economic forces interact over time. It proposes some new combinations of various economic forces which may function at various stages of social and economic evolution. This theory includes the main economic ideas of Smith, Malthus, Ricardo, Marx, Mills, Walras, Marshall, Schumpeter and Keynes. It also includes, as special cases, such well-established mathematical models as the Arrow-Debreu general equilibrium model, the Tobin model, the Solow-Swan-Uzawa growth model, the Kaldor-Pasinetti two-class model, the Ricardian models by Morishima, Samuelson and Pasinetti, Keynesian theory, to explain certain economic phenomena which cannot be explained by traditional works.
Synergetic Economics presents a new advance in analytical economics. It deals with problems related to time and change in economic systems, including complex aspects, such as the effects of nonlinearity, instability, bifurcation and chaos in economic evolution. The author argues that economic systems may run through a hierarchy of instabilities in which more and more structural patterns evolve. Such instabilities are caused by changes in the external parameters of the system. They may lead to new spatial-temporal patterns of the system. A number of explicit examples are provided to show how such behavior can occur in various dynamic economic systems. Analytical methods are also presented to cope with nonlinear problems. Of particular interest are sudden (structural) changes, the existence of regular and irregular oscillations, the role of random factors in economic evolution, and the effects of time scales and rates of adjustment of economic variables in economic analysis. The author carefully examines the implications of nonlinear phenomena for decision making, and for economic development in general.
This book answers some challenging questions in monetary growth
theory within a compact theoretical framework. The author succeeds
in integrating the theory of money, the theory of value and the
theory of growth. The book re-examines many important ideas in
modern monetary economics within a single analytical framework. It
is concerned not only with traditional one-sector growth models of
a homogeneous population with endogenous capital and knowledge, but
also with multi-sector models, economies with heterogeneous
households, and economies with urban structures, interregional
interactions and international trade. |
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