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In this issue of Hand Clinics, guest editor Drs. Jin Bo Tang and
Grey Giddins bring their considerable expertise to the topic of
Challenging Current Wisdom in Hand Surgery. With contributing
authors from eight different countries, this unique issue presents
truly global perspectives that challenge current ways of thinking
in an effort to uncover a more complete view of each topic. Readers
will find articles that highlight the importance of thinking
outside the box as well as the most modern way of thinking about
each topic in this volume. Contains relevant, practice-oriented
topics including the revised treatment plan for the mallet finger;
the conservative treatment of some hand and carpal fractures;
internal fixation of hand fractures: field sterility and earlier
removal of K wires are safe; the trapezium is not necessary:
implications in treating basal joint arthritis and pollicization;
dynamic rather than static procedures in correcting claw
deformities from ulnar nerve palsy; and more. Provides in-depth
clinical reviews on challenges to current wisdom in hand surgery,
offering actionable insights for clinical practice. Presents the
latest information on this timely, focused topic under the
leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize
and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create
clinically significant, topic-based reviews.
This issue of Clinics in Plastic Surgery, guest edited by Drs. Jin
Bo Tang and Michel Saint-Cyr, is devoted to Microsurgery: Global
Perspectives, An Update. This issue will include updates on topics
such as: A Global View of Digital Replantation and
Revascularization; Severe Crush Injury to the Forearm and Hand;
Medial Femoral Trochlea Osteochondral Flap; Vascularized Small-Bone
Transfers for Fracture Nonunion and Bony Defects; Microvascular
Tissue Transfers for Severe Upper Extremity Trauma; Compound or
Specially Designed Flaps in the Lower Extremities; Complex
Microsurgical Reconstruction After Tumor Resection in the Trunk and
Extremities; Pediatric Microsurgery; Innovations and Future
Directions in Head and Neck Microsurgical Reconstruction;
Microsurgical Tissue Transfer in Breast Reconstruction; Maximizing
the Utility of the Pedicled Anterolateral Thigh Flap for
Locoregional Reconstruction; Keystone and Pedicle Perforator Flaps
in Reconstructive Surgery; Unique Techniques or Approaches in
Microvascular and Microlymphatic Surgery; and Microsurgical
Reconstruction of Neck, Trunk, and Extremities.
Guest editors Jin Bo Tang and Grey Giddons have assembled an expert
team of authors on the topic of Hand Surgery in Asia and Europe.
Article topics include: Multiple Digit and major limb replantation
in Asia and Europe; Microsurgical flaps in repair and
reconstruction of the hand; Composite tissue transfer: Novel
techniques; Primary flexor tendon repair with early active motion:
Part 1. Experience in Asia; Primary flexor tendon repair with early
active motion: Part 2. Experience in Europe; Conservative treatment
of hand fractures in United Kingdom; Current European practice in
proximal interphalangeal joint arthroplasty; Treatment of scaphoid
fractures: European approaches; Carpal ligaments: A functional
classification; Current European practice in wrist arthroplasty and
"Function? is the focus of any hand surgery, a frequently performed
procedure by reconstructive plastic surgeons. The topics in this
volume of Clinics in Plastic Surgery work their way through soft
tissue procedures of the fingers and hand through the upper arm.
The more common conditions and commonly performed surgeries are
presented here along with the more difficult and complicated
procedures. Topics include: Current practice of soft tissue repair
of fingertip; Microsurgical soft tissue and bone transfers in
complex hand trauma; Full cosmetic reconstruction of the digits by
composite tissue grafting; Methods, pitfalls, and common mistakes
in treatment of fractures in the digits; Venous flap and freesytle
free flap in hand surgery; Management of pain in peripheral nerves;
Technical difficulties of surgical treatment and salvage of
treatment failure in Dupuytren's disease; Surgical treatment of
cubital tunnel syndrome; Distal radius fracture: indications,
treatment, controversies; Repair, autografts, conduits, and
allografts for digital and forearm nerves: current guidelines. Two
experts renown in hand surgery lead this issue - Dr Michael
Neumeister and Dr Jin Bo Tang.
This issue will include 16 articles, which will provide an overview
of the biomechanics of the procedure, several surgical options
(including how to perform the operation on a fully-awake patient),
as well as some novel approaches and a review of one doctor's
patient outcomes over the past 30 years.
Guest edited by Drs. Donald Lalonde and Jin Bo Tang, this issue of
Hand Clinics will cover several key areas of interest related to
Global Advances in Wide Awake Hand Surgery. This issue is one of
four selected each year by our series Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Kevin
Chung of University of Michigan. Articles in this issue include,
but are not limited to: The Canadian model for instituting wide
awake hand surgery; Latest advances in wide awake hand surgery;
Wide awake surgery as an opportunity to enhance clinical research;
Wide awake secondary tendon reconstruction; WALANT in South
America; Wide awake hand surgery at in South Korea; Wide awake
tendon transfers in leprosy patients in India; WALANT hand surgery
in military healthcare delivery; Wide awake wrist and small joint
arthroscopy of the hand; and the Impact of WALANT on departmental
settings, cost, patient satisfaction and beyond
This issue of Clinics in Plastic Surgery, guest edited by Drs. Jin
Bo Tang and Michel Saint-Cyr, is devoted to Microsurgery: Global
Perspectives. Articles in this issue include: Digital Replantation:
Current Status in the World; Exploring New Frontiers of
Microsurgery: From Anatomy to Clinical Methods; Free Flaps, Toe
Transfers and Microsurgery for Crush Injury in the Hand;
Vascularised Bone Grafting for Scaphoid and Lunate Diseases;
Vascularised Small Bone Grafting to Treat Scaphoid Non-Union:
Outcomes; Compound or Specially Designed Flaps and Other Tissue
Transfers in Upper and Lower Extremities; Special Considerations in
Upper and Lower Extremity Pediatric Microsurgical Reconstruction;
Microsurgical Tissue Transfer in Breast Reconstruction;
Non-abdominal Based Free and Pedicle Flaps in Autologous Breast
Reconstruction; Complex Microsurgical Reconstruction after Tumor
Resection in the Trunk and Extremities; Keystone and Pedicle
Perforator flaps in Sarcoma Reconstruction: New Modifications and
Applications; Innovations and Future Directions in Head and Neck
Microsurgical Reconstruction; New Frontiers in Robotic Assisted
Microsurgical Reconstruction; and Current Methods to Deal with
Vascular Crisis After Microsurgery: A Global View.
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Drawn from a lifetime's experience of shared city-making from the
bottom up, within rapidly expanding urban metabolisms in Delhi,
Mumbai, Agra, Kathmandu, West Africa and London, Loose Fit City is
about the ways in which city residents can learn through making to
engage with the dynamic process of creating their own city. It
looks at the nature and processes involved in loosely fitting
together elements made by different people at different scales and
times, with different intentions, into a civic entity which is
greater than the sum of its parts. It shows how bottom-up learning
through making can create a more vibrant and democratic city than
the more flattened, top-down, centrally planned, factory made
version. Loose Fit City provides a new take on the subject of
architecture, defined as the study and practice of fitting together
physical and cultural topography. It provides a comprehensive view
of how the fourth dimension of time fits loosely together with the
three spatial dimensions at different scales within the human
horizon, so as to layer meaning and depth within the places and
metabolism of the city fabric.
Drawn from a lifetime's experience of shared city-making from the
bottom up, within rapidly expanding urban metabolisms in Delhi,
Mumbai, Agra, Kathmandu, West Africa and London, Loose Fit City is
about the ways in which city residents can learn through making to
engage with the dynamic process of creating their own city. It
looks at the nature and processes involved in loosely fitting
together elements made by different people at different scales and
times, with different intentions, into a civic entity which is
greater than the sum of its parts. It shows how bottom-up learning
through making can create a more vibrant and democratic city than
the more flattened, top-down, centrally planned, factory made
version. Loose Fit City provides a new take on the subject of
architecture, defined as the study and practice of fitting together
physical and cultural topography. It provides a comprehensive view
of how the fourth dimension of time fits loosely together with the
three spatial dimensions at different scales within the human
horizon, so as to layer meaning and depth within the places and
metabolism of the city fabric.
In recent years, in situ analysis of cellular functional molecules
has attracted considerable interest as it can provide spatially or
temporally resolved information of these essential molecules
on/within living cells in a non-invasive way. In Situ Analysis of
Cellular Functional Molecules introduces the tailor-made design of
detection probes as well as schemes from a top-down perspective
according to the unique characteristics of cellular functional
molecules. The latest methodological developments, including
enhancement of detection sensitivity and specificity, precision
localization, implementation of dynamic tracking, and acquirement
of quantitative functional information for various important
functional molecules is discussed in detail. Written by leaders in
the field, this book will provide a comprehensive overview to
scientists in academia and professionals in industry working on
different aspects of cellular analysis and cell biology.
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2004 im Fachbereich BWL - Rechnungswesen,
Bilanzierung, Steuern, Note: 1,7, Universitat Duisburg-Essen,
Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Durch die starke Internationalisierung
und die globale Vernetzung haben sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten
zahlreiche grosse, international und in unterschiedlichen
Geschaftsfeldern und geographischen Regionen tatigen Unternehmen
entwickelt. Im Zuge dieser Entwicklung wurde erkannt, dass die
Aggregation unterschiedlicher unternehmerischer Tatigkeiten auf
unterschiedlichen geographischen Markten im Jahres- oder
Konzernabschluss haufig zu Informationsdefiziten und -verzerrungen
bei externen Abschlussadressaten (z.B. Eigentumer und Glaubiger,
Banken, Finanzanalysten usw.) fuhren kann, weil die einzelne,
spezifische wirtschaftliche Lage und die moglichen Entwicklungen in
den jeweiligen Teilbereichen im Jahresabschluss zu einem Gesamtbild
des Unternehmens zusammengefasst werden. Im Hinblick auf die
Funktion als getreue Darstellung der wirtschaftlichen Lage des
Unternehmens wird die Unternehmensberichterstattung vor eine
wesentliche Herausforderung gestellt. Auf dem Weg zu einer besseren
Unternehmensberichtserstattung stellt die Segmentberichterstattung
einen wesentlichen Meilenstein dar. In den USA wurde Mitte der
sechziger Jahre erkannt, dass bei diversifizierten Unternehmen eine
Analyse der bestehenden und zukunftigen wirtschaftlichen Lage
allein auf der Basis der aggregierten Jahresabschlussdaten nicht
moglich ist. Bereits seit den siebziger Jahren ist eine
umfangreiche Segmentberichterstattung ein verpflichtender
Bestandteil des offen zu legenden Jahresabschlusses. Ein weiterer
damit zusammenhangender Grund fur den bereits relativ fruh
erlangten Stellenwert der Segmentberichterstattung im
US-Rechnungslegungssystem ist, dass dort die Gewahrung
entscheidungsrelevanter Informationen gegenuber dem aktuellen und
potentiellen Eigenkapitalgeber die zentrale Funktion der
Rechnungslegung darstellt. Mit der Veroffentlichu
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